(2011/03) Mar 2011


I'm reading the what to expect book now while pumping, just saw this "how to make my baby sleep thru out". It says that when certain babies reaches a major milestone (eg starts solid, learn to crawl, teething), some who used to sleep thru out may start waking up a few times. I guess it's a phase that some will go thru, it will pass [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


good morning mummies!

this is a bad bad week for me too..

hubby not around and so many things happened...

suay suay wanna pick kiefer from IFC and it was raining so heavily...before reaching the IFC, me already whole body wet...

and carry him all the way and taking my bag, holding umbrella, wearing heels is no joke..

but i no lost weight despite all the stress leh...no muscle also...kekeke

lilprecious: hope jav will recover quick...

i can imagine how u went thru...

that time kyler admitted also, they do not allow us to go in with them when they inserted the drip hor..

but i am lucky la...kyler is quite easy to pacify..

u must remain strong ok...must take care of yourself then u got energy to take care of the 2 kids..

fel: its pretty normal for them to wake up every now and then...

this thing will prob on and off till more stable at 1 yr old..

but i tell u, my sil son still wake up in the middle of the night for milk until 2 yrs old lor..

i hi 5 with u la...cos lately kiefer also wake up a few times at night...

last night woke up at 3.30am for milk...he down 160ml within 10 mins...

i expect him to sleep thru again soon...and when another few teeth coming up, i m expecting him to wake up a few times again

i also think not necessary to feed organic la..

cos outside food not so organic leh..

and how do u know those so called organic food are really organic food??

limlim: u managed to find xin mi at giant ah...good good...

its so hard to find..

how much is it??

u try using those short grain rice also can, it will be very smooth too

2k - Eden has been waking up for feed since 3m+...

Used to be able to sleep till 6-7am....

Then keep falling sick... Can wake up at either 2, 3, 4, or 5am to feed...

Usually first 1-2 eh eh eh i will stuff pacifier... He will go back to sleep... by 3 rd time, he will cry louder or sometimes scream liao...


I wonder is it a bad habit... so drained...

fel: its normal...u just have to wait patiently for him to outgrow this period..

told u my sil son woke up every night till he 2 yrs old leh...

how about trying to drag his sleeping time?

hi mummies, anyone using haemin play yard? is it good?

i'm going to let my girl try pear puree tomorrow.. hope she likes.. hee...

dunno y my milk is dropping ever since i went on 3x pump... perhaps my body knows that i wanna stop liao...


What about skipping some naps and "exhaust" him in the evening? My boy, and I guess many others, now tends to open eyes big big and see see look look when they go outside. Even if he feels tired, he'll still remain quiet and look around. We noticed that after a short walk in the park downstairs, he will start to feel v sleeply after a shower and feed. By then he can usually zzz longer even if his pacificer drops off.


Supply will drop when you reduce the number of pumps. I reduce to 3x once, immediately can see 100+ml drop. Are you intending to stop soon?

mimimo: yeah...thanks...

i always tell myself i can survive...

not helping is the stupid fussy kiefer...

super no patience with him...now then i know kyler is an angel


mimimo: Pity time doesn't fly on my side, it literally d-r-a-g its feet.. I'm spaced out at work now, dunno what I'm writing in my report. Can't wait to go for a holiday!!

Hi mummies,

I've got a question. I recently bought the Medela Freestyle breast pump. Has been working fine until this morning. It was fully charged last night, but after I finished pumping for 30 minutes, the battery didn't work any more. As in the pump only works when I plug in the power cord. Wonder if anyone had similar experience.

My boy after the 6-in-1 jab at night keep waking up and had fever till 39C tat day. He used to sleep from 8+am and only woke up around 5-6am for 1 feed and continue sleep till 7-8am. But past 2 nights was like waking up every 2-3 hours, give him water or milk all dun wan and just cry & scream.

Last night he slept at 12+am and woke up at 2.30am. Finally after putting him to sleep last nite at 3am, I can't sleep till 5+ am and he woke up at 6.30am again!!!! His milk intake from his usual 220ml drop to like his newborn infant days only drink 80-100ml every feed.

Hope he quickly past this phrase, if not, b4 he past this phrase, me & my mum already die of exhaustion.

Pooh bear: You have to let it charge for 24hr for the first charge. U will see the word batt flashing when charging. If it is done, the batt shd show full bar.

If u dun do this, the batt bar will only have 1 bar, n can last for abt half hr.

Copied from the Medela manual:

4. Prior to first use, charge the battery for 24 hours. If necessary, the pump can be used during this period with the power cord only. The pump will display the message while the pump is in the initial charging mode. For best results, allow the pump to initially charge uninterrupted for 24 hours. After the 24-hour initial charge, subsequent charges will take approximately 4 hours. You should not need to remove the battery unless replacing.

Tip: If the initial charging mode is interrupted (pump is unplugged/battery is used) or if the pump battery is removed and reinserted, the display message will flash, indicating the pump needs to complete the charging cycle(18-24 hours) prior to battery use.


Count one day at a time, I think it will be much easier *breathe in, breathe out* I always thought that being a mum will train me to be more patient, but no leh, I am only slightly better. Is kiefer giving you a very hard time?


I've finally found you on fb...muhahahah. I was stoning this morning too, was drafting an email and all I did was stare at the blank content for 10 min *mind drifting away cos I dreamt that I was a taitai this morn, having high-tea when my hb shattered my hopes - '6am liao! Still don't want to wake up pump milk!'* Are you going on a holi soon?


Ya lor, could it be low batt? I'm using rechargable batteries (cheaper in a long run) for my Medela PISA, then I have to recharge after each session else it's not enough to tong for the next session.

mimimo: still got maternity leave havent cleared (abt 20+ days).. dunno where to go. Want to go for a shopping trip at Paris, but ah lau dun want. Sianz..

I wonder if the battery is spoilt too, but it's only 2 months old. It's US set bought from First Few Years.

I already charged uninterrupted for 24 hours prior to first use. It's been working fine till this morning. I'm charging it again now and I saw the word batt flashing. Will check & see tonight.

mimimo: yes..kiefer is a more "difficult" baby compared to kyler...

very busy with him at hm...he need alot of attention..

and he can cry until voice hoarse..

i always remind myself to breathe in breathe out lor...

and console myself that this period is short term only...LOL

i try to be balance la...but i think i love kyler more..LOL

pooh bear: 1st few years got warranty ma rite

I just called First Few Years. Their warranty only covers the motor, not the battery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hopefully it will work again tonight when I go home. If not, I may need to buy another battery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


thank u thank u, really hope it past soon, best its tonight as I intend not to go back resort this weekend after last week "issues". But if I dun go back, me & my mum can't rest lor. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pooh bear: If the word batt is flashing means it is going thru the first charge cycle. So need to let it charge 24hr non stop. U got take out the battery is it? Dun ever take out the battery, if not it will need to go through the first charge cycle again.

I kana this b4. I took out the battery cos I connect it to the plug to use at home. I thought this will save the battery but end up next day the batt died on mi while pumping half way in office. I go back read the manual den noe the battery cannot take out.

pooh bear, take out the battery and clean the contacts. the contact may have been oxidised hence no power. use an eraser to rub against the contact to remove the oxidation.

I've always envy mummies with ample supply of bm. For me, right fr the start I struggle w low milk supply. Till now, I can only give 50% bm to my girl. Been trying to tell myself tat it's ok n I've done my best. But at the back of my mind, I'm quite sad.

joc: i known some mummies who put in lotsa hard work despite not much BM but they persist on...

and i also know some who never put in effort and give up feeding

i even know some refused to give bm cos of pain and some even give up within a week...

so if u belongs to never give up and still try very hard...

a pat for u on the back ok...

try harder for your next one, never give up..

i am blessed with ample supply and i try my very best to give as long as i can...nobody knows the hard work that i put in except myself...

so we "dui de qi" ourselves ok..

no offence to anyone though...

we are all great mothers...

we bring the little one to the world...so all mothers are still great alrite!


you did great!!! =) aiyoooo.. at least there is 50%!!! haaa. me? lesser than that and i have already stopped giving BM a mth ago!!! I know how you feel.. i felt that i have shortchanged my boy by not working hard enuff to give him the BM that he needs.. but still.. there are other ways that I can shower my love for him yah.. I know BM is the best food for them but just give what we can bah..

i dun want to make my motherhood journey a hard one such that i dun enjoy it just because i struggle to give BM!

so you're definitely doing a great job babe!!!

JoJo, I didn't take out the battery leh. That's why I'm surprised to see the word batt flashing. Think I'll let it charge for 24 hours non-stop again this time. Hopefully it will work again.

Zenia, have you cleaned the battery contacts before? Maybe I'll try to do that if it still doesn't work.

Mummies, I emailed some of u....

red{Thermos} having clearance for some items.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

CHeap Cheap prics.. let me know fast if u want.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

pooh bear,

i haven cleaned the medela battery contacts before but i've tried cleaning some other electronic stuffs with replaceable batteries. personally, i feel the battery quality is quite bad cos i see it discharging quicker now; i prob need to charge once every 3 days taking into consideration i'm only pumping thrice (20-25mins each pump)everyday. Maybe ur battery reali got prob lo. but no harm trying to clean the contacts first cos a replacement battery selling in bulk purchase costs $100!!! SO EX!

Mummies, i think my gal isn't ready for cereal in replacement for a meal yet. sometimes she'll yell when i feed her, she'll jus refuse to eat and just take milk. any mummies having the same prob? should i just try feed her porridge instead? she's turning 7mths this Sunday.

i tried pumpkin she also don like, papaya she also don like. i tried giving her apples sometimes she eat sometimes she don. nv tried other veg purees cos i quite lazy to prepare :p

i very slow in giving solids one...

i give cereals until i think he stable in that first...then i proceed to purees...

one purees i feed 4-5 day, then i swop to others...

then after that i mix the purees e.g butternut with peas etc

then i mix into cereal and will convert it to replace a meal...

then after that i will give porridge...

that is why i give porridge only about 9-10 months


why not try cooking porridge and see if she eats well? or maybe you can give her several smaller cereal meals instead of one full cereal meal?


Or mix more bm into the cereals then gradually reduce the amt? If really cannot, try porridge. I rem I mentioned before that my friend's gal anti cereals but she took porridge v well. Purée hor, what about sweet potato, carrot, apple...these are easy to buy and prepare [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


You are doing v well already, ya know? Rem those tough days when we suffered from sore nipples, latch and pump every 2, 3 hours like a moomoo cow? You conquered it. You did your best and no one can fault you, especially yourself. Give you a good pat pat 

Mimimo: really sweat when thinking back those 2-3 hrly pump days.. Hey, i rec'd a reiend request, are u B**** C***? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Joc> u ve done well le!! U did ur best!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] dun be hard on urself..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

*pat pat*

2K> hi5!! Our feeding pattern quite similar..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I start with cereals until at least 1-2tins brown rice, then purée... Then mix purée with cereals... Then mix purée...

Then porridge....

I also started RY on porridge like 8-10months...

But I very lazy la.... After 12-14mos I more relaxed liaoz...

No hurry la... Little stomach only can take so much...

Whole life to eat... Relax... Lol....

Plus my RL is so big... PD said can lose some weight.. Lol...

She's 8.8kg, 88.5cm at 6mos, 2weeks... Keke...

PD said jus be led by her.. Wanna eat then eat.. Dun eat also nvm... No need to force... Lol...

earth best barley teething biscuits

mummies I ordered a Pack for RL..

she likes it... RY also like it..

So I'm gonna order some more... If anyone is keen, pls PM me ASAP... Thanks..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm ordering another batch... If keen, PLS PM ME..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, finally I m back.. From a tough n harsh week!

Had high fever since monday then on mc til yesterday caz kept vomiting n fever only reduce with medicine else comes on n off.. Guess what??? They say breast tissue inflammation!! How suay right? N I can share I m very very dishearted now.. Juz before Monday high fever I can pump out 250-300ml per 4hrly.. Now, per 3 hrly I get only less than 50ml.. N no matter how long I pump or how many cycles or hot towel or massage, I stil get no more than 70ml!!! Arghh I wan bang head!!! What a way life treats mi when I really wan to bf as long as mayb 1.5 yrs... W supply like tat how to tahan til then??told my Hubby I very sad he Bo chap!! Say nevermind but my heart dripping tears.. I don't wan end my bf career.. Now only can latch one side pump e other to throw away caz milk abit yellowish colour on tue

N e sudden drop in supply juz happen in few hrs!! It's like...err now I pump I get 250ml.. 4hrsly later gone!! I get 30ml!!! Then thereafter each session only 50ml at most???? What's happening??? Went tmc parentcraft they say no engorgemt no blockage!! Then where my milk gone???



What a tough week for you! Jia you! You wanna try fenugreek? I went Tmc last month cos of a hard stubborn lump. Also some breast tissue related issue. I told LC that my supply dropped a lot, how?? Then I was advised to take fenugreek, I replied that I thought it was too late at 5 months, she said still can increase at that stage - take 2 pills 3 times a day. I did for a few weeks and supply did increased a fair bit for my case.

