(2011/03) Mar 2011


one question wana post here!!! muz we reli need to wear those kind of big big panties (so called maternity panties) when our tummy gets bigger in these few mths??? the panties look so ugly and so aunty wor!!!


spongehat: sure..updated.

airmez: your appetite really good leh! i definitely cant eat like you lor...

i always eat half i feel full le..

fish: u are sooo cute...dont have too la..

just wear something you feel comfortable with la

OMG...AirMez, that dinner was really sumptous, you can stand the spicyness ah, nowadays, my taste bud is so different from my normal days, I cant even stand the chicken rice chillies. I still dun have appetite for such sumptous dinner (wish the appetite will come back to me fast).

Hey 2Ks, I feel more "xin ku" than the previous pregnancy as I have more MS, headache, loss of appetite, and moodyness...my gut feel is that I am having a girl (will have to check the gynea tomorrow and update you all.

rach, i wanna do yoga also..but location not good leh..i stay ur hubby;s office..very far from yishun..

actually my condo, wat they do is, they rent the function room to do the yoga at night..i can also arrange if got the teacher n students to split the cost of

but location (walking distance from farrer park mrt) any one keen?

AirMez, do you know we are not supposed to eat stingray? It is one of the fishes on the top list of "Fish To Avoid" because Stingray is high in mercury. Please stop eating stingray in future. And for those who may not be aware, kangkong is considered liang and may worsen legs cramp. So if you already have leg cramps, don't touch kangkong, a no no no! I also just came to know about kangkong cause leg cramps recently. Peanuts I think we can eat but don't eat too much also. Not very good to us in something? I can't remember for that.

Just to share with you gals.

Fish, I saw that maternity pantie also. Really very HUGE and auntie loh! But I think that pantie is only suitable to pregnant mum when she is in her third trimester, when her tummy is really big? Coz the pantie so big, I don't think we can fit in well now. Haha... But I do think that it will help to support our tummy in some way. If not they won't invent such maternity panties le. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

morning all mummies,

any tips to know the bb gender ? i now on 15 weeks pregy, very curious abt my bb#2 gender leh [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] any tips to share ? hehehe

2Ks, ha ha..i also sometimes think if #2 is boy also ok..the bags of clothes i have for #1 is so much..2 big hotel laundry bags man..n my boy is only 16 months..sometimes i really regret buying so much...but that said i still buy on n off..wanna give ppl also very sayang..i think only the rompers n PJ can recycle for #2 if girl..

the rest like polo tshirt, pants cant recyle if girl

but really wanan close shop...so #2 is girl is the best! n continue buying more coz can buy pink, hair pin, hair band, hair clips..

fish hu, i only wore those panties..those below the waist..so the size of belly doesnt matter..


i know Stingray cannot cannot cannot eat... reason, u said already, very high in mercury! then for kangkong, yes... also try not to eat too much, but i did eat some la!!! anyway, to avoid leg cramp, actually we should have more banana!

Then peanuts, i was told not to eat, will cause BB to have asthma

fish: no need la...just wear something u are comfortable with can le...

annie: those food u mentioned are true...

but hor...after #1, i very bo chup lor...i eat anything that come across my mind LOL

jaime / Annie,

me too.. wearing those below wasit de!!! i think most of the gals here wearing this ba!! hahaha!!! but at least i know we wear our normal panties is okie... at least no need to wear those materity panties!!! i think i wear this, i dare not to look myself!!!

jaime: me too lor...#1 got alot alot of clothes...all in boxes in the storeroom..as u said very sayang to give away..cos like PL, gap, ON...all nice nice de leh...

somemore i hand wash my son clothes de...

so nowadays i really stop buying, only a few pc each time from overseas spree...

very contradicting hor

Annie, o no i just had some stingray on friday at a BBQ! ):

Fish, wow i din know there are such stuff as maternity panties. Am still wearing my normal low-rise ones, but getting tight! ):

BabyG, I am buying the Pru First gift for my bb coz I am someone who believes greatly in insurance. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That plan is good for us too. Just add another $320 and it will cover the mother from the day you sign the plan until you give birth. Covers common pregnancy complications and some bb's problems as well. It's definitely a good plan to invest in. I already fix date with my agent to buy this plan next month. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fish, yes yes, peanuts will cause bb to have asthma, thanks for refreshing my memory. hehe...

2Ks, I guess first pregnancy always very caution and kan chiong. Maybe you experience liao.. so you bo chap. haha.. Maybe we will be like that too when we have our #2/3.. lol.. But for now, I hope to give my bb the best! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fish, for that kind of maternity panties, I think we can leave it as last option. If by then we really too fat to fit in the larger size of normal panties, then we can consider this maternity panties ba. hahaha...

Audrey, since you already had it, then don't think about it. I guess if you didn't have alot should be fine. Now that you aware, just avoid eating it again. I also see my friends eat until very tempting but I control!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

airmez, u sounded like u had a feast last night. So yummy!

Fish, the normal low rise panties can last us till delivery de... only thing I upgrade is an extension for my bras.

Audrey, I love BBQ food... haha.

Jaime, I stay near you... hee. I've just packed my girl's clothes away too. Two huge boxes!!!


I'm also close to 12 weeks, still having MS especially bad when it about 5pm onwards. Think won't stop until probably week 14 or 16. My precious pregnancy, my MS got better after 16 weeks.

I usually eat very small portions every 2 hourly. And drink water about 20 to 30 mins after food. If I throw up, I'll eat somethings else, otherwise empty stomach I also will throw up, too. My attitude is eat first, den can hold will be good, cannot hold, throw up lor. Cos holding back feels more jialat. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally lunch time. Waiting for my coll to tabo for me….I am so looking forward to see my little one next monday. This sat gynae fully booked. Hope can see boy or ger.

Jazz- Yes, I did my NT scan. Think quite a no. of MTM here did their.

M- Saluate u, still can wear heel. Me gave them up for the last 13 weeks. Dun play play, keep them aside for time being

Airmez- I also experience the suan suan feeling when I drink too much cold drink. Try warm water. If no spotting (TOUCH wood), shld be fine. Mainly bb growing. U can really eat …..just like me. Now my hubby call me the rubbish bin, eat everything and anything

BTW, me already wearing maternity pant/short now and loose clothing. So nice tt u still can fit into yr old clothing, but if get tight, pls wear bigger size. Last fri I wore jean, too tight, cramp n spotting. Scary. Even the extension belt also does not help much.

2k- tot u should aim for a ger. For me, bb ger or boy also dun matter, as long as healthy. But hor, I keep dreaming that bb BOY.

Fish- Me already wearing bigger undies since wk 8, bgt 1 size bigger. Those preggy undies look so ugly leh. I also bgt those bra w/o wires under sorella, v comfy.

I used to wear M size undies, but now into my 15th week, i found my XL undies very tight liao. How huh? got XXL? i can't find it.

bbrabbit, same here, i can't wear bra with wire, cause very tight, so same here, wore sorella w/o wires, very comfortable.

looks like those teenagers, wear w/o wires. =)

I still wearing my normal bras & undies...as long as you feel comfortable then no need to change...

Doc said is a boy but TBC ...how huh? think bb boy easier to spot ...

BabyG ,

I am also buying Prufirst! I also believe in insurance. My sis-in-law bought the plan for her son. So i think it is not bad.

I have to wait until 18th weeks.

Dear Mummies, if u need to buy insurance for your baby, can contact my Prudential financial consultant Daniel. He is the type of new age sensitive guy, very understanding towards women. I think u all will enjoy talking to him.

hi tigg3r

thanks for your tips [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my MS is usually in the mornings. i've had some previous spotting from throwing up quite violently, and my gyne put me on duphaston. i've already finished the duphaston last week, so i was quite worried when i had some violent wrenchings this morning. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

also, not much appetite to eat. i'll force myself to eat what i can but it does get discouraging sometimes when i take donkey years to finish a meal just to throw up minutes later. it'll be nice to have a feisty appetite like Airmez. ;)

so far not enjoying first time pregnancy at all... really wish this MS biz will pass soon...

Speaking of bra and panties, I bought $400 worth of underwired push-up bras in June and only used 1. Now it is so tight till I can't breathe. Wasted. Don't know what to do with the rest. Don't think I can wear them next year after delivery right? Wait all grow mouldy....=\

I'm also considering buying the prudential insurance. Sounds good!

gals.. let's go home and measure our tummy size and let's see who's wasit is the biggest now!!! haha!!! in (cm)...actually i know mine already.. mine is 31cm now!!! almost reach the size of my breast le!! reli become water pail le!! hahaha

hey spongehat, hang in there, the tough part will ne over soon, I am in my 13 weeks, cant say I am having a good time now but it is definitely better than week 8 onward, so HANG IN THERE...GAMBATEK....happy tots happy tots [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


me started wearing the sorella non-wired bra think around week 6 cos they are so soft unlike the normal bras that simply hurt cos they are so hard!

Hi fangfang - for me, i bought them 3 at $45.90 (buy 2 get 1 free).. bought it at sorella distributor called "Brahouse" near lakeside market..


Sponghat, u r not alone. I'm still experiencing MS on and off these days...I try to drink more water n fill my stomach with Milo n toast bread/crackers when I feel my stomach rumbling.

Same as you, I'm into week 11 now. We jiayou together ya!

Starfruit, ok I better go and check..thanks! =D


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb.

i've alr delivered my bb gal, looking to clear the following items. hope mtbs will find them of interest!

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are

described to the best of my knowledge.

items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs, items once SOLD

will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls PM or SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. calls from unknown

nos. will not be entertained.

thank u!!

hey allets, thanks for the infor, was just wondering should I buy normal bra like sorella or should I just go for nursing bra as I intend to breat feed.

Annie: OK, noted. Actually I didnt finish all those food all by myself hor. The stingray i know cannot eat, but the newly charcoaled fragrance made me eat abit bit lah.. haha.. Oops, dinno kangkong is cooling type. Ok, will not eat that in the future...

sorella bra is those beige beige color one, izzit? got padding? can still eat outline of nipple or not huh?


but does nursing bras come with pad? if not wouldnt you need to put nursing pad (or else wouldnt the headlight show!)..


Fangfang/Airmez- I think i paid less than 25 buck for 1 and buy 2 get 1 free. It is seamless, colour coverage, comfy. Recommended by a gew preggy gfs. Got a few colourm black, nude and purple. Check properly before buying, some come with wire.

Fish- Me almost 32 or even 33 liao. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

bb rabit: ya by right i should aim for a girl la..but i half half lor..half wants a girl, the other half dont mind a boy...

contradicting de..

me hor..now as and when still wearing my nursing bra...although i not nursing anymore...

the first pregnancy i keep changing bras ah...cos become so tight..

2Ks: How to buy nursing bra? Buy at our current size or many sizes bigger? izzit adjustable from now till give birth and breastfeeding? Wow, like tat, sibei value-for-$$ leh...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

heehee... think the one thing i'm pleased with is BIGGER boobs. mine are pretty small to begin with, so even some slight swelling makes me happy. keke

fangfang/lailai: thanks for the encouragement. will try to stay positive. jiayou jiayou~ yeah i also drink alot of Milo just to fill my tummy. sometimes i think it's easier to be on a Milo drip. ;p

hey mummies, can check do oscar test dun need to fast right? they will just scan your tummy rite?

i oredi forgotten liao...

i didnt call to make appt, must walk in this week before 830am...sianzzzzzzzzz

airmex: i buy a cup bigger...length also one size bigger, like i wear 75A, i buy 80B...

but normally those without cup one (soft type), it usually comes in size like 34/36/38 etc..

those cloth kinds, without cup type wont show nipples la...cos there is extra layer of cloth over it...

hey airmez, I bought mine at mothercare and they go according 32(cup size), I bought 34C which I feel quite comfy. I also went to Mom-in-Mind and bought 2 nursing bras from there but I reckon Mothercare's bra is better cause all cotton - just for your infor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

spongehat: u very cute...same with my friend, she was very happy when her breast ballooned when she was pregnant and breastfeeding....

but hor...after she stop, she shrink back...

she always say she want to go for breast implants..LOL

Oic, thanks 2Ks and fangfang! So can buy 1 cup bigger lah. Initially i was thinking if buy too big, inside empty empty, then if pple knock into the me, the bra cup kenna 凹 in and cannot pop back up.... will be too malu lah. Wuahahhahaha!!

