(2011/03) Mar 2011

Gd mrn ladies...finally today is friday....Me just has such a nice mee hoon BF. I tot it was such a huge pkt, but i managed to finish all. SINFUL....



i saw ur post, juz wondering if your good frenz seeing any gynae to solve this problem??? I have a colleagues who had M/C for 3 times le... she hoping to have a BB, but her body always cant support the BB, so.. she go and see gynae, tell her gynae the 1st day of her period and gynae advise her the best date to conceive... and her hubby and herself did alot of tests!!! u can ask ur frenz to try if they reli wana BB urgently..

juz some suggestion.

thanks fish...i know my fren went to tcm, but not really a gynae or fertility specialist yet

2Ks, can update my EDD to 10 March 2011, thanks

thanks pinkypink for the info..i realise Dr lee charges cheaper than my first gynae..any case, i am quite comfortable with her..

think the sonographer, millia will be doing ur FTS...i dont quite like her...keep saying my baby not cooperative..i just think she is not good coz #1, i dont really remmeber scaning for so damn long..in fact i remember the detailed anomaly scan was the long one, not the FTS/NT Scan for my #1

morning gals.

TGIF!! I will be going for my check up plus injection tonight. =)

hope things go well.

BB rabit...all the way!

Morning All,

Is anyone else having headaches? Since last week I get this bad bad headaches every few days and I have to take a regular panadol or they won't go away! I have enuf sleep, I'm feel in general ok... just my head! I know it's normal but oh dear goodness!

M - yes... i feel that way too. Had to pop in panadols to ease the pain otherwise cannot work. Hope panadols arent doing too much harm to us.. sob sob.

Rabb - I popped in one like 20 mins again and I swear it's getting worse [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Hi Ladies,

I am from Jul 10 MTB and have the following for sale.

1. Klorane Dry Shampoo (used 3 times only) $5

2. Brand new L size Old Navy maternity pants $29.50

Pls pm me if interested.





jaime: updated...i had a hard time finding jaime, end up its log as preciouzalex..LOL

i tot my eyes blur or what leh...keke

BB rabit, just read your story and felt so emo. Sayang you! Can only imagine what a rollercoaster journey you and the other IVF mums have gone through, really salute u all... u and hb must be super thrilled when u tested positive, i'm so happy for u too! :)

Rach, thanks for passing me the earth mama stuff ytd. Good to finally see u! But too bad din get to see your girl hehe. Btw will u be spreeing more from lucky vitamins? I m interested to get more, and so is my gf when she heard how prompt u were! :)

hi mummies,

Any mummies know is it safe to go for facial treatment or mani/pedi cure during pregnancy ??

Thks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Rach,

not sure if am still able to make it.. where did you order the Earth mama butter from? cos currently using Palmer Cocoa Butter's but smell not so fantastic.. thought of trying out the Earth mama since so many of you here say it's good!


M - try to drink 7up or 100plus..? see if it helps on ur headaches.. cos popping in too much of those pills no gd for us too. I took 2 pills at a time (1000mg)... sigh. Cos I know for my usual headaches 1 pill(500mg) doesnt work on me. Also dun take the panadol extra strong, as it contains caffeine.


i just went facial yesterday leh...ok lah. must tell them u preggers so they'll know what not to do/use on you

mummyprincess - i did try to ask Dr before if can go facial like normal blackhead extraction/face wash.. she said should be fine. But if its those laser treatments or chemical face mask peels she said better not (i heard its called retin peel or smthing like tht). But so far, Im still waiting for 2nd trim to come then go. Maybe also make sure if they do provide some massage, dun massage near ur heart.. (thts what pple tell me).

As for mani/pedi, read in forum that still can do, but maybe dun apply dark colours...

Hope it helps ! I'm also eager to be pampered by facial and mani/pedi [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We still must look pretty hor !!!

mummyprincess/presto, I think pedi cannot be helped lor, cos at some point we sure cannot cut our own toenails right HAHA. And i think i trust the mani/pedi lady more than my hb to handle my nails hehe. But maybe choose a place that's more well-ventilated so we don't breathe in that much of the chemicals?

Jazz2, ooh prenatal massage sounds tempting! Currently relying on my hb to gimme quick neck and shoulder rubs, but i need a pro soon haha... and we are around the same time! :)

Cannot believe it. I did not eatmuch for lunch today. Cannot tahan my home-cooked food, not that it is not nice, just that my maid made a mess of my lunch box....Ended up i took yogurt to make myself happy. I shall aim for KFC or Kway Chap tonite.

AirMEx-What yummy food did u take for lunch today? I am waiting for u to "seduce" me

M- I do get headaches on n off. Can last for 2 days. Did not take pandaol, ask my DH to massage my head and shoulder area for me. It helps.

Audrey- Yes, agreed with u. Pedi is a MUST. I been once so far. Dun trust my hubby wif my feet. N he super KS, dun allow me to bend dpown and take my own sweet time to cut and paint.

Jazz- There are some places for prenatal which i already bookmark them. Once my gynae said i can go next wk, i will book. i think wk 15/16 shld be fine hor.

wow bb rabit, you are are on for a first time mummy, book the prenatal massage liao ah...so you only have yogurt for lunch ah...enough?

I had burger king, now having a dumpling...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just had curry chicken from Hans, yum!!

Pedi - I also just did pedi about 2 weeks ago, cannot imagine going with pedi the whole 9 mths..haha!!

guess if the place is well-ventilated it should be fine...

I rem when I was preg with my #1, I even dyed my hair, not sure if that's the reason why my boy's hair isn't exactly all black, a bit on the brown side..haha!!

i had samy's curry fish head for lunch! simply yummy plus lime juice..

but i am feeling very thirsty now...

hoho. any good pre-netal massage to recommend?

Hi mummies,

anyone experiencing heartburn esp after food? have this strong feeling near the chest area.. any idea how to get rid of that?


i had kway chap for dinner yesterday, and for today's lunch. cravings i guess

today ms quite bad, i am now almost dying in the office. later need to carry laptop and make my way from office to gynae by mrt...sianz of the travelling liao

BB Rabit: I had a big plate of chicken rice with lotsa dark soy sauce and chilli! And a bowl of iced mango pomelo as dessert. YUmms!! Soli to hear about ur unsatisfying lunch though...

BB rabit, can share your prenatal massage contact? :)

I had fried hokkien mee for dinner ytd, been craving it for days. But somehow when i tasted it, it doesn't taste as good and satisfying as i had thought? I wonder if that's how cravings are like cos i seldom have them, strange! Today's lunch i just had claypot noodles, very savoury and steaming hot, yummy! And now i m sharing a cup of Koi Oolong milk tea with my friend oops - so sinful!

So envious of you ladies to go pedi... dunno why, i dare not go leh. Cos i'm afraid that the bb will have 胎记. But the nails no color, sibei ugly leh... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

thanks 2Ks...i tot my nick as preciouzalex...i also myself sometimes very confuse ..hahaha

facial ..must do!!..esp those who like me experience more dry skin..must must..last time i was made to by ampoule/serum for dry skin...300 for 10 botttle..this time round..trying very hard not to spend on this..

mani/pedi..last time i avoided during 1st trimester..

then after that i think ard 3-4 times throughout my pregnancy.i tot since its not every month should be ok bah..

i badly in need of a mani/pedi..if never colour like never do [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

last time i just do prenatal at my massage place..

in the MTB goodie bag, there is a discount voucher by www.babiesbellies.com.sg

49.50 for pre natal..i very tempted to go try.

last time my facial place advise to be after 4 months..but now i only 3 months..dont know whether can go now or not..

Audrey: Claypot noodles, esp Ee mee..., with chilli padi... super SHIOK!!! Wow... where to get my fix leh... Mmm..

2Ks: Cos work very sianzz, so gotta look fwd to lunch.. Somemore, dinner cooked by my maid so-so nia... so 'lunch' cannot anyhow play play.. hahaha!!

Earth Mama Angel Baby Body Butter & Stretch Oil

MUmmies, i'm ordering from LuckyVitamin TONITE!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone wants anything from LV, please PM me by tonite okie.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Item Name:




Total x 1.43 and tt to DBS Savings Plus 0191084271 with ur order.

You can order anything u want.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Pedicure> I've been going for my regular treatments 1-2 times a month...

okay leh...

Even with #1 also...

she still as pretty as ever.. :p

Cindy/Jazz: Curry sounds good!! I also love the assam fish head. All the lady finger, eggplant, tomato.. Sng Sng taste, appetite super booast!! Drool...

Prenatal Massage @ Compassvale @ $38 - 60min


Pre-Natal Massage

A pre-natal massage is a wonderful way to relax and prepare for the joyous arrival of your child. Recommended after your first trimester, this customised massage for pregnant women will allow you to experience relief from the physical and emotional stress as we ease the aches and sores from your neck, back, hips and legs.

Duration Price

60 mins $38

90 mins $50

To make an appointment, please call Ivy Tan at 90236575.

Been there a few times.. not bad la... but need to drive then easier else i very lazy to travel there.. :p

I tot there was someone cautioned me against shoulder massage during facial. How come prenatal massage can massage neck etc?

Everyone seem to have nice lunch. I onli took yogurt and abit of meat n veg. My maid even put burnt rice in my lunch box. GG to give her a piece of my mind tonite.Before that i must go for a nice yummy dinner either KFC or Kway Chap.

Tigg3r- I still got 2 left with KKH. U? the number of embroyo retrieved not good. U still see SF LOH? I dun anymore, he gave me a open date apt, say unless emergency, i can just continue ithe pte gynae. He also dun wann me lor. When u due? twin or?

Audrey- My url save on home laptop. I post here tonite. Me nv book yet, pending clearance from gynae. The website said wk 16 or 18 onward, i forgetten.

Airmex- Hahah, i took chicken rice a few day ago, lot of chilii and black soya sauce. Yummy. think taht will be my lunch next mon. Prenatal massage apparently differnt from the normal massgae. Even the way we lie down also different. That is my understanding from that website.

Rach, LV increase earth mama price since our last order leh - by 0.10 USD per bottle wahahaha! Ok oops i very cheapo hehe. I m ordering more, pls wait for me k!

Airmez, Hermes really super pricey, but u can ask hb to buy for u as bb/love gift hehe!


i searching for stretch mark cream, any recommend ?? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


mummyprincess: the mummy here some using earth mama..

i am using clarins..

apparently palmer cocoa butter make me sensitive and had rashes

ayo..last week i just bought clarin cream n oil from ocean at chinatown..cost me a bomb..

n still wanna try earth mama... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

wat i did last time, was the expensive on use on belly, the cheaper ones use on thigh, and other prone to stretching parts... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2Ks - ya, i use palmer cocao b4, i feel itcy and raches oso... now searching other brand [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

jaime: my friend work in clarins...so i can get at staff price..kekeke..

i last pregnancy hor...focus on tummy so much hor..end up forget about the buttock sideways...almost due 2 weeks then the stupid stretch marks appear lor!


mummyprincess: ya lor..heard alot of mummies got rashes after using palmer...my sister also got rashes after using it

