(2011/03) Mar 2011

hi Mummies, my bb only poop once or twice a week, izit normal? she cried very loud and unable to sleep now...used to be like this if she hasnt pooped for > 3 days. Any good tui-na at west to recommend?


SN, yes 1 week resort stay, haha! My mum hospitalized on sat but today just discharge so wan her to rest so stay resort 1 week.

To let go (to increase Milk supply):

Nature's Way, Fenugreek, Seed, 610 mg, 180 Capsules

--> $10.50

Traditional Medicinals, Organic Mother's Milk, Caffeine Free Herbal Tea, 16 Wrapped Tea Bags

--> $7 for 1, $13 for 2.

Self collection at Choa Chua KangSt 62.

PM me if keen.


Tres: it will become hard hard... I usually transfer to air tight container if it's about 1 month.. By 2nd month should finish la..


so soon? welcome back to the workforce

in a way, i miss my bb even more than when having ML...dun get to see her daily, now missing her like crazy...last time see her daily, keep asking maid to help me look after LOL

ya agree with limlim.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] when they are at home, we want ME time.. when we are not with them, we start to miss them.. :p

sian, everyone seems to be gg back work le.. no more bf kaki.. hahaha... and me damn nua to go back ofc lor..:p

Pixie: I already cleared all my maternity leave lor.. Time really flies hor..

I already miss kiefer when he went IFC last week.. But I m catching up some time of my own...

But sad to say my Hubby is not on my last weekend before I start work


let your bb drink more water if she's not... then massage her tummy in clockwise direction...that's what the yishi from yuguo told me lor.. my bb also used to poo like every 3 to 4 days lor.. then when he tries to poo, he'll scream n cry but his poo is soft one de leh!!! but now that i'm back at work.. he poos everyday!? hahaa.. dun wan mommy to clean his butt!!!


i've seen that before.. but never try leh!

Jaster, tks for the advice. Will try it out tonight. I was thinking to bring her to visit dr if she still not pooping by tonight.

yeah, she'll also scream n cry when she tries to poo, her poo is also soft type, but not watery type...felt pity to see she cries and screams but yet i cant do anything.


hugs hugs.. dun worry so much yeah? guess it's their way to try getting the shit out.. and since it's soft stool, shouldn't be much problem. we ever called up several clinics and asked how to solve this problem... got one told us even if we bring the bb down to them, they will insert the stool softener into their butt hole to clear their shit!!!

then my own pd's clinic assured me that it's normal... when i brought him for hte 5 in 1 jab, my pd also told me that bb nowadays wont poo daily one.. and it's okie lor...

Hi mummies

My boy having cradle cap too. I've not tried baby oil but trying the medela shampoo. Hope to see some results soon will update here but I just tried first time yesterday.

Tt bottles

I just switch back to Tt cuz my boy drank too slow on nuk.

Have u switched to 3mth + teats?

Can we use the anti colic teats even tho I dun buy the anti colic bottles?

Pigeon warmer

Ya!! It takes so long! I'm using it... But no choice lo ;)


My boy usually poos once a day or sometimes skips a day. I guess it's normal. If I find his tummy a bit big n hard I will rub some tummy oil on it when changing diaper then he will fart n poo later on.


Anyone contemplating going back to work? For those Sahm mums?

I'm thinking when I will consider it n at what age my lil one will b..

Maid woes

Sigh I think my maid has boyfriend here.. Just pray he dun come my house when I'm not in. What she do on off day not my prob but dun get preggy!!!


my mom used the j&j baby oil and the soft brush to remove.. and it really works! put the oil on the head.. leave it there say for a few mins then use the brush to brush it off.. comes off easily.. now my bb doesn't have cradle cap le! =P

hi Joc...

my maid says Malunggay leaves can b found in phillipine...and according to her, it does help in increasing breast milk...

usually those nursing mom wil drink the tea..

she is going to ask her cousin to cut part of the stem and bring over to singapore..then i wil try plant the Malunggay and boil the leaves..hee hee

Hi mummies who use avent teats, hv u all switch to #3 teats? I tried last week but guess my boy not ready yet, the milk keep leaking out from his mouth, so I change back to #2.


Is it Cyan Azil? Dun think she will disappear, she bought things from me b4. I saw about this staycation thing, but anyone complained that she went missing? Coz for hotel reservation, sometimes need to wait for hotel to get back on the confirmation.

Jaster, yaloh, I naively tot I could trust since so many mummies came back with ok reviews.

Panda, Cyan claimed that she tt our $$ to another person to help with the booking.

And this person in MIA status.

Years ago I joined a BP and was told that my items posted out. Then I din received.

Stop online shopping for afew months.

Now this.

Super sad can.

Supposed to be a happy staycation yet now have to go police station make report, have to check the status of this shit thing.

Kill my mood totally =(


Oh no, i'm still thinking of booking the wkend staycation in sept leh .. hope the ppl that take away the $ xxxx..

forum is really quiet nowsaday ..

All mummies back to office & no time for forum ?


i also have the same feeling .. tat's i think i cannot be SHM.. haha

i love them more when i back to work in office. Else i'm like too exhausted, frustrating, facing them 24/7..

thanks 2Ks for your advise, mine still not hard yet.. so still using. As long not bad side effects can liao! Quite wasted to throw away more 3/4 full tin wor!

hhah.. more and more mummies starting to work.. me started yesterday.. hmm... kept thinking of bb and worse, for the next few months, every month, i will be travelling, gonna miss her more sia!

also dilemma, dun know if i should stop bf too... gonna be away for 5-6 days kind, how to keep up with the supply?

Milktea, what is with this CYan? Sorry to hear your unfortuante encounter sia... dangers of online buying. but nevermind lah!


oh so sorry to hear that

join my sprees and BPs lar, cfm i wont run away hohohoho


im here, just dunno what to type leh....

Pixie : wow... very sin ku leh.....ahhaah.... i should try n not give up right?

let me try to see if I can tahan the long hours in bewteen as well first or not?

Jasper & Candy, thanks! Looks like no mums here haf tried tat. Dunno got Wat side effects one or not. Thinking of trying to see if milk supply will increase.

Im so happy...

Yesterday My first skool IFC called and said that they got a vacancy for Eden from 1st August...

I was kinda at a loss whether to keep Eden at current IFC or change him to MFS...

Told the lady i will get back to her today... So early this morning i went to the MFS and toured their IFC... I love everything there... So neat, tidy, nice, spacious and very conducive for baby... It's like the perfect and dream nursery for parents...

ONly thing is there is a strong smell of antiseptic... But i'm okay with it la, means they clean the place up religiously...

Didn't see lots of bouncer, there's lots of play area for the babies... Means my baby got more space to move around instead of being strapped down to bouncer all day long...

What supposed to be a 6-12 months wait, became only 3 months wait... I'm so happy...

Lol... Means Eden will be there for IFC, PG, Nursery and K1, k2... No need to fret about placement anymore...


yeah, happy for you!!

i saw my son's cc's IFC too. very spacious, cots, bouncers, rockers, chairs, tables, books, all brand new. got lockers, got nursing room for mothers too....and only 2 or 3 babies there

very tempted to put my gal in the same school but no $$ hohoho...

i know what u mean when you said neat, tidy, nice, spacious, conducive

MILKTEA-sorry to hear about your staycation tin..hope you feeling beta now gal..

I read somewhere oso some mummies after we TT $$ disappear after tat, and those who bought and din rec the final pdts oso went to make police report..got to be really careful for online purchase ..

Fel: it's good news! U hv to think yourself cos it's not only IFC he be there.. Look further like pg, n1, k1 etc.. Which place is better?

Talk to the teachers too, ask about the turnover too..

Remember babies easier to adapt to changes than toddlers ok..

Tres: can de... Pump and throw... The more she not with u the more u should pump mah..

Just drag your hours.. Squeeze in 15 mins it's enough!! Jia you!

Sinmey: ya lor... I wanna work la.. But when they sick I dun wanna work..and when I woke up in the night, I hope I dun work the next day... Lol..

So yday u and Hubby go where pat tor??

Warmin up milk:

If I have two bottles of same ml and same temp milk to warm up and one machine can warm it up faster than the other, doesn't it mean a higher temp was used to heat up the milk?

Is any any other way to heat up milk in a faster time without increasing the temp used?

If a higher temp was used, doesnt it defeat the purpose of warming up ebm at the recommended 40degrees where nutrients will be killed at higher temp?

Correct me if I'm wrong??

Rach, the machine tt uses steam will be faster compared to one which uses water. The temp is definitely higher than 40 degrees but the milk will not be overheated if the timing is just right. If a chilled bottle is placed in 100 degrees water, it takes prob 6 min to warm the milk to 40 degrees while a 40degrees water will take 17min. So the key here is timing.

It takes time for temp to rise... So a chilled bottle will not immediately become 100 degrees just because the water used to heat it is 100 degrees. Tt's y a digital warmer is good as it already pre-programmed the no if minutes needed to warm milk to 40 degrees, n there's no need to monitor for overheating..

thanks for including, pixie...

mummies, i wanna ask something...

wat are the ways to reduce my ss? i dragged my pump fr 4hr to 5hr to 6hr i still get the desired amt leh... like let say i pump 4hr i get 200ml, 5hr i get 300ml, 6hrs i get 360ml... how to decrease the 6hrly pump to maybe 300ml? is it don pump until dry dry?

Zenia: pump until u see the desired amount u want then stop..

Let's say I want 300ml every 8 hourly, I just pump till I get 300ml then stop.. Gradually your breasts will program to 300ml per 8 hourly..

Actually 900ml is more than enough for daily feeds..

I wanna reduce too..


u haven't reduce meh ?

900ml is not enough for both my girl & Shay leh .. I supplement with the febm now ... haha. It helps to clear my freezer.


ur freezer is full liao .. maybe u really need to reduce the supply else wasting time to pump & throw leh, unless u wan the milk for milk bath/soak hand & leg... nowsday i dun really have much reserve in freezer, still trying hard to clear those dated Mar de, going to expire this mth .. Shay drinking those fresh chilled ebm, & mix the febm to the chilled fresh one for my girl. If i put too much febm she dun like it. So i can't clear the febm fast lor.

Had u try to give febm to ur girl ? i also prefer to give the fresh chilled ebm to Shay. But u have plan to give febm in the near future, maybe u should try to give the mix febm to her once a while. Else, she might reject the febm due to the taste later.


How's Kyler ?

Aiyoo, talked abt pak toh yesterday .. Really a spoiler lor. Thinking of going to centrepoint de. Then after lunch at Han's at upper Thomson, My girl's cc called said she's having fever. Then we turn back & brought her back ... Waste my leave. She is still super active lor. Midnite still running fever but morning she's ok & i sent her to school. Now, i'm jz praying that my phone won't ring. Phobia, scare teacher called & said she fever again.

