(2011/03) Mar 2011

Jamie: Yah, my western gynae also says ok to shoulder massage, but i think someone's sinseh advised her agst it, tat's why...

BB Rabit: i see...

Audrey: Yah, it's pricy. Tat's why i sometimes will go to the purse forum to drool at the bags to curb the longing. hahaha!!


2Ks : so weird hor, wonder if it's really cos we dyed our hair while preggy, so end up our kids hair not total black..

even now at age 7 can still see his hair is a bit brownish..

me currently using clarins cream.. I mananaged to get it at 30% discount!! $82 -> $57.40 at Pink Beauty (i.e. like those 'Ocean' type of shops in people park). Quite good deal hor? *rub hands in glee*

Rach- I will get the current stk u already have as agreed yest. If u got ready buyer who need it urgently, u can sell to them 1st. And order for me. I just got the new bottle yest, shld be able to last me 6-8 wks bah

Jamie- Ya, my TCM advised against, esp 1st trimester. But i v v v stiff leh, need masssage to losen me. So me gg to ask my gynae again next wk. Western gynae usually say go ahead, TCM will say now.

2K/Cindy- Then i shld go dye abit brown, so tt my bb has got natural brown hair.

Air-Mez - u bought the clarin cream for $57.40 (after discount) for how many g ?? How to get the discount , is it only for member ?

cindy: really ah...ya his not totally black one hor...hubby was asking where he come from...LOL

airmez: clarins good hor...i find it absorb very fast...i starting use pigeon one, but dont absorb that fast...

my friend staff price even cheaper than pink beauty...kekeke

bb rabit: why u want natural brown hair? i shave my boy before but come out also brown

2k- Look cute mah. If hair like me or my hubby, alot of white hair [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Voon: I forgot the weight. It's the standard tube tat we see at departmental store. The price is open to all. This Pink Beauty is at Ang Mo Kio. Should ve other outlets. Its concept is like the ocean shop we found at people's park.

bb rabit: ya...my dear hubby was wondering his hair come from who...cos both of our hair is black colour de...

my hub also got alot of white hair...due to stress

2Ks: wow.. cheaper than pink beauty ah. u good loh, got such fabulous lobang. Yah, it's fast absorbant, and doesnt have icky feeling after application. But, I dunno whether to try clarins oil, after i finish with this tube of clarins cream.

BB> no more butter! hahaha.. all taken up.. still got strech oil though...

next batch will reach 3 weeks time.. dun think u'll finish the butter so fast rite????

btw, whats the diff between oil and butter huh??

when to use oil and when to use butter??

i look at both.. i stunned.. hahaha.. :p

Airmez/2ks, wow u girls really lobang queen - good deal! I got my clarins tonic oil at metro 20% discount already thought good deal haha. Then got the clarins tube cream as a gift YAY, agree clarins is nice to use and absorbent too, but pricey leh!

mummyprincess, i use both clarins and earth mama oil and cream. Oil for night, cream for day. Just started earth mama ytd so dunno issit i 喜新厌旧 haha, better don't give biased opinions. Both oil/cream texture is good and easily absorbed, but earth mama body butter is less thick than clarins cream so i find it easier to spread. Depends whether u like it rich i guess. But i do prefer earth mama's smell hehe, and it's def much more affordable than clarins when we spree! :) Don't buy earth mama in SG cos the price is totally ridiculous!

Oh girls, i do not mean the oil is specifically for night and butter for day! I just mean that's the way i use it hehe. Up to your preference i guess. I scared too oily in the day if weather gets hot and sweaty, yet too kiasu to go without anything so i apply butter haha. But my mentality is oil seems more effective (i'm strange i know!) so i use both lor hahaha. Both smells heavenly, like spa!

rach- Based on Audrey's feedback, think i will get that bottle of Earth Mama oil from u. Can?

Audrey- THKs for the feedback. Guess i will also be like u, butter for day, oil for nite. NOw my skin is so dry that i get rashes all over my leg, so ugly.

clarins oil is cheaper than cream...by by by $2...LOL

my gf said can mix both to use, then it wont be so oily...

hmmm...maybe month end i get her to buy the oil too

audrey: keke...ya...i got alot of contacts...i can even buy pigeon at staff price...

heng la...can help me save money..

and my hubby just nice working for mamy poko..

i am going to get him to get me a carton of the wipes lor!

hello mummies.....i have been missing for quite a while. time for some contributions [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Stretch mark cream - i m using a brand call Swisse (hope i spell correctly). Bought from Sasa, cos abt $60 only. absorb v fast n says that can increase elasticity. quite like it. u might wanna try.

Massage on shoulder - my facial lady says that ok to massage after our 1st tri. cos 1st tri not v stable yet. shoulders have some 'points' that r link to other parts of our body, eg stomach. so advice not to touch around our chest to shoulders. at 2nd tri is fine. m looking forward to my next visit for massage too. v stiff shoulder n neck now.

Facial - ok to do facial. i m still doing it mthly. but best to avoid machine kind of treatment cos some ray or chemical might not be suitable for us at e moment. thru my understanding, IPL is a no no machine cos it will reach into our inner body. i think ur beautician, etc shd be able to advice if u tell them u r preg.

been having backache. cant stand or walk very long now. good news is, out of 10 mrt trips, i was offered seats at least 6 times now. hehe

2Ks : your hubby so cute leh, still ask where he come from..

well I myself dun have total black hair but I think my son's hair is way browner than mine..

Audrey: Wow... apply twice a day ah? so hardworking... me only apply at night, somemore have to ask ah lau to apply for me, cos i very stoned by then liao.. Think i have to be less lazy and start to apply day time too...

BB rabit, no worries u can try both for a start then decide which u prefer since it's so affordable. U can go read the reviews on earth mama's official site, alot of mums use the oil/butter on their entire body too, not just the belly/breasts/bottom so u can try on your legs ya. I have a bit of preggers rashes on my belly too and earth mama seems to soothe the itch for me hehe.

2ks, wow so good your hb is also lobang king hehe! My hb heck one, he rather pay more as long as convenient. Always make me feel so auntish cos i get super excited when i find lobang to save money haha. Well, it all adds up right!

Airmez, apply only very fast one ma. Me must be more hardworking, cos during puberty i had stretchmarks on my butt, so this time likelihood is higher - gotta do everything i can to prevent tsk. Your hb so nice to apply for u every night! :)

Rach -- Me too! Me too!! See Audrey's recommendation, i very giam. I would like to order a bottle of Earth Mama oil. Err, how much S$ to transfer huh?

Hi Lailai,hehe..ya it should be pink dolphin..type too fast ..hehe..ya meals are a torture esp no appetite..

Bb rabit,you are brave[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I personally tin you have been too stressed at work las time..it does affect..got a galfriend who always travel for business trips doing sales..her stress level is high but pay good..earns more than her hubby,tin tried for awhile no news,tinking doingIV..glad you are doing sometin more relaxed now..

Mrs Teng, so nice .. banyan tree at where..?always thot of trying but din get down to it..

hi 2Ks / mummies, is it now need to put stretch mark cream? put at where?and everyday? I no see stretch marks yet..dont know wher to put leh..hehe

starfruit: up to individual whether to apply or not la...some believe apply already also will have stretchmarks lor.

now dont have doesnt mean further down the pregnancy dont have leh...

my stretchmarks at the side of my thighs appear only when i about 2 weeks away from my delivery date ok...all my fault cos i miss out that area always..

so this time round, i make sure i apply man...to further minimise...but heng my tummy dont have stretchmarks la..

stretchmarks very scary leh

Stretch Oil & Body Butter Orders

Mumies, for your convenience, this will be what you should be PM-ing me okie.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

(copied from one of the orders i just received.. hehehe.. :p)

Just paste what u wanna order.. and tt accordingly.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

DBS Savings Plus 0191084271

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

By tonite 11pm okie.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Item Name: stretch oil

URL: http://www.luckyvitamin.com/p-29321-earth-mama-angel-baby-natural-stretch-oil-4-oz

Qty: 1

Price: 12.49

Item Name: body butter

URL: http://www.luckyvitamin.com/p-29264-earth-mama-angel-baby-body-butter-8-oz

Qty: 1

Price: 12.49

Total :24.98 x 1.43 = 35.72

2Ks> my stretchmarks appeared only at 5th month with #1... suddenly just grew longer and longer.. wah lao.. by the time i'm at 39weeks and 5 days i think... i look like this...


even though i diligently applied clarins oil from 5th month to birth... these still appeared..

so i also dunno apply for what.. wahahhaa.. :p

rach: yours appeared 5th month...me going to give birth in 2 weeks time then appear, red lines somemore...irritating lor.

but now fade already la...

just apply to have peace of mind lor...dunno works or not de..

some i think its genes too..

rach...looks like my order..good that u put up :p

2Ks, how much u buy at staff cost? 50%???

so good lobang..can share or not hahahaha..

airmez : ocean sells for 35%..so its 52 or 53..coz cream n oil, Sgd 105. last time i didnt know i had my hubby go dfs in korea to buy...in the end, ocean still cheaper..so stupid...

rach, i believe its genetic..some ppl good gene , no need to apply also no stretch mark..

but for me, i cant take the risk..coz if wear bikini very very ugly :p..so i use dont know how many brands last time...i think ard 6-7 months it appears..i didnt even know coz below my belly..mines is all below..my gynae actually told me that my stretch mark appear during check up...i freak out on the spot!!!

as for the clarins oil..what i heard from the clarins sales staff is to apply after a body scrub..then the absorption is better...

so i alternative lor..sometimes cream , sometimes if i scrub during bath, i put oil etc..

just nice to slab nice smelling stuff on the body...

and another thing i like to put is lemongrass massage oil on my calves..coz i am quite prone to leg cramps esp 3rd trimester.so i massage before i sleep..for better absorption should wear long socks..but i very lazy to find socks to wear before i sleep

rach: are u very skinny pre pregnancy?

so sad hor...all the red lines...fade now or not?

but now u still will apply cream/oil rite...

dunno works or not yet i still apply..

jamie: about there...keke

oh..to prevent leg cramps during my #1 time, i soak my feet with those soak balls once every week with warm water...dunno really it works, but i dont have cramps all the way...not even once

Rach oh dear! have your stretchmarks faded??

2ks, 2 weeks before delivery sounds really zek ark and irritating! ):

starfruit, stretch mark cream is prevention measure haha. Like what 2ks said, it's really up to individual school of thought. The usual areas to apply is belly/breasts/butt, but i kiasu also cover thighs/lower back/upper arms hehe.

jaime: u know when u go do pedicure, then the pedicurist will drop those colour/milk balls into the water for you to soak yr feet?

i used that lor

allets: I also dunno leh. Read from the website, it seems butter is richer. As for clarins, butter is for reducing stretch marks. Oil is for preventing stretch marks. I think...

audrey: i never apply breast area...

ladies: dont just apply at tummy hor..remember to spread to thigh and some buttock area...

sob...ya lor...i was still happy that i dont have stretchmarks cos i ballooned alot alot...

end up...so sad u know...

airmez: i apply sideway to thigh, those hip area...cos will expand ma...

lower thigh i think wont expand la...

butt i think sideways cos will expand thru the side ma..

jaime: yup...i used that...to soften the skin...

i also have a grabtree and evelyn one which is for muscle relax..

2ks, your breasts safe rite? i scared leh, so apply ba... if breasts got stretchmark very ugly leh! Anyway i'm not very big so won't use alot HAHA.

airmez, i cover upper thigh and the whole butt. But my whole butt already got stretchmarks from puberty lor SIAN.

hey ladies, was in meeting the whole day and was so looking forward to read the forum to relax my mind.

For stretch mark cream, I am using Mustela, used it for the first pregnancy no mark so continue to use this brand.

I probably should look for a good prenantal massage to relax, but cant be this coming week, cause SIL & FIL not in town, only left my hubby and me with my daughter, have to look after my daughter.

hi Rach,

PM you.. will TT you by tonight..

all - really dunno oil or butter better preventive for stretch marks.. currently no marks yet so want to prevent it from coming!


Hello mummies

after a 2hr wait, finally my turn. Didn't book the Oscar test at tmc and I kinda "missed" the chance liao. Dr koh solution is walk in tmr early early and ask them to slot me in. Else do at his clinic next mth. We'll see how bah.

Btw I'm 12weeks5days and bb is 6.29cm....and baby was very active during the scan, kept moving arms and legs. Maybe wakie liao lor.

Total damage 700+....includes the package


Dear mummies, just wanna ask if I can drink ENSURE milk powder (chocolate)?

I'm lactose intolerant (after getting preggie) so I don't dare to try milk powder for preggie mums.

