(2011/03) Mar 2011

I think I can nick my son 虫虫 liao.. Wiggle wiggle so much..now everyday muz fight w him to change diapers, bath, change clothes, coax him to sleep, carry him etc etc..

I need to pump but hor this baby dont if can sense if I prepare pump.. Each time I prepare to pump he sure wakes up shouting.. Hubby say bb know pump fighting his milk haha.. But hor if I don't prepare n wait for him to wake up latch he don't wake up n I wait n wait sigh..

I try not bottle feed caz I heard if latch then bottle feed bb wil suck harder n nipples gets more sore.. Then I suffer more Keke


Confinement cannot take outside food? My MIL who is doing my confinement let me eat Mac Filet O Fish and KFC Original Chicken leh! I just had them.

Fel> per piece easier to rem, trust me...

Like $0.20 per piece... So whenever there's promotion, just divide and see per piece how much...

I only rem my Huggies $15 frm BP...

so I'll just take 15/#pc on the spot and compare... Anything more exp I won't buy...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Huggies red used to last thru the nite.. Now need purPle...

Think RY pee getting more powerful cuz bigger Liaoz... Purple abt 10hrs yes... But NB I won't recommend so long...

Change frequent better cuz their skin more delicate...

So cheap ones so long no rash can Liaoz...

6-10pc a day siong leh... Lol...

10pc NISSEN set

Mummies, u all got let ur babies wear the 10pc set bought thu milktea spree last time??

Very nice leh... Lol....

I used it mainly for pajamas... The whole piece like dress one used to be Soo lOng... Now Getting shorter and shorter Liaoz.... >.<""" lol....

C sec mommies, when do u start your massage? 3 wks or 4 wks after delivery?

Any recommendation for normal tingkat? Think I hv to order tingkat after my confinement.


I also like the nissen clothes. Was disappointed when I 1st see the clothes. Like very cheapskates hor. But now I feel the material is very thin n soft. Best to let them wear day time. Agree, the long dress is getting shorter. Haha...

Pupsik pouch,

Wan to ask the max weight to carry using the pouch... Already got a carrier meant for bigger bb so dunno if I shld get a pouch. Have a mim sling but can't master the sling kungfu....

Audrey> congrats!! Good to know u are seeing improvements...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] jiayou!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pixie> bugis far or not?? My fav usual hair stylist... Who happens to be the hubby of one of the march mummies has a salon at SHAW... kekeke...

We only realized he's her hubby when we met at Mt A while I was discharging... Lol....

Hi enialec,

My massage place suggested 1 month after csect so I just did that. I feel that the massage not painful since my wound already healed. I remember doing massage just after 2 weeks of csect for my first kid and it really painful.

I ordered lunch tingkat from chu wei san tong and dinner from Neo Garden. I find the lunch food quite good. U can google for contact.

Butter> pupsik M is definitely ur size la... I'm using L..

For mummies with bravado BSS.. I would safely say...

Their wearing M for bravado would use M pupsik... Those wearig L would need L etc... For most cases...

Unless u have super huge assets then u may up or downsize for pupsik...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies I've met and seen before, I would generally question u if u ordered the wrong size...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Those I've never met then Bo bian la...

Butter> 3.5kg??? Lol... Sorry but for both my girls I never noticed this...

RY was 3760...

RY was 4230..

Hahah well above the recommended weight... Lol..

I Nv ever had that info in my brain even... Lol....

Btw, RL should be abt 5.5kg now.. I weigh myself.. Then weigh again carrying her.. Minus off the difference... Keke...


i have no pupsik but I hve 2mim slings. Wah godsent. I can sling even my boy last time when he was > 2.5yo.

Very good to use leh. Till now I went out with bb few times all slinging her. I don't have stroller at home mah

Btw rach gathering at ur place will give it a miss. Too far for me since I stay west

Ahhh rach no wonder u guys were toking outside my room. I wanted to close the door but I was latching x2....I could hear u guys toking neh

I want somewhere good n near my place. My mom will still be at my place next week out of goodwill so when she is ard quickly go out n cut hair lo. Else Bo time

Rach, all thanks to your advice la!! :) Ya i'm also using the nissen clothes most of the time! Easier to wear than rompers lo, and v thin and cooling for bb. But my long dress still looks v long on my girl lo hehe. Oh ya how was your bb dedication today?

Annie> 15 April will be PUPSIK TRAINING SESSION ok?

Last time my previous thread they call me PUPSIK QUEEN..

cuz I can wear it best and anywhere... Lol...

It's supposed to be snug and tight fitting de...

ST> pupsik restOcking on 10April..

So they will deliver to me again once stocks in...

So u can let me know what design and size...

Pm me okie..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Angelia> steady la... U can be the next pupsik queen liaox..

That's the correct way of using it..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lailai> u power la... Filet o fish & KFC????!!!!!!???

lucky is ur MIL.. no one dare comment... If it's CL... sure condemned Liaoz.... Ops.....

No outside food cuz mainly no salt/MSG/processed food...

Basically fresh & natural.... As much as possible la... Though some CL also buy food once in 2/3days...

Filet of fish -> processed and plenty msg & fried with "dirty" oil... U dunno how many times they used that oil...

And I think they "wash" the oil by pouring in some powder....

KFC -> frozen chicken dunno how many mos, msg & same "dirty" oil...

Not like our home oil cooked only once... Or twice maybe..

But my CL dun recycle oil...

Sinmey> yaya at first received Also a bit disappointed...

And the thread all sew outside so ugly rite?? I tot is tongbalek Lo... But I think is so that the thread wont irritate baby skin inside... Very totful but cannot wear out la..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pupsik up to 20kg...

Means rayanne can still use also..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pupsik queen aka Rach, very good, pls train us in using the Pupsik and also latching tactics!! Recently I have problem latching my boy. He always fuss when I latch him. Feel so frustrated at times... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Pixie> really?????? U heard us talking???? U know it's me meh????

Ya ya ... We met outside the nursery... Rem u said ur room next to nursery.... Lol....... Like that also 让你听到... Lol...

Moshi, Count me in for the gathering.

Time: lunch?? 1pm?? Or 3pm?? I'm fine with both..

1. Hazel

2. Baby_love

3. ST

4. Angelia

5. Sinmey

6. Felina & Eden (Prefers 15th Friday)

7. Jaime n Charmaine ( prefer fri coz weekend family time )

8. Matilda & Lucien

9. 2Ks & kiefer

10. Shirley n Jeannie

11. caecilia & cayli (prefer 15th April)

12. Hui Ching & kaydee (prefer wkday)

Audrey> haha we all share share and encourage only la... Ultimately u all must practise what is being shared else also cannot see results....

It's ur diligence paid off..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh baby ded was great..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

U Nv watch today online ah.... Pst K made a short & simple prophecy over RL life.... I like!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rach : hahaha!! I got training at home when i get my pupsilk de hor... Starting i also scare scare de... Than i just try at home lo... Sometime lazy to use hand carry than i will use pupsilk , so that i can still do my things at home.. Haha!! Than that time also wanna whether can latch outside anot mah, so i just try at home lo.. I put my girl in pupsilk and latch her, walking around the house lo... Hohoho!!! Shiokz!

Annie : that time i got tell you on the phone mah.. If you first time use, ask your hb or anyone at home to help you put bb in the pupsilk first... Cause we first time mum, so scare.. Bb like fragile mah... Haha!! Than when you arga know how to put bb in that time, than you try alone lo... ^^ jiayou kk... Scarly, one day you will cannot leave the house without pupsilk lo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hmmm... Talking about confinement food.. Actually, i also relax liao leh... I also got eat KFC and MacDonald lo... Hahaha!!! =p but once in a while lah.. Hahaha! Luckily my CL is relax type... If really those "old old CL" think they sure dont allow de lo... I'm really very heng to have such a nice and relax CL lo... But hais... 1more week to say byebye to her liao... Damn sad... Think i sure cry lo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Help help!!! Mummies, ask u all.. Wats e best way n fastest way to cure sOre nipples? I stil latch 99% of e time.. I tried leaving bm on nipples but not helping leh.. I tried using niPple cream but awhile later goto clean off to latch liao

babybride, if you are using lanisoh cream for sore nipples, no need to clean off at all. I latch straightaway. It is very safe according to the doc and nurses.

rach, wah...thanks man...heng I only touched both once nia...will avoid from now...my MIL is not very strict with confinement lah...will let me go out somemore...

Mummies- Whenever I put Ebm to e freezer, dunno is it because freezer cold, my hand will be abit sng sng after that.. do u all have this feeling? So scared I kena what they known as 'confinement wind'..but if nv open feeezer my hands perfectly ok..


Thanks. Ok. Then I will start my massage at 4wks. Now I'm in my 3rd wk the area near the wound still like quite painful when I touch it.

For the tingkat, thanks for your recommendation. I will google on both to c which one I prefer. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pupsik pouch- yet to try mine on bb.. Nv got a chance to use it.. Bring her go polyclinic also stupidly carry her using hand.. Shall try it out this wed when bring bb to places for her full month ..

Sian... Tonight is my last day of undisturbed sleep... Cl leaving tomorrow... Damn bu she de her lor..

Hubby treated her eat alaska long leg crab leh.. So fortunate hor... And I can only see...

Angelia, my hb dunno how to help me with massage breast or use Pupsik one la.. I have to learn it myself... Maybe Tmr I try to use again.. I need to bring Bb out to bukit panjang plaza to pay my bill n stuff.. Hope he wun cry when I carry him out alone! Tmr must try to venture out myself Liao.. I abit scare but have to try it!

I drink soya bean milk during confinement too.....

Ha ha, I will also try to use pupsilk, need to bring bb out full month dinner this coming Saturday, so need to trytry... Anything, I will ask you angelia n Rach....

Allets, I had that sng sng feeling too.... IN the first 2 weeks, my CL says is because of opening fridge door lor... I tried to minimize opening it lor, it kinda helps... So try lah.. Get others to put in the ebm for you lor.

Mummies... Ask you all, after using the sterilizer for your bottles n pumps parts, do you store them into another box or keep in the sterilizer and use it when required?

I'm looking for a more efficient way ton use the sterilizer leh....

Finally back home from my Bb full mth celebration. Super tiring... Phewz. But at least it's finally done n over. Hosted think 100+ guest.

Xiaofeizhu/spyria - find stamford not bad. Came on time n gave me spare wax/takeaway containers, buffer more time for me as requested. Mine from 2.30pm-8pm. No extra charge leh. As for e food, only know e assam fish is nice. I din have chance to eat much n was too busy n hungry, can't really enjoy n taste e food well. But I din hear any guest complain or hiam. So I guess it's fine. As for portion, not sure it's a lil small or I had more guest than expected. Catered for 85pax, came 100+pax I think n all cleared! If u wanna use them, think need to cater slightly more. Guess their portion is like neo garden, smaller portion.

Pixie - try Shirley Mah at jurong west Blk 496 there. They r consider v popular in west area. Else jurong point. Sandstorm,storm n another name I forget le. But slightly more costly.

Tres: after I sterilize, i kept in a box with cover, something like dish rack.. Cos i hv alot of storage bottles for ebm de

Babybride> wat nipple cream u using?? Most dun need to clean off... If after soooo long u still having sore nipples I think u been latching wrOngly... Better go tmc seek LC help...

It'll be money worth it...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

RL slept from 5plus till 9plus on the bouncer tummy down...

I cooked dinner, ate dinner, watched Rapunzel with RY & hb... And RL still sleeping... And she was in living room where we watched cartoon... All was fine excePt my almost bursting busts... So I brought her back into room and changed her diaper and latched her and she continued sleeping.. How nice...

And finally RY is asleep...

ME gonna sleeP now... Sooo tired.... Niter mummies!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Annie : or maybe ask your mother to help you first lo... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] keep trying! Wu dai ji bu dai ji, just at home try.. Than by 15th April, hoseh liao... You can just go with pupsilk liao... ^^

Tres : just remember the steps, i type earlier on... Than very easy to use liao... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

won_mummy - Thanks for your feedback on Stamford catering....

2Ks - Can give me the measurement of the lock and lock box you use to store your ebm? 1 box can keep how many full packets? Are you using lashinoh milk bag? The box that I buy not big enough to put the milk bag lying down... sianz...

Hi mummies

I m really v upset! Someone didn't close my freezer

Door properly n my 6 boxes of frozen EBM have started thawing! Wh means i have to throw everything away! I m really v pissed off! Arrrrgggghhhh! All my precious BM! Really wanted to cry just now! Hubby said it's ok since I havesomuch milk!wanted to kick him! N to make matters

worse, even my bottled ebm inthe fridgedidn't feel cold anymore! Wanted to throw them away too! N I thot when I go backtowork after 3 months n I'm going overseas for biz trip, the frozen ebm can come in handy then! Arrrrggggghhhh! M so frustrated!

Anyway, I have decided to buy a chest freezer!

Mummies- talking about frozen bm.. Can I check if it is ok that I rEmove them from my mum freezer than pass to hb to bring home to put in our freezer? But I did not use FTg.. Only put them into plastic bag.. Duration from my mum house to my home is max 20mins..

Thanks 2Ks n pooh bear...

Currently,me also sterilize n then put into a big box.... But am thinking of doing away the big box lah... See if I can use the sterilizer only....

Mummies, tink I'm going crazy soon.

Didn't sleep at all cos hav been latching my gal for the whole nite. She latch den halfway poo. Went to slp for less than half an hr den cry. Gotto latch again. The same cycle continues. She has pooed 4 times in 4 hrs. Is it normal? Lik tt she n I get no rest at all, including my cl.

Mummy pumping daddy snoring... Luckily still have cl to help w nite feed. After she go.. Mummy feed then pump? Dun need sleep??


Mummies- is it normal for bb poo to be very watery? My daughter has been pooing super watery poo tonight.. No

Hard stools only like thise lao sai watery stools.. Changed her Liao than 'piah' poo again.. E entire nite already change at least 4 times.. How we know if e poo is normal n not stomach upset? She was not cranky or did not cry ESP weird.. Poo Liao stil can continue sleep.. Is this normal?

Sian.. My flu seems to be getting worse n so afraid might pass e virus to my ger.. She co- sleep with me n I have close contact with her cos need to pat, changed her etc.. Morning need to ask my mum help me get masks..

Mummies- for flu n breastfeedibg, besides piriton,A any other medicine we can safely take? Mu nose like running tao..Felt so handicap now Cos stil doing confinement can't keave house buy medicine n hb not with me.. Or wound it be advisable to visit gp rather than self-medicate? my mum here e gp queue also super long.. Min wait 1.5 hours.. Arrgh! Wat should I do?

