(2011/03) Mar 2011

RE: Warmer

I have 1 pigeon warmer & 1 TT warmer..but I still heart pigeon warmer.

Pigeon warmer - Able to control heating temperature from 20deg. C ~80 deg. C

TT warmer - nvr indicate what is the heating temp ....will overheat the milk

problem is ....my TT bottles cant fit in Pigeon warmer...always get stucked ....that's why i bought TT warmer not long ago...


ST - TT bottles can fit into pigeon warmer one..

U just need to remove the green "cup" thing...

Hi mummies, any of Ur bb got craddle cap? How to remove?? My bb now abt 3.5mths still haf leh. My fren says use olive oil but can't find in bb store. Or is it any kind of olive oil Oso can? For adult use oso ok one??

Fel is right... Pigeon can fit tOmmee tippee bottles...

The right way to use is to fill the warmer with water to the level stated and then put in the bottle...

The green cup is for warming food only... Not to be used when warming milk bottles...

The milk bottle should be in direct contact with the water inside the warmer...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joc, mine also hv but after I apply baby oil twice a day, after few days it all dropped off by itself. It's Johnson n

Johnson baby oil. N yday bought him for his first haircut, head now sui sui.


I got the avent digital milk warmer but verdict is it's fast lah coz can select either milk or food n whether warm up from room temperature or fridge. But only thing is it's good only if we are the one using, as my mum complained she can't even see the signs and how many ml etc on the warmer n to elderly they find it complicated.

Joc, I used bb oil... The j&j lite formula... Put on the oil for like 10-20mins then wipe using muslin cloth the cradle cap will come off v easily... But remember to shampoo well cos u don wan the oil to b stucked in the scalp.

Panda, Zenia & Audrey, but I dun use shampoo on bb leh. Usually I juz put a few drops of J&J head-to-toe wash (the yellow bottle) into the water. Den I bathe bb head & body.

Do u mean I Ned to get a bb shampoo separately to wash her head?

pandahut, wahahhaa! you are absolutely right.... old people really find the Avent warmer too complicated...i taught my mom a few times and she still struggles with it. Now she will just use hot water to warm the milk hahahaha.... she heart the Pigeon though....cos it's very simple to use. she's kinda upset when we replaced the Pigeon with the Avent hahaha.

Joc, I used to bathe bb like u do. But my girl sweats a lot so her head sometimes don't smell nice by end of day, so now I use 1 drop of the California baby head to toe wash as shampoo too, on top of the normal few drops in the bath water. Keeps her head smelling nice all day!

Pauline, ya i think $12 is a good deal too! Just don't get up-sell by them for more pics ba. How much is your package and how many pics? When do u intend to bring bb for photo taking?

Mummies using pigeon warmer, do u warm the milk for 17mins at 40 degrees as per the instructions? I have been doing so... But very long leh...

BabyG- Got write 17mins meh...

I usually warm 15-20mins lei... In between i will go and swirl the milk to make sure it's warm all over...

Fel & Rach,

I removed the green cup but still v difficult to put the bottle in ...yes it can fit....but will stuck right? cant reach to the bottom right?


My mum too, taught her few times n in the end she use hot water pour in a bigger cup to warm up the milk. She told me once bb crys for milk, she forgot how to use it. In the end only I alone using d avent.

Joc, Panda, Zenia & Audrey

My bb also have cradle cap, she doesn't like to wash her hair so I did not dare to use bb oil on her head in case I could not wash her scalp thoroughly. Does it mean if don't use bb oil the cradle cap will not drop off all by itself? Actually it got drop off but it's really very slow.

Pandahut, hahaha yah loh, my mom very frantic when bb cries too. She always uses magnifying glass to look at the symbols whenever she tries to learn.

BabyG, I also din read about the 17mins. usually I try to preempt when my bb needs milk and warm in advance. If she cries for milk earlier than expected then no choice gotta distract her while warming lo. But sometimes she cry too loudly then I also cheat a bit by warming above 40 degrees so that it's faster.

ST, are u still using the 150ml TT bottles? For those I would fill the water til the bottle can sort of float in the warmer, then it's faster cos all the milk is in contact w the hot water. In fact, I mostly use the bigger 260ml bottle now as it's actually easier to fit into the warmer cos the bottom is thinner than the small bottle hee!

Xiaobei, Baby oil u also dun put a lot Ma, plus it's confirmed safe for babies. Think the cradle cap should be able to drop by itself ba, just that the oil quicken the process. So far I've only applied twice when the cradle cap looks v obvious, otherwise I leave it alone.

SN, our poor mummies. Haha! But good lah still willing to learn at their age, keep their mind working.

Xiaobei, it will drop off by itself w/o the oil too just that takes longer. But dun go and peel it off, just let it drop naturally.

Hi Mummies, my girl also still have cradle cap, don't know if this is the reason she haven't grow much hair. I just got this Mustela shampoo from Robinson, that is suppose to help wash away cradle cap (written in same prints on the bottle), so hopefully by applying bb oil and then wash using this shampoo will get ride of the cradle cap quicker.

Just wanna also share that, this no-rinse cleansing fluid is one of my favorite. I use it to clean her when she poos, I think cleaner than using wet wipes. =)

Robinson got 20% discount, so not so bad.


Got...Pigeon gives a heating reference, enclosed in the box. To heat 200ml wide-neck bottle at 40 degrees with milk from fridge is 17mins and 70 degree is 6mins.

For milk bag from fridge is 7mins, from freezer is 25 mins.

I've been following this and my caregivers always complain why so long!!! But at 17mins, the milk is a little too hot in my opinion.

Xiao bei, It's very difficult for the cradle cap to drop on its own... If don clean off then the hair will stick to the cradle cap then the whole bunch will come off when it reali does. And also new hair won't grow if the cradle cap is there. I use the j&j lite formula, wont leave the hair like super oily... Norm when I put bb oil then I'll shampoo twice with the top to toe wash... The sculp is usually cleaned alr [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Calling for 2ks, I think ur chest freezer must b full by now... Wat did u do with ur old febm? Mine's like full liao... Think at most can only put Erm 5 more packs then no place liao... How arh?

I'm going back work later. Feeling Soo sad. Cried so much yest'd. Now thinking of leaving bb, starting tearing again. Oh my, my eyes gonna look horrible.

ST, I prefer to giv my bb chilled ebm cos I read tt the antibodies will be destroyed when ebm is frozen... So I wanna giv her chilled ones as much as I could... So the ones in the chest freezer r super reserve...keke...

2ks, I got no more fridge to put liao cos mil alr took back her fridge n got a lot of meat n fish inside... Worse come to worse I think I'll throw away a few packs at a time... But a bit heartache cos its my 精华 lor... Sigh


dun throw.. add it into the bathe water for your bb to have milk bath. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

if too much, then u have foot and hand spa for yourself!

Kteo, i just timed my avent warmer, bottle-fridge-140ml setting, it took 3 min leh... Y urs 6min? U put too much water? 30ml would do.


hehe.. i am not the first to do this. think other mummies here done it before.

i just pour some milk into the bath water before bb go into water. no rinsing after that. not sticky or oily one.. coz the water quantity is a lot more than the milk quantity you pour in..

SN: My warmer is not the digital one, I am using the one with temp 1,2,3. I turn to no. 3, put water up to where the milk level is loh. It's 6 mins leh, the manual also put 6 mins. Maybe the new digital one faster lah, but of coz more expensive. BUT 3 mins is fast lor, good lei, if i know i buy that liao.

Dear mommies,

I've some bestsellers parenting books and nursing book for cheap sale.

1) The Baby Whisperer Solves All Your Problems by Tracy Hogg

2) The No-Cry Sleep Solution by Elizabeth Pantley

3) The Happiest Baby on the Block by Harvey Karp

4) Secrets of the Baby Whisperer: How to Calm, Connect, and Communicate with Your Baby by Tracy Hogg

5) What to Expect The First year by Heidi Murkoff, Arlene Eisenberg and Sandee Hathaway

6)The Nursing Mother's Companion by Kathleen Huggins

Pls see these links for pics and condition of books:-




Kteo, oh haha i thought we were talking abt the same product. Yah, the digital one is really 3 minutes. My baby also cannot wait, he will cry until roof collapse if more than 5min. Actually for Pigeon, when i was using it, i cheat by pouring hot water n turn to 100 deg.. But gotta monitor to ensure not over heated. At least Avent digital warmer no need to monitor.


Me me, include me also. Tks!


I be at mimosa this whole week, so if u wan go kopi session, can jio me yah.

Panda Hut: Ok onzz!! but i reach home at abt 7+pm every evening. By the time settle down & have dinner will be abt 8+pm... 天黑黑 la kopi, sibei lomantic leh. Haha!! U let me know lah!

