(2011/03) Mar 2011

Sorry mummies, need to voice out my anger a bit in here.

Thanks to my mil who loves to carry n pat my Bb. Today whole day she refuse to sleep aft feed. Need to carry n pat to sleep now. Been complaining to my friends n they suggest let mil do wat she wants till she tired. I just take e opp to rest. But just now mil prep dinner, no matter how I carry n pat Bb also cry n refuse to sleep. Mil in e kitchen still hav e cheek to tell me u must carry her close to my body, face near breast. N must sing her song then she will sleep. Since 1st wk we already told her dont keep carry she still scold my hb. Say she also bring him up like that. Say things like i help u make bb sleep end up kanna blame, hao xin mei hao bao. Bb still small needs warmth. Carry is ok. Then now? Whose fault? Earlier thus afternoon I casually n sarcastic say Bb wants carry them sleep now. Mil still deny. Gosh!!!!! End up who going to suffer in future?

Mummies, anyway to cut this bad habit now? Or too late le? Really hate it!!!!


Pinky Treestar, thks for ur advice [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rach!! I wana get pupsik nursing cover!

But... Cannot decide which one to get leh...

Lolx. B4 10pm I email u ok. Tsktsk.

Btw, other than old navy u doing any other spree?

Vs got good discount?

Won mummy: believe it or not.. First month very crucial.. I believe first month don't always carry bb otherwise bb need to carry everytime to sleep..

I always let bb soothe himself to sleep..

My Sis son is a good example, her mil keep carrying during the first month and her son need to pacify carry to sleep..

She got no choice but to resort to sarong to make bb sleep..

Hope I m not frightening u.. It's a bad habit that quite hard to cure

Finally some time to log in forum through my iphone... Phew!! This morning hb bought CL to the market and i am left alone with bb... Have to feed and change her due to going to PD... Omg... I keep sooo calm to handle her... Now i try not to really fully rely on CL... Cause scare when she not around i cant handle bb... So once i can , i just takecare bb myself... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just finish pumping... Nipple is sore , so i didnt latch bb... Feel sooo bad... Cause scare too much bottle feed than bb will reject my nipple... ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

My milk supply so far so good... Manage to meet bb demand.. But still i want MORE MILK!!!! Scare when bb demand gone up and i wouldn be able to catch up... =\

2k - yes I believe. N I have been able to put her to sleep shortly aft feed. But occassionly mil offer, or rather carry her away during feed time = want to feed her. I can't say no. Bur aft feed she still happily carry her v long. Times when Bb a lil cranky, 1 noise nia mil will rush in n carry her away then start to pacify her. Like I mention b4, she say us zek ark parents, keep making Bb cry n wait for milk. To her, Bb cannot cry!! Gosh!!

Yes, she been wanting us to put Bb on sarong which we insist not. Last time my nephew also like that. Looks like it's all caused by her? Then my nephew also ended at sarong else don't sleep.

XIAOFEIZHU-congrats to you..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

LIMLIM- I am sure tins will turn out well for you de..but your hubby got show you the biodata and face of the maid he choosen fm the other agency?..rem to check oso how many times you can change if maid turns out no gd..

the day we went down, the agency showed us a pile of new biodata- got one oso uncontactable..so in the end oni interview 2..and the other one keep saying " yes mdm" "yes mdm"..even filo we feel like chicken and duck like tat...haha..their english is suppose to be nt bad rite..

BELINDA- you hardwking lah..still keep go in and BEO the new biodata...hahahha..

anyway, wish all of us gd luck..there is no perfect maid oni a beta one niah..

Bb> yah.. States delivered on 14th... But vpost Nv update.. Called this morning and the officer helped me to match and said tmr will be able to pay le...

So once pay tmr think by tue should arrive..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rara- if i go,i sms u, since u so near me. But all depend on Dh's schedule [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Cheaper huh? That day i bgt at Taka baby fair liao


Take care please! I am on recovery too. Now on antibiotics cos been sick for a week... Gynae will advice e same thing unless bb burst our bag then no choice.. If not just wait till recOver. Remember take med, drink more water & rest!

Butter8: I was sick (flu) when my waterbag burst lor... Suffering with blocked nose and even fever in hospital.. Then come home I start having cough.. But I took Medicine la after I finished latching/pumping

So hope u get well soon!

2Ks: u bathed alrdy not ah? I havent leh! Cox im still bleeding, then my MIL say got to wait for bleeding to stop first. I cannot stand my hair!!!

BTW, mummies, anyone using mamypoko here? Can intro me where I can buy mamypoko at a good price??

Rach: Jay is wearing all Jav's clothes too.. rompers in day, only at night den change, sometimes jus wear rompers n wrap a lil to slp, sometimes wear long sleeve n shorts to slp. haha..

i feel like going to expo fair.. taka fair until when huh? huggies cheaper alot ma?

Belinda: tink yr girl haf heat rash.. jus let yr mil know lo.. but nw at least shes ok w it right?..=)

won_mummy: i personally feel tt we shudnt carry the bb too much frm young, once they get accustomed to it.. v difficult to wean off the habit later on.. n it'll b difficult for u.. explain to yr mil?

2Ks n Jaime: hahaha, u 2 so cute... act not well.. mine feels ok so far, but sometimes e stitch there a lil painful..

Annie: i rem i took V V V V V V long to get back in action.. wahahahahahaa.. i was telling my hb the other day "u wanna b monk anot? cos im gonna take as long..or u wan settle all yrself? find someone else?" hahaha.. one thing is cos we will b v dry below cos of breastfeeding.. im scared of pain also.. when we resumed, need lotsa foreplay.. ehh, for me la.. other mummies i dono.. kekekeke..

butter8: rest well.. drink lotsa fluids.. =D

Belinda: i using mamypoko.. think 2Ks also? so far, nvr seen any NB mamypoko on sale or anywhere tt sells cheaper.. as for S n other sizes, haf to wait for NTUC sale sometimes..

Lilprecious - ya. But i think now too late le. N till now my mil still don't admit mistake aft my comments. Now her reply is, Bb always having nightmare n she is scare. So must cuddle her. As if I no knowledge. Which Bb doesn't dream n occasionally shock a little? can't offend her also. Once u step on her tail she will bite n remember it forever [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Now I can only find solution to resolve this bad habit. Really no solution except like 2k mention use sarong?

Mother In Laws - oh the bane of all new moms [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. My mil used to want to carry lah, not enuf BM lah, etc etc. Totally change tune this time round cos she sees that # 1 turned out better than my SIL's kids. Till now 4 years old insist on 2.30am milk bottle, faint.

Rach-i think i bgt 12.50, they put UP 13.50. Hahah, if i do go, i sms u. GG to Mt A to see LC 1st.

BTW, any mummies bgt anything from mumsfairy before? The LC ask me to consider the milkbag as i got serious leaking issues.

Sigh...i am facing same problem ...MIL problem...

she keep commenting on my milk supply is low...not enuf for the bb....and she is EAGER to feed my boy FM....

Thanks everyone. Now we only pray I dun go into sudden labor but if no choice just go for it rite [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] mummies must b strong!

I've been having BH pretty often for past 3 hours. Looks like body is preparing.

I'm still spotting but that's prob from the Ve n cervice check.

Rach-I m gg to the fair tmr. Let me know if u need anything. Can pass to you next week if the Desitin cream is here since I m staying @ admiralty.

BB rabit-planning to purchase hygeia pump fr mumsfairy but not sure yet. Spoken to one of the partner. FYI, they will be at the fair @ expo. Can take a look if u r gg.

Belinda: I bath lor.. Shiok.. Lochia can't bath meh.. Never heard of it. Did u drink 生化汤? If not your lochia might drag longer leh

Mamy poko having offer now leh at ntuc at $20.65 per pkt. Newborn size excluded.

Belinda: yup, i saw tt webbie b4.. slightly cheaper lo.. don stress, u sure will haf enuf milk de ok.. =D

Won_mummy: ya, sarong is one choice, i haf it frm Javs time but not using for Jay nw.. im trying my best not to use it so i can haf one thing lesser to wean off.. heee..

ya, i und.. mil sometimes nt easy to handle..sigh!

2Ks: so have to drink shen hua tang to stop it from coming? or cannot drink it? Dono why mine until now still have leh, the lochia.

lilprecious: hope so, these few days dono why suddenly supply ran low, I pump both side only abt 90ml.

Mummies - if we put Bb on sarong, how long later then we can wean it off? N how to do it?

Haiz... Bo bian abt mil issue. I know it's something most ppl face n it's story/complains never ending de. Trying to close 2 eyes now. Just that accumulate le sometimes really need to let it out somewhere. Thanks to this forum [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] a place for queries, information sharing, complains, .....

Hi mummies

Just finished my pumping while reading e archive posts..a bit sian cos my supply like stagnant between 100-130ml for each pump.. Do u think I should take fenugreek?

Just drank some yang Ming jiu.. Since it Contains alcohol, is it safe to pump after 3 hours? Or do I need a lOnger duration?

poky: thats wierd...i have not gone to polyclinic b4, have been going to east shore for all my 4 kids...never waited 1 hr before, everytime i go, within 5 mins its bb turn to draw blood....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

2Ks: wahh.. V big difference leh.. Ask dem y gif so lil this time somemore economy better right? Hahaha.

Won_mummy: Jav was in sarong for 2 mths plus to 3 mths n I weaned him off totally.. In the 2nd month, I weaned him off night slp first den slowly wean him off the aft nap.. =)

My engorgement is so bad that I've to clear my breasts hourly! Just pumped n latched an hour ago but breasts engorged again b4 i zzzz...so sad till i wanna cry as im pumping now...How to zzz like that? I'm exhausted & have been moving around too much....

Help qns: can I mix ebm together? E.g I plump 1 bottle @ 6pm and another @ 3am...can I mix them together, warm it up n give it as 1 bottle feed to my bb?

Belinda> lochia will last from 14days to 40days leh.. Varies from ppl to ppl...

I bathe and wash hair EVERYDAY leh...

Wa u good leh... So guai... I'll go crazy with the hair and sweat!!

Fel> no... It's green color...

S size only comes in green color packaging which is actually ultra in disguise... Delicate baby skin must use the best when young..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

It's $12... Later I whatsapp u the pricing given to me by summer's mommy!! Hehee..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Lai Lai> dun over Pumped leh... The more u pump the more engorged u get... U need one proper massage to clear the engorgement then it won't come back...

Have u started ur massage?? Faster ask ur ml to come!!!

Lai lai> need to Kok ur head liaoz..

Handling BM mentioned and posted so many times now u ask again.... Lol....

U only can mix ebm of SAME TEMPERATURE together...

6pm one in fridge by 3am is cold.. But 3am freshly pumped is warm.. Cannot mix... But if u put 3am in fridge... By 5am should be able to take out mix and warm up...


mama spray replied:

they asked me to release the dispute claim and will ship in 2 business days....

Means by wed???

Mummies is there anyone who still wants the new mama bottom spray... To help in healing the wound below when u have natural birth????

Or should we firmly ask for refund???

Let me know... If still got mummies who need in abt 2 weeks time then I'll ask them to ship.. Else I'll insist on a refund...

Hi exp mummies,

Just to ride on allets' qn, how can we fund out the max amount of milk wE can express each time? How to define stabilized milk amount? If we get XXml each time (stagnant) how to find out if we can actually increase the amt or that is really the max?


Hi mimimo and allet,i've been pimping 160-170ml every 4hrly.I want to reduce the supply cuz my bb is drinking only 80ml each feed,so I drag to pump every 6hrly. Who knows i got more,able to pump 210ml now. I make sure I pump until my breast is empty then stop,I guess tht will be the max amt u have each time.



Wah that is a lot! I'm expressing 100-140ml three hourly now, my boy is taking abt 90ml already. I'll try to stretch the timing and see if got positive effect. Thks for sharing 

