(2011/03) Mar 2011

i'm not sure if i have mastitis, but i'm kinda running a temp... and have a big hard lump on my left boob... when should i go and see a doc?


Baby refused to latch already scream n scream sigh...... He tried to get a good grip of the nipple for a few seconds n gave up.... Sad

SN, no sad. That happened to me often too. I just keep trying. Try offering both sides, sometimes bb has preference.

Mummies... I've one last piece of SKIP HOP VERSA CREAM left...

Black is OOS in US also and dunno when will replenish leh...

So may have to wait longer than June...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


those who dun wanna wait for new designs... I'll be getting some frm supplier now... Dun wanna wait liaoz....

If keen, let me know okie... Can expect it to arrive next week once all payment in... Thanks!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'll reorder again when new designs is in as well..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Anymore orders?

Then I'll collect money and order liaoz..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]



Anyone else as well?? Else I'll collect payment and order liaoz..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm only getting the 2oz cubes.. Good enough..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Chen, thanks... Haiz i offered both sides liao both also dun want... He drank a little from the bottle n went to sleep.. I didnt latch v often these days so maybe he got too used to bottles liao... It's v strange, i know bb will still b close to mummy whether latch or no latch since alot of my friends also dun latch but are still v close to their kid.... But i still wish for that latching closeness experience... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Mummies!!

2Ks - Hope Kyler is recovering well... I myself also fall sick yday... had bad migrain since the night before and then woke up with flu... so yday hubby took leave and stay home look after bb while I can eat med and slp... fells gd after all the sleeping yday... long time nv sleep for so many many hours....

Rach - The thermos and bb cubes got include me bo??

SN, ya, the bonding is there, but eventually all bb will wean off. There's still other ways to bond, no worries. I only latch my boy for night feeds. I like to smooch his head whenever he latches... hee.

zenia, hmm, could it be viral flu? Mastitis usually occurs during the inital weeks of breastfeeding. No harm seeing a doc though.

Zenia, my friend had mastitis after 5 months, so it's possible. Better latch/pump & massage.

SN, my bb also refused to latch nowadays. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] But I only wanted to latch for convenience. Can always bond in other ways.

Chen, maybe you r right... cos i'm starting to ache all over [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] blame it on the changing weather.

Pooh Bear, my bb recently also don like to latch. she latch liao like wanna choke like tt. i can only latch her after i pumpped (as in i'm a human pacifier)... keke so a bit difficult for her to help me clear the lump lor...

Hi mummies,

Does anyone have pd to recommend in amk or if not somewhere near amk? My bb always turn to right side whether it's on her back or tummy. I want to check if anything wrong with neck muscles. Hold her to sit up her head will also always slant on right side...

Chen, Pooh Bear, v true, indeed eventually all babies will wean off... N there r other ways to bond...Recently my bb will bite my nipple instead of latch... Super ouch.. Dunno y... I wouldnt want tt to hapoen when he starts teething...


bishan area ok? I bring my boy to see a PD at bishan just on Mon as he having cough. Its a lady PD v nice lady.

Kids Clinic @ Bishan

Blk 116 Bishan St. 12 #01-28

Tel : 6356 8909

Opening Hr :

Mon - Sat : 9am - 1pm

Mon, Wed, Fri : 7pm - 9pm

FIrst time consultation $60, subsequent $40.

For AMK, u can try the one at the central, its SBCC (beside the S'pore pool).

SN, really? I scared later she nreds physiotherapy leh, I know someone from church, her son needed cos tilt too much to one side.

Panda hut, yah Bishan ok, thanks v much! Have you brOught your baby to the one at amk before? I know where it is bit dunno if good or not.

pinkypop> i been to AMK SBCC.... quite exp..so i went back to Yishun PD... and always need to make appt de... they dun entertain walkin... siao rite? as if i can predict when my kids sick.... >.<""

Panda hut, Rach, sunesis> thanks for all the feedback. I think I'll bring her to the Bishan one. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinky... The Kids Clinic @ Bishan is good!

That's my bb pd too. Dr Oh is a really nice n patient lady. In fact she is also not that kind that reap your money. I heardher telling 1 parent to send the kids to KK ins tead of MT A as the treatment is more ex. So good right?


I bought this rubbery "hook" for securing cloth diapers. Don't need to use safety pins. It's purely rubber, stretchable and u just "hook it in place". Very good!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I also bring my boy to see Dr Oh from now on.


its opposite the S'pore Scout Association. the waiting time is OK, but can make appt also.

mummies, any recommendation for blender or food processor??

I thinking of starting Oli on semi solids in her 4th month leh, can someone advise me??

Belinda> I'm eyeing the philips steam blender... Some says good some says not fantastic....

Else get a handheld blender will do..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Braun or philips also can..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Baby's first food should be cereals..

Start with brown ric cereal or rice cereal and then to oatmeal, multigrain, barley cereal etc etc ...

Then by 7-8mos then purees ba... But up to u..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Teresa> cereal in milk is not a good practice and it should be better to feed cereal on it's own to teach them to swallow...

Else next time they lazy to eat..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkypop: my boy also like to sleep on certain sides leh.. I think it's pretty normal la.. How about wait till their neck abit stronger first? Cos now u bring pd also might not hv any solution..

Pinkypop: My boy also likes to turn to right side. Think it's because I started the dimple pillow/yaolan quite late, so his head not very round - flat on the right side; sharp on the left side, hence always sleep on right side.

tres: I will be u sing brown rice+soya beans as the base, fruits as add on. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Looking for a blender that can last till toddler kind.

I bought from kiddy palace. $7. Brand: anakku. It's called napkin fastener. I took A photo of it but can't seem to upload it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rach, at 4 mths... Feed that cereal... They can swallow ah??

Looks like I need to start reading on bb first foods...... Out of touch loh.....

Teresa> if u on TBF, why u wanna start solids at 4mos?

Tbf babies need only BM till 6mos...

Like RY, I'll start RL on cereals 5mos 3-4thweek just to get her used to semi solids... Then 1mos of cereals before I intro purée ard 7mos..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Up to u though...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

But I strongly believe in purely BM for 1st mos of their lives..

Their stomach may not be so ready to digest other stuffs.. And they have whole life to eat.. No need to rush..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2Ks: yah you're right. I'm still thinking of wait till when then is considered need to bring see PD. me kan jiong first time mom [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Her head shape very weird, sharp on one side cos she always lie on the other and when I make her sit up, her head always slant to that side. but of course that could be due to her neck not strong enough yet to hold up properly... now i try to have her sleep in yaolan in the afternoon but she doesn't like.


I have that Anakku rubber hook(2 pcs) that AAA mentioned .. I have lots (>20 pcs) of Anakku cloth napkin too. You wan ?


Agree with Rach, if TBF, i also prefer to be on only bm till at least 6 mths .. I also start the cereal on my #1 after 6 mths .. Guess same for Shay ba .. unless i can't catch up with his growth spurt milk intake lor .. I just increase his milk to 160ml .. think he may drink more but i hesitate to increase le .. see few more wks ba ..


As i start bb on semi solid later, by the time they start to take puree it's almost 7-8mths le. i only blended at the very beginning stage (using my normal blender). After 1-2mths, i just steam & mash the fruit/vege using the fork, no more blender liao (i'm one lazy mummy who lazy to wash blender.. haha)

So, it's depends on you lar .. i prefer bb learn how to swallow food, instead of blending everything for them. I have fren to blend the porridge for her 15mths bb ..


thought it's normal for bb to slant the head aside as their neck is not strong enough to support their head. No need to see PD ba ..


Shay like to turn to his left .. haha ..

& he flip only to his left .. Now i always put something on his right so he will start practising to flip to right ..

Belinda: y u wanna start on brown rice first.. Brown rice are harder to digest and their tummy might not be able to take it.. If u want, I suggest to start with plain rice cereal first...

Fruits should be the last to intro cos it sweet de

And Yes I also will only intro solids when didi is 6 months, first 6 months I will concentrate on milk, the benefits of it.. No hurry to intro solids cos they hv their whole life to take it..

Sinmey: me too lor.. I also will intro solids when kiefer is 6 months.. I also blend not long then become mashed, like u I want bb to learn the textures of the food..

That's y a normal handheld blender is good enough la

But I hv the ulike blender.. That one I use to make soya bean..

For mummy who feed their bb FM, how much is your baby drinking now?? My HB siao one, he fed him 6 scoops last night! Thats like more than 180 ml. He think the more he feed the longer bb can sleep. Gosh!


2ks: cause my mil, and my hubby's grandmother ask us to grind the soya beans and brown rice into powder and mix into the milk for her. Is the u-like blender good? heard some ppl say good leh.

