(2011/03) Mar 2011

Ya annie,I agree,think I also took 3 tubes of epi,I super scared of pain,so when was 2cm dilated,I asked for epi liao.so the whole 10 hours was with 'happy' dural. Not pain at all. But when it comes to pushing time,really dun know where and how to push,cuz both thighs so numb tht I can't even lift up.End up assisted with forcep.


Baby bride- dun overstress urself else milk can't flow de..

Rach- wan to try e hands -free but when put on, very loose.. N think use hand to hold easier although tiring lah.. Will try e hands free when I got more time on hand.. Maybe tmr when hb looks after bb..

Now at my mum place do confinement, but cos my nephew super sticky to my mum, her attention on bb is minimal.... Only can endure.. nite time when bb refuse to sleep, also me look after.. Think for #2 I will insist in getting cl so that I got ample rest!!!

freesiajen and presto,

congratulations and do rest well and update us your birth story!


thanks for updating the list. cant wait to pop!


thanks for the info. i just grabbed huggies nb from NTUC. they got promo too. 2 packs huggies nb is $12.95 or $12.90 (forgot!) but theres no free gifts though.

Annie> I bathe twice a day with herb water.. Afternoon after lunch & wash hair.. Then blow dry dry... Then one more time at nite just body only.. But hair already wet with sweat and oily also... This time I really cannot tahan..

Dunno how I did it with #1 last time.. Wash once in 2 days...

Everyday only dry clean.. Now I can't imagine that.. Sticky and smelly.. I wanna die...

That day didn't get to bathe then ML came Liaoz.. So I bathe at 9plus at nite after remove binding and wash hair... On air con, blow dry hair then sleep... Wahhhh... For once sleep with non sticky and greasy hair and body.. So shiok... But CL say.. Cannot everyday so late wash hair la..

She already pun chance me alot of things Liaoz... Hahaha....

Allets> too loose then adjust!!! The one that clips to ur bra can adjust to tight... The below left and right straps pull far away..

For left breast: One near to ur left armpit and the other nearer to right breast...

For right breast: one near to right armpit and the other nearer to left breast!

So there'll be a crossover at ur cleavage side... Nvm one...

Sometimes if I'm wearing not so low cut top.. I can't expose both breasts then I'll just pump one side and clip to any part of my top Lo... So long it's far apart can Liaoz...

Annie... Same... The shield is already cupping the whole breast.. No space to leak... Only when I remove the shield, then a few drops at the areola area will leak... So I will bend forward before I take out the shield... (in fact Need to peel the shield off my breast.. Cuz they'll be like sticking unto my breast... Sometime pump too long will be a bit painful when I remove the shield Lo...)

Yup I'll bend forward so the few drops can fall into the funnel into the bottle also.. Hehe....those leaking... U all should tighten all straps!!!

zenia> either u introduce pacifier or ull be the pacifier Lo..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Btw, OLD NAVY 30%, I have 2 codes left...

Anyone interested?? Everything except everyday steals entitled to 30%..

Total x 0.7 x 1.34

PM me If keen..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Rach, my gal machiam cannot latch on the pacifier leh... she suck for a while then after tt drop out le then she'll wake up liao. maybe i should buy a few diff brand pacifier to let her try lo.

i also using freestyle, nv leak leh... i find the kiap most secure when i kiap at the underwires of my nursing bra lo. i also ensure that the two kiaps below are pulled tight before i kiap.

Congrats freesiajen..!

Angelia: yr labour considered quite ok le fr #1.. u did a gd job! But I read thru I wanna laugh cos u keep nagging at yr hb.. I can't imagine e scene lo.. Haha..

Annie: yup, gynae told me it'll b dry due to breastfeeding.. So it's either u haf longer foreplay or use lubricant lo.. Den easier.. Haha. Wah..2nd mth! So fast.. I think I waited damn long.. My poor hb. Hahahaha..

Rach: mine also will leak leh.. But I think it's cos my shield a lil outta shape.. It can b sterilized one right? But mine sterlilised le nw the soft area abit outta shape, feels weird..

Hmmmm ... Haven tried my handsfree yet also.. Later tonight .. Hahaha

Zenia> wat brand pacifier u giving now??

Think I'll get nuk nuk after full month... Else I also become pacifier.. She need to suck to sleep.. Think pacifier best...

U wear wired bras?? May block milk ducts leh..

Best not to wear undersides bras during BF...

Lilprecious : lol ! Hee... After birth i ask hb how drama i am when i am in pain.. Than he say till very kua zhang lo... But than i in pain so i really dont care heaven or hell liao... Just pull his clothes and pants than kp here and there... Lol... He keep saying that on my labour day, i am at my most uglier day! Idoit ! =\ than i ask him so he see my uglier side liao than still want me anot.. Than he say He still want cause i gave him a beautiful daughter cause he insist Cherelle look more like him... =.=" kns !

Rach, my bb using the tomee tippee one... CL say the teets part too small so cannot engage properly. later i go kiddy palace see if got nuk nuk anot [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hmmm, yesterday my ML just came... i got ask her if i have blocked ducts she say don have leh, keke

Zenia> now dun have doesn't mean next time won't have..

Now got ml to tong for u... Next time then u know..

Better dun wear undersides bra..

Get BSS!! lol...

Alice, my thighs also numb n couldn't lift up when it's time to push then the midwife have to lift for me but I still can feel slight contraction coming so I used all my strength n force to push coz I scare kena emergency c-sect if I can't push out my Bb, so I kept telling myself I have to use all my might to push!! Then the midwife said I did very well on my pushing.. She must be thinking got epi still can feel? Haha...

Rach, same here!! My shield will stick to my areola then I have to slowly press my breast to remove the shield. I also bend down when removing, trying to save a few precious drops into the funnel, hehe.. Then excess one I use to apply on my nipples to heal sore nipples... Is it our nipples or breast too big why ours wun leak? Haha... Must cup the shield nicely n fully to the breast maybe... My nipples now still abit pain but I think not sore anymore, already seasoned Liao I think coz I can let Bb latch n pump n no bleeding or painful like the starting first few days..

Your CL very good still let u bathe twice. My CL everyday ask me if I need to bathe today? Hoping I will say no but I always say "yes!" next time I wanna hire modern CL.. Can't stand old fashion CL leh...

Rach, my nursing bra also have underwire leh.. If no underwire wear clothes the shape feel anot? Support enough anot? Later sag how?? Bravo bra which design is popular?? I see like about the same. Is there any nursing bra that is strapless? Otherwise how to wear spagetti stripe top huh??

Babybride: check maybe your membrane didn't fix properly or the valve got prob. But definitely can't go all the way to max if your motor is working..

And u see I saw the prob.. If u want milk, this is not the way to do it.. U can ask the others who is latching and also pumping.. After they latch they still pump.. If bb latch one side they pump the other side.

U are not consistent at all so how to tell the brain I want more milk leh?

Annie: not true On the epi thingy leh. Rach #1 Also long labour but she went without epi leh.. I think it's the mind.. Really..

Pinkypink thanks for sharing ur maid story .. Sigh some who no matter how trust worthy I stil dun feel good having the maid to take care of baby

Stil thinking hard...

I am also human pacifier but I refuse to give pacifier leh .. How .. Those nurse at nursery .. Say use other method to make them fall asleep wor like patting etc

My #1 didn't latch every well at the beginning so didn't haven the need to suckle to sleep

But this one latch better so now another problem created sigh

My Hubby keep saying y so rigid dun wanner give pacifier

2K> *ahem*.. *takes a bow* thank you! wahhahahaha....

yah... for Rayanne...

8am: admitted.. broke waterbag..3cm...

1pm: still no contractions/or painful ones.. 3cm...

2pm: put on drip to induce....

3pm: 4cm...(this is where it started to get a little painful but still bearable..)

5pm: 5cm... (still tahan-ing.. but really screaming...)

6pm: wanna die liaoz.. persuaded to take pethidine..(abt 5-6cm)

7plus: 10cm... gynae next door stitching another mummy.. cannot push....

8pm: finally gynae walked in... pushing started....

8.11pm: Rayanne arrived!! hahahaha....

so.. considered 12hours?? heheheh... :p

Pinkypink thanks for sharing ur maid story .. Sigh some who no matter how trust worthy I stil dun feel good having the maid to take care of baby

Stil thinking hard...

I am also human pacifier but I refuse to give pacifier leh .. How .. Those nurse at nursery .. Say use other method to make them fall asleep wor like patting etc

My #1 didn't latch every well at the beginning so didn't haven the need to suckle to sleep

But this one latch better so now another problem created sigh

My Hubby keep saying y so rigid dun wanner give pacifier

Annie, Zenia> maybe u all can ask the mummies here...

but so far.. most gotten Bravado Body Silk Seamless (BSS)


or Original Nursing Bra (ONB)


Annie, last time i had same concerns..

but BSS is sooo comfy and have support.. doesnt make ur breast sag la.. hehehe.. :p

ask PInky!! She has... ahem.. HUGE assets..and she wears BSS...

for strapless, wear LLL Strapless Nursing Bra...


or the Wrap n Snap at home..


Otherwise... get the Bravado Nursing Tanks...


or... the Glamourmom Nursing tanks/tops


hahahahaa... i own at least 2 of each of the above mentioned products...

man... u can imagine how many i have....

to date... i think i have...



2xLLL Strapless

2xWrap & Snap


and recently added..

2xBravado Nursing Tanks...

ho ho ho... i've spent like... $1000 on just bras/tanks??????? OMG...

but most are bought during Rayanne's time la.. hehehe.. :p

This time added a few nia....

so if u all having #1... best time to buy la....

more worthwhile...

but i've been wearing my ONB and BSS since Rayanne till pregnant and till now... so its like.. 18mos??

very worth it la... even we buy triumph also every year change once?? (at least for me.. hehehee..)

these are almost same price/cheaper than Triumph.. hehehe.. :p

NTUC having baby fair again. Huggies NB 12.65 for 2. Dryers NB 6.95, the other sizes aso having sale but I can't rememer. Mammy Poko $20.65 for S.

Some Pigeon, Avent, Tollyjoy on 20% as well.

Huggies NB at taka fair is 6.40, S size is $11.

Price wise ? Pm or email me ok .. I like the Patricia tank coz low cut [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2Ks, so far I nv heard of any surrounding friends (beside our grandma/mother generation) who went through 1 day of long labour w/o epi... Half a day like Rach, yes...

Rach, I'll email u my order for the ONB n nursing tank shortly. Still deciding on the colour n size. My size should be M? What size u wearing for the ONB n nursing tank?

Annie: I have friends that went thru 20 hours with no epi leh.. I still think it's in the mind.. Laughing gas also helps with making us "seh". Maybe u try without epi next round bah..

2Ks, so far I nv heard of any surrounding friends (beside our grandma/mother generation) who went through 1 day of long labour w/o epi... Half a day like Rach, yes...

Rach, I'll email u my order for the ONB n nursing tank shortly. Still deciding on the colour n size. My size should be M? What size u wearing for the ONB n nursing tank?

Alohaa, congrats to you! Good that everything's fine! Hope you are enjoying your bundle of joy now. =)

When is your next appointment with Dr Han? Mine will be on April's Fool Day. Next Mon I gonna go back Raffles Hospital to check Jaundice level again. Hope everything is okay.

Thank you 2Ks for updating the table! =D

Thanks limlim for the update of diapers @ expo fair. I'm also buying Huggies S size diapers but not sure if I wanna go down. I'm only at day 5 of confinement tomorrow.

2Ks, maybe I dun like the laughing gas feeling so I didn't really inhale much of that. But I already quite impressed of myself that I can endure the pain for 8 hrs long b4 surrendering to epi... If I know my labour can complete within 12 hrs I will continue to tahan but too bad the nurses told me my situation will need to endure at least another 12 hrs that's why I had to give in in the end as my hb was worried that I might not have the strength to push n wait result in c-sect lagi worst. I had no sleep n rest for more than a day loh...

I doubt my 2nd child birth will be fast loh coz first one already 21hrs, 2nd one even if shorter also won't be heng to get 3/5 hrs kind... But now I know when to take epi.. If I endure for ard 6-8 hrs still 3cm dilated then i must take epi Liao..

Angelia..!!!! Hahaha... Yr hb is funny also lo.. Pretty cos look like him!? U mus tell him.. "Cherelle is pretty cos of ME ok" hahahaha...

Limlim: think maybe more on personal tolerance bah. I had long labour , gave in to epi in evening.. I had contractions frm 7am Only gave birth at 12.34am in midnight.. I gave in to epi at around 5-6pm.. But I know myself I haf low threshold of pain.. Keke..

bf mums, do you all wear breast shell to protect your nipples from the friction with top? From the day I discharged from hospital and bought the breast shell, I've been wearing them everyday now. Wondering why some ppl can go without breast shell... Isn't it pain?

Annie, I didn't use wor...what's that?! -__-

Used cold compress on my engorged breasts n sore nipples today after latching n pumping. Felt so much better! Will continue to use hot compress be4 express/latch on & cold compress after that to relieve swelling. Supply still slow/low despite super full breasts even after latch/pump for an hour so hope ML can help me next week.

Lilprecious : lol ! He anyhow lah... Lol.. Just keep wanna say Cherelle look like him only... Than the only thing that i shoot him back is " if Cherelle dont look like you, than you must be worried liao!" lol .. =p

Annie> Onb & BSS I'm wearing L...

Yah think u M...

Glamourmom also L..

Bravado ENT 38B/C..

LLL also wearing L...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lailai, it's like a hard case that acts as a barrer between your nipples and the blouse/top. Try google "breast shell" and you will know what is it. They are my best friends now.. You wear bra/pj, your nipples not pain meh when your bra/pj touches your nipples?

Congrats freesiajen....

Mummies... Now I know the moo moo career is so hard... Been latching and pumping regular for the past 5 days... Hmm... Now pumping yield for both breasts is abt 120ml, is it on track??

Boobies are now so painful... Engorgment ba... Damn pain, at nei nei and mei mei... Why after delivery like so Cham... Can't take it!!! Yesterday, burst into tears..... Tink my hb is shocked!!!!

Also another question... My CL always says bb not full... Every feed abt 60ml for a 2 hr interval?? Isn't it too much?? Every time she cries", she says she is hungry... I damn pissed lor.... Then when she cries, she dun wants to carry her.... Says she doesn't want to 'spoli' her by carrying? I was like WTH??

Damn stressed... Plus stupid hb always challenging me/her on the confinement food and herbs.. Wah Lao eh.....

Just to share,my mum bought huggies NB from Malaysia 52 pieces cost around RM27.Think should be cheaper.

Didn't use breast shell,only breast pad to absorb leakage.Once u wear the bra,won't be painful la.

Hi tres,only 5 days u can get 120ml is very good already.how heavy is your bb?mine was 2.83kg and PD said feed 60ml every 3 hour during first week,now going into third week,he's drinking 80ml every 3hour.

Ya confinement is worse than pregnancy.I also cried during the first few days when bb cried.hubby tot I depressed then try to help me as much as he can lor.I think it's normal for first time mum to feel tht cuz we felt helpless and useless when bb keep crying for dun know what reason.We just have to learn everything lor,try to talk to ur friend and learn online,u'll be less paranoid when everybody else's bb also having the same problem.jia you!!

I also never wear breast shells leh.. So hard like Madonna I find..

I just insert breast pads... Not painful at all

Erm.. What is nipple pain, contraction pain compared to labor pain??

Tres: 120ml on day 5 is very good already!! Jiayou!

U can take note if your cl feed your bb already she zzz and never vomit out milk should be fine..

Like mine, he takes 70ml sometimes 1.5hour sometimes 2hourly..

So it actually depends...

Annie: I nvr wear breast shells jus breast pads on bra.. It feels a lil painful aft pumping.. but once u put on yr bra, it won't hurt anymore.. ?

2Ks: hahaha..Yr 'hard like Madonna' is funny la.. Kekeke..

Gee, thanks for encouragement!!! I will continue to jia you!!! In fact, now it's pumping time again....

Hmm, I will check on her n see how my bb feeds.... But still, I feel if you feed so much, It may be redundant feeding....

Yes, yes, 2Ks...hard like Madonna sia.... Ask you then, when will this hardness go away??? Pls dun tell me it will be forever? I can't imagine my boobies will be like this for months!!!!

Just done with my pumping.. Yield only 140ml in total .. Left side breast doesn't seems to produce as much..

Annie- me also never use breast shield.. Wear those without wired de bra even to bed..

2ks- put breast pad like breast not breathable leh.. U dun feel it meh?

Bb drinking- my ger is now 11 days old n we giving her 80ml 3hourly.. Sometimes she haven 3 hours wan we also dun give cos I scared overfeed..wat u all think? Shod I give or drag till 3 hours ? Is it true that bb on breastmilk gets hungrier easier than fm bb?

Pacifier - I don't like them either so I'd use for a max of 3 months n stop, plus only to help them get to sleep. Gotta hold it in place till they kinda fall asleep

Pumping time for me now! So glad that we r all in BF together. Duno y my MIL also dun likE me to go on total BF! Argh! Kept saying I should give formula at night so I won't be so xinku! I explained SO many times that no matter what, I still must wake up to pump or else my breasts will be too full! So fed up leh...den ask me how long I wanna BF until...I sian oredi lor..Ask me so many times so I said c how lor..mayb 2yrs old..maybe 3?? Just to shut her up..haiz

Annie, I think I know which ones liao. Bought 1 @ home but didn't use it. Don't know how to use also. Erm when its sore, I apply wet towel & lotsa lanisoh nipple cream. I will also put breast pad when going out although I don't have let down. I seldom wear bra @ home leh. So troublesome.


Hi allets,my boy also wakes up even before 3hrly routine like 2 hour plus to ask for milk,so I give also,but he wouldn't be able to finish the 80 ml,I just give a little first then half and hour later or 45 min later make sure he finish it lor,I think we should be flexible and feed on demand..

