(2011/03) Mar 2011

Hi Mummies,

Anyone has recommendation for the toddler carseat ?

My girl is abt 14kgs now .. & Shay is taking over her carseat liao.

So i'm thinking which type of carseat i should buy for her .. saw mothercare got those from 9kg onwards de .. but i think max only 18-20kg .. If i buy booster carseat (which looks very hard/uncomfy, the back like so straight & i wonder if she can sleep if i travel long journey to KL), it's from 15kg onwards de wo ... i gotta go Taka/robinson, ask the sales for opinion ..

Any mummies with toddler can give me some opinion ?


Sinmey, my boy hv been using d dimple pillow from baby safe can buy from kiddy palace since he 1 mth old n his head shape is so much better now.

Pinkypop, is like this one. Every night I placed my boy position nice nice on the dimple pillow then midnight wake up see him, his head out of the pillow. He turn alot n everytime morning he is sleeping horizontal n got once dun knw how he turn till legs on pillow n head on d other end n I thought my mum placed him like this.

Dimple pillow,

How long will bb use the dimple pillow ?

He can flip now .. & most time he will sleep on his left/right side now .. i'm thinking if i should buy a dimple pillow for him .. or just leave him on flat & maybe change to kid pillow later

& the dimple from the BP is sooo exp. my pillow also nvr be so exp leh .. haha


u know what .. this morning i woke up & saw Shay sleeping in face DOWN position .. He flipped & jz fell asleep like that .. That's y i think it's better for him to sleep without pillow .. with the flat mattress, at least he will have space in between nose to breath ..

but after a while he will turn his head aside to sleep .. so cute.

Sinmey, the one I bought got size one, is meant for 0-10month old. The instructions said it's not meant to be used for sleeping on the side so if your bb is sleeping on the side then better not buy...

Yah I thought the same thing when I paid for the pillow, my pillow also don't cost so much...

If his head shape is ok then maybe leave him to sleep on flat. D baby safe one only $20+ n I think its good enuff.


No, u still need to give the milk feed (maybe slightly less) after the 1 teaspoon of cereal at the beginning stage.

Till u increase the cereal intake as time goes and bb is full/dun wan the milk feed after that. Then it can replace 1 milk feed.

Sinmey, i have two pillows, one for holiday resort and one for home. At home he uses the Babysafe pillow from Kiddy Palace, abt $20 something.... At holiday resort, he uses the Cheeky BonBon pillow from Spring maternity, only $9...

Wah seh the BP pillow $89?!!!! So ex!!!!!

SN, same same. Haha! At home use dimple pillow from baby safe n at holiday resort use dun knw wat pillow his granddad buy one

Anyone got milk warmer to sell off ??? Pigeon or avent one... Need it urgently!!!!

Please pm me


thanks for the website, I'm ordering the pillow for my boy too... his left side so flat now!! wana adjust her head shape to round round...

so far you use.. good ma???

Sinmey - the IFC uses Hot water to warm my bm to feed my bb... Omg,,,, I touch the bm it was damn hot la.. Omg...

Then I ask the teacher she say they don't have warmer there. She use hot water lor. I told her say hot water will kill all the nutrients.. Then she say she didn't use very hot water.. Sigh.. Wanna bluff who???

I touch the bottle just now lei... And Eden only drank 15ml in the 25mins the teaher tried to feed him... N he fell asleep... How ah...


Huh, IFC dun have warmer ?

aiyoo ... u request the teacher to warm it with warm water ba .. talk to the principle ..

Fel, I usually just keep the BM for the next feed. I also use hot water to warm. Although the bottle may feel very hot, the milk is usually just warm.


me also, even though i have one warmer at home.. but i feel it slower than using hot water.. the bottle is very hot right after u take out from the hot water, but after u shake shake and the bottle temp get the same with the milk temp.. u will notice it is not very hot...

pooh bear

I dont use hot water to warm bm... it kills off the nutrients n it defeats the purpose of bf my boy already...

i use 40degree water to warm the milk

Limlim: it's not enough to replace one milk feed..

Anyway starting all little bit only, it's not suppose to reduce a milk feed..

Fel: talk to the principal to buy a warmer for IFC use..

Kyler old lao ya IFC also got warmer..

Me at home I m using hot water la... Not boiling kind though..But should be more than 40degrees

Fish Hu: Just started for a week, i think should be ok bah. At least some hope for bb's head to be round. Within 6 months still possible to correct bah.

Fel, I know that too high temperature will denature the antibodies, but when I warm my milk from 4 degrees from the fridge with hot water (about 90 degrees), the milk will only reach about 40 degrees because the hot water temperature will also drop when it's left open. But if you're uncomfortable, you should talk to the principal.

Dimple Pillow

Wow... din know the price of dimple pillows can vary so much. Mine cost abt $8+ nia, bot at Cheong Chun (People's Park Complex). Are there different types?

Sinmey: Can imagine the shock you had when seeing your precious sleeping face down. In my case, bb sleeping in yaolan, dun think will do a 180-degrees turn bah. Anyway, cloth is thin and the space is constrained.

I also use hot water (not boiling type; but definitely > 40 degrees) to warm up the EBM. Guess it helps to shorten the time needed to reach the targeted milk temp. So long the temp of the milk itself is not high enuff to kill the nutrients, it shld be ok bah. My 1 cent.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i also warm in cup and im sure more than 40deg. once u dunk the ebm which is super cold from fridge into the cup, immediately the hot water will turn to warm water. in a matter of say a min?

so technically my hot water become warm water. then i will need to pour away half, fill with hot water again, dunk in again, water turns warm again, pour half away again, and finally 3rd time the ebm will climbed to neh neh temperature

Pixie: y need need to pour so many times??

I only one time hot water then inside 5 mins then become neh neh temperature already..

But I use spinning, I turn and turn the bottle soak inside la

2ks, sorry ask u huh..ur freezer is which one? how much u paid? how u arrange ur milkbags in yr chest freezer? i wan to get one but wonder if i shld just buy from harvey norman or best...

pixie, i use the same method as u...so hor, my boi super impatient sure yell and scream when i trying to warm his milk..since have to change hot water a few times (since mix w cold water so not too hot water used to warm his milk)

Pandahut, my boy went for his jabs just now. Put him down on dr yy yip's desk n my boy started giggling!!!!!! My hb n i look at each other.... We have never heard him giggle so happily b4! Then dr yy yip said he is in a gd mood but too bad his gd mood will end soon.... Hahahs.... Once he inject my boy, he started to cry n cry even louder at the 2nd jab.... N evil mommy started to laugh... I dunno y it's so funny.... :p

Pinkypop, nevermind, u keep trying... Soon yr bb will get used to the pillow.... Wah u bought such an expensive pillow! My PD said just use something to block the baby from turning flat on the right can liao.... Maybe u can use nappy cloth to block her right side if yr bb still dislike the pillow?

Limlim> the initial 1-2teaspoon cannot replace milk feeds... Only later on... When u feeding a reasonable portion like half a munchkin bowl size and ur baby shows no sign of hunger then u no need to give more milk...

Else it's only getting baby used to swallowing and tasting something different frm milk...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Prob takes a month or two before it's officially a meal...

But every baby different... So let ur baby lead u..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear mummies, Sorry to interrupt.

I am from Feb 2011 thread & have the followings to let go:


1) *Brand New* Sleepy Wrap -- $70


2) *Brand New* Avent Feeding Bottle 0 month+ 2 x 4oz/125ml & 6 x Sealing Discs -- $20


3) *Brand New* NUK Class Anti-Colic Teat, size 1, S (thin liquids) -- 3 for $5


4) *Brand New* NUK Premium Choice Anti-Colic Wide Neck Teat, size 1, S -- $6/pair, $10/2 pairs


5) *Brand New* NUK Teat cleaning sponge -- 1 for $4, 2 for $7.


**************** HOTELS DINING VOUCHERS ****************

1. 50% off voucher at Brios' (Grand Corpthorne Waterfront). Valid for a dining party of 4 to 8 people for lunch from Mon to Sat, or dinner from Sun to Thu. Valid Till 30th June - $40.00

2. 50% off Main course @ Pontini (Grand Corpthorne Waterfront). Valid for a dining party of 4 people for lunch or dinner from Mon to Wed. Valid Till 30th June - $40.00

3. 50% off a la carte meal order @ Grand Shanghai (Grand Corpthorne Waterfront). Valid for a dining party of 4 people for lunch or dinner from Tue to Sun (Except for Sat). Valid Till 30th June - $40.00

4. 50% off a la carte meal order @ Grand Shanghai (Grand Corpthorne Waterfront). Valid for a dining party of 6 - 12 people for dinner from Tue to Sun. Valid Till 30th June - $60.00

5. 50% off Buffet @ Princess Terrace (Corpthorne King's). Valid for a dining party of 6 to 8 people for lunch or dinner from Mon to Thu. Valid till 30th June - $50.00

6. 50% off a la carte meal order @ Tien Court (Corpthorne King's). Valid for a dining party of 6 - 8 people for lunch or dinner from Mon to Thu. Valid Till 30th June - $30.00

7. $100.00 dining voucher @ Tien Court (Corpthorne King's). Minimum spending of $400.00. Valid Till 30th June - $50.00

8. Complimentary Juf of Beer and one dozen Satay @ Connections (Corpthorne King's). minimum part of 6 people. Valid till 30th June - $10.00

9. Waiver of cover charge for 2 people @ TOPPS ( Corpthorne Orchid). Valid from Sun to Thu - $10.00

10. Complimentary First House pour wine or beer for two people @ Limelight (Corpthorne Orchid). Valid from Mon to Sat. Valid till 30th June - $10.00

11. Complimentary First House pour for four people @ J Bar (M hotel). Valid from Mon to Sat. Valid till 30th June - $15.00

12. Complimentary Bottle of House Wine with A La Carte Meal Order @ Hua Ting Restaurant (Orchard Hotel). Valid for a minimum dining party of 4 people. Valid till 30th June - $20.00

13. Complimentary Combo Snack Platter @ Bar Intermezzo (Orchard Hotel). Valid for a min. party of 4 people. Valid till 30th June - $10.00.


* Self collection at Choa Chu Kang Street 62.

* Keen or any enquiry, please PM me.

Any mummies experiencing body aching....or knee cap "sng sng" feeling???

In fact my whole leg got the "sng sng" feeling....how huh?? not enuf calcium?

Babybride: mine kadeka brand by kdk. Bought $270. I use lock lock stack without cover cos just nice can fit it. Bought at kong tai shop in jurong

St - me me.... Back of kneecap seem v tight. I think is due to long hrs bending down or sitting on floor cross leg to play w my gal. Back also ache... Hmm due to always leaning fwd to change her diaper, cleaning her, etc?.... I also don't know how. Was wondering if lack of calcium but I think not true leh.

My confinement was strict n I din take epi.... So I think take epi will backache also not true lor.


I tried using nappy cloth to block her before buying the pillow. Her head just keep stubbornly turning to one side. put something to block her, her whole body would shift so she is cleared of the 'obstacle'... I just have to keep trying...


hugs hugs ..... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] i hate this kind of sng sng feeling....

Saw those gathering photos at fb... Now I know how come forum so quiet le... Nvr jio... Only for non working mum? Haha

Won_mummy & ST,

Me too!! I also have sng sng feeling on my knees. Not sure if I put on too much weight during my pregnancy. And my back is acting up!! I went for a massage already. But it still hurt. So I thought it's cos of epidural. But some people say it's not.

Every night, I put salon pas.

Ladies who placed orders with me for First Foods, the book has arrived! Will pm u girls by this weekend for payment details ya.

Anyone interested for a gathering this Tuesday at raffles city? Those who have bought the book can collect it at the same time. :)

Date: 14 Jun Tuesday

Venue: raffles city

Time: lunch or tea?

1. Audrey

2. Prestorabb

3. Spyria

4. Milktea

Audrey - Where do you stay huh? I may have to self collect from you..

Cos i'm afraid i can't make it lei....

My baby still having fever, if fever okay already i'm sending him back to IFC to let him adapt also... Need to stay there with him...

