(2011/03) Mar 2011

Mimimo: ya!! I think back those engorgement period and pain... And the 3 hourly pump...

Heng it's over now!!

Rach: ya I take my time to give solids la.. No hurry..

Does the earth best teething biscuits break into small small pc huh? I got order too.. I hate messy biscuits..

For me, i never let kyler eat outside food think till he 18/19 months... I try my best to cook lor..

But come to think of it now, it's so convenient now, except that need to order food that he can eat...

But but.. Going to start again with didi...


Babybride: I look up to u.. Despite so much problems u still didn't give up!!!

If me I think I will give up already..

Hope yr supply will come back soon

2k> mmmmm not that messy la... But it Kindda melt and gets softer and she sucks on it... Usually cannot finish one whole piece la... So big... But cannot break too small also...

Yest I give one whole.... Only eat half... The other half throw...

Today I break half... Cuz ry also like.. So I tot share share half save money...

End up a bit too short for RL to hold... So I hold and she suck... Also finish half of the half... Means 1/4.. Remaining too small to feed I scared she swallow and choke if she suck too hard whole thing go inside...

And ry asK me for some more biscuit!! Cuz half no enough!! Lol..: so still need to open one packet la... Inside 2 pc.. One each....

This is soooooooo much nicer than Healthy Times the maple and vanilla teething biscuits la.. That one taste like shit and bitter bitter de...

This is So much more fragrant and nice... Afte rl eat, I can smell biscuit smell in her breath....

I'm a bit Bian tai but I love to smell RL's breath... Hahaha...

Yup the healthy times maple biscuit not nice leh... Think earthbest ok lor..

For me the bb food wont waste one cos I will give to my dogs to eat!!

I bought the hb munchies also... Kyler dun like it... He prefer gerber one... Waste my money man Heng I only bought one...

I think can go broke buying snacks for them...

Haha I havent let RY try the munchies...

Plenty other "old" snacks I bought for her since last yr...

Still trying To eat those... Threw away many expired packs...

Too kiasu that time.. Ordered $200 one go.. Now waste money.... :/

She's still eating melts and puffs though...

She lovessss them.. Lol....

Jaster, I tried to giv her cereal twice a day for two occassions but end up she got tummy ache at night. So reduce to let her eat cereal once only =.="

Mimimo, the cereal my mum n I made for her isn't those watery type lei... Sometimes she siao siao like to eat, sometimes choot pattern de lor. I also dunno wat she WANs ;(

Baby bride, did u take any medication recently? I heard some med will make supply drop de.

Rach, ur gals machiam spokesperson like tt... Anything they munch on seemed super tasty...Lolz

Wah wah... I let my boy tried Happy Bellies Oatmeal cereal today ....wah ...it is very 香喷喷!

better than the brown rice cereal. My boy finished his oatmeal cereal very fast...I guess he enjoyed it!.. <3

Hi mummies, browse through some posts on babies not eating solids.

Mummies in my FB will know my boy's 1st reaction when taking cereal. He screamed and cried like mad last time. Now he's happily taking cereal (4tbsp for late morning feed) and I'm slowly introducing him to other food now. Even though I change to Happy Bellies brown rice cereal (he loves it!), I'm still mixing the ballamy rice cereal (he don't like the taste) with the brown rice cereal at times coz its such a waste!

Please don't give up. For me, he rejects spinach big time but I still give him after a week. Pure spinach. I refuse to mix and I want him to at least taste the pureness for at least 5-10 feeding spoons. Now he's fine (not eating a lot but at least not rejecting anymore) though he still gives me the 'miserable teary wanna puke' face.

Whenever he rejects the food, I will give him time to forget e.g. 3 days to 1 week. In the meantime, I will continue to give him his favourite food e.g pumpkin, sweet potato, etc. After that, I will give him the food he rejected after giving cereal. I usually announce what I'm going to give him so he has an idea.

I understand it is not easy. I had such a hard time making him eat but now, he's much better. Jia you! Jia you!

Zenia, I only taking e antibiotics for e infection of breast tissue - augmentin.. Does this reduce supply?? Is this e culpit?? Arghhh it's so disheartening u know tat every pump I only gets 50ml - 70ml (combined) n now I goto throw away e infected side output.. So I get even less for baby!

Babyride, I can understd tat kind of heartpain. I planned to BF nx mth, target is cont giving at least 50% bm. Recently I was sick. Didn't wan take much med. But took lozenges coz throat really jia Liat. Not sure coz of med or sick or breast gonna retire, supply drop further. With my little supply, to drop 10% makes alot of difference. But I told myself dun give up. Target nx mth den Muz try endure till nx mth. So at least I've done m best. So now I try pump longer + massage.

Thanks all for encouraging me! It's Ur encourage tat once again kept me going.

Baby bride, you are doing a great job!! Big pat on your back!

My supply dropped big time when I was on Augmentin, once for mastitis and another time for flu. But both times my supply came back after a few days. Though I must say that I supplemented with fenugreek then cos I was worried of losing my supply. So, you should get your supply back, just need to continue to pump so that your breasts knows to continue to supply milk!

I was told augmentin is safe for breastfeeding. No?? Why do you have to throw your milk?? During that time, I continued to give my bm to my baby.

Jia you!! Don't be disheartened! You have com a long way.

Thx Joc.. Ya i trying to continue work hard to pump despite each time seeing less than 60ml...

BabyG... Really??? Supply comes back after few days?u mean after finish e augmentin? How many days? Waaa if so, then at leastgot some motivitation for mi when I pump eachtime w output so little

BabyG, yes it is safe for bf but caz mi one side kena breast tissue infection so lactation nurse say pump throw in case milk is with pus

I'm back from the pd! Aiyo need to wait sooo long though we were punctual. Anyone also goes to Dr Lilian at Kids Clinic, Rivervale Mall? Ah boy is 8.8kg, 75.5cm (pai , I said 80cm earlier cos we measured at home, so was not accurate). Still no signs of teething...and so malu, after his 2 jabs, he 'diao' the pd for a good 5 min while I was asking qns.

Ahhh... Sane weight.. But ur boy much taller!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

He's prob 70cm then..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi I'm looking for a play group for my baby boy...my son was born end of Mar 2011...is there any current play group form? Can my son join in? Thanks.....

Mimimo> oh I asked PD abt sweating in AC rooms Nd she said very normal... Babies already have higher temp..not to mention our bigger babies... She said.. So much fats!!

And she also advocate naughtier corner/circle/timeout...

She said if u abuse her (by caning); I'll sue u.... Lol.....

And she said she won't use the cane more than twice in whole life and unless really very necessary...

Said the circle will be enough to scare her off... And she will be soooooooo terrified of the circle if we use it correctly...

FTG 2cans roman & 6cans Mini Fridge

ready stocks... Prices gonna increase next round...

If anyone is keen, grab it before price increase again..

Ready stocks... Keen pls PM Me... Thanks...

Hey mummies taka having a toy fair at their basement [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] not sure when is it until but it started this weekend.


before i moved away to west i stayed opp rivervale mall so dr lilian was my PD for my #1

i like her. you should stick with her....even though the q is HORRIBLY LONNNNGGGGG


kudos to you. dont give up!


Ooo, thanks. I forgot to ask about that. She mentioned that my boy is big size, so if he's ok, we should not try to increase his milk intake. Booo fatty boy.


Yeah I heard from my doc friends that Dr Lilian and Dr Allyson are among the best in SengKang/Punggol area. I waited 1.5 hours to see her though we had an appt. The receptionist said next time don't come on time; come only when they give us a call...blah. Btw, is there any good GP for babies in SengKang area?

Just came back from the toy's fair at taka. Nothing much for our babies at ard 6 months. Some toys are really quite cheap. I bought one set of stacking toys for my girl. Difficult to choose with the pram. Realized that all the prams I saw at taka are the high end type. Didn't see any Capella or combi. Haha. At least a mclaren. :p

Babybride, is your supply coming back yet? I think mine came back 3-4 days after I started on augmentin. Oh oh... The side effects are bad for me, loose stools and churning stomach from day 5-8!!!

Take care!

I super heart Avent Combined Steamer and Blender! so convenient! steam and blend all with the same machine... best invention ever. hahaha... making puree is so easy!


sometimes the Q gets so long in kidsclinic hor, ppl overspill and goes to my family clinic which is just next door. i heard theres a female GP who is very popular with kids too! but i dunno her name Eg dr tan/dr lim/dr who?....paiseh! but u can check with the nurses there, they can tell u

my #1 grow up liao i stopped going to PD and zoom straight to GP at my family clinic lor...not that bad...but baby wise, i think still kids clinic

btw, DONT go to the NTUC clinic at level 2....u know what, that time i was preggy with #1, but i didnt know. tot had my usual stomach flu or IBS (coz i get it all the time),doc just prescribe me meds...didnt get well, went to see company doc. then doc insist that i must go through urine test to check if im preggy. you know usually u go GP, some doc auto ask you when's your last menses etc for record purpose? the NTUC clinic never ask de, but my ex company doc always ask...for better diagnosis mah

after that, banned them liao


whats sad when i went back to rivervale mall 2 mths back was - my fav cup walker bubble tea no more n replaced by each a cup which their tea at this outlet SUX!!

changed quite a bit since ive moved...sighs...i missed my old place, cross the road got mall n everything

now my new place got NOTHING. i think when run out of pads oso can die, if at rivervale mall still got NTUC, watsons, guardian to SHOP for PADS

u get my drift


i wish leh, nearer to my mom hor...

here @ jurong is the end of civilisation, i look out is empty fields. not that i dont appreciate the greenery but it just means i have no amenities


i ask mummies here

if you have a choice to buy a place, greenery (no amenities) or amenities (no greenery)?

*cannot play cheat and say both lar...our world is not that rosy sometimes*

lets take a bo liao poll

pixie: i prefer amenities hor..

to be frank the place with greenery will sooner of later be covered lor..

u want to see greens go park lor..LOL

Pixie: like 2ks, I also prefer amenities. Used to stay in a place in the east with lotsa greenery but so hard and far from everywhere and everything.

Pixie: I prefer amenities, not 鸟不生蛋 place.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but of course, not so close to amenities to the point that got 烧肉干 shops downstairs, last time during CNY, I been to clementi, those short HDB flats (4 storey tall) have all the canvas sheets all over the place to provide shelter for those temp stalls, and stallowners shouted lelong throughout the night.. i pity those pple staying upstairs.. with the noise, and heat...

cos I'm currently staying at 鸟不生蛋 place, so can TOTALLY feel you... the distance to the nearest bus stop maciam 2.4km, no shelter, somemore still got 1 helluva slope... and only got one miserable small ah-nei ma-ma shop...


Thks for the info on the GP...I have taken note of the CMI clinic ahaha. No offence but being an easterner before I moved to SengKang, I think west side is q boring and dull hee hee. I stay opposite compasspoint..amenities is no 1 on my list! I used to think SK is v ulu, never will I shift there (ok never say never), but so far I like it here, only exception is no koi and gong cha 

My friend wrote a letter to gong cha and asked them to set up shop in SK (serious!) cos she's sick of the CMI neighbourhood bbt. We are crossing our fingers 

Is there any way to tie up our kids when changing their diapers alone? He keeps turning and whining until he cries pitifully, like macham I abuse him. *pull hair* any tips?

Mimimo, if u find a way to tie your son down while changing. Can share w me too? My son is like a worm. Very squirmy. Also, like your son, he cries very badly. He's like that while changing. He also hates wiping his mouth. Haha


thats in CCK lar

Jurong EAST n WEST no GC n KOI!!

i have to depend on bedok one (just opened!! YAY!) during office lunch hours to satisfy craving. weekend no BBT one de leh...


the thing i dun like about compasspoint is that the cold storage is small, and cold storage not much variety, prices not competitive either. only grouch....other than that, the mall is ok ok to me....now i cannot complain, gimme compasspoint opp my place then i will think its VIVOCITY!! hah....

i admit east side more things - more good food infact hor


i got provision shop downstairs, but its dark n dinghy so dun dare to buy their stuff, only the loaf bread lor


Get a bicycle and cycle out, then chain it on some tree or wat. hahaha!!!

Sometimes I thought of meeting my friends on weekend, damn sianz, hv to ask my HB to send me to nearest MRT and then pick me up again. My SIL champion, she everyday go work call cab and she work at Tanjong Pagar, imaging the ERP, peak hour surcharge, call cab charges.

