(2011/03) Mar 2011


how u noe they cry is becos they wan attention and not something else?

i also cannot tahan my bb cry, i'll cheong to her if her face start to change else she'll cry until mucus and tears all on her face de, see liao heart pain.


ya lor... I think i will go crazy if my bb whines or cries man! I'll be damn irritated!

ST, you rent from where? Rent a toy? Wanna to find a jumperoo.. but everywhere is rented out! Sianz.. got the excersaucer, it seems that she likes it!

2Ks, the excersaucer can bounce also! Think give Kiefer sometime lah, i think they like new stuff, the first few days, Chloe also like the excersaucer but after 3 days, sit for long..er (like more then 20 mins) start to eh eh eh eh!

zenia: confirm he want attention...he cry no tears one lor..then he can stop crying the moment u carry him up...

and then hor...just put lying down back touch the bed only...hands not off, he already start to eh eh eh lor...

tres: i bought the exersaucer for some time le...he cant bounce in it...he cant even sit 5 mins dont say 20mins


at least ur hb said the rewarding ... my hb, nvr even mentioned. PUIIII ...

but i prefer when hb at home, coz when he hear bb cry, he will go carry lo .. i just act like cannot hear. Then when he told me bb crying, i'll ask him go carry .. or let them cry a while coz i;m doing something else. . haaa

pandahut, I just received the mumcentre ben n jerry vouchers after so long. but they sent me two $10 vouchers in two separate envelopes sent out on the same day. so weird.... maybe their admin messed up so gave me two vouchers instead of one?

My boy also has a switch on his head, the moment I put him down he will start crying. He has been like dat since birth. I everytime hear liao will headache. Last time I used to let him cry but I kana a few times my neighbor came knocking on my door. So now I dun dare to let him cry too long.

His face will turn red n tears n mucus drip all over his face if he cry too long. I'll carry him n he will stop. He also will feel breathless. Can't leave him too long at one place, he will start ehh ehh after 15 min or so. So I've to keep changing him to a different place everytime he cries.

Dunno y his temper so bad leh. Haiz..

haha, 2ks... u v funny... but can bb reali self entertain for 1/2hr? my gal sit in the walker at most 20mins start to eh eh eh liao, if i don carry her she sure cry... she only gimme enough time to finish dinner. not bad liao i think, so i also learn to eat faster, which mean i don reali get to enjoy my food. sometimes my mum help to take care then i can eat a lil longer keke.

sinmey, my hb also don encourage me de lor. all he noe is to say things tt i don like to hear, sometimes reali sian. but i alr noe he's not those positive talking ppl. so i also don reali bother haha.

ST: i agree with 2Ks leh, i have a walker too, not vtech but frm playskool.. but the prob is if they r not v stable n jus learning to walk kind, its not safe at all, cos it will move forward pretty fast n they will end up slamming the face on the flr.. lol.

2Ks: i tink im quite alike w u... jus leave the poor boys go n cry.. =.= hahaa, sometimes i feel im pretty zek ark.. but no choice leh, n like u said.. if needa go entertain them, no need to get anything done liao... Jav nowadays learnt hw to throw tantrums n get angry, den will whine too..sometimes i jus ignore, but if lets say im v frustrated with him alrdy, he'll get scolding frm me, i'll tell him go to the naughty corner, he'll shake his head n keep quiet..

as for didi... he likes me to stay with him nowadays.. see me only hes okay, once i stand he'll pout n watch me leave the rm, he'll cry..

i jus turn a deaf ear... do my things, den go attend to him.. n most of the time, he'll fall aslp b4 i attend to him..wahaha..

or if not buy 2nd hand jumperoo? i see ppl sell in WTS only $100.. quite gd condition..

i let Jav self feed now, den i'll feed didi.. eat tog..lol

sinmey: haha, when they grow older n easier to handle i think we'll find everything worth it.. all tt we went thru.. at least yr hb will go carry ya.. hahaha, my hb is like me.. shut off the ears.. until sometimes i go pick him up, or if hungry i'll ask him feed.. but most of the time he'll entertain Jav..haha, tts y i call Jav his fav boy.. n he calls Jay my fav boy.. =.=

Hi, I recently delivered and would like to clear some items which I’m no longer using.

These include:

Brand new baby and toddler clothes from Osh Kosh B’gosh/Carter’s/J Khaki/Nursery Rhyme, MyBrestFriend pillow, baby carrier, cot mattresses, Spiffies tooth wipes, Mothercare and carter’s prewalker shoes etc . Check out my link below!

Thanks, ladies who have visited my album before! I have added new items so do take a look.


If you see anything you need, pm me for discussion.

Lastly, have a safe delivery and enjoy motherhood!

zenia: last time kyler can mah....he can self entertain himself one lor...

he can sit and sleep by his own...didi also can sleep la..but he not as easy to pacify lor..

but well...not all babies are the same la..

i know it deep in my heart, but still need to grumble la! only u mummies will understand...

lilprecious: same lor...alone how to..only can handle one at a time mah, so must see which one more important 1st...heng kyler can sit and watch tv most of the time...but sometimes he will purposely come into the room and talk to me, then stupid didi will fuss again...

i dont want rainforest jumperoo...cos i used to hv and sold it away ma...looking at the precious planet version..

see first bah...like what my gf said, if hubby pay we keep quiet...

Talking about rabbit, my mil held on to my boy and made him jump on the floor, he jumped so hard that from chuckling v happily until scream and cried loudly cos too painful after a while! Can't help but laugh at him hoho.

Crying - being alone with him for 4 months trained me to be immune Liao. His whole face will turn red and he will scream sharply, but Bo bian, I need to do my stuff too. In the beginning v kan cheong, then after a while a bit Bo chup, now returned to work Liao, still immune but trying to be more patient since I'm spending lesser time with him.


If your hubby is willingly to spend his own money, then let him buy la :p I asked hubby if can buy jumperoo, he v fast no think said no space, enough toys already. But I think again, I don't know how long jumperoo can substain his interest, the cost benefit is not alot

mimimo: u 1st child already immune ah...GOOD JOB...pat pat...

my hubby siao one la...he ask kiefer, u think yr didi/meimei will like the jumperoo or not.,.


2ks...so good..ur hubby wanna buy buy buy...

my hubby will dump me outside if i buy another item into the house...

coz there is practically no space..i am already pushihng his patience to the limit liao..lots of things i buy he doesnt know..those in my FB album..he doesnt get to see as well...

if not sure NAG NAG NAG lor..

but i guess tt y marry lor..one spend one control..

if both also spend ..out of control lor..

for my son, i cant let him self feed coz its wil take forever n wil be super messy lor..

but its not the correct way of parenting..but its the asian parenting way lor..my bro was fed by my late granny until primary 4-5 lor!!

in OZ..they will make sure the parents dont help feed the kids at home lor..they get lectured for it coz they are supposed to self feed

i also eyeing on ur leapfrog..hahahahaha..!!!!

jaime: my hubby is bad influence lor...he is those kind hor, go shopping with me can help me choose clothes one..

if we go warehouse sale, he is the one digging the racks...

hard to find huh?? he is my best shopping kaki

even the peg perego also he said wanna buy one...

seriously i find it wasteful...can live without it de..

i dunno him la..

he asked me to call the dept stores and see where got discount...

yeah...i also dont like kyler self feed lor..messy..and take forever...i feed faster lor

too bad...the leapfrog is sold lor..u can dont need to eye le...LOL


Your hubby is like a dream hubby who likes shopping and takes night duty! Where did you grab him? My one gives me a super sian look when I bring him shopping, shop until I also no mood. The only time he shows a little more interest is when buy my lingerie lo hur hur

Thks for the pat pat! I'm so happy to receive your praising! Did I see MEI MEI ? Are you going for ger ger?


I rent the toys from Toys A Rent (u can refer to my facebook friend list). I like to rent toys from them...although nt much variety...their toys are very NEW. The jumperoo i rent....i am their first customer~~ ...first user was their son ...and my son is the 2nd user...

Jumperoo so nice! but so ex! =.='' my colleague bought for her baby but didn't last leh, coz the baby eventually learned how to climb out of it. But i'll still get it!

Ya i want it... but my hubby don't want to get, how to hide a jumperoo? lol

btw anyone know any BP that is selling happybellies? i wanna get the cereal to stand by.

Valerie.... Rach has keept stock of happy bellies cereals, pm her ba!

ST, i also rent from rent a toy but the jumperoo are all rented out so i got the excersaucer instead. Have pm them to put me on waiting list so see how lor!


ok, at least ur hb follow u go shopping ok ...

i usually go shopping with my sis, & bring my girl along .. If i ask him to go, he will give me a look, "u go urself la !!"

Actually i more happy he dun follow, mean he doesn't know wat i buy, the best, he doesn't how much i spend .. haha

ST: Just realised that it's a totally different comapny that I rent my excersaucer!

Damnit! I was hunting high & low for a jumperoo.. oh well... keep my fingers crossed that it's stillavaliable when the excersaucer's rental is up!

haha, Sinmey my hb also same same. i ask him go shopping he'll go but he'll gimme the impatient look, gimme the face "are u done?, faster lar" then when i ask him to go find a seat, he'll say too bored. i see him i also sian. i ended up online shopping... then when he sees a parcel he'll say 你又买什么东西?he'll emphasise the 又!then i'll give him the hack care face and i'll happily open my parcel...lolz. i only shop with my bff and i think shopping with her is better than shopping with hb :p

mimimo: yeah...he is my best shopping kaki..last time when we go bkk without the kids yet, he will bring a big haversack for me to keep my shopping loots

but he can be bad influence at times lor..made me spend more money...

jaime: yup yup...

i actually cant bear to sell it la..

but my house is getting messy....i dont like so many things in the house...

and displaying them is only collecting dust..

Drinking water - my daughter like water from a cup, we started at 4 mths and now she likes the pigeon sippy cup... she'll take water as long as it's not from her regular milk bottle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My kiddo loves the jumperoo too.

hi ladies, can help me by voting for our entry in this contest? hahaa.. thanks ah!!!


look for this photo with the caption "I am going to be..."


Tres: I think angelia is 1 mth preggie.. not rach though. Facebook was having a confusing rollercoaster ride last night! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Just read yr post. Wah now then receive your vouchers, v long leh! Mine already expiry and I didn't use it at all. My HB said his son's face only worth $10 ice-cream voucher. hahaha!!!


I also don't understand, pm me too? Is it some game or what? Kekeke.


Rem we were talking about the Tiger porridge cooker earlier? Isetan has discount tomorrow at Scotts.



mimimo, pmed u!

so is it a good bargain for this jug? is it bulky? any mummies own this? feel like buying leh but not going isetan.


I didn't receive your pm leh! I pm you ba.

I think the jug is good, read some rave reviews about it. I was waiting for sale to get this, am getting my friend to help me buy, scotts too far for me le.

wow..so fast mar 11 mummy get preggy again...congrate!!!

mummies, i've a silly question. I'm planning to start puree on my bb this weekend.How do u steam the vege? Eg: potatoes/carrots, do u boil it in the water directly or steam it in a plate/bowl placed inside the hot water. advise pls...tks.


I think put on plate and steam better than boil in water.. less nutrients loss. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i bought the same handheld blender you shared on. Wow.. very powerful. my potato become smooth paste in a few seconds!

yean: yes...put on plate and steam..then those juice that flow out with the steaming can add on to the puree if too dry..

esnow: cheap and good rite...easy to use..

u can blend in any bowls also...no need to use the container that come with it..

i always steam a few kinds of food at one go, then put into separate bowls to blend..

tks 2ks and esnow for confirmation. ok, will do it this weekend. btw, my bb still dont like brown rice cereal, can i switch to puree directly?

2ks/esnow, jus check where did u bought the hand held blender? I checked in harvey norman and courts, they sell philips 650W for $79. But i recalled u mentioned only $39 right?

got it ! Thanks Lin!

hahah, so interesting the xx weeks, even my hb whom is outstationed called and asked me and say he will look for another push present for me! hahahaha!


Wanted to buy the $39 Philip handheld...but my colleague intro the 4 in 1 foodmaker to me...she is still using it...so i decided to give it a try...

Hers was Pigeon brand...We have compared Pigeon's food maker with this luckybaby's (cheapest)...and found everything is the same ....except the brand name...


