(2011/03) Mar 2011

Panda hut :

I also work at Sin Ming but I still yet start work till 1 July [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I using those "modern" cloth diaper from bumwear with inserts one. V nice! Not those white color cloth type.

Xiao bei, which part of sin ming u working? LTA har? Haha!

Those 1st few weeks, I used both nappy cloth and diaper on bb. But bb pooed and peed too frequent, leading to high workload when using nappy cloth. So switched to disposable diapers only. May start using cloth nappy soon, so as to finish the remaining 1/2 box of nappy liners bah.

i using the conventional ones, i have maid, ask her wash lor

but my #1 time, i use until 6mths old, no maid, i wash them myself. i was more hardworking back then

My bb is oso on cloth diapers. I use the cord binder w velcro type to hold the diaper in place but now the binder is too short. Pigeon's cord binders are longer but they stop bringing in. The other brands all shorter leh. What do u use to hold the diaper in place? I dun wanna use safety pin, scared poke my bb.

babyG i use nappy pins, then i use the cloth diapers with velcro over it so that i can hold my gal without wetting myself etc

means i 2 layer my gal

Tres, yes fitness first is at MBC. The sky pool looks cool thou I dunno how to swim, kekez... I still have some Amore Fitness membership also no time go.

Now with all the pumping at work, where to find energy to workout?....

So happening... So many of us ard same area

Alohaa - I think I m at Blk 10 too. We might see each other more often?

Tres - sign up fitness first? Cannot leh. My job doesn't allow me to mia too long. Aft wk I think I will want to rush home to acc my Bb.... Hehe

Kteo - u want to pm me ur contacts instead? Cos u din set to allow pm.

Let's meet up for lunch soon!!

Working mums, pls Advise. Do I ned to wash my pump after use at work, if so, air dry after tat? Dun Tink office got sterilizer. Oso shd I bring another bottle to pour out fr my pump n store my milk in fridge?

Won_mummy, u at blk 10 too? Wow, we in same bldg. We might have seen each other in MBC bus or in lift. Now I'm hoping Labrador Mrt to be up. Currently so inconvenient. Do u intend to pump at work?

Oh yes, we all can meet ard end June or in July for lunch.


dun say liao lar, i clearing existing stock at lower prices, so no discount for march mummies, paiseh

free gift i can lower to march mummies buying 4 sets n above (instead of the usual 5 sets n above)

my free gift not bad one de wor

pixie, I'm getting 9 sets lei!!! But trying to cut cut, total sum is scary. okok, I let u know my orders on yr BP.

mummies, wanna ask if u all got hair loss prob... how long will the hair loss last? is breastfeeding linked to hair loss?

my colleague told me bf got some effects on hair loss also leh, how true i dunno lar...

zenia, no scientific proof of bf and hair loss wor. Most mummies will experience hair loss during 4th month after delivery. I'm into this pharse, seeing more hair fall off when I blow dry my hair. sobs!

pixie, I cut to 6 sets liao. Got 2 mysetery gifts not? shared orders with colleague. haha. Btw, will transfer u tonight, token not with me now...

Joc, I norm wash my pump at work aft each use... then go through all the pump parts with hot water. Store each pump ebm in the chiller in the office. I norm pump at 11am and 5pm, so aft the 5pm pump, i'll wash and sterilize everything n keep in the lacatation rm in my office and i'll bring all my ebm back home.

Joc, i think i will bring detergent there to wash use hot water to sterilizes and wipe dry. Store there for next day usage, bring home over the weekend to sterilizes 'properly' ba! only bring back ebm and pump.

Won mummy, actually i intend to go during lunchtime coz my lunch is 1.15 hrs mah... hahah but see how first, need to pump n eat scare no time also!

let's go back to work first, start 1st gear and then decide lor!

Joc, I wash my pump parts after each use then put in a gauze bag to air dry (sometimes not very dry, still have water droplets). I just pump into the same 4 bottles & put in fridge in pantry then bring home with the Medela ice pack.

i have lots of mummies asking if i carry flashcards for our babies. sadly, not suitable

but i can bring in a set suitable for our babies.

need to hit MOQ so please indicate your interest



pricing need to discuss with merchant, should be less than $8...must see if i can get a discount or not *fingers crossed*

Thanks Zenia, Tres & Pixie! Oh I'm plannng to pump 2x. Can I mix the ebm fr the 2 pumps & store in th same bottle? The ebm bring home Liao, can still put in freezer?

sher, i stay near central, 100 plus dere..

babybride, yes i received all the PMS.. i still waiting for the lady to get back to me den i'll email u ladies again..thanks..


dear all who ordered, most prob it'll b ready next next week to b safe... cos her cutters told her it'll b ready by next week, but we jus give her a safe period till the next next wk ok? thank u!

Mommies...is it better to postpone this friday gethering to next monday?coz this fri gathering only few mommies coming..

mummies, ur babies recogize faces already? my baby cry like mad when the grandfather carry her leh it's been going on for days already... cause he seldom take care of her? or baby being picky? =.=''

pixie: flash cards like good leh... but baby too young to flash cards ba? wanna buy but think still long way to go.

Zenia: my fren BF for 15 months, when she stopped she suffered even worst hair lost.. i don't know if it's related or not..

Joc.... You can mix the 2 batch of ebm but it must be of the same temperature first.... You can mix a fresh ebm with the bottle stored in the fridge for a while.


Today Mdm Rokiah helped me clear some blocked ducts and she told me I should pump regularly. What I am doing now is basically latch my girl the whole day, pump only when I wake up in the morning and before I sleep at night, also during the time she wake up to feed, if I feel uncomfortable I will pump.

Is this wrong? Cos I want my body to get used to my bb's schedule so I try not to pump too much. And each time she usually only drink one side so I leave the other side alone until her next feeding I will latch on that side. Is this ok or should I pump regularly (for example everytime she feed, I pump the side she doesn't latch on?)

3 months plus already and i still face lumps problem. Sigh...

And she said mine was quite serious [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Oh about the gathering, I am ok if move to next monday. There is something I would like to do on Friday actually... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Valerie> flash cards can be flashed frm 8 weeks old...

I've $300 flash cards sitting at home... Lol...

Frm RY time until now... Can be used to pri sch de...

One whole set..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pinkypop> I've not pumped since week 3... But I didn't ore stimulate my breasts to start with... So my ss is more or less according to RL's dd.. I latch only one side each time and that means I only clear each side every 6-7hrly... I get a bit lumpy when I dun latch more than 8hrs... If RL sleeps a lot and didn't drink much... If u keep pumping u will keep stimulating ss... Then it will be a viscious cycle.. Ull have to pump long term... I think u will have go slowly reduce ur ss...

Once ur ss is reduced, the lump problems will get better... I think...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rach> so to reduce my ss I should pump less? The latest lumps appeared after I took 2 naps in the afternoon and suddenly... LUMPS! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Sorry Joc, You can mix the 2 batch of ebm but it must be of the same temperature first.... You shouldn't mix a fresh ebm with the ones stored from the previous pump.

2Ks, just saw the thread.. hope kyler recover asap before the bkk trip.. think the weather is bad... these few days rain like nobody biz and the next moment the sun is out..

my throat is also very dry.. now im drinking lotsa water... anyway, my maid has left and im gg to pick the new maid up tmr.. hopefully the new maid is better than the 1st one..

and guess wat, my mum damn emo lor when my maid bid her farewell.. she CRIED!!! i almost fainted when she cried... my maid also cried... pengz..

Hazel: thanks.. He coughing lor but doesn't seem to affect him so I let it be.. Gave him Chinese medicine le..

Your mum damn funny la!!! She pattern Many many lor! Then u got emo bor??

Ya hope yr new maid ok lor..

Let's hv a brekkie again before I go back work hor..

2Ks, me no emo la.. just mixed feelings only.. haha cos afterall before she chu pattern, she was ok one.. haha.. anyway, she has left so no pt looking back.. im hoping the new one will be better.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

When u wanna have breakkie again??

Hi all, went to KL with #1, so tired!! Any free time I keena pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] but the good thing is that my baby got on well with my mom n maid, stuck to her schedule so it makes going back to work a lil easier.

East mommies, if u're meeting up, I'm on leave most tues n Fridays... Cos I work all the way in the west [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rach: ooohhhh cool ok I'll tk a look at the flash cards. Thanks!

Pixie: the flash cards look good leh. I'll tk a look :D

2ks: cough not effecting him he should be ok as long as no fever ba [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope he will recover soon!

Hmm. Got east gathering? I'm on ML till July end month.

yeapppp, lets haf a eastie gathering maybe. hehe..

Hazel: hope yr new maid is much better! =D

2Ks: oh dear, hope Kyler recovers real fast ya.. jia you!


okay, the lady got back to me, aint giving me too much discount.. so ladies, pls hold on awhile more, cos ive contacted 2 more sellers to gimme their best price.. shall compare n den get frm the one tt offers the best prices for us ya! =D anyone in a rush? hehehe..

Pinkypop, I used to b like u too.. Latch whole day n pump mayb 10% only.. N latch each time is one side. I kena breast infection 3 times. So now what I do is stil latch on bb demand n try pump every 4 hrly if possible. But recently I changed to pump diligently before sleep n in middle of nite n then rest of day pump as n when available after 4hrs.. Caz takin care of bb or clash w bb latch so sometimes will extend to pump only after 6-7 hrs but stil ok caz in betw bb got latch mah.. At nite, my ss highest so muz die die clear before sleep n wake up at least once in middle of nite to pump again

Hi dear moms,

I am looking for a part time cleaner.

does anyone know a good one? my location is in west area... please pm me if you knoe one... thank you soo much!



Thanks thanks, I shall try to do the same. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I got lazy n stopped pumping just before I slept cos time interval between baby's last latch n my sleeping time sometimes not so far apart.


Thanks for organizing the baby books [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

