(2011/03) Mar 2011

2Ks - Ok thanks...

Just now was trying to change diaper for bb cos she poo and was crying then CL is bathing... wahhh as I change she keep kicking and crying until the whole face red... I cry with her also cos dunno how to pacify her... really cannot imagine what will happen after CL leave next Friday.... I think I can really carry bb and cry with her liao...


Yean, I just had breast inflammation over the weekend. For me, I had fever on wed & thu and I thot I was coming down w flu cos my #1 was sick. On fri, my left breast on the left side started hurting and was lumpy and the bm yield was very low. Chest was also very warm. Sat I went hospital to get the nurse to help me massage and clear the lumps. Was told I'm getting early mastitis and was given antibiotics to clear the inflammation. It's so painful and I cannot take it!!! Now I'm back to 3hrly latch, jot compression and pump to clear the blockage and lumps. Very xin ku.

So pls latch, do hot compression, massage and pump! It'll help a lot!

Spyria, I used to be engorgement queen. Within 1-2 hours, breasts confirm engorged and must pump. It was super tiring and I hardly sleep a wink during my 1st week. After using hot compress, massaging and regular pumping for 2 weeks, I can see the difference now. I don't get engorged so quickly anymore and I seldom use hot compress nowadays. I can afford to pump at 4-5 hour interval. Hang on there ya! Once your breasts are used to the momentum, everything will be in place. Just gonna bite the bullet at the beginning. =)

Food portion consider generous thou coz I still have leftover.

I asked if they can collect ltr bcoz webby state 4hrs.

The aunty said no bcoz they hv a schedule to run even thou I tried to sweet talk her :p

Anw heng my guests were all done by collection time.

Another feedback, ML Mona-

Did my first session with her today.

On first look, she is not a friendly chit chatty aunty type.

So I was alittle scare bcoz of some previous complains I read from other mummies.

But in the end I am so glad to hv stick to her.

She shared with me abt my body, my prob areas etc and I find her pro n informative.

I like her so much that am thinking of doing 10sessions instead of 5 but she said I small size no need 10sessions.

So for other mummies who booked Mona, no need scare, I think the previous round is miscom.

Oh but am pretty flex with massage timing.

So I asked Mona to SMS the timing for nxt session 1-2 days in advanced. Some mummy may not like this thou but am ok.

Just dun understand e older generation.. During their time no fm they also breastfeed right? My ah Ma came n when she saw me, she commented on my dark rings.. I already told her I stopped nite pumping Liao n I get to sleep from 2-8am.. Than she said must take care of body or else later suffer.. Haiz.. Think she is trying to ask me rest more pump less.. My face really tat pale meh? I wonder.. her remarks always make me v stress cos I know she meant well..'but to them,'rest is impt than anything.. They dunno that If dun pump freq will have engorgement..'to them i think their mentality is Tara I wan milk, my brEast will sure Produce de..

Lilprecious- my mum know I cried n ask n me why.. Of cos cannot tell her is because of bb sitting issue lah.. So I bluffed her is abt work.. Actually I feel sad tat My mum unable to take care of my ger.. Cos afterall am closer to her compared to my mil.. Hb said mil ok to look after bb but I must tell her personally.. Cos mil everytime worry too much.. She scared tat I dun like she bb sit, worry abt straining our r/s.. Biang! Do I have a choice now If my mum can bb sit?!

Btw any mummy can reco a gd pd in the west, jurong?

But not kidslink bcoz I went there once le.

Baby nose still stuffy like alot of phlemg.

Then nose block lidat.

This fri he's due for injection, I tot if bringing to Pd then shun bian chk if baby's ok.

His eyes n face still yellow. Got baby jaundice for so long de meh huh?

LX3-- can give one Fm at nite to have a rest..initally ist few days i oso keep getting up to latch..and end result is i feel like a SICKo the nex day..dont feel gd at all..try to get some rest if not use your EBM..

LIMLIM-- your hubby totally dont want helper to touch bb?..I feel some experience with you guys monitoring is oso gd..if nt, too lax..too gd life lata, the helper oso no gd..

2Ks- thks for your recommend.. I am pls w the Indo message lady as well..nice and easy to tok to..

2K> after menses came on 8th mos, i know body ready...

So next month was like try Lo... Hahaha... One shot one que....

Try first time Tio Liaoz.... Ahahaha... Nv purposely take temp or what... Just ard that period... Lol....

puan> on hand I have urban chic & mocha dots L...

Pm me okie..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my birh story of BB cherise--..time flies and now nearly 2 weeks le..

( my mum likes the date)LOL again

Part one-

22nd Marc- check in KKH- induced- put ist tablet....

observation till 3hrs lata go back to ward..

stay in A1 ward, ward 82, bed 33, till 10.30am in morning go get ready to put 2nd tablet..

nothing intereesting happen..no feel nothing at all~ and i thot wat the hell about induce

12 hours doing nothing


23 March- 10.30am put 2nd tablet..

-feel a bit odd odd de..mb having some slight contractions le..

- observe for 3 hrs..

- feel hungry but doc say cannot eat too much tins, hubby go buy zhu chang fen..

-1.30 to 2pm- eat zhu chang fen..but dont feel well le..got some contractions..

-2 plus 3 pm- doct burst water bag- 4 cm dilated.

- 3plus vomit out my zhu chang fen and pushed to deliver suite

-4plus, put on GBS and monitor ..feels sick already..hubby says ask for epdural, no chance to try laughing gas..

- anthesaticst came(wrong spelling) inject..feels numbeness and i like this feeling

-after epidural, feel beta, can tok more like a human being..LOL

- 6plus 7- dilation 8 cm to 9cm..

- doctor came awhile to see, then went off..

- 8plus--10cm..doctor came and start pushing

- contractions start at 7plus feel come back..request to up dose. but doc and nurses stop mi..LOL

-8plus- pushed 30 to 40 min bah..though I still got some numbness from epidural....midwives Esther and Shrifah is very good indeed!

9.35pm bb Cherise borned 9.35pm..cutie loh!!!

11 hours more in action..LOL

BUTTER8- you oso gave birth on 23th MArch rite? wat time you gave birth?[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


i oso looking for a pd in west apart from kidslink

won mummy say kidslink renovation, so now also cannot go there

btw, bb blocked nose, really no cure for now. all the stronger meds they cannot take and can only have mild ones which requires long term medication...moreover like many mummies said, nasal passageway is narrow...

not say PD seen liao still bb is not well = pd no good lah. its very common in newborn leh

Starfruit, won't baby get nipple confusion if I use bottle for ebm to feed her. Tt is the only concern I hav, if not night time I would bottle feed when it gets bad lik yst nite Liao.

Me also looking for a good pd in the west. Going to bring my gal for 1st jab in 2 weeks time.


me me me..my breast also feels very hot like got burning sensation and sometimes like needles prickling rite? and chest area also feels hot too. i also dun hv fever (yet?) choi! - is this a sign of inflammation?


Are you feeling okie now? omg, i hate to imagine going through this. i think if im not careful or hardworking enough to pump out milk i might kena also cos ur symtopms quite similar to mine. =(

please take care yah..


i agree wif u! mona is very experienced and she can tell alot of things by observing our body. u know wat she told me during our ist session

she mentioned i got back prob - true

short labour (mine is 8 hours) - true

assisted delivery (need to use forceps) - true

left breast produce more milk than right breast - true!!!

omg! i didnt even share anything wif her and she can tell me all these. I nearly ask her for 4D lor...so zun.


thanks for your words of confidence! im thinking how to go out in future if gota pump every 3hr...so will stabilise and tahan till longer period huh...whew..im waiting for that day to come..

won mummy..i didn shave for #1 coz he has lots of hair..so i feel sayang to shave n i cant bear to see all his newborn photo without hair..so didnt shave ..

then at 4th month..sometimes some ppl also shave..that time got balding spots behind coz always lying down...the old folks all ask me to shave coz ugly on the back part...i also never shave...coz i take photo in the front mar..

now this girl...n lots of hair..some more cannot shave lor according to me lor..the most cut abit for ye shi ye shi lor

milk tea..my girl got mucus n running nose for 1 weeks plus..i see PD..PD give nasal congestion and saline as nose drop..put 1 week also cannot. then need to stop medication..then after anoter 2-3 days it disappear..luckily never kan cheong go see PD again

Limlim... Give a schedule lah... Besides looking after bb, there are lot to do.... my helper now are gd fren w my CL.... I have asked her to learnt to cook the confinement when she leaves.... So sure can train 1. If not, their life is too good liao.

Allets, never mind lah... As long as bb is well looked after, it should be fine.... Dun worry abt spoiling r/s.. I always believe that you ave to tahan n close both eyes when bb is in the care of others.. If you want to implement your own rules....then look after bb yourself... So dun stress yourself so early..it may turnout to be a good thing???

Won mummy, me also dun intend to shave my bb girl air, just in case it doesn't grow next time. Btw, during full month, do we trim bb air before leaving the house? I dun know what to do for this leh??


some time ago, i remembered someone posting abt nursing shawl..i need to get one..but i forgot who recommend what kind of nursing shawl already...my baby is like a worm..struggle alot so i need one that offers good coverage.

Any lobangs?


wat spree u having now huh?

mummies, how and where u all get the party stuff to decorate for bb shower? i stuck at home so have to know where to get the decor stuff and just get my bro or hubby to go get.

Just to check with all mummies,my boy is exactly 4weeks old today,he's behaving very wierdly today,normally he wants to drink every 3 hour,today wants milk after 2 hours then 1 1/2 hours and drink the same amt,he has nv vomit so far,I'm very worried tht I overbred him.

pixel, I went to kidslink @ opp chinese garden MRT station there.

Act the Pd very good, but bcoz bb nose still block, am hoping that another Pd might have other solution that I can try out loh.

Else bb like very poor thing when I see him trying to catch air =(

Spyria, she knowing things w/o me telling, that made me feel safe. Coz frankly speaking, ML no liscense de mah, if wound get infection or anyting also dun noe how.

Then at first sight she dun look very friendly also. Haha..

But when the session started, she tell me this and this and that and advise me on how to tk care of my body, I felt more confident and slowly we are chatting like friends le.

But her timing we must be alittle flex, like sat then she cfm her timing with me for today's session which was fine with me since am still in confinement.

Babybride, for very gd coverage I rem is MPJ.

That time Rach helped some mummies to get but I think now no more gd $$ liao.

Then thers also bebe au lait, which looks pretty but only cover front.

Why not you pm Rach, ther's also Pupsik nursing cover which is also front cover nia.

spyria, np! I totally understand 'cause at that point of time, I was also worried if I could sustain 2-3 hourly pump. Slowly lah...your breasts will be able to take longer intervals..=)

milktea, breastmilk jaundice may last up to 2 months...my boy also yellow yellow...=/

Spyria, tks, I'm much better now, at least at the breast area-not as sensitive and painful as the last few days. But my pump yield is very pathetic, even on the non-affected breast. Maybe cos I'm latching more now and my baby is draining the milk in the breast... Hopefully since he looked satisfied and sleepy after the feed. Before this, I was pumping more than latching.

Never kenna this b4 and now I have to be really diligent and make sure to drain my breasts well. But with my #1 always wanting attention, I dunno how long I can sustain to keep up the frequent latching and pumping. But if I don't, i'm so afraid it will recur again.


I gave birth at 1.45pm.

My birth story pretty simple:

6am contractions abt 6 mins apart

730am put on drip

9am dilated about 3-4 cm

10am dilation no change, contractions every 3 mins

Not in major pain but we had opted for epidurial in birth plan so dr came to administer

11 am still no change, increase drip. Contractions strong n regular. Hubby went to get lunch, I'm super hungry.

12 noon midwife check n dilate 8 cm say should b next 2-3 Hr hubby went to get coffee

1+ forgot time dr lee came & said u r ready to go anytime. Shall we wait for your hubby to come back?

I feel something coming out already I say... After looking at nurses n dr I say ' I think u better call him'

Hubby ta bao his coffee bean cup n came up. Dr all ready n say one big push & 2 push Jordan was out. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It was an amazing experience n feeling.

Dr help to remove placenta n sew up. Little or almost no tear, no epistomy.

Jordan tan : 2.97kg 49 cm

That's also my much delayed story ;)


Mocha dots, confetti & urban chic..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hazel: my rocker is lucky baby one.. Not electronic de.. Hehe.. Jus a small rocker like those infant carseat type.. N u can choose to rock yrself, or lock it up n acts as a normal rocker.. =))

Allets: at least yr mil willing to look aft.. I und yr feelings.. Of cos if own mum can do it'll b best.. But since She can't, yr mil shud b able to do a good job too.. =)) own ppl better den outside ppl ya? Hee..

Tks mummies. I shall not shave my gal then. Bu she de also.

Tres - wat i did was, morning trim a little hair, shower, pray to god at home, then mil will put a red dot on her forehead. Then, go mum's house pray to god, then my dad put a black dot on her forehead n done. For praying, we have red eggs, akk, glutinous rice n fruits. V simple ceremony. Oh ya. Not sure abt others. But during wedding we have long feng candle burn 1/2. At home when praying we burn e remaining 1/2 as taught during our wedding prep.

Lailai, tks for info. I've ordered de tar combo sets for my col as my bb full mth gift box.

Baby g, tks for sharing on breast inflammation. So far i dun hav fever n chest warm feeling, just feel burning sensation n boobs get engorged quickly. will monitor closely if I got the signs u mentioned. Btw, which hospital u went to get de nurse's massage?

Spyria, yes I hav same feeling as u. Think we better pump diligently n monitor closely.

BabyG, hope u r recovered now. did u still latch yr Bb when u was told u hav de inflammation?


u mean dr heng? He's very good in skin prob....remember ah. I researched before n that's wat I know. Maybe so long since I went to kidslink in west,no more dr heng?

Btw I stay Chinese garden mrt there so nearest pd also kidslink lo

jabs must make appt one de mah? Or not allowed? Coz my visits there always walk in to see pd, never for jabs....

pixel, then u go wher for ur jab?

yes, is Dr Heng, he seems v experienced but queue very scary. My last experience was wait for 1hr.

My cl just left today and it's a mess for me today lor..

Both of us hug each other and cry.. Sob sob damn bu she de her..

All alone and today kana my son explosive poo...

And the stupid hormones come attacking me finally..haiz...

Lilprecious: I think I got the lucky baby rocker as a gift leh.. Going to sell it away.. Do u remember how much u bought?

Yean, I delivered at SGH and so I called back to ask for help. Lactation consultant was not around on weekend so I asked the nurses to help... Very desperate liao. The ward sister was very helpful and went the extra mile to stay back to help me to massage and do hot compress. She's really great!

Oh I also got my massage lady to come on sun to help me.

Yes, I'm still latching and in fact encouraged to latch more since bb would be most effective to help clear the lumps and blocked duct. Fortunately my bb is not resisting to latch. He was fussing a lot when I latch previously.

Good luck, hope you and spyria's condition gets better soon!

yean, yes Dr Heng is Pd at JE kidslink. Opp chinese garden MRT station.

On co sleeping with baby, what's your view?

Initially we wanted to let him sleep in his own room, but... now abit like bu she de liao.

And I intend to latch him for night feeds.

pixel, if I go Dr Heng there for jab this fri, u wana cme tk ur babyroom decals?

If you want then I make appt le let u noe timing.

Woke up to pump and realised my son was not on the babycot. I think my MIL kidnapped him and let him zzz with her on her single bed! SO DANGEROUS! And I can't even go in and take a look! -_-

Co sleeping

Still dunno how to do that with my small baby. After cl goes I've to decide what to do... Put monitor n let him continue in own room or move cot to my room. Or maybe put mattress there for me to sleep sometimes?

I only know how to sleep w my older boy if he walks over n climbs into my bed. For new born I dunno put head which way face where n blanket how etc. Lol

Lai Lai

That's freaky to have Bb taken from cot


I'm also in same dilemma. In the first place want to let baby slp alone in her room. Now, dun dare to althou I have a monitor in the room. Tink I'll push her cot into my room aft the cl leaves.

Milktea20, tks for de info. Pixiepixel/milktea20, is de je kidslink also called national health group Polyclinic? The both same clinic? If yes, then we must make appt for jabs. So for dr Heng, we can walk in, not need to make appt?


LX3, me also in dilemma... Intendingtolet bb sleep w the maid after CL leave.. But with the activities happening during confinement, I also dun know....

Now thinking o relocating the maid's bed n make the bb room suitable for us to sleep when required.... So mafan right?

