(2011/03) Mar 2011

2Ks: WHAT?! you mean after stop breastfeeding, they'll shrink back?!! o_O i didn't know that. but there are also cases where some ladies' boobs remain 1 or 2 sizes bigger after pregnancy right? *keeps fingers crossed*

Interesting topic abt maternity and nursing bras - i'm clueless haha.. Any mummies still wearing underwire bras? Cos i mostly wear strapless bra, strapless don't have non-underwire sort rite? Nowadays feeling tight and sometimes uncomfortable le, thinking if i should buy new ones.

audrey: It's strapless bra tat nearly killed me last night. My hubby was curious why i kept on hyperventilating, he thought I'm too excited when i saw the food! @#$%^

spongehat, ya... will shrink back de. Esp after you stop breafeasting.

audrey, can buy those bra extension to hook it at the back of the bra. Cheap and useful.

spongehat: for my friend, hers shrink back..

mine didnt...just when i stop bf, its not so firm...

conclusion is your breast will never be the same after breastfeeding...

mine enlarge and sag...LOL

2ks, mine shrank and sagged. haha. any ways to firm them back ah? haha. Tried firming cream, doesn't help also lei. haiz. Now with 2nd preg, seeing a bit of 'canal' liao... haha.

WOW... that's shocking news to me. o_O i didn't know pregnancy can change our bodies so much. did you ladies bf for a long time?

i guess i better enjoy my perky twins while i still can. ;p

chen, that's y u go raffles hospital as well right?

i gues i am not the only one overbuying bb clothes...

i shudder to think if #2 is girl...that time i think double wat i bought for my boy liao..

i like spring maternity nursing bra..soft n nice to wear

spongehat: i breastfeed for 14 months...

what to do...having a baby is not easy...

our body like rubber band, expand and contract...

jaime: spring maternity bra not very ex too!

i like to wear triumph ones at home, i bought at JB de, very cheap and comfy too..

Fish- Hahah, yr is 1-2 cm smaller. When I m v full, can be 34cm. HAHHA, my SIL said I look like 4-5mth.

2K- Healthy BB can liao. But ger can dress up 

Airmez- I was told that we need to change our bra at least 2 times during pregnancy. So I onli bgt 3 and wash them daily. Ya, strapless bra is terrible, the wire kill me. Now I onli got 1 strapless tube bra, under impression. V cheap, n good. C’os no wired. Recommended by ladies in the IVF forum

Spongehat- MS is hard, but it is a constant reminder that your bb is doing well.  Yes, the onli thing I love abt myself other than the growing tummy is my breast. Hahaha, can use tt as “reason” to make my hubby exercise.

Pixie- Dun need to fast  . But I read that it help if we drink a warm cup of milo before our scan. Wake the bb up.

Fangfang- Exp? As in the bra? The next time I change, guess will buy from Mothercare liao

hey bb rabit, I bought at $45 for one bra...still sourcing around for cheaper option, may try spring maternity nursing bra.

I am interested in my waist size now, too bad I dun have a measuring tape else can see how much my tummy have grown.

airmez, your hb is funny haha! O no, guess i better stop wearing my underwire too (which means an entire bra wardrobe change!) - my colleague also scare me that the underwire may cause duct blockage for BF in future. -_-"

Chen, where did u get your bra extensions? I wanna get too!

BB rabit, thanks for sharing, u're a life saver cos i absolutely cannot live without strapless haha! Too particular abt bra straps showing when i wear sleeveless stuff. Where can i find impression strapless tube bra?

jaime, u wear your spring maternity nursing bra even during preggers? Worth it leh haha... How much are they roughly?

O no, hearing all the horror stories abt shrinking and WORSE - sagging - breasts.... yikes!! How to prevent?? ):

Fish, me too lor... my hb keep squeezing the fats on my arm. ): and everytime he looks at my tummy, he'll go "Bb or fats?" BOO.

Audrey- U can get the bra extension at most of the bra dept. As for the impression bra, I got mine at Metro for ard 15 buck. GG back for 1 more this wkend.

Hhaha, my hubby also same. Keeping telling me more likely to be fat than BBB ‘cos BB supposed to b still v small. Best part, he love to talk to my fats!

Last pregnancy, I bought my nursing bra at week 30 plus. One size up based on the measurement of my chest at that time. Got 2 pcs each of cup B & C. After delivery, I used the Cup B and sequently when my milk increase in supply, I switched to Cup C. Feel at 2 pcs should be more den sufficient becos, most of the time will be using breast pad, so the bra won't be that dirty. There's ample time for the one that is washed to dry up before you can soil the other. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2Ks: wow. 14mths is a long time to bf. i was still thinking maybe i'll bf for 6mths enough. of coz also depends on whether got supply or not.

BB Rabit: heehee... i think it's nice that you and your hubby still exercise. my gyne told us to refrain coz of my spotting. It's funny that they always tell you it's safe to have intercourse. Yet the moment there's spotting/bleeding, the first qn they ask you is always: did you have intercourse? so bobian, my hubby and i gotta refrain to be on the safe side.

Fish: my waist is only 28"... cannot fight with you. haha

jaime, I go to TMC lei...

audrey, can get them at any places that sell bras or maternity shops.

Talking abt waist, thighs and arms, I'm starting to worry about my size after baby pops. Scary.

BB rabit, u just made me LOL into my screen! Yes, in that case my hb love to talk to my fats too HAHA!! Okok cool, i shall go get the impression bra and extension at Metro one shot soon hehe. *can't breathe as i type!*


Your spring maternity nursing bra is those nylon type? Cos last time I buy from them, they were are nylon type and I dun quite like it bcos it traps heat. Imagine during confinement, body hot and the breast is like engorged at times, making it soooo uncomfortable. I only used them 3 months after my delivery. Only thing I like about it is it fits very nicely to my breast.

Does nursing bra gives shape to boobs? I tried wearing them out, seems shapeless or have i got a lousy nursing bra? End up, I wore nursing bras at home only.

Tigg3r, thanks for sharing. yeah i also read that it's better to buy nursing bras nearer delivery cos our breasts will keep changing rite.. think i'll be like u and buy 2 pcs at week 30+ hehe.

Chen, please... u r still so slim aft #1 lor! :)

Spongehat- u are really petite. 28 is my pre-bb size...My hubby refused to exercise 'cos he scare hurt BB. So must seduce him with my asset now...hahaha. But after exercise, always v gulity, esp if tummy cramp. I also get spotting bet wk 8-11. Now better liao, so dare to naughty abit.

Audrey- talking to bb still not so bad. he love to touch my belly/tummy/fat in the public. I tell him, fat leh...he can answer me, pple dun know u 3mth plus onli, also think fat=bb. @@

Airmez- Forgot to ask u describe yr lunch today. That always make me hungry.....Me wondering if i shld take yogurt for teabreak


Think using the correct breast pad is more important. last time, dun know, go and buy tolleyjoy, super duper hot until my breast very painful. Den quickly switch to Pigeon brand, which is fully cotton. Wah! finally the breast can breath. Remember got one time, got ran urgent errand, go out din put the breast pad properly. Half way thru, my dress got wet bcos my milk leaked.. so embarrassing.

nursing bra

bravado is the best!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I can get it at very very good prices..

I wore since #1 born, till now.. Been wearing for a yr..

I own 2 Original Nursing Bra n 2 Body silk seamless..

Recently bought another 2 ONB cuz not enough tobwash n wear la.. Everytime gotta rush rush wash n wear.

Now with 6... I can wear without worrying dry or not..

Check www.bravadodesigns.com

Even Julia Roberts wears them okie!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Let me know I can start a spree..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LOL oops! yeah i'm on the small frame side. i'm abt 154cm and slightly underweight even before becoming preggers. need to eat more but the puking and poor appetite haven't been helping. good news is i haven't lost any weight since becoming preggers. can't imagine if i did. :S

BB Rabit: kekeke... i also wanna seduce my hubby with my assets leh. really haven't been myself since preggers. i miss the old me and also being intimate with my hubby. sigh! can't wait have my old self back!

Tigg3r- Ya, 2 times so far. Wk 11 and last wkend wk 13/14. I onli dare 'cos gynae nv tell me cannot. Hahah. After noti noti, my hubby so worry, keep asking me if bb okay. Keep asking me go toilet see if got spotting....

hey bb rabit, ya, you are daring, ever since I am IVF, we have been very obedient, and the nurses keep telling us to have safe sex, so we were like 'aiyah for bb sake, NO SEX..' hhaha...no life liao

chen: those cloth type dont give shape to breast lor..so when wear with clothes, its actually quite ugly..

i have a few which is more 'hard cup', i wear those outside..

but usually those comes with wire, and true with wire is more uncomfortable.

hey rach, I dun mind getting the bravado as you mentioned, let me know how should I proceed, I like to get the basic & body silk seamless bra, thanks...

BB Rabit: I very very guai just now. Had hot steaming bowl of sliced fish beehoon soup to detox. Later going to Chomp Chomp to eat BOTH hokkien mee AND pork porride tonight!! Mmm, maybe squeeze in 1/2 dozen of bbq chicken wings as well!! Hahahaha!!

Rach0- Sizing similar to what we have for Asia Size? Me dun mind getting 1-2 to try out.

Airmez- Me also have fish soup porridge. Told my coll to surprise me with healty food. CHOMP CHOMP.....i love the BBQ food and carrot cake there. Me gg home for dinner tonite.

Rach, is it too early to buy now?? Breasts will still grow rite... And ya nv try is it a bit risky for bras?

Airmez, all that and 1/2 dozen chicken wings - u champion haha! I m craving unhealthy white carrot cake for dinner too hehe.

bb rabit, you must be thinking of teabreak now that is why asking airmez to describe her lunch, what are you having for teabreak?


2k> u are sooo right!! Ever since I got #1, everything is online!!! Maybe influence by my #1 thread mummies.. They also online siao!!!

So now.. My #1 clothes 99% old navy/GAP.

the rest are ppl buy/give one...

My own 50% ON, 30% Glamourmom nursing tanks ( I have 9of them in different colors) the rest my mummy bought for me when I was preggy with #1...

since then, I never go shopping!!!!

Now my shoes only one fitflop bought frm BP.. very comfy and I wear it WHEREVER I go... hb also say this shoe very good.. Last time 3 mos change 1.. My feet dunno what feet wear n tear very fast de... Now I wear I think 5-6mos liaoz.. Still going strong... Lol...

The ONLY dress I bought at ROBINSONS was last month when I went shopping with my cousin...

End up bought a $109 dress!!!! It's for now till 2nd-3rd trim till post preg can wear for nursing also... Very versatile dress..

Those who came to collect stuffs frm me yesterday will see me wearing it.. Lol....

When I signed with CC for the dress feels so weird... Was telling my cousin very long nv like sign for purchase over counter liaoz... Always key in number on keyboard de... Lol....

