(2011/03) Mar 2011


It is normal for BF BB to poo 6-8x a day in the first few months. My BB also keeps waking if I latch. That's why I just pump at night & CL feeds.


That's why I gave up pumping at night after my CL left for my #1.


It's normal for BB poo to be watery. There are usually some seed-like stuff in the poo also. As long as you BF, your antibodies will be passed to your daughter, so you should continue BFing. Besides piriton, you can also take sudafed, but breast milk supply may reduce. Can refer to http://www.kellymom.com/health/meds/cold-remedy.html for safe medicine. I'd probably self-medicate since the GP queue is so long.


Just finish my baby's full month celebration. So happy to see so many friends until I forget who is carrying my baby. I used Fours season as my caterer,I must say it's so so only. The vegetables seems to be a bit salty. The quantity of the food was way too much except the drinks and disposable plates. So whoever is thinking of ordering from them,i suggest you add order for drinks cuz guests tend to drink more than eat. Make sure they give u extra disposable plates and cups too.

Xiaofeizhu: I dun hv a measuring tape at home leh.. I bought the lock lock as a set of 3 at robinsons.. But hor I find it can't keep alot leh. Maybe about 8 pkts? Just that can stack nicely la. I m going daiso to get baskets to store..those $2 kind..

I need to separate the milk otherwise very hard to find in my chest freezer.

Tres: the box occupy alot of space in the kitchen hor but Bo Bian otherwise I dunno where to keep my sterilized bottles etc.

Pooh bear

If u dun pump at nite do u latch?


I use lock n lock for bottles too n it takes up space on my counter. I even have another one for my pump parts.


Thx for your feedback on four season. I had it at a friends party n got the card so was considering. Guess will try others or revert to my old caterers.


thanks for the feedback and looks like they r not bad since no complains from your guests. will ask them about the surcharge again since its stated in their webby.


i also dread the day my cl leaves...dunno how to manage when need to feed, change diaper and pump and the cycle repeats 3 hours later..

pooh bear,

give up pumping at nite? wouldnt your breast get engorged?

Me too! From sun onwards will bring bb home n it will be only me n hb to handle bb at nite .. So all e diaper changing, feedings will be done by this mummy cos daddy needs to work!

I have stopped nite pumping as well.. Last pump usually at 12-1 am like that, after that drink Dom n ko till Next pump at 8plus.. Breasts will be full n i know ss wil definitely be affected in e long run.. But no choice, else i really dun need to sleep If i pump at nite n still feed/ change bb.. There are so many a times that my brain has tried to psycho me to give up bfing.. But i will persist on untIl not enuf for my ger than say..

Hi mummies,

Quite some time I didnt post. My mum suppose to help me look after bb had chicken pox!!!!! N I got to move back to my in law place. During confinement was CL sick n left early now my mum's turn.And my bm had stopped!!! Was still pumping d day b4 n yday realized my breasts no engorement n last night my menses came!!!

D moving of all the stuff was a killer n imagine 1 mth later I got to move all d stuff back again.


I was exclusively pumping for my #1 & I had my CL for 10 weeks that time. When she left, my bb already developed preference for bottle, so refused to latch any more.


As above, it was after 10 weeks. Yes, a bit engorged, but would clear after the morning pump. Not as bad as the few days when the milk just came in. Last pump usually 12-1am (like allets), after that next pump at 7am. Milk supply was sort of stabilised after 2.5 mths & didn't drop significantly. I eventually managed to give BM for 1.5 year then I stopped.


Actually bb woke up more during the 1st mth.... N it shld get better when they grow...

Still remember bb Shay was up for milk every 2 hr when cl left n I pump 4 hrly. Really no need sleep lor. Lucky jz after 5 days(<1wk I think), bb sleep longer at nite n after the nite feed at 12am, he only up at 4 n 7 am now... N the lazy me drag the pump to 6am 1st b4 feeding bb n now I even sleep till 7am n pump after bb feed.

Oh ya, I change his diaper at 12am so I 'dun' have to change on 4am feed unless he poo poo lar. So jz feed then both he n I will ko after that. I'll jz soak the bottle in sink n wash all including my pump in morning...

Also, if I'm tire, I will sleep by 8-9pm after I put bb to sleep... Then wake up at 12am to pump n I get my HB to feed bb...

Dun worry too much. Might be tough the 1wk.. I believe all can do it de.. Jz get use to the routine n catch the nap whenever u can ba... Even my HB told me yesterday when I sat on sofa that like seems long time he nvr really sit down n talk to me liao... Sound sad lor but I really tire Ma. Sleep is my priority now... Haha

Panda hut,

Menses come so soon? U must be very stress during the period....

Breast no engorge still have milk de.. Jz pump diligently in 3/4 hrly.. Less also better than nothing Ma... Jiayou k!!!!

Pooh bear, my bb can't latch n since birth bottle feed till now.

Sinmey, at first I thought it's d discharge but then it's getting more now so confirm menses.

Ok, I go try pump later n hope got some output.

Panda> menses came doesn't mean BF stopped...

But menses do decrease the ss a bit during the few days..

Once menses stopped, ur milk ss will resume...

Dun think that's the end of ur moo moo career yah....

If u were still pumping the day before... Cannot just suddenly stop one la...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Cheers... Relax... Ull see ur ss back soon...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


1. Hazel

2. Baby_love

3. ST

4. Angelia

5. Sinmey

6. Felina & Eden (Prefers 15th Friday)

7. Jaime n Charmaine ( prefer fri coz weekend family time )

8. Matilda & Lucien

9. 2Ks & kiefer

10. Shirley n Jeannie

11. caecilia & cayli (prefer 15th April)

12. Hui Ching & kaydee (prefer wkday)

13. Jasmine & Jovan (will come after a few practices of driving him ard with no one in the car except me.. hahaa...)


u got extra parts!!!?? i orderd the softshield from u liao.. i PM u in a while.. need to get more bra too...

chiam... ever since my pump not working.. i've been latching... then my breasts forever feel so engorged... and i'm having signs of inflammation again!!!

and yes.. finally Jovan's first mth celebration is over too... =)

Sinmey> yes I'm always very blessed af fortunate..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Last nite latched RL at 1plus... Then Ko till 7plus she still sleeping.. But my breasts exploding..

Thank God I latched RY on one side after I latched RL.

Cuz RY was whining and shrieking for no reason.... Latched her to sleep...

Woke up 7plus and my both breasts exploding..

So kajiao RL up to latch her.. Now soft Liaoz.. Lol....

Heng gt RY to be my pump... Lol.. Fuss free pump...

Pandahut: menses come so fast? I remember I almost 13 months no come menses leh when I was bf...

Heard that if menses come means fertile again..

rach..very good to have a walkin pump [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i also dont lke to use my eletric pump coz confined at one area to pump..i prefer to use my avent manual n pump anywhere i like [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but urs even better..."pump" oredi dont need to store [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

for me, my girl just turn week 6..she haven had any bottle yet after bad experience during #1 who prefer the bottle than to latch..

so i am still holding out on the bottle till....maybe 1-2 weeks coz i am FTWM also dont know to not introduce bottle later big trouble when go work lor..

that time say week 6 introduce..but i stil thinking [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] coz really good to not having to bring bottle , EBM out unlike when i had #1 so damn leceh lor..

yesterday i went marina sq from 11 to 1plus 2...

latch her once during lunch.then she continue to zzz...when she stirred abit..continue to stroll..then zzz back..

i also need her to get used to the stroller..my #1 dont like stroller as well..

all the mistakes done for #1 must not be repeated!!

i always think being #1 is good coz have all the attention but also all the trial n errors are done on #1..

when #2..there will be less room for errors [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mummies, really jia lat Liao.. My boy really seem

To prefer bottle than my nipples!! He can drink so well n guai from bottle but whenever I latch him he will fuss n cry!! Sigh... The last 3/4 times I latched all same pattern. How? Feel so sad... Think I have to become exclusive pump n bottle feed ebm Liao.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] that means going out will be a hassle!! Must bring pump, chilled ebm, hot water, bottles n thermal cup! Sigh... How to make Bb convert back to latch? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]


same here, many times my brain keep signalling to me to shorten breastfeeding period from 6mth to 3mth period..but must really tell ourselves to persevere till the end and not stop because of our laziness...haiz the things we mothers sacrifice!!

pooh bear,

im very wary of engorgement now cos i was scared out of my wits during the first few days and dun want it to repeat. and i think i still got some blocked ducts leh..some area still like hard hard de..

hopefully pumping and milk supply will stabilize in time to come then i can drag my hours of pumping too.

Pumping now, got some bm, though not alot.

Fertile???!!! No pls, I intend to close shop eventhough this my #1

annie...u use the bottle nipple..n lead him to breast...

for #1 i manage to exclusively latch him month 3-4..after much effort afrom 4-8 weeks..can be done..before week 4..he clearly prefer the bottle [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

i did it..

though after i went back to work..he went back to bottle n refuse the latch..n i only can latch in the middle of the night..coz he too blur to reject...

Jaime, what u mean by bottle nipple to breast?? I really hope to convert him back to latching... But seeing him cry n fuss during n after each latching session I feel like giving in to him all bottle loh.. Like I torturing him like that.. Then fuss until milk will puke out..

I also latch him at night but he not blur loh.. Very smart know the difference n still cry n fuss! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

2K> yaya... I always tell my frens...menses back = body ready for next one Liaoz... Lol....

That's why when I was BF RY, my menses returned on 8th mos, next month I preggy Liaoz...

So I only had ONE menses since Nov 2008... Wahahahaha...

How nice... Except for the irritating lochia la... Lol....

On and off.. Clear for 2 days and then back again to haunt me...

Mummies- can i check, u all got let bb rest head on those dimple pillow( those middle got 1 hole) de or u merely let bb sleep With nothing for e head? My ger tends to choke on her own saliva n my mum told me to let her use e dimple pillow to elevate her head.. But rem from e annetal class mentioned dimple pillow not good for bb head.. I dunno sia.. Nite time I very worried cos yEst she choke twice n heng I around n quickly bring her up to straight.. That's also 1 of e reason why she co- sleep with me.. Easier to resSponse to her when she er nie or like got breathing prob..

Anyone can advise on this- For frozen ebm, if I tSke out from freezer for abt 20mins n put back Ok not? Cos my mum freezer no space n every few days will ask hb bring home my frozen Ebm to out inside our house fridge than when transporting,I never use FTg for that.. Just put Inside plastic bag.. My house from my mum is approx 20'mins in total..

Jaime> but I feel so bad to 利用 RY to help me only when i bursting... Lol....

But I dun mind her to drink a bit here and there so long she dun make it habit...

Too lazy to pump out for her also... Wah I should hor... Pump for her daily intake and latch RL... Save milk powder.. Lol....

I can latch both on demand also la.. But I very scared can't wean her off later... Else shiok leh... Free milk for another 1-2yrs!!!!! But not sexy bra... Only can nursing bra..

Wanna buy VS also can't!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My bb tends to be awake from the 10pm to 2am period and he will cry and cry even after milk, change his diapers, very bad habit. Is there anyway to make him KO? He tends to sleep a lot in the day. I tried to keep him awake from the 6pm to 9pm period hoping to make him KO better at night but he will cry. Then he's gonna be 8 weeks old tomorrow but he's still drinking abt 90ml in the daytime then nighttime I'll give him less like 70-80 ml cos he often dozes off w/o finishing the milk.

My helper damn good life leh. From 9pm+ sleep till 7am + nap in the afternn. Night time never even wake up to help us warm milk or do night feeding. My HB say night feeding he wanna do cos he dun trust the helper to touch the baby, he just need the helper to warm up the milk. I'm like WTH? Then when bb make noise, she will go take a look, then sometimes I get irritated cos I know when the bb is just making those eh eh eh sound or he need something. Then some more pay her $420 + 2 days off a mth. Really good life lor!

Sorry everyone. Just need to come here and rant!

Limlim- u Exclusive bottle feed ?or u got latch ? 90ml for 2 months old like quite little hor.. My ger turning 1 month I gavE her 90 ml every 4 hourly.. Goin to up to 100ml this wed..

Panda & Annie,

I just had a consultation with this lactation consultant Betty Lee. My problem is flat nipples. That's why I had a lot of pain when latching my #1 & eventually pumped exclusively. But after my CL left, I found it very troublesome to pump & wash & feed.

So this time I'm working harder to latch #2. My LC just showed me how to latch properly. She said she had managed to latch a 3mth old baby who was on bottle previously.


My LC also said that BBs with a lot of gas tend to be fussy in the evening, so must burp properly. She said no need to hit the back, just need to sit BB straight & stroke the back. If they sleep & later fuss, can try burping then.

.lim lim... Same sentiments.... I also think my helper very good life.... But It's my choice cos I dun want her to touch bb while she is still young,i will slowly introduced her to care for bb when bb's neck is stronger. But all the household chores, I' ill ask her to o n I have high expectations for her.

2K, yup that big box is very chore tang,i'm thinking of getting rid of it but I also have a lot of bottles for ebm ... So dunno how too?

Allets, can tahan meh??? Like 8 hrs, no pump?? What is your pump interval before this??? I 'm thinking og switching to a 5 hrly pump Liao... Shag leh n I'm trying to get used to waking up at night o feed bb after CL leaves....

allets: Got one time nearly become exclusive bottle feed cos we find it faster esp at night. During that time my ss also starts to drop. When I visited the PD, my PD told me if I dun latch then my ss will drop after 3 mths and bb tends to drink more when latched. So nowadays I try to latch in daytime then night time bottle feed. I haven't learn the trick of lying down to latch. Haizz.

Pooh: but it's not evening, it's very late at night. Then when my HB bottle feed him, he always make sure bb burp.

tres: same here.....the 1st time she wash my MBR toilet, failed! Shower screen still can see water mark, toilet bowl can see water stains! My HB say she last time is HDB std .....must train to become condo std. Kaoz! Somemore we dun cook, she dun even need to clean kitchen or wash dishes. I intend to 'mess' up my kitchen at least she got more things to do.


My gal use the dimple pillow leh. Y can't use? In fact, of she didn't lie there n jus lie flat on bed she will er ni.

hi mummies, sorry to disturb..

anyone interested in a set of 4 carter's baby softbook with teether at $33.94?

pls let me know via PM if interested by this friday, thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Tres- day time I pumP every 4 hour.. After last pump at 1am , next pump will be when I wake up..

Having mixed feelings sia.. Cos my bb I have decided to ask mil to look after cos I seriously think my mum can't handle 3 kids n she rejected e idea of getting a maid .. I think i siao.. Knowing tat my mil will looks after bb n bb will b lonely there without my niece n nephew, I actually cried.. Dunno cry for wat when my mil can give bb 100% undivided attention! Siao mummy!

Rach: wah!! So zun... So fertile... Kekeke

I didn't hv menses till 13 months I think... Damn shiok save alot on pads sia

looks like the gathering on 15 april at rach house has a gd response.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Limlim, sometimes Jayien slps too much I'll try to wake him too.. Try sitting him up or do some lil exercise fr him or talk to him? I jus tried to keep him awake whenever he slps too much in e day.. Tt time no matter wad I did, he refused to wake, I decided to cut his nails.. N he was wide awake aft tt.. Keke.. But I feel no guarentee definately will slp even if u keep him up, there r days where he didn't slp frm 7 plus till 12am but still had prob falling aslp aft feed..

Allets: I use dimple pillow fr both my boys.. Jayien slps in rocker most of e time in e day, so need a dimple pillow to support his head.. N at night he slps on tummy, so no pillow needed.

I totally und u, sometimes we cry alrdy we find tt there's actually nth to cry about.. Think it's jus e hormones. I'm facing tt too, crying each time my hb goes to work n when I send Javier to sch.. I keep thinking if I was mad. Lucky I had 2Ks n Pinky to talk to.. If nt think I will go ki siao..

mummies - did you all shave your bb's hair during 1st mth? my gal's hair v dark, neat n nice, only trim a little when doing her full mth. but lots of folks suggest that i should shave once then new hair will be even nicer in future. shd I? shd I not?

any pros n cons? need 2nd time mummies's advices.

lilprecious, when u say rocker, is it those battery operated kind that has vibrations? i dunno if to get that for my son a not.. he doesnt to slp well i feel lah.. like got wind in his stomach.. whenever he wanna let out gas or shit, he will make noise one like very xin ku.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

pooh bear,

yes, ML did massage and it really cleared after 1-2 sessions wif her but super duper pain and i scream until she scared. hahaa.

but i realised something very funny. cos we need to lie face down rite and in that way my breasts are like squashed against the mattress and when i turn up again, its like all blocked again liao..funny rite..ML says i got active glands so hv to pump out frequently to prevent lumps. so now i wary lor...

Won mummy, if bb hair s nice, better dun shave. Heard cases that bb hair initially nice, shaved already, grown back not nice. My bb also have thick and nice hair, I din shave, only cut yi shi yi shi on full mth.

Any mummies tried melrose bakery's tarts b4 ? Izit nicer than their cakes?

Panda hut, keep pumping, dun give up. Jia you!

Jaster, why r the signs of breast inflammation ? My boobs feel burning or odd sensation, not sure how to describe ? No fever though.

Won mummy, I love my bb's hair too so I don't think I will shave for full month. Just trim a bit only.

Yean, I've tried their fruit tarts as my colleagues always order from them. Not too bad.



I find that for my #1, after the initial period, my breasts not engorged so easily despite stable supply so can start to prolong the period between pumps (after about 6 weeks).

Won mummy,

I didn't shave my #1. I think it's up to the individual lah.

