(2011/03) Mar 2011

Mummies, didn't get to order tonite..

Will try to place orders tmr afternoon..

Anymore orders, pls PM me..



hi everyone! i've also been MIA for a while...

can update my EDD to 13 March 2011 please?

i've been having some spotting. Had a scan last week and baby is fine. The midwives here say that so long as there is no pain and it's not bright, red blood gushing unstoppably, it should be fine.

anyone with the same experience? what did your gynaes advise?

Lai Lai ,

Same as me! I vomitted 3x whenever i take milk. So have not taken since then....

wow this pregnancy is really drilling... Making me vomit, gastric pain .... how i wish i can go back to the normal lifestyle..

home yoga

are we still goin ahead with this?? Coming into 2nd trim, we can start liaoz... Need to make appt first for the instructor??

BB Rabit

I'm left with 5 embies but din use leh. After the IVF babies, I think the hormones regulated my system and kicked start my engine. Dun know I could be so luck to 1 shot 1 kill. Both hubby n me still in disbelieve that I'm preggie lor. This one is singleton, apart from the terrible MS, everything is still manageable. In fact, this one got lots of cravings, last time the other 2 totally no cravings.

I'll probably keep them for one year before disposing them cos I won't be able to give birth liao. By the time I give birth to this one, I'm hitting 40 liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I was thinking of going back to Dr Loh leh. but after what you mentioned that he's encouraging you to go pte, dun think he's free the entertain me kuah! Altho, KKH is a public hospital, I'm more comfortable about their handling of emergency cases. Can rest assure that there are medical stuff 24 hrs. I'm sure you are aware of their Emergency Code thing. I witnessed one such case while I was in my emergency C-section. They are really professional. I told hubby that if I'm going into labour prior to 36 weeks, I'll go straight to 24 hrs clinic first den let them handle. Rather forgo the package fee for the pte gynae, cos it will be cheaper for baby to stay in KKH in Neo-natal or SCN den in pte hospital.


I usually go to the one in Phuket but my next stop would probably be Koh Samui. Been to the one in Phuket for 4 times already, they are a bit run down by now. Personally prefer thailand bcos of their hospitality, the one in Bintan not too good.

As for stretch mark, yes it will fade over time. There's many different type of creams and oil to help with stretch marks. It depends on individual preferences and how religiously you are applying it. During my first pregnancy, I did not have much stretch mark, probably it's genetic or probably bcos I apply generously twice a day.

I was prescribed a very simple and cheap moisturising cream from National Skin centre ~ Aqueous Moisturising Cream @ $4 plus per tub (dun know if they have increase the price), since it's cheap I use 1 tub per week, literally applying my whole body.

Morning will wake up, take my shower den apply. Den after evening shower, will apply again. Never never apply moisturiser on dry skin, that will make it more irritable and drier. My dermatologist friend told me that moisturiser needs fluid to work, so it's best to apply over damp skin, cos there's fluid on the skin, making the rubbing in easier. If you apply on dry skin, the cream will have to extract fluid from under your skin before it can be absorbed back into your skin. So if you notice, sometimes when you scratch you leg, den it appear that dry skin is coming off, and if you quickly just apply cream, you'll realise that it's more itchy right? that's the reason. Hope this will help you understand how our skin works.

hey mummies any1 knoe of a good pediatrician at Gleneagles? my gal got flu and cough for abt 1 week..yesterday fever damn high n used medicine..on n off fever whole day till now

i very worried..the pediatrician i go regularly got no slot today.

any1 can give me any good contacts urgently?

many thks

Tweety, I feel the same way as u. I tried ENSURE yesterday and feel my appetite getting better today. Hope it lasts. *touchwood*

Been drinking lots of cold apple juice n eating mentos to make myself feel better.

Hi Rach,

TT you the money already!

Morning all! had a satisfying brunch !! ever since preg, had been loving duck rice! yummlicious!


2k> missed out ur question...

No I'm not skinny prepreg.

Always been a L/XL size person...

So it's pretty amazing how much more my tummy stretched!!

But my mum had plenty stretchmarks too while having me..

So I believe it's genes Lo...

Redlets> pls kindly email me for record purpose...

Amount tt:


ATM or IB ref:



Sorry to interrupt. I am from an earlier thread. Have some "extras" from my breastfeeding days to let go cheap.

- 2 brand new boxes of Mothercare breast pads (100 pieces per box) with 25 - 50 loose pieces from an open box

- 2 brand new boxes of Lansinoh milk bags (50 pieces per box); with close to 40 loose pieces from an open box


$25 for breast pads - both boxes + loose pieces (original price: $18 per box)

$25 for milk bags - both boxes + nearly full third box (original price: USD10.99 per box)

Pls call / sms me @ 93679627. Don't PM as I don't check this often. Self collect from my place at Pasir Ris.

Breast pads reference: http://www.mothercare.com.sg/productdetail.asp?pid=67707

Milk bags reference:


val, I'm hope yr daughther is fine now. Coincidentally, my girl was down with fever last night too, still running some temperature now. Hope the girls get well soon.

Rach, I've dropped you an email, as well as transferred the money to you.

Lailai, dont tin you can drink Ensure....but you try asking your doctor see what he says..

Mrs teng, how much is the one you always go to per nite at Banyan? you try the one in Bali..or any good ones you wanna recommend since you used to be an aircrew..hehe..

Hi Airmex, wher is the ocean shop that you bt your clarins stretch mark cream? you bt at 60 plus usual 100plus rite-30% discount..can share the exact name of shop and address in AMK?thks..

hi sunesis, thks for ur reply..i rushed to SBCC Gleneagles- Dr Chng.

She was very nice to wait for me (last patient) despite she close at 1230pm.

Hi Chen, thks for concern. She got high fever twice on friday and sat...scared me...now she is better but her cough wif lots of phelgm is still there..its been a week already..sigh..

i oso didnt sleep well...so tough to be preggie and take care of sick child...


Mewowo n me in for the yoga class...

Any 2 more mummies interested?

Can hold at my place or we can rotate house??


audrey... oo no i din noe breasts also will haf stretch marks too! tat will b terrible... looks like we must apply lotsa places... hahaa...

2Ks... can u add mi into the mummy's table?

nickname: straylamb

home: macpherson

edd: 5 mar 2011

gynae: Dr Joycelyn Wong

hospital: tmc

baby # 1 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thanks!! =D

Morning mummies, went to see gynae last Sat and asked doctor to see the gender of the BB.

It's a boy....but to be confirmed in my next appt which is 1 month later...

Gd mrn, busy mrn. So many post to catch up later. GG for mtg now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rach- i am keen, but can only let u gers know next monday, after clearance from my gynae to start exercise.

Morning mummies!

Any advise anyone? Cos over the weekend, my entire lower abdomen and below very “suan”.. the feeling is like muscle ache for the lower abdomen area and cramps for the pelvic area.. is this normal? Or could this be due to insufficient hormones?


morning mummies,

going into my 11 weeks.

now my gynae asked me if i wanted to do the NT scan and some test.

did everyone take?

Allets: Lower abdominal achiness: As the muscles and ligaments that support your growing uterus stretch, you might notice some pain on the lower sides of your belly (technically called round ligament pain). This is perfectly normal — but if the pain becomes severe, let your practitioner know. (From What to Expect)

starfruit: depends actually, stretchmarks wont totally "erase" off...it will just become lighter...

like mine, its not that red anymore, but i can still see the lines at the sides..

Last night at 15 week I got my first leg cramp, damn sian, so early. Caused by having to stand in heels during my event for hours, on a Sunday some more.


The usual price of Clarins stretchmark cream is S$82. Ocean at Outram sells at 35% discount (S$53), whereas Pink Beauty at Ang Mo Kio sells at 30% off (S$57).

Ocean Shop is at People Park Complex, above OG outram. There are a no. of similar concept shops. U can compare prices. Yesterday, i went to outram. Think Ocean and Swanson (2nd floor) sold out stretchmark cream, so dunno how much Swanson is selling. Anyway, i bought it at the corner shop (called lay hwa, i think) on the same floor as Ocean shop.

Pink Beauty at AMK is opposite Koi bubble tea, besides the maxi cash (right shop name?) pawnshop -- the one michelle advertise.

Morning mummies! I am going to have my "parent-meet-child" session tonight, so excited woohoo!! :) Trying out a new gynae, hopefully will be comfy with her then i can finally update my details in the table too YAY.

M, aiyo don't wear heels la! If really must wear, try those low chunky heels?


I'm also about to ask this question... for the whole weekend, i experieced cramp...but not every minutes, but on/off... this week is my 14th week already!

Allets: Yah!! I also have been feeling "sng, sng" at the lower tummy area... I tot i have too much cold drinks, sibei scary hor.


I ordered car sign from this online shop.. if u Customised your own Car Signs, it costs $10 per pc.. anyway, they have a shop somewhere in Eunos, the boss said they have 200++ designs there, if u wana go there have a look, u can arrange appointment with him. those on the shelf will cost $8 per pc!

the website is http://www.rainforestgift.com.sg/index.htm

3 inch heels cos I didn't know I had to stand for hours, if not I would have worn my chunky heeled boots...not so glam but ... I'm aching all over even now.


ya loh.. was so worried about bb that i literally spent my weekend lying down at my sofa.. or could it be too much rest than when trying to get up, strained the muscle? cos when i walk abit, realised the feeling not so sng/ like the muscle a little more relaxed.. but the feeling so come back again..

will monitor by increasing my hormone pills back to 6 loh.. still must wait until next sat than gynae check..sian! hopefully everything going to be ok..

Morning ladies, I got a pimple coming on my nose. The red dot is becoming so obvious, so sad...I have not been applying makeup since my pregnancy now with is I even more ugly. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I am experiencing "sng,sng" at the lower back somewhere above the buttock, and some thing like muscle ache at the lower tummy area.

I tried Mug on Sat, although it has no caffine as stated, but I guess because it still carbonated drink, after that I experienced burping which I dislike...like MS, anyone have share the same experience?


My EDD is 8th March....so I guess...I belongs to this thread [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Will be delivering in Mt E. This will be baby #2 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies,

I also have this cramps feeling at my lower tummy this morning... but not really severe, so I guess it may be normal and fine as I know week 14 will experience cramps again due to stretching and moving of uterus...

Nowadays I been having body aching, always can't sit still in a position for long. Leg also "sng sng" esp before bedtime.

Even when I sit on my sofa watch TV, I feel my body aching and need to keep changing my sitting position every 5 - 10 mins.

Anyone also keep changing sitting position?


I've not tried Bali so I can't comment. For the one I usually frequent, just flight and accommodation alone will cost about close to 4k for 2 for about 5D/4N in a pool villa (they'll normal upgrade you to a higher grade when u get there) You have to search for those tour agent who will give good deals. Booking straight with the resort will definitely cost more. Average about US 800 per nite.

Hi Milkshake,

Yes, for me i cant be in a position for long.. be it lying down or even sitting comfortably.. even if it's comfortable intially, after a while, have to change position if not will experience discomfort near the tummy area..

though they say only when stomach gets bigger, sleeping on the back might become diff, i think am already experiencing that.. cos i cant sleep on my back as the back will ache.. now sleeping on my left side (read that it's better for the blood to flow to placenta)..

as for the sng feeling on my feet, i attributed to leg feeling cold.. so nowadays, i will wear socks to sleep.. machiam like school kids going to school.. haha..


haha...my colleague today told me her mum calculate for me, my #2 will be girl..LOL

i also bet with hubby last weekend, i said i got a strong feeling is boy..

pixiepixel: i dont mind #2 is boy too...cos more experience taking care of boy ma..then also can use back same stuff, same clothes...

#1 got loads of clothes...

fangfang: this round feeling is different, more tired, restless, nausea, sleepy etc...

when #1 i still cheong warehouse sale ok...

hi ladies,

i'm new to this forum, currently 12 weeks preggers. just wondering if anyone is still experiencing morning sickness? i threw up twice this morning... when will morning sickness end??

hi 2Ks, can you please add me to the mommy's list? thanks so much! ;)

nickname: spongehat

home: buangkok

edd: 22 mar 2011

gynae: Dr Douglas Ong

hospital: mt A

baby: #1


my pants are starting to feel tight. Dunno where can get cheap belly belts. Ladies, got any suggestions or lobangs?

Last night had a sumptious dinner!! Had a huge pot of claypot rice, assam fish head, chilli kangkong, sambal stingray, chicken feet/peanut soup and a tall glass of sugarcane juice!! SHIOK!!!

My tummy nearly burst my pants and my bra felt so tight, tat i tot i gonna faint into my bowl of claypot rice. Hahahaha!!!

