(2011/03) Mar 2011

Belinda: oic... I won't do that lor.. I won't start brown rice first and I also won't mix into milk for bb.. Milk is milk cereal is cereal, but your preference la.. Just take note of her bowel movements..

Ulike can use to blend thicker harder stuff, I use it to grind rice. But bad point is cant use continuously cos will overheat


Every baby is different so every mother has different experiences.

My pd said if baby is under 75th percentile fr weight n you wanna intro semi solids is ok (ie baby is not overweight but normal weight). Personal choice. Over the years beliefs on when to intro solids hv changed many times.. From as young as 6 weeks eating cereal to 6 months and more sometimes.

For no 1: I introed veg water (leftover of steamed veg) at 4 mths then veg purée at 4+ mths n rice cereal at 5ish mths.. I started w brown cereal too cuz I've heard n read tt all things brown r better fr baby than White cuz not processed.

If suniska's Tongue thrust reflex is gone by 4 mths I'll prob do the same fr her [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Limlim - I think 6 scoops on her last feed is fine if she drinks all, no merlion or milk coming out from nose. How old is ur Bb now?

Mine wk15+ le. Day I feed her 150ml fm n dreamfeed at 11pm 180ml. She will sleep till 5-6am then wake for drink. Hmm but 180ml I din put 6 full scoop lar. Abt 5.5scoop. Cos my friends tell me don't put as instructed. Might b too thick, harder to digest. I always cut 1/2 scoop.

Belinda: my bb cannot finish 6 scoops ....he left about 20-30ml.

Won_mummy: he just turn 4 mths old yest. Sometimes he drink BM + 1-2 scoops of FM he also can last same time as full FM.


Clara is on fm since after 1 'month n now coming to 4 mths, I only feed her 4scoop of enfalac n 125ml

She can't finish 150 if I follow the tin instruction feeding

N I dilute as fm tend to be thick n she still have phlegm,

Depend on your bb intake n preference , I feel is good to follow their intake

When it's time ti take in more u will know that cos every single drop of milk is sucked till nothing left;)

Btw- my Clara Is older than the rest bb , born 14 feb[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I dun really believe fm or add fm into bm make them more full..

Shay last feed usually 8-9pm(160ml bm) n can last till 5-6am. I think Rach's RL n bm also can last the night...

The bm are well miz with te nutrition with the crrect liquid that bb need If u add the fm into bm also means u need to give them like 60ml water to digest the fm right else its like not enough liquid in the body to digest the fm?

Oh ya, I remember brown rice cereal is more heath compare to plain one. if ur bb is heaty type, u might wan to take note n give more water to them..


same, mine oso st 64 ler...there's only one coffe shop at st 64. so, u should know my co...where's yr co? opposite my co?

Chen ... Yes Hubby away for 2 wks can die lor

After he come bk I abt time to start work ...

My mum wil be back in sg on the week I start work

Yaya .. Should meet up at CSM ..

Sometimes on Sunday afternoon i wil sneak out tp do my hair at Jean yip lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Haha... U r beside ar? I'm opposite u... Haha

I pm u my number. We meet for kopi... Monday bfast ok?

U back to work Liao?

joc, my son is also turning 3 mths old tmr.. and he is also drinking 125ml.. i just increase his intake to 130ml 2 days ago.. btw, how frequent ur bb drinks? mine still drinks every 2-3 hrs lor..faintz..

I used to think fm can last longer than bm but it's no longer true leh... My bb on bm last feed 830pm, he can last till 5am hehe

hi, i am selling gifts from friends that do not fit my baby. mostly brand new including baby gap dress, camper baby shoes, oshkosh romper etc. & some pre-loved. pls PM me if interested.



Hazel, our bb got the same bday. She's drinking abt 3hrly. Sometimes she slp can b 3.5hr. If awake, at times will cry for milk 2.5 or slightly before 3hr.

Joc, ya.. born on 10 March.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] i wonder when can he drag his feeding time and slp thru the night.. :p x fingers


Ur bb still wake up every 2-3 hr even at nite? It must be very tiring for u then... If she drink so frequent, then 130ml is a lot leh as it's like easily more than 1000ml per day

blurjen n joc, are u gals in my fb??

sinmey, ya lor.. stil 2-3 hrs..but yest exceptiona case dunno whether is it raining plus i on the air con.. he drank at 1plus then drank again at 3pus, then his next feed is at 7am plus.. so hopefuly, his night feeds tonight wil continue to be 3-4 hrs.. x fingers

Pinkypop, forgot to reply u this morning... U havent bought dimple pilliw for yr bb? I thought one month ago u were already asking abt the head shape right? My bb's head really much much better now after we intro-ed dimple pillow leh... Now quite symmetrical liao... Sometimes no pillow he will auto sleep facing up too...

Hmmm..Rach n 2nd, my bb not on TBF Liao... Starting to giving her fm mix with bm too. I dun think I can keep with with her ss.

Hmm....I always tot after 4 months, we can mix either brown rice powder into her milk so that she can be full-er mah..... My mum is a strong advocate of this ... She was the one who tell me abt it......


I add bm into brown rice t feed as cereal, instead of adding cereal into milk t feed as milk... U know wat I mean..

Maybe the older generation prefer to add the cereal into the mlk de...

Hazel: ^ five, my bb also still drinking every 2-3 hrly during the day, 3-4hrly at night but I latch so no idea how much she taking in. She's older than your bb by abt 2 weeks though...

SN, you're right, I was asking abt the dimple pillow a while ago, supposed to get fr angelia but in the end didn't. So fast got effect ah? I just got mine delivered today. Started using but dunno is it bb not used to it, usually she slp abt 9-10pm, today 12 midnight already still not very slpy. I just put her to bed, hope she won't get up again so soon...

Yah... I also read that brown rice cereal is better than Plain rice cereal... Not sure any The digestion part but when I gave RY cereal last time, read that brown rice better...

Anyway, I feed HAPPY BELLIES.. and they have only brown rice cereal, oatmeal cereal & multigrain cereal....

So I progressed from brown rice -> oatmeal -> multigrain..

And then mix and give anyone randomly...

Ard 9-10mos I mix with Nestle prune oatmeal cereal too... Prevents constipation cuz of the prunes... Smells very nice too... But smells sweet so I usually add like 1 teaspoon to 4teaspoon happy bellies...

Sinmey> yup... RL's last feed usually 10-12am.. Depends what time I put her to bed... (very bad so late but my schedule is like that... Trying to adjust earlier.. Meaning skipping my tv shows too..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif])

and she'll wake up ard 6-8am for next feed...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Has been like this since week 6 I think..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

And yes... I mix cereal with BM.. (I squeeze direct fresh frm breast into the bowl of cereal, mix and feed) and not cereal into milk... Defeats the whole purpose of introducing semi solids... But our parents generation all like mixing Si sen fen into milk and feed....

Both my mum n mil started asking and telling 4mos can feed Si sen fen... I just orrrhh... And ignore... Mil asked almost every Sunday I see her..." got give Si sen fen already?"

I shake head then she will say 4mos can give laioz.. Last time... Blah blah blah...."

I just orh... And ignore... Until 6mos I started giving then she said oh can give porridge liaoz... Got give?? I replied.. Not yet... Give cereal first...

Haha... Seems as though we are a bit slower... But what's the hurry?? Let their little stomach get used to it...

There must be some truths abt baby being on full BM for 6mos... So as long as I can BF, my babies will be on TBF for 5-6mos, then comes the brown rice cereals..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I've been spreeing happy bellies for more than a yr.. But looking for alternatives now since the merchant's packing is getting horrendous... If any mummy wanna join my sprees in time to come let me know la...

Selling at NTUC is $9.90 per tin of cereal...

Spree is abt $6-8.. Varies cuz of shipping.. but still cheaper than NTUC.. I'm looking for cheaper source.. Hehe..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Another good brand is supposedly Healthy times... But heard it's more flaky and flies all over when u scoop out... And due to some incidents heard.. I've never given RY HT...

only HB so far..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Belinda> I have the Ulike blender too... Not bad la... But cannot on for more than 5min..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] need to rest and blend again.. Quite safe also.. I got it during isetan sales...

2kS> i forgot how to make soya bean with the soya bean maker liaoz.. Next time u teach me okie... Sitting there like a white elephant.. Lol....

Pinkypop> I orh she cannot scold me or say anything ma... But I go home Nv give she also cannot say anything ma... Lol.... Then she just ask me everytume she see me... I just say wait till 6mos Lo... Then she will say 4mos can give liaoz... Last time blah blah.... I orh.....

Next week same thing again until she sick of asking me... She change her question.... Still never give huh???

I just reply... 还没有...

Then she keep quiet Lo... Lol.... My mum easier cuz I stay with her then just tell her once or twice on tbf no need give till 6mos... Then when ppl ask she will even reply.. Oh she give BM... After 6mos then give... Lol...

hi mummies!

jus finished reading the emails for the bb touch orders.. ok, i tink i kinda decided on another seller, the prices are much less e same, but she has more books tt r available whereas the prev seller has quite a number of books tt she needa chk w supplier n some books she has fixed prices n cant offer me more.. anw, the 2nd seller has given me her prices, with slightly more discount.. BUT not for ALL books.. meaning, some books shes selling maybe few cents more den 1st seller, but some books few cents lesser.. the total amt is slightly lesser den 1st seller n shes throwing in some free gifts.. maybe i'll do a lucky draw for the free gifts n see who gets it k? haha..

ok, i will email u girls later with the final prices n let me know if u all still wanna go ahead w the orders, if not, its also ok... =))) gd nite! =D

RE: Happy Bellies

Rach, how do u mix ur bm with the cereal? How many table spoons of cereal should we give to our bb per feed? And, 1 tin of Happy Bellies can last for how long?

Pinkypop, yup yup dimple pillow very effective... I have been using for ard 1mth plus liao... Also, do u n yr family carry bb on left arm? The person carrying bb most often, needs to

switch to right arm so tt the pressure will not be on bb's right side of the head.

Rach, you "orh" already but never do, she didn't scold you is quite nice already. My mom keep telling me "you not giving her any water ah, have to start giving already else next time she won't wanna drink" then /i tell her bm is 80+% water no need to give. One week later she will ask me same question again...

After a few times she gave up liao but when my mil asked me the same question then my mom replied "oh she say give bm then no need to give water" but in very disbelieving tones! HAIZ...

SN, first time of using dimple pillow... usually she sleep doesn't move much but last night she wriggle until her head was off the pillow! This ger determined to sleep on flat surface... I have to just keep trying.

oh n person who carry bb most often is me, when I carry on right arm she will turn her head m face outwards so pressure still on right side leh...

Rach: ya... Healthy times very flaky then need to scoop more means finish faster also la..

U sure u wanna do home made soya bean.. It's alot of work..

U want then I type out the steps to u.. U save it.

Tres: it's no harm to try older styles la.. It's not as in wrong..

Just that I feel that they should taste and learn to swallow instead of sucking thru bottle..

Maybe u can like first month add subsequent month feed thru spoon or what

Both sides happy too 

Pinkypop: I do give my bb water leh although I m tbf.. No harm la.. Just take it as wash their mouth after drinking milk, rinse mouth..


What abt formulae milk? Many believed that must give fm in case next time our babies reject fm when u start giving at later stage. Was tinking y I need to give when my ss enuff n can tbf. Even my gynae say can mix in fm.

The water n starting of semi solids soon was wat wat my mum believed too. Keep nagging me to give or start.

St> first tin took abt a month cuz I started with 1 teaspoon to try and slowly increase... U see how ur baby react and can finish.. RY considered small eater... Abt 5-teaspoon or max 8.... I have frens whose babies hates milk..(always struggles to feed milk) but eats 10tablespoon cereal per feed...

That's a lot but her babies can finish Lo...

Usually after normal consumption should be abt 2-3weeks a tin..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

First time.. 1teaspoom to 4teaspoon BM... So I squeeze frm

Breast onto a teaspoon and drop into bowl.. Put bown on table and I lean fwd la... Haha.. Confirm is fresh milk...

Else u can warm up ebm and pour into it.. But need a bit only... That was to know the consistency of cereal... Subsequently, I just squeeze and mix until I get the right consistency I want for my baby... No need to measure liaoz...


i fed my girl Healthy Time organics cereal mostly .. & earth best.

Never try Happy bellies leh, maybe this time i try.

HT is very flaky lor .. & true it's finish so fast coz i need more to come out that few spoon of cereal.

U have lobang for Happy Bellies ? how about other brand like HT/earth's best ?

I try to give Shay organic food till he's 1 yr old ba .. same as my girl ..

2Ks, yah I know it's ok to give water but then also ok not to give so I just dun give. In the beginning was cos establishing supply, don't want her appetite to be affected. Later on decided might as well wait till I start her on solids... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sinmey> RY has only eaten HB cereal all her life.. Lol....

I Nv gave HT and I sold the 2 packs away after the incident.. Cuz I dun even dare to open it.. Lol...

Never fed earth best aso... Lol...

I only good at spreeing HB leh... Keke...

And later on the puffs and melts..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RY still taking the puffs and melts as snacks..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkypop> yup same.. Till date RL has not been given any water besides those she drinks from the tub during bath sometimes... Lol... Sometimes she dips a little lower or there's too much foam and I think she prob "eats" abit!! Lol...


OKOK .. so when u start to spree on HB ? I wan to try on Shay .. haha.. But his IFC's fee include the normal Nestle cereal leh .. but i still want him to take the organic food ba .. haha

my girl loves Gerber puff.. my sis will bring like the whole yr supply for me from US.. cheaper to buy in carton from walmart she said .. haha.. if HB good, i'm going to ask her to bring the melts & puff for me too .. haha

Yah I used to give ht to my #1.. super flaky and so need alot to get abit after adding water but I find it easier to digest for him.. But Now increase price liao... Thinking of trying bellemy for didi.. Anyone used that before??

Me also only intro cereal when he is 5 mths 3-4 weeks... No need hurry lah... Go out need to feed them cereal very mafan.. Easier to just feed milk ... Haha lazy mommy here...


Hi Mummies: Since we are on the topic of first food. My PD is giving a talk on 2 Jul, if you are interested you can sign up.

WEANING: Liquid to Solid (The What, When & How of Weaning your Baby. How to Solve Weaning related problems)

By: Dr Ang Ai Tin (Consultant PD, Thomson Paediatric Centre)

Date: Sat, 2 Jul, 2011

Venue: S'pore Chinese Girls' School, Lecture Theatre, 190 Dunearn Road

Schedule: 2.30pm to 4:00pm

Limited seats available, Registration FEE $10 per couple (receive free goodie bag worth $20)

You can call Thomson PD Centre for enquiry 6258 3353

