(2011/03) Mar 2011

SN : Let your bb be lah! Each bb has their own way ba, as long as he is not waking up earlier, can liao, means you can have more rest time too! hhaha!!

anyways mummies, did you all notice any drop in your bb milk intake after feeding cereal / puree ah? My Chloe ah, seems like dun want to drink her usual amt of milk nowadays. dunno if it;s due to she doesn;t like milk or she prefers puree / cereals leh? Should I be concern?


When do we start giving porridge? My mum say wanna give my boy porridge. I'm like -_- , he can't even eat his cereal properly, now want to start porridge.

My mum also always give tiny little bits of the food she's eating, eg bread, noodles, rice, biscuit n even mooncakes!! I tell her cannot but she say a little bit wont die la. How?? I'm not at home to control her. If bb after eating nothing wrong means it's ok?

Tres: My bb milk intake also decrease after taking cereal.

Jojo: think better tell ur mom again not to give bb the food she is eating....I met a mummy @ clinic last weekend...her bb had angry rashes all over her body....overheard their conversation...the MIL gave bb bits of cake and bb has been diagnosed egg allergy...

I tried spinach and his nx day output is Green~~~ LoL


I changed nick coz last 2 weeks doing a BP selling in forum selling some children clothes, some from mine and some my SIL.

Can go in the website or go FB click on "Like" for me. www.canbuyforme.com

My HB just told me my in-laws bought a walker for my boy, coz I bring the walker back to my parents plc and they quickly go and buy another one. SIgh!!!! They really dote on their grandson.

My boy also dun like apple puree, he will turn his head left & right and shiver like this. hahaha!!!

This morning bought my boy for his 3rd 6-in-1 jab, to my surprise this time he nvr scream & cry. If not everytime I got to stand by after the jab, rushed out of the clinic coz his scream can tear down the whole clinic and so malu one.

His weighing 8.5kg now, height 70cm, belong to the 75% percentile. Next month MMR 2nd jab, every month also got jab one. sianz!

Pandahut (still not used to ur new nick..haha)

Wah...they really dote on their grandson hor...Apple puree --> some abit sourish...hv to choose those sweet one ...scare ltr too sour...they reject solid....


I bought the local sweet potato, taste much nicer in my opinion..and much cheaper..hur hur


My boy is still drinking the same amount, 200ml... I'm going to gradually change to full feed like what 2Ks have suggested


Agree, must tell your mum to control her diet. They are still so young, don't think their dedicate tummies can take such food. I like to quote examples to "pressure" my in laws so that they are aware of the negative consequences of certain bad habits.


Still prefer pandahut..hur hur. Your boy has grown up liao, no cry, are you a proud mommy? I'm waiting for my turn this coming Sat...pray no fever this time.

Anyone still faces diaper rash? I think my boy's butt is made of gold..cannot use cheap diapers [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

He used to have a bad rash in his 1st month due to Drypers. After that I switched to Huggies and then Pet Pet cos cheaper and seems to work. No issue with Pet Pet for the past 5 months but it's starting again. Ermm will cereals/puree cause diaper rash?


yes, did feel abit proud and shock too as I prepared to run out of the clinic leow mah then I turn my head look at his face, eeehhh, no screaming leh.

Can use the desitin purple one see if the rash goes away? I use the blue one, but if like see got red red rashes, I use the purple one, apply once only and ok leow.

Great, thanks mummies for the advice!

Jojo, you are not alone, my mum also want to give my bb those food she eats/drinks like chestnut drink, cakes & all. Everytime I tell her off, hopefully she doesn't do behind my back. BUt you know old pple, they won't listen 1, they think they can handle as they have brought us up before! Sometime, can;t be help, have to learn to close 1 eye

mimimo24, ya, maybe his output is diff due to his eating habit so maybe his skin is not used to it lor. No choice, such things can't save! Have to diligently change ba!

ST, mimimo: I've told my mum many times le. But she keep saying never mind, say my boy likes it. She say nothing happens so it's ok. I told her if really anything happens it will b too late but she still continue. Even if she say she nv give, I think she will still secretly give. Haiz..

Tres: That's right..they always like to use their old methods to bring up the child. No matter how we tell them also no use. My mum always say 'other bb 6mth already eat porridge with ingredients lo, mine still eating cereal.' Very hard to change their mindset.

my side opp...the ifc teachers told me to give solids only after 7 months..

when i told them i try to give he reject, the teachers advice me to start later too...and said he sit not stable yet, no harm delaying...

i very slow one la..prob u guys start on porridge i still way behind

Hey check with you ladies,

1) when should start eating porridge?

2) so once porridge starts dun need cereals?

Thanks! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Got 1 qn to ask... when bb start step 2 FM, do we sart strictly after bb turn 6 months or a few days earlier is ok? Becos my bb turning 6 mths end of this week then I was thinking whether to buy another tin of step 1 then slowly mix in the step 2 or can start to mix in step 2 now w my half a tin left step 1 then no need to buy anymore...


i started my boy on stage 2 1 wk before he turns 6mths... so far okie... but do keep a lookout for his poo... stage 2 for my boy like kinda more heaty.. he's taking Friso.. so he was constipated lor..


I give porridage still give cereal. Weekday porridage coz my mum cook. Weekend at resort, I dun want my MIL to cook (scare she anyhow cook), so I give cereal on weekend.

I see, dazel.. Ok, me have to be more hardworking... not to cook by myself lah, but to tolong my mum to make effort to vary bb's diet. Hohohoho!!!


mummies, when give porridge ah, this can be substituted as a meal / feed alr?

wah, so next time weekend, i will have to feed her porridge liao... oh no! Meanwhile, can we use puree to substitute as porridge as well?

So fast going to start porridge le. Mi lousy mummy, I dunno how to cook porridge. Need to faster go learn, if not when time comes I dunno how to cook.

Pandahut, tres

I'm using the purple desitin for 1 week, slight improvement. I changed his diaper every 2-3 hourly at home, but at nanny's place I can't control though I told her to do the same. Older folks are more concern about wastage so they don't change that often. My mil tells me to re-use wet diaper after his shower so long as it's not those heavily full type. Aiyo, heng hb will step in else I don't know how to react.


I know what you mean, my nanny gave porridge without telling me, though I told her to start after 7 months. Nanny is mil's elder sis so I just have to close both eyes @_@


I think cooking porridge is v easy. Wash the grains, put water, boil, must stir to prevent it from sticking to the bottom if you are cooking over fire. It's the buying and cutting 料 that's troublesome. Till now I don't know my fishes and which one is good for babies. Should buy whole fish then cut or buy those already cut ones...so confusing 


I once substituted cereals with pumpkin purée, my boy was still 不饱. I think cos these fruit/veg purée are not as filling as rice cereals.

Yes leh I intend to change 1 milk feed to full feed cereals soon.

tres: if yr baby intake of solids is good u can replace one meal..

but all you hv to gauge yrself..cos diff babies diff appetite u see..

so u agak yourself...if u increase le, then she no appetite for milk then can slowly adjust...

babyhapie: porridge is the easiest to cook la..

just make sure u must keep stirring to prevent it from burnt...

mimimo: u going to buy one whole threadfin? kekeke..

but slice one la...then cut into smaller pc, pack one packet one packet...

for pork i use "kidney meat" of pork...its softer.

i dont use cod fish cos its very oily..

dont use salmon too...cos its very smelly..

i use threadfin most of the time..

and of cos silverfish..

but now kyler is bigger, he eat all kind of porridge, scallop la, crab la..

esnow: not tat i aware of...

actually the most scary jab is MMRV u know...

MMRV will usually cause fever, but that is 5-7 days later after the jab...

6-in 1 out of 10 babies prob only 1-2 will hv slight fever


thanks.. then either my gal is falling sick or she is faking it.. I hope its the latter..

MMRV is jab at which month?

2k - ya, what's MMRV???

Anyway Eden's IFC practice is give one cereal as replacement. They change him from 3.5 hourly to 3 hourly cos they say he will cry for milk... Then now they feed him one time cereal per day, it replaces his whole milk feed...


1) when should start eating porridge?

I will start @ around 9mths

2) so once porridge starts dun need cereals?

cereals - breakfast

porridge - lunch

above will be my arrangement ...but I am not sure abt dinner....

2k - goodness...

I don't even know how does threadfin looks like.. silver fish i think i know... the small small white colour one right? I saw it in cold storage before...

I kinda dread the porridge period... How r u going to cook his porridge daily huh? The tiger porridge holder? reach home liao heat up again?

ya lor, I also dun know how to cook porridge leh.. o far i managed to cook those teochew porridge, got water kind.

THe 'right' porridge are those cantonese kind where is all gluey and sticky right? cham cham.

Also weekend, where got discipline to cook> Maybe I should buy 2Ks tiger thermos is it?

2Ks, can you re-intro the tiger thermos flask / cooker again?

MMRV depends on clinic, for kyler he took 15mth & 18 mths

fel: mmrv = MMR + chix pox

u go ntuc sure got write threadfin one..otherwise u go market, u ask, they sure know..

i usually buy in 1kg, and i get uncle to slice into pcs for me, then i pack into portions

but i dont take the stomach area, cos not so nice and got bones..

silverfish got big kinds and small kinds, got to scald in water before u dump into porridge, otherwise yr porridge will smells.

i be using my thermal pot to cook porridge...

yes, reach hm then heat up again lor..

tres: i got load the porridge pic before in FB which i use my tiger thermal pot to cook...

i say many times already...say until tired..LOL

u guys read also tired la..

i find ways to speed up my cooking lor..

Buy the mini crock pot ( slow cooker ) also can cook porridge. Only cost $29.90. I got my at 10% off at OG.

Thermal pot is a bit big for a bowl of porridge, unless u cook for whole family.

limlim: slow cooker cook very long, waste electricity...

thermal pot can cook one portion porridge...i tried it..

not only for porridge, it can cook soups...

i cook barley with gingko nuts and fu zu even last weekend with the pot

ntuc also got sell threadfin..

but threadfin got 2 kinds i think...

1 bigger type 1 small type...

i usually buy one shot at market la..

of cos up to individual la..

not necessary a thermal pot

but i find it convenient esp for working mums like me...

reach hm already 7pm...

2k: no leh . Very fast. I dumped my new crop nice inside with boil stock go eat lunch come back it's oledi soft. And it becomes mushier after I stirred it. And it's mini slow cooker so won't waste much electricity. I think if you want it even faster just pound the rice. Cae tried new crop rice with her tiger porridge cooker, she say 3 hrs cook liao.

The tiger porridge maker is good! I went to buy it after reading good reviews from 2ks. Can watch out for isetan discount, I got it for $50+, usual $100+. Just put in washed grains, boiling water, then a few hours later, voilà cooked porridge!

