(2011/03) Mar 2011

hmm.. 2Ks, thermal pot is the big kind right< i also got that to boil soups and desserts now. If it's the same, then limlim is right, too big for a bowl of porridge leh!

Limlim, the brand is Tiger is it? I go Best Denki n look for the porridge cooker.


Tres: ur mum cooking the porridge for your ger? Cos Tiger porridge cooker is more for working mum like 2k who don't have anyone helping her. Throw everything inside in the morning, then evening can eat.

any mummies noe where i can buy comfy heels?? i got them from a shop called space (spinoff from gg<5), but it has tohtah already, hehe.. and now my existing falling apart soon cos feet expanded during preggie but didnt contract much back, haha...

where do u mummies buy ur heels from? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tres: I dun think can find it at Best Denki, it's not an appliance. You can find it those household dept in Taka or Isetan?

thanks all the mommies who replied on the cereals and nap/sleep questions.

i also dread the cook porridge part.... also this whole solids thingy is so complicated..... i miss the only milk days...haha...but i think it will get better once they can eat the same food as us...then time to go on holiday without worries!

pandahut, i super dread the porridge days cos at resort i dunno what to feed him lor... i also dun want mil to cook. that day they asked me whether i have fed eggs already or not...super roll eyes leh... eggs are highly allergenic lor ..... at resort, if we just feed milk/cereals, this can last until which month before really gotta eat porridge at resort huh


My boy had started porridge w pumpkin or sweet potato or corn like 2 weeks ago but at resort I give cereal only, to save my MIL to come and kaypoh. Most prob will just continue feed cereal at resort.

Same lor, my MIL also say why didnt give egg. Today d pd just told me eggs earliest earliest is 7th month but egg yolk only n must be cooked no half boil, but will give only after 1 year old.

Pandahut, ya loh, egg white can only give after 1 yr old. Egg yolk around 8 mths. But so troublesome to separate white n yolk. I will just insist no eggs at all to b safe. I think v soon your mil might offer to cook porridge for her precious, what u gg to do then? My mil said she bought a first foods book. At first i thought she was gg to give to me, but no leh, means she intends to read n cook?!!!

hello ladies... =) hope everyone's been fine and good.. been a long time since i've came in.. as som of u know Javier was hospitalised.. scare e hell outta me tt noon, home alone w 2 boys n he woke up frm nap n started wailing n crying n rolling over the floor pressing his tummy in pain.. omg. didnt know wad to do n couldnt reach my hb.. finally decided go to Mt A A&E.. given a jab n was sent hm, cos doc say nth much cld be done.. went home at 8 plus n at 1am, i got his yiyi to send us back cos he threw up 4 times.. n tts when the doc admitted him.. n called his PD back to look at him.. suspected case of severe gastric flu,but xray says hes ok.. den was on drip.. my heart was bleeding when he cried like mad when they tried to insert the drip n tied him dwn but we were nt allowed to be there.. sigh! n for the 2 times he was dere, he cried like mad n kepot threwing tantrums cos he was nt allowed to move much with the drip.. nightmare!!

really tedious year for us man.. i cant wait to go to 2012.. n let this horrible 2011 pass us by.. sob.. n he was actually ok when discharged, but today suddenly had high fever of 39.. ergh! HEADACHE... called my pd, now they r afraid of infection somewhere.. tmr is back to Pd again.. omg.. i really cant wait for all dese to end.. n everyone to be well n healthy..

really bad weather with the stupid haze too.. take care ya everyone.. jus came in here to let go of myself.. lol..

and oh ya, aft this, i really realised how impt is insurance for kids and bbs.. n rem mus buy rider!! hahahaaa..

Wow! Yeah Lilprexious, take care and may God grant u the strength to take care of your family. You are an uber strong mama!!

I would like echo SN's words too. Take care and God bless.


Gosh you went thru so much all by yourself. It must have been v scary and painful for you..Must take care of your own health ok? Drink more water and take some rest in btw. Will pray for your boy's recovery...he will get well soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lilprecious, you are a brave n strong mummy.Jia You, Hang in there. Javier will get well soon with your care n loves...Will pray for yr boy.

SN, actually, i've tried cereal on my bb 2 weeks back n let my nanny fed her oso. but my nanny oso said she doesnt like it n puke all out n cried..ok, let try another week.

Xiaofeizhu, oh, small carrot is sweet huh. ok, but would like try other vege like sweet potato / pumpkin this week. btw, my nanny said dun give too much carrot, as it might caused jaundice...nt sure how true it is though. but i will try small carrot again after trying oth veges.....

SN: wah ur MIL is very good! bought the first food book....at least she willing to learn ... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lilprecious: Hang in there....Will pray for u and little Javier..

I'm a noob cook. Dun even know how much water to add to cook the porridge.

Is the tiger porridge maker avaliable at robinsons? Next week got Robinson sales at expo.

Lilprecious: Jiayou!! I'm sure things will get better. U r a strong mummy.


jia you jia you!!!

Pandahut, SN...

=( HOliday resort finished renovation. I have to go back during wkends already... and they are so eager to have their grandson back that they actually helped us to mop and wash everything in the room... very nice of them hor?

sighhhhhh... headache comes liao! should I feed only cereals at holiday resort like pandahut.. or should I cook the porridge myself? ehhhh.. I only know how to cook maggiemee leh!!! hahahaa.. maybe should just get the tiger thermal pot and throw everything in hor!!!

oh no lilprecious, you take care of yourself then the boys ah! You must be strong to endure all of these!

oh ST, didn't know abt the bb carrots, i always tot bb carrots are better coz they are sweeter!

abt porridge, i think we can still once in a while substitute cereal for porridge right?

Coz if we were to travel (thinking of bring bb to Koh samui), then how to cook porridge? Can we use those pre-prepared food (like Heniz & stuff). NAy mummies advise to:

1. Bring bb for travelling (say during her 8 months?)

2. How to feed semi solids during travels??

tres: still can cook porridge with the Tiger porridge jar. You just bring your own rice then those bottled heinz puree. You can just put boiling water + rice in the morning into jar, by evening can eat le. Then stir a bit of those pumpkin into porridge. Viola! Pumpkin porridge!

Or you buy those bottle heinz food (stage 2) and bring along?


i bgt my 7 months boy to krabi 2 yr ago..

use the prepacked food like heinz tt kind..

didnt do any porridge..jsut tt n milk lor..

n some cereal..

those prepack food if cannot finish can chill in fridge..but still consume within 1 day lor..over 2 meals like that..

put on the baby chair n feed lor in restaurant..if in hotel room..maybe can just ask hubby to carry while n feed

ah ha! Thanks Limlim & Jaime, I will find out more from you then!

ya... I was thinking of those pre packed food for that 4-5 days, after all, they will be drinking milk most of the time so it should suffice right?

Hmm.. i think i got to look for this Tiger porridge jar, seems like damn good!


I already told my HB to go tell his mum that I dun need her to cook for baby, put words first, so if she cook, I can say already told u no need, y kaypoh har. hahaha!!!!

Ai yoh, my boy after the 6-in-1 y'day fever till 39C, whole night he didn't sleep, keep waking up every 2 hr and cry & scream. The previous 2 jabs he still ok, this one like v xiong for him. The PD wanna give the pneumococal jab toge y'day, lucky told the PD next month lah.


Any idea if this is still on sale? I want to buy leh. Mayb go chk it out this weekend. Other than isetan, where hav this for sale?

fel: new crop nice is the 1st crop harvested.....it's good to make porridge. Softens very fast compare to normal jasmine rice. But very difficult to find in supermarkets. I bought mine at Giant, smallest pkt is 2.5kg.

wow, do we need to buy organic rice as well ah?

Afterall, it will help to decrease the allergies right? or should we just leave it???

Are you going organic all the way? I think personal preference. Last time when we were young, we also didn't eat organic food. But we grew up healthy rite? Angmos are the ones that tend to have tendencies to develop allergies.


I posted this in the thread when the istean sale was on last week. I think the sale is over le. You can try looking for this in isetan, taka, robinsons.


I wouldn't give organic explicitly cos too exp plus have to expose them to a wider variety of food. Imagine my ah boy eats organic since young then go army, he tells me "ma, how, no organic!" ok I think too far Liao hur hur

Mimimo: organic exp leh. $3 for an organic pear. $4+ for a small stalk of organic broccoli. Like you say lor, wait our kids grow up to be picky eater. Die lor!

Yean, mission cereal failed again today. My boy will only accept 1-2 mouths then he will let it drip out of his mouth... N i think the cereals is causing rash on his mouth area lei.... I already cleaned his mouth with wet cotton liao... How ah? Got red spots on those areas the cereals touched ie his mouth n nose....

ST, i dun think she even read the book at all loh, she advocates all the opposites ie give water before 6 mths, give eggs, she even said honey was ok. Wah lao, i can get a heart attack debating w her. Tt's why i let my parents take care of my baby instead.

Jaster, yr in laws cleaned yr room for u? V gd leh.. R u gg to stay 1 or 2 nights? If only 1 night, u can just give cereals only but if u staying for 2 nights, dun think you can avoid feeding porridge haha.

tres> my tiger jar is 500ml de... think the one mimimo posted is bigger at 900ml... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

500ml is enough... unless u have 2 kids n need prepare for 2... else 500ml can cook 2 meals le.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

thank u ladies! i will survive..muahaha..

Jav is still having on n off pain ba n fever still arnd 38.8 whole day today.. jus now brought him go tuina lo, n dropped to 36.9 nw.. phew, guess tuina really works for him somehow... *pray hard*

Jai you to all mummies too!! =D

Mommies, when your AF came back for the first time, was it heavy or light? Mine finally came yesterday (boohoo) and it was very light....today still light....hmmm and it seems to be ending! normally my AF will be heavy during 2nd day....

Mimimo> I just weighed RL carrying her and without her... Difference is 8.9kg... Hehe... Think comparable to ur son.. Lol... Really feel her heavier and heavier... Back breaking inside pupsik.... She doesn't like manduca as much.. Will scream whenever I put her in.... Maybe too hot...

At nite sleep in AC room still need have mini fan blowing at her else she'll sweat! >.<""

mimimo, ohhhh hmmm..... i wonder if mine is AF or not...hmm.... oh, i forgot to reply you on the job part..... I'm on a half hearted look out for new jobs hahaha....half hearted because i dun think it's a good idea to switch jobs now that baby is so young...so just send out a few resumes and test test waters first hehe.


*high 5* our kids have the same pattern! My back is breaking when I carry him, 9kg is no joke - he don't like pupsik, sling and carrier now *pull hair*

and yes, he also needs the fan on even when the air con is switched on. If we don't switch on the fan, he will be sweating after a while. I think he has too much fats Liao :p


I think it's AF ba, can't be lochia after so long hor? Is there any pain? If yes, better see doc.

I did sent a few to test water but most are put off by the 3 months notice period, sigh who will want to wait 3 pmonths for you. Once you return to work and settle down (like me), you may be too comfy to move out [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mimimo> oh!! Good to know that yr baby sweats too!!! Hubby was worried if its any condition and asked me to ask PD.

Old folks were saying to test if the sweat is salty or not else may not be just hot..

But I dun wanna blow fan leh... Later Tao hong then jialat.. No good leh....

So I try to place her nearer got air con blowing direction.. Once she KO i shift to usual positions on the bed where its not so direct cold wind blowing....

I'm anxious to know how tall she is Lo....

So u remeasured ur boy ma?? Not 80cm ba? Lol...

Tmr going PD for last 6in1jab....

Anyone has any questions need me to ask PD?

Mimimo, right now we are small fishes in a big ocean... Do u think it's better to be a big fish in a small aquarium instead? This is the question i have been asking myself. The calls i received from recruitment firms are all companies i have never heard of..... But title sounds damn nice... But deep in my heart, im quite 舍不得 to resign also.....

SN, my nanny also said my bb puke out all cereal n dun like it...i'll try to feed my bb myself again this weekend. Last 2 weeks, i tried 1 small tbsp only, n she puke n cried. i quikly wipe away with hanky/bib/tissue. no rash ler. What brand of cereal u fed yr bb? maybe u want to try oth brand? I bought HB brown rice fr Rach..u can get fr her...

Hi mummies

Saw someone posting about changing job .. I changed my end July .. Threw in my resignation about 1.5 months after returning from maternity .. Now with this new company, alot of growth opportunity .. In fact I went KL for training from Monday evening till yesterday .. Only returned to spore this afternoon and immediately together with luggage, went in office to do some urgent stuff .. While I was away, janelle

stayed with my mil and no prob with that since daytime she already there .. The moment she saw me in the evening, widest grin and so excited ! She make me melt !! Will be

travelling to Beijing end oct to early nov and again to KL for training end nov ..

Regarding Tiger food jar, bought my from taka at $59 .. The last time I saw, still on promotion like a month plus ago .. And

the promo was like on for v long cos I bought my during maternity leave .

For janelle food, started her w cereal n purEe mix .. Mil keeps on asking me when to start porridge cos she felt porridge self cook de more nutritious than cereal cos ingredients like fish

and veg important .. Would probably start maybe 6.5 months ba since her cereal finishing ...

Milk intake - janelle can only drink when she sleep while most bbs drink to sleep, she is sleep to drink .. Weird hor ! Anyway when she sleeps, she can finish 150ml within 10mins .. But awake, you wait long long . On average, she has about 4 milk feeds plus 2 cereal/puree feeds . A pretty small size bb compared to most bb cos I just weigh carrying her .. Only 6.4 kg.. But I guess most impt is she is healthy lah ... Probably

she is a small size bb so cannot compare to most bbs here who are already like 8-9 kg ...

With the new work and scheduled overseas trips, Trying to strike a good balance between work and family ... Cos even on weeknds I also work from home . But my boss is very nice and understanding when at times I need to return to office late or leave early ...

How to make my bb sleep through?

Last night my baby woke up like 10x... omg...

8 times to find pacifier and 2x to feed...

usually cry 1-2 x for pacifier and 1x for feed... Last night was damn jialat... Till i wanna collapse and die of exhaustion...

Tonight im working night shift in the hospital... Really wonder how my hubby gonna handle Eden at home..


Test the sweat? Sounds so yucky! My guess is probably he inherited his sweaty genes from his dad cos my hb sweats v easily, so we didn't find it an issue. My mil guessed that it was because I bu much during my pregnancy but I don't think so cos all I took was chicken soup and bird nest.

I'm going to the pd tmr, update you again on the exact measurement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Allets: My boy same same..can only drink while slping. Daytime he drinks very little but night time b4 slping he can drink 160ml very fast. He's a small size bb too.

Fel: Could it b he's too warm?

