(2011/03) Mar 2011

About pumping, I'm also thinking of stopping. Currently pumping 3 times (8 hrly) n want to decrease to 2 pumps (12 hrly). But I think my breast cannot take the additional 4hrs leh. Now 8 hrs sometimes will feel full n a bit pain..dunno how to tahan 12 hrs.


mimimo, i wkdays pump 6am, 11am, 5pm, 8.30pm my supply din drop (wkend i pump 3X depending on wat time is my first pump, but i pump 8hrly on wkends) but my menses come and this time rnd drop 300ml per day, now menses finish also only managed to bring back another 100ml... means my ss dropped by 200ml. sigh. a bit sad but anyways my 'new' supply still enough for my gal, so maybe it's a blessing in disguise.

i haven replaced my gal with a meal with cereal or porridge, is it time alr? she's 7mths this sunday.

mimimo: u have to ask yourself do u intend to feed longer first? and u have to do the calculation yourself..see your daily pumps is it sufficient for your baby.

but as the baby takes porridge and he will most likely less one feed, then maybe that is the time u reduce pump...

airmez: how come u only 1 feeding bottle???

tres: dont worry u are not alone...i also have alot of bottles...

4 small bottles and 1 big bottle for daily use (IFC)

then many containers for EBM...i have alot of small medela bottles lor..

babyhapie: u cannot one step jump..

i remember when i wanna stop pumping..

i do it gradually.

like i reduce pump time, 15 mins to 10mins then to 5 mins...then i drag the hour slowly and slowly..

it actually took me about 2 weeks to stop..

as in not painful...but then when i squeeze still have one lor...

Huh? Feed liao, wash loh... then 4 hrs later, repeat cycle. So me just 1 feed bottle nia. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Tres: I only latch for 1 week nia, too painful, and switch to full-time pump.

I wanna stop bf too... Dun need to stuck to the pump every now and then, dun need to sterilize after, dun need to wear the breast pads which are super hot, and best still, maybe can stop wearing bra at home -- Cool and breezy!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

limlim: u so good. Ur hubby heart pain you for your bf efforts, and dun mind u stop. My ah lau heart pain the $$ and bb more, ask me not to be lazy. #$%^&* KNS!


Your hb very clever hor! He must be counting the dollars and cents he can save. We were buying the step 2 similac yesterday and he was lamenting that it's sooo exp. Can see from the corner of his eyes his heartpain but he didn't explicitly say continue bf. I think I will box him if he says I'm lazy haha.

Btw how do you survive on 1 milk bottle?! I have 7 in total, just 刚刚好。

Have you started changing the teats to 6m+? I read that have to change teats every 3-4 months for hygiene and wear & tear purpose.

Oo did you recv my pm? Wanted to add you to my fb hee hee. 

Thks limlim! I feel like secretly renting the jumperoo for my boy cos he loves jumping around. But my hb is concern about damaging his spine... Which I think shouldn't be a prob one else they wouldn't sell such toys. I think he will flip his eyes if he sees another toy...but I guess rent should be less scolding ba.

I'm sian to pump only in office cos need to rush down to nursing room, quickly pump, rush to quickly wash and rush back to office. No wonder my ss drop. I rush cos usually there's ton of work waiting for me plus my staff will start telling me this/that issue as I walk back to my desk...grr i hate it when they can't wait for me to put down my part pumps, catch my breathe then tell me their issues.

I pm you too!

2Ks: yah, I know bf is good for bb. But 6 mths is considered a big milestone for me liao, sorta I've done my best for the bb bah. Aiyah, u know me lah, I'm still a self-centred mum, not as self-sacrificing as the rest of u, I want my time, my rest and my neh-nehs back!!


mimimo: Aiyah, shut your staff up and told them that you will call for them when you are ready. Show them who's the BOSS (err... politely lah) [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2Ks: Wah.. Wanna stop pumping also so mafan.. Have to do slowly.

Airmez: I'm the one seeing the $$ I can save from bf. My hubby is anything de. He said if I tired from pumping den stop lo. Everytime I think of the $$ n benefits to bb, I can't bear to stop .

Mimimo: I agree with u abt pumping in office. Y can't they let us put down the things, grab some water den approach right? One thing i like about pumping in office is can escape from work n relax a bit..watch drama, surf forum, catch a nap.

mimino24, I've alr changed the teats to 6M+.

Jojo, can do it 1, i also use to pump every 8 hrly, have switch to 12 hrly for the past 3 weeks liao. THe 1st week, it's a bit haywired lah, tried to stretch but by the 9 - 10 hr, neh neh pain, so I pump out like 5 mins, once reach the 12 hr mark, pump till empty. So far so good but ss drop like mad lah!

NOw I'm thinking of reducing to 1x a day but not sure if it's possible or not? Any advice mummies?


Good thing your supply still enough for your baby. My supply dropped almost 200ml when my menses came back in my 3rd month. Now it's just enough for him in the day, night time we give him similac.

I've started him on purée and cereals, twice a day. Intend to start on porridge in the 7th month though my nanny has started giving him porridge once without telling me. Boo.. I guess it's time to start solid soon cos they need more nutrients now cos bm isn't enough to cover their needs.

Btw I've sent you a fb request [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

airmez: ok la...give u a kiss for bf 6 months ok! next one increase to 7 months ok...LOL

babyhapie: are u prone to engorgements and lumps..

if not u can try not to drag slowly lor..


We started giving him cereals twice a day le but then his milk intake still the same wor. Did I do something wrongly huh? He takes 3 tbsp of cereals each feed, and drinks 200ml bm 4 times a day. He's now 9kg, we used the weighing machine at home, fat right? Hur hur but he's not overweight (yet) cos he's tall.


Actually hor....the real bosses in my coy are the staff, these staff are of our parents' age who started their first (and v likely their last) job with the coy. These old birds are backed by our powerful union so much so that my boss is scare of them. No matter how I buay song them, I have to endure endure cos once the union comes knocking, I'll have more trouble. Pai seh I digress hur hur.

Anyone wanna join my coy? We knock off at 5.15pm, no OT. But we are situated at the ulu corner in changi.

Do you mummies realize that once we have our kids, we tend not to look for another job cos everything seems to stabilise? I used to think ok after give birth, things settle Liao, I'll look for a more satisfying job to chiong my career. I quit one to join my current coy so that I can start family planning. But seems hard now, my hb's career is taking off to greater heights, me...taking a backseat now cos can't have both chiong-ing together.


I think 1 x a day is possible cos my friend is doing it. But gotta do it gradually, I guess mostly depend on how cooperative your boobs are? My friend used cabbage to reduce the pain when she cut down her pumps...but I don't know the cabbage effect on indv, but LC told me that it will not totally stop the supply if that is a concern to you.

mimimo..me me..my office knock of at 6pm...not any earlier..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

but changi like quite far..start at wat time :p

the career part ..from a woman perspective which one is more important at this point in time..the kids or the career lor..

for me its the kids coz they are only this young n cute at this age lor..

I'm like v free hor, hur hur. I'm dying my white hair now. I used to have them sprouting from my parting before prenancy. It stopped during pregnancy, amazing! Then after gave birth, back to reality, more and more white hair. Damn as if the hair dropping is not cruel enough [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I called Beijing 101 for help but they didn't want to see me cos I was breastfeeding . So gotta dye lor. I asked about the Ba Wang too but they said they're unsure if it's safe for bf.

The hairstylist said 5-6th mth is the peak for hair dropping, will likely reduce after 7th month.

mimimo: think you can start replacing his milk feed with one full meal lor..

dont overfeed also la....

but then everything is up to u...

u agak agak yourself..

this time round i am lost too...cos kiefer doesnt seems to like his cereals...tried twice, majiam feeding him poison..

mimimo: actually i did resign last year from my current company...cos been here 12 years le...

then my boss asked me to stay...then i stayed on and then i have kiefer...

its quite true leh..cos hubby is always outstation...i need to have a "peaceful" job lor..

but one thing, i hate it is i work till 6pm...

the only thing i like about my job is got 21 days leave, can facebook, msn, surf net...

thats why u c me around during office hours...


I start work at 8.30am. The good thing about this coy is they arrange for private transport (we pay) from all over sg coz it's too ulu. Good to snooze on the bus to/from work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I guess the major perk is our free air ticket, we get 1 free ticket for ourselves, spouse and up to 2 kids yearly. You wanna join us keke?

Sorry to say, I'm not those mummies who can stay at home, but I do treasure my time with him after I knock off. I understand the imp of family bonding cos I was solely brought up by my maid from birth till 12. My parents were too busy working, so I wouldn't want my kids to go through the same. I'm thinking of taking a year no pay leave when he enters pri sch.


When you say full meal, what does it mean? Increase the amount of cereals? Thks for clarifying

Wow 12 years! You must really like this coy to stay so long. Why do you want to change now? Too stagnant? This forum, msn and fb all blocked in office, so I can only come here during my pumps.


You got try giving him porridge? My colleague's girl also super anti cereals, so she fed her with porridge after 6 months and gave me all her cereals.

mimimo: the colleagues are really nice la...

plus i can have 2 hours lunch...LOL...

i dont work from 12-2pm..kekekeke..

its really stagnant..

yes i am saying give him more cereals and skip one milk feed.

no..i m not going to skip porridge..i do it gradually...maybe he is just not ready...i will try again 2 weeks later...

no hurry for me anyway...

jaime: hi 5! same lor...damn stagnant la..but we get the freedom lor..then can take leave every now and then...

the colleagues are part of the reason i stay on la..

but i hate the working hours...

if can work until 5.30pm how nice...

Agree Jaime! Once you have kids, it's always the mummies that have to take a step back. Called it a mother's love!

However I dun think I can't stop working, need to maintain some sanity & be relevant to the society, so I just have to do w/o my previous sleeping hours and those massage/manicure time.

Oh oh .. Think I am e lazy mummy here .. I stopped pumping totally like 3 weeks bag ... Now supplementing janelle with 1 packet of febm n the rest fm .. I guess is a price to pay cos fm definitely more ex lah .. Janrlle now drink 5-6 times a day at 150ml .. Plus 2 feeds of cereal ..

2ks ya lor..i think i can nego to end at 530.means i need to start at 830 lor..

with my hubby doing the ferrying..i cant make it to work at 830 lor.he slower than my boy lor..

i also haven give porridge..i cant remember when i started my boy..maybe wait a while more..

tres, the only me time now is my lunch hour..i rush to go shopping, run errand, slimming etc...super rush lor..

if can do hair i will also do..but too rush liao..

coz after 6pm is rush home time...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Cereal: how much to give to consider one meal?

2ks, wow 12 yrs!!! The longest I have stayed on a job is 3yrs only.

I'm a very lazy mum, I hope I can stop working n spend more time w my little prince. But financially cannot stop working leh. Since young I've been looking forward to a taitai life.


Long time haven't seen your posting! In my opinion, no hard rules for bf, so long as we tried. We should give ourselves a pat, no matter how long we gave. I still recall the old days where the exp mums like 2ks, pixel, rach kept drilling into us that all mummies will have milk. Well we have all passed that stage, haven't we? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I think need your baby to tell you how much cereals is enough. Try to increase gradually, I'm giving 3 tbsp now, intend to increase by 3.5 soon then 4..

My boy is v big size hor, he looks like a 8 month old baby now. No strength to carry him now. What about yours?

Mimimo: Currently giving him 3tbsp. Sometimes can finish, sometimes not. N he cant sit still to eat, keep moving around, sticking his hands into his mouth. Everytime eat till whole face n mouth covered with cereal. My boy small size, I've added u to fb, can go see

Can mummies here add me to fb too? My address is [email protected] nowadays only post bb's pics. No time for anything/anyone, ESP the poor hubby. Poor deprived hubby. Haha..

Fed bb some scraped Fuji apple last nite. She shuddered when eating maybe cos the apple was a little sour. So funny. Going to give her cereal when she turns 6 months in 3 days time! Excited. She has been drooling when she see us eating.


Added you, your boy looks just nice for 6 month old baby. My one is like giant. My boy is drooling a lot and likes to stuff his hands into his mouth during feeds, so messy! I need to prepare 1 plastic bib, 1 wet towel, 1 bottle of plain water before each feed. The cereals are v sticky eh. Oo i gave him carrot purée today and it stained the milk bottle teat, wonder if can wash off.

Hi mummies,

Anyone noticed milk ss drop when on medication? I'm currently down with the flu and noticed that my milk supply has dropped.

Really sad. My boy is turning 6 months in 2 days time and he fell ill too. So, he lost some weight. Heart pain.

PD gave him antibiotics.

Anyway, feel free to add me on fb too. [email protected] nice knowing more mummies!

JAM: I've added u to fb.

mimimo: Photo look alright, but real life is small compare to other same age babies. I got a friend, her bb is 1 mth younger, but so much bigger than my boy. When feeding him, I always used up a lot of tissue. Worse thing is my boy dun like to wipe face one, everytime after meal try to clean him, he will scream n struggle.


I heart my CL, supportive of breastfeeding plus she attended post-natal classes in TMC, I learned a lot from her. Her name is Ah Ngoi, contact 9245 3441 (SG) / +60 12 707 6084 (Msia).


I had a bad flu a few months back, and my supply dropped a lot. It should revert when you recover. Do take care and hope you and your boy get well soon.

Hmm I realise that now that I'm a mummy, I focus a lot more on keeping myself healthy. I'm drilling this into my hb too. Cos if we fall sick, the other one will have a hard time taking care of baby alone, and of coz, the thought of infecting the little one.

JAM, I added you on fb too.

Mimimo, thanks. Yeah, I have ecome very anal since my boy came along too. Before, when I fell sick, I would not bother seeing a doc. But now, its different. I wear a mask at home too.

Heart very pain to see babies sick, yea? More work for the mummies too. Heh

Mimimo, my pump timing same as yours ....4 times a day: 6am, 10am, 3pm, 10pm

Sher: SS will drop when on medication. But once you recovered, the SS should revert. Dont worry and rest well ok?


Yeah, I am became v anal too, so much so that I made my mil wear a mask when she visited us with a bad cough. I wore a mask for 1 week when I was down with flu, even when I was sleeping with him in the same room cos hb was away for reservist. We had a tough time when he was down with fever for 2 days after his jab, heartpain and helpless. 

My 5yo niece has a habit of not washing her hands after using the toilet & touching her hamster, I get super paranoid when she touches my boy cos he loves putting his hands into his mouth. My mil thinks I'm a lil too much cos she believes in "dirty eat dirty grow up". Don't think anyone faces these issues like me :p



Our timings are v similar eh. Are you working too and pumping twice in office?Im tabaoing my lunch since returning to work so that I can catch up on work..partly cos I'm a lil pai seh to spend 40 min for each pump session.

Come oct/nov, I intend to replace both the 11am and 4pm pumps to just once at 2pm.

