(2011/03) Mar 2011

rach, I am interested in the magic fold - 1 adult, 1 kid one. Let me know the price (via whatsapp or email coz very busy recently, might not have time come in forum to check udpate) after you negotiate with the seller. Thanks!


Esnow> Hey my MIL is the same! except she's not scared, she just pass bb back to me when she cries... or poops etc.

Pixie> You're right, its still possible to be close to bb but the thought that she is across the causeway... and the traveling to and fro during weekends... I'll just rather spend the money on IFC.

Oh about Boots, the price I put is the generic price I saw on other forums. We can get better price than that. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jaster, yah loh the monthly fees so expensive man..... grrr... govt should give more subsidies if they want the population to increase rather than bring in all the foreigners!

pinkypop, then your hb is the elder son or the younger son? haha. which ifc you send your bb to?

pixiepixel, your son stayed with your mil until how old? my colleague's son was staying with the grandma until like 6 yrs old and is not close to his mom. only recently my colleague put in a lot of efforts to spend time with him and he is alright now. From 8 mths onwards, will the IFC do flashcards etc? I will only send him from 8 mths onwards after my leave.

esnow, yah same...but my parents and inlaws always very kanchiong when baby cry...and say dunno what he wants.... seems like only mommy knows best whether bb is sleepy or hungry or needs a nappy change....

magic fold

Mummies, seller replied... Just a few bucks off.. Still $xx range...

I just checked my own side and I can bring in at 1/3 the price...means <$10 per piece...

Anyone keen??

Let me know...

Waiting time: 2 weeks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

magic fold

I just checked my own side and I can bring in at 1/3 the price...means <$10 per piece...

Anyone keen??

Let me know...

Waiting time: 2 weeks...

1) Annie

2) Jasmine

Jaster, [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkypop, hahaha elder son! I see.... No wonder. Hehe

care to share how much per mth and how u shortlist?

Posted on Wednesday, June 15, 2011 - 12:42 pm:       

magic fold

I just checked my own side and I can bring in at 1/3 the price...means <$10 per piece...

Anyone keen??

Let me know...

Waiting time: 2 weeks...

1) Annie

2) Jasmine

3) Allets

pinkypop, previously there were reviews on the boots webby, but couldnt find yest liao. Maybe can try and see if it's good lor...

i saw boots milkbag in WTS, i'm buying to try out... will update my review on the milkbag when i've received it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Mummies

I'm from the April Mummy Thread.

I have a brand new unopen can of Dumex Mamex Gold (1.6kg) willing to let go at $60. Its normal price at NTUC is $72+.

Reason is I'm changing formula for my baby boy. Do note that the expiry date for this tin is 10 Nov 2012

Pls PM me if interested & we can arrange the pick-up details then. Preferable along NEL MRT stations.


SN, my son started cc when he was 3, so for his first 36mths of his life he stayed with mil, every friday we bring back and sunday night deposit. i switched to work from home on mondays and then monday afternoon deposit him there

as long as we visit him daily (almost), i think its still ok. come weekends, i spend quality time with him.

magic fold

I just checked my own side and I can bring in at 1/3 the price...means <$10 per piece...

Anyone keen??

Let me know...

Waiting time: 2 weeks...

1) Annie

2) Jasmine

3) Allets

4) Kylie (PatrickStar) - 1 Audult, 1 Kid


u r not really (half maybe) the weekend parent lar .. since u almost visited him everyday.

Guess all kids have that instinct that whose their mother is lor .. So long we love them & spent quality time with them, they will know in heart de.


Huh ? how short ? .. can throw away rubberband means cannot tie lor .. gotta be above shoulder .. haha .. better right .. feeling lighter .. haha

walao .. eating non-stop lor .. 3pm someone brought the tuna puff from the tea time left over from the training session ..

Now i having my double chocolate muffin from Chongfu market .. with my latte .. stomach full liao ..

later 5.30pm i go pilate for 40mins b4 i go back .. but butt got stuck on my chair now

Pixie, I visited salon today too. In law side said cannot color or perm hair as long I'm doing breastfeeding. Sad... Bobian. So I only cut/shape the hair and trim te fringe.

SN, I shortlisted by choosing one I can do pickup from. Cos hubby's work time is not fixed so sometimes he cannot pick. then I usually need to do OT so preferably somewhere close to office, I can pick up, if really have to can bring back to office with me. There were only 2 that are walking distance from office, Cheriehearts and Delcare. So I paid a visit and the feel of the atmosphere at Delcare was better, price wise only about $100 difference. Delcare's director also came out to talk to us and was willing to answer any queries we had. (I also borrowed the use of their nursing room) And over there the baby cots are not shared unlike cheriehearts. The quality of care felt better, got a mix of young and older carers. Cheriehearts only had older aunties who seemed tired. Delcare after subsidy is about $1200 per month... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Advantage is that I can go latch her during lunch or drop by and see her. Anything happen I can rush down quite fast.

Disadvantage is if I quit my job, gotta find another one. Haha... and the cost lah, cos there is one sparkletots near my house on $577 per month after subsidy. And also if I am away from biz trip, its quite ex for my hubby to send her there cos of all the ERPs...

pixie, tat's really short! But like it can liao...

sinmey, me too... eating non-stop. Hope the kilos doesn't come...

Pixie, wow u cut so short!!! I also gg to cut hair next wk b4 I start work. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pinkypop, I read your posting via iphone email and half of your message got cut off. Now im reading on my macbook. wow.... 1200 per month....ouch!!!!! but the quality of care really sounds very good. personalised cot....and i believe the director made a difference in bothering to come and speak to you. The sparkletots at 577, is the quality very bad? it's like a big price difference leh.

pixie, oh i see, the difference here is that you visited him daily lar... some weekend parents really dun see their kid at all until friday....

Pinkypop: my sil used to put her son at del care.. It's at tanjong pager right? She withdraw her son within 3 months cos the child keep falling sick,. Think maybe environment..

Aircon quite cold there.

Actually there is another Childcare opp aia building there.. It's more to raffles place la.. but it's cheaper


i cut until your length leh. remember i told u i always had short hair....my haircut by "not my usual hairstylist" was so bad that my usual hairstylist had to say today "gimme a min to think how to save ur hair".

coz one side is more layered, one side is lesser. then one side is thicker, one side is thinner. and the layering is not gradual, like step cut. OMG....i tie my hair everyday lor


if i dont see my son daily i think i will die from si xiang bing

btw, just to ease the missing my kids feeling, i have like 40 photographs pasted on my office wall divider...full with their pictures....at least i can gaze at the pictures lor

eh chen i dunno ur colleague n u, who buys what but when the stock for the pre-order arrives i will put in another free gift. specially for ur order lah ok

what u buy ah? coz i dunno u buy wat in the order


magic fold

I just checked my own side and I can bring in at 1/3 the price...means <$10 per piece...

Anyone keen??

Let me know...

Waiting time: 2 weeks...

1) Annie

2) Jasmine

3) Allets

4) Kylie (PatrickStar) - 1 Audult, 1 Kid

5) straylamb

SN, in a way the price of Sparkletots and Delcare cannot be compared apple to apple cos one is in CBD and one in HDB housing estate. But I saw that the carers at Sparkletots for infants were all kind-looking ah mas..

2Ks, thanks for telling me about the other IFC. We did ask the director if any parents pulled their child out and she honestly told us there were children like your friend's son who kept falling sick but she said not many.

My mom noted that at both CherieHearts and Delcare, the infants tend to suffer from runny nose. Many babies at Delcare were wearing long sleeve, long pants kind of bodysuit including covering the toes. and they wear 2 layer, so inside also wearing another layer so like you said its a bit cold for bbs as they are not yet able to regulate their body temperature. As an adult when I was there I actually felt slightly hot.

Anyway I will see how things go, if my bb keeps falling sick there then I will have to seek alternatives...


magic fold

I just checked my own side and I can bring in at 1/3 the price...means <$10 per piece...

Anyone keen??

Let me know...

Waiting time: 2 weeks...

1) Annie

2) Jasmine

3) Allets

4) Kylie (PatrickStar) - 1 Adult, 1 Kid

5) straylamb

6) Pinkypop - 1 adult, 1 kid

Pinkypop: well... IFC is like that one.. Cough and flu comes in a package..

In aircon preferably long sleeved better.. I also let kiefer wear long sleeved at IFC...

Everywhere IFC is the same... Will fall sick easily.. But I find after 1 year old, it gets better

2Ks, check with u ....any good GP/PD to recommend in sembawang/yishun/woodlands area....my boy is down with cough....& the mummy is also not feeling well now...


blurjen, yr hair is very short lei, still cut. But it suits you!

babybride, I think still have 20%. I got my milkbags at 20% off on tues.

pixie, I also forgot what I ordered. Haha. My colleague just passed me the books, I didnt even go through. Just brought home. Haha. Only waiting to collect leapfrog from u. You included a gift liao ah? Wat was it ah? I didn't ask her also.


it was a winnie the pooh puzzle. coz you all ordered the flashcards, i cannot give u the flashcard as gift coz will be duplicate mah so i gave her puzzle...

but if all the flashcards are her orders then i can give u a pack of flashcard as free gift lah [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pixie, yay, u're the best! yah, I'm waiting to collect leapfrog from you. But it will be either by mail or if got upcoming gatherings. I hardly go west lei... u let me knw when it arrives ba. Xie xie!


no prob...hopefully we meet at gatherings, else, i can pass to a mummy staying near you? errr jaime only rite? muahahahaha

else u top up then i mail u lor

i paid for the vpost shipping for leapfrog liao, must wait for them to send me


St: my gf recommends the clinic at the mrt 1st floor there.. But only one doctor is good.. I can't remember the name I think is dr kiau or something

Kiefer and kyler both see dr Wong at Greenlife clinic.. Dr Wong is very experience with kids and nice doctor. But his partner dr lim so so only..Both is gp la

Dr Wong is dr Ang friend btw..

There is no pd in sembawang.. There r 2 in woodlands.. Baby bear and something else..

Dunno good or not cos I don't see pd de..

