(2011/03) Mar 2011

Good morning everyone! So long didn't post already.

Wow those mummies still giving BM very good on u [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] FM is really ex =.=' if I'm having num 2 next time. I die die wanna give BM longer.

Sigh now the babies growing up so fast... At times before I leave for work I feel like calling my boss n say I quit lol. It's only tues.... Can't wait for the wkends!!


mimimo: i used to wear a mask too previously when i get sick and i scared spread to kyler...

but as time goes by, i forget about it...cos to me, if bb wanna fall sick, they can catch the virus anywhere anytime...not only from us...

we can only minimise...but its also depend on baby immunity...

so i tend to kan kai already...harp so much also no use...

i find most important, is we try to keep ourselves healthy la..so whenever i sick, i take the medicine and i rest while the kids at cc...

i always tell myself to get well so that i can take care of the kids especially hubby is always not around..

but heng la..i seldom fall sick...even if i does, i get well pretty quick...

otherwise i dunno how...can die

valerie: try harder for your 2nd one...think FM price keep increasing lor...

that day i went to check price of FM at ntuc...

yes.....sometimes i cant wait for him to grow out of the eh eh period lor..

Mimimo & ST,

My pump timing similar as you all too. But quite pai seh to pump twice in office everyday as i just join the company this month.

Mimimo: yup ...pump 2X in the office...still go out for lunch ....heehee...need to do some shoppings during lunch hr and Q-ing for my KOI ~~ Think I will still stick to my current schedule 4X a day ...

I forgot to bring my pump to the office today ....sigh ...need to take 1/2 day AGAIN....

Morning! Sick as well with flu and I took the flu jab early this year, sian. I notice my supply dropped too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].

I'm at work cos I don't wanna make my #1 sick.

I feel my daughter at 6am, pump at 10.30am & 4.30pm at the office and then feed her at 7.45pm when I get home, usually I pump at 11pm if she doesn't wake up and demand MORE MILK. She takes a bottle of two of formula as well. I have just enough milk each time I pump, sian. She's starting to reject her 6pm FM bottle cos it's after her puree. Usually Sundays I just breastfeed... I love it but I am getting tired esp having to stay away till 11pm to pump. But I will continue till 8 months and then see how. Saves us at least 100 bucks a month ahahaha.

Hi mummies,

I got a pretty silly question to ask. So, would need all the help. Haha

I made potato puree for my son today and the texture was really starchy (I know potato has lots of starch). Before I puree the potato, I cut it up to small pieces.

Was that unnecessary?


Koi! I love bubble tea but have since cut down a lot for my boy. I'm careful to bring my pump daily cos it's difficult to apply half day for me. I have checked out those 2nd hand PIS but still too exp to get one.


cannot take mc? Hope you get well soon. The haze is getting worse these days, take care.


I cut up the pumpkin and carrots before I steam them. I think ok for potato. Are you steaming it? I wonder if boiling it will reduce the starchiness?

Sher - I think boil is better

mimimo - not today [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] maybe tmr if all my impt stuff can go out today

Hi mummies,

I have the following to give away or exhange for Enfapro A+ Stage 2 (400gram).

1) S-26 Promil Gold Stage 2 (400gram)Expire 23/06/2013

2) Similac Stage 2 (400gram) Expire 12/06/13

3) Dumex Mamil Gold Stage 2 (400g)

Can meet up at Boon lay MRT, Choa Chu kang MRT by

appointment on certain days.

Pls PM me if you are keen, thanks!

Hi Mummies, sorry to disturb. i have 2 great products i would like to sell.

1 is a haenim play yard 4 panel melody version and the other is the philips blender/steamer.

Your babies are about to wean so the steamer/blender is wonderful. its still under waranty and i used it for 2 months when my girl was 4-6 months coz after that she takes porridge. she started solids early coz PD recommend coz she is v petite.

pls take a look. and sorry again to intrude. =)



Mimimo, wow you are very active recently in the forum hehe.. wah not bad eh, you made your MIL wear a mask! haha! was she pissed? hahaha. Eh, no leh, all my 7 years in the company, I have never left at 515pm leh... and you rem 2 years ago or so, CEO was trying to clam down on people leaving before 530 and they only open the main gates at 530...so whoever leaves earlier than that will have to scan their card i.e. their identity will be known.... not sure if the new ceo has followed through on the same thing? hehe

any mommies here join a new company after giving birth? is it stressful to have to adapt to a new job?

any of your babies sleep by 6pm? if so, what time does your baby wake up? these few days i dunno why my baby suddenly wanna sleep earlier...he used to sleep around 7 plus...now it's 6plus.... but the strange thing is that he isn't waking up earlier leh.... it's still 6 something in the morning...

my baby doesn't seem to like cereals leh.... the first day i fed him, he was very enthu...subsequently 2nd and 3rd day...he kept turning his head away and today even started crying...oh dear...what am i going to do with all the cereals i bought...


U only 1 feeding bottle, then d sterializer so big u just put 1 bottle, waste space leh. Haha! I use 4 bottles am reducing to 2 bottles once his intake exceed 260ml coz I only hv 2 big bottles.

Past weekend I flared out to my MIL now not once but twice!!! Coz I really cannot ren anymore. I putting my son to sleep n again she come n push my shoulder n say she take over n everytime I carry my son, she will quickly come and snatch him away from me. I ren till cannot ren anymore.

Now big issue already, this weekend most prob not going back resort. Use d excuse bb tmr go for jab n not feeling well.

pandahut, your MIL seems to think that she is the mother instead of you. wah lao. So whenever she comes to snatch your son away from you, do you allow her to do so?

Sometimes I just walk away lor but most of time she succeed in snatching over coz she die die grab my son hands n carry him over type lor.


why u change nick, pandahut so good to type leh heehee

if i were u i sure flare up

u use ur PND as excuse, say if she do that anymore u will get PND again....will she be scared?

sometimes old ppl auto wanna do it but keep forgetting the finer details (aka they r not the mother)


sometimes my bb sleeps at 6 or 6+ too, i let her be. just follow the bb, coz bb follow their body needs, u remember i posted about the bb's development. sometimes their body choose to grow certain part (brain, limbs, internal organs) and it is during sleep that alot of the "selected area" is growing

Wahhhhhh..... I think your 忍耐力 very good leh...now then blow up. If it's me, just more than one occurrence is enough to set the fire.

My MIL also like to steal my son away. If she knows we r reaching her house soon, she will wait at void deck. The moment she see us, my son is kana kidnapped...haven't even step into the house lor.

She also dun let mi carry my dear son. Even if he's crying loudly, she will insist she carry. Got a couple of time I snatch over, cos he was really crying badly. The moment he stops crying, she will snatch him away again!! Very angry lor.

Pixie, my baby woke up from his nap at 230pm n then he didnt want to nap after that. I tried to make him nap at 430pm to no avail... I got so pek chek, i decided to just let him be.. N have him sleep one hour earlier than his usual 7pm bedtime to make up for the failed nap.

Wapiang! Long time no post here!!!

Sibei song sia.. This few days!!! But is kenna hb scold than now i very happy on what is happening.. Hahaha! Abit sot liao. But who cares! As long as i get what i want... =p

Last 2days, hb shouted at me cause mil was carrying my girl than i ask hb to bring her back to me as she already very sleepy mode liao. But mil still insist wanna carry and play with her! *arghh!*

Than hb jidao shout at me say "you at your mother's place than you allow your mum to carry ALL SHE WANT! Than reach home , you dont even let my mum(mil) carry...! What a selfish person you are!"

I hear liao actually damn DL! Cause i not dont want mil to carry leh! But is my girl wanna sleep liao mah! Why cant them

Be understanding! Damnit ! Plus at my place, my mum is carry my girl and pat my girl sleep lo.. Not playing with her lo... Wth to compare! My mil EVERYDAY can see my girl but not my mum wadd... KNS lo!!!

Than when hb shouted finish, mil came into the room and ACT KELIAn! *Chey!!*

She say to me "if you really dont like mama to carry than okay lo. I wouldn carry from now onward.." i keep quiet and bo hiew her.. =p

So yesterday and today, she totally give me

Black face when she came home. But again WHO CARES! =p and this two days, she never even came in and see my girl... Hahaha! SONGZ! =p usually when mil came home, my

Girl will be sleeping than she will purposely "ping ping piang piang" like wanna make my girl awake. And she always succeed. But hohoho... This 2day, she came

Home and go back to her room and "hide" dont even wanna talk to me but with a black face lah... Actually i think she dont disturb my girl is the best... Now my girl can sleep early... Hahahaha!!!

Sorry for the long post... I already cut short liao... Heehee! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ya lo, my nanny went for a holiday these 2 days so I took leave to look after my boy. Back to work tmr! Actually the 5.15pm knock off is applicable only in ALH. It doesn't help that those buses leave at 5.20pm sharp, so good excuse. Are you still considering changing a new job?


Your mil v extreme leh, wait at the void deck. My mil has 2 patterns: either grab him at the main gate before we step into the house or sit at her empress seat and command loudly "LAI" with open arms - then we have to duly hand over our boy.


Chill chill! Think of the other one inside you. Not easy for you to take care of your girl and carry another one, hope you feel better after letting it out. Men sometimes are insensitive, have to close one (ok both) ears at times.

Mimimo : AIYOH!!!! Bo lah... All mistaken liao nah!!!! I dont have anyone in me lah... =.=!!!!! if have i sure will come in and say de mah!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah! Your mil also power leh... Got empress seat somemore sia... If i were you.. She say "Lai" i will say, i wanna change bb diapers etc etc liao.. Hahaha! =p

SN, my bb also dun like cereal. She cried when i fed her. My nanny said even carrot puree she also dun like, but likes porridge when my nanny tried fed her with 1 small spoon of porridge...But i m not sure how true is it(dun like puree)...I'll try to feed her puree this weekend again...


Huh, don't have ah, pai seh I still went to congratulate you in fb, hur hur. My mil is particular about face so cannot make her lose face. I cannot imagine the consequences if we "flip table" so gotta ren ren.

Yean & SN

Diff people have diff taste I suppose. My friend's gal hates cereals too so they just give her porridge which she's taking (and growing) v well.


You wanna try pumpkin purée? I think it tastes much better than carrot, if you are giving purée for a start.

Mimimo/ST, tks for the advice..yeah, sweet potatoes / pumpkin taste sweeter,guess she has used to bm which is also tastes sweet. will try and see how...

Any mummies want happy bellies brown rice cereal? only used < 5 small tbsp...give away as bb doesnt like it...pm me know if anyone keen. self collect at west.tks.

haiz, panda EYES, yest bb vomit 4x at night coz stomach reject the puree that was fed in the late afternoon....super tired ZZZzzzZZZZzz

Morning Mummies!!

No govt at work this week so shiok!!

yean - if feeding carrot try bb carrot and not those normal big ones... bb carrots smell and taste sweet while big ones got those 'veg' smell and dun taste as sweet... my bb ok with bb carrots but big ones she give me those kelian and disgusted look...

yean, i suggest u keep the cereal. Stop for a week and try again....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My boy doesnt like apple puree...but I will try to feed again next week....must make him grow to like apple puree....no food picking...

i agree with ST...keep trying...

i lagi bad...no choosing of brands lor..

i feed u this u better eat..LOL

kiefer also dont like his cereals...but i am not giving up, prob he is not ready...i just try again this weekend..

ST: I hv alot still in the store...havent use...but i think the material quite good..

pixie: she still reject the food ah...

what u gave her still vomit?

why not u drag one more month then feed her?

maybe her tummy not "mature" yet?

2Ks ...do u still remember how much u bought in BKK?

weekend menu for my boy: Sweet Potato Puree~~

which type of sweet potato I should buy? the purple one or japan sweet potato??

ST: cannot remember cos my hubby bought one...he one shot clear the shelves...

think quite cheap, around 150baht

i will prefer the local/msia sweet potato, more "original" and not so dry...

but up to u la...


books milkbags in UK boots not cheap....buy from BKK is cheaper definitely


we gave her banana n pear puree yest...shes been ok with nestle brown rice puree and/or pumpkin. thats the only 2 she wants to eat and no tummy upset kind...dun tell me im stuck with this 2 LOL


but hor...BKK boots milkbag always sold out de..

very popular..

i use milkbags everyday so i got to stock up cheap and good ones..

but sickening in sg milkbags not that cheap lor

