(2011/03) Mar 2011

Hmmm... agree with Rach on ( take money song song do nothing much and go home! )

Annie, really! Tell your hb that you need rest! 这样下去不是办法... Left two week can rest really must rest leh... If not when she go back, you can hardly rest ler... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] you are the employer! You have the right...

Annie, let ur CL to wash the bottles and the pump for you. It is her duty not you. Another 2 weeks to go ....tell her your expectation to her... still in time....u can get some rest[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi ladies,

mia for 2 days... got mastitis! happened when i had the GNC fenugreek pills... stupid me lah... only first day taking... then in the afternoon couldn't pump cos was out the whole day... at nite came back... with full breasts.. tried to pump but nothing came out of the left breast... then i had high fever and chills and really felt like ending my life!!! cos so so so xin ku!!!

next day tong another day till cannot went to see a dr at kkh... gave me some anti inflammatory pills and antibiotics... but still doesn't work immediately one lor... have to wait a few more days...

now my milk supply really low liao..i guess i'll be ending my moo moo career soon... if not i also dunno how to up the supply after this episode... sigh...

so for those who wanna up ur milk supply, be diligent in pumping! take fenugreek if you want to... and drink lots of fluid! jia you...

congrats to all who have popped!

Mummies who wanna latch and pump>

I latch to feed my girl... I pump IMMEDIATELY after latch to stimulate supply... I dun care the output is 5,10,15 or 20ml...

The purpose of my pump is to tell my BRAIN,

" hey dude, u ain't producing enough for my little one!!

Produce more milk!!!"

I'll do it every 3 hrs IF I want to increase supply.. Waterer output, just keep and store.. Anyway not using it for now..

If u have really low supply and need to feed ebm, then after latch, pump and store... The next time baby cries and u think is due to hunger, then u can latch OR feed whatever u have pumped previously..

I'm pretty sure if u continue this routine of latching AND PUMPING immediately AFTER every latch, ull see increase in supply very soon... Probably after 3-5days or a week... It doesn't happen OVERNITE...

Those ppl like pixie and prob myself who are fortunate enough to have sufficient to latch and for lazy mummy like me who's fortunate to not have to pump diligently every 3 hrs, we are just fortunate...

For less fortunate mummies who HAVE TO/MUST latch and pump DILIGENTLY to increase supply, u just have to do it to boost supply.. Or even take supplements like fenugreek or milkmaid tea...

BF doesn't come automatically or easily and definitely not something we can take for granted... U dun do it, u dun see results...

Some mummies just have a easier life, while some just have a tougher time to kick off this journey... But once u have build up and stabilize ur supply, I assure u it's the best thing, fulfilling and satisfying thing u can ever give/do for ur little one..

We are all just into our first month.. Theres still a long way to go if u wanna BF for long term...

I'll prob BF till she wean off herself or unless so Heng I have a #3... lol...

Studies have shown how BF babies are less prone to be overweight and healthier and less likely to have those diseases later on in life...

Not forgetting how much money u can save in 6mos or 1yr on FM...

Dun be stresses, relaxed.. Do ur best that u can... Control ur brain and breasts... And enjoy this journey..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dun compare ur output with others cuz every body is different...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Rach, totally agree on what you said:

"BF doesn't come automatically or easily and definitely not something we can take for granted"


I agree with Rach...

I'm a lazy mom... not a fortunate one somemore... tried to increase supply by taking supplement but failed... hahaaa...

all i ask for now is that my left boob quickly recover and that i dun feel sore n pain!!!

Yes mummies!! Bfing is never easy!! Think we really got to persist on n we will see light at e end of e tunnel de! We already make it thru e 10 months preg with morning sickness, hormonal changes.. So I think bfing we will def overcome de.. Jia you mummies on our moo moo career!!!

Now pumping n hopefully in time for bb next feed at 1 plus.. Push myself 1 step further that is to let bb drink e freshiest

milk!! She dunno how to latch nvm but I Will still give her mummy's best!!!

Mummies, be positive n tell urself we can succeed!! Yippie!!!

Jaster> think u were doing fine... Mastitis happens to some

Mummies but doesn't mean u need to stop.. Once it clears off u can start all over again... It's more tiring and needs more efforts but still can be done... At the end of the day...

You can do whatever u want, BUT DON'T LOOK BACK AND REGRET the decision u make today...


If this is really what works best for u and ur sanity and gives u proper rest and u feel is the good for both u and baby, then just do it... Dun need to look back and regret if u did ur best n tried all u can.... But if u think u can still put in some more time and effort, the press on... Keep on keeping on... Before u know it... Milk is overflowing le..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Jiayou k... Whatever decision u make, be comfortable and know why u did it..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh... Because I'm a lazy mummy, I choose to latch... Cuz it's so much easier for me... Pumping is a very tedious job and I dread sitting there and pump.. I also need to drag my feet to sit down and assemble the parts Lo...

I dun want to ask CL or helper to do it though I can...

Cuz it's all sterilized.. Lesser ppl touch better.. Hehe...

Those who somehow decided to give up now... Can always try again for ur #2... first time fail doesn't mea 2nd time sure fail also... So long u know wat went wrong this time..

Be better prepared next time... And prepare ur mind and body...

I've seen many mummies who didn't succed first time.. Cuz nobody told them how BF works.. 2nd time come forum then learn and know and with supportive frens and family members, managed to BF 2nd kid for months n months...

So jiayou!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

allets, i have the same problem with u..:p my son seems to slp more during the day.. when comes to night time, he will want someone to carry.. and by the time, i hoax him to zzz.. it's the next feeding already.. *pull hair*.. and now that my mum is not feeling well, i gotta look after him at night too.. damn tired man... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

AUDREY- no problem lah..I went to buy the PAMPERS there and some booties and PARKLON mats is condsidered cheap at the expo..but din buy

ANGELIA- your hubby gd to you lah..

alot of peo at the expo as usual woh..

Babybride, don't b stress over milk supply. Just drink lots of fluids in the day n eat more fish. My supply not a lot but gradually increasing 10ml a day I happy le. I latch Bb in the day n once she finish 1 side I pump out the other side. It's a 2-3 hour thingy. Like today my Bb drink every 1 Hr so I let her drink the sane breast n pump out the other one. At least stimulate 1 side of the breast to product more then later then change it to let Bb latch. Don't b dishearted n compare. Just b more hardworking n slowly over 1 week supply will increase one. My 4-5 day after delivery my supply also only 10-20ml each side but I just pump n empty lo. Bb cry give formula milk lo. Bo bian.

congrats to Valerie /ciacia..

VALERIE-as long as both are safe, by wat method bb come out doesnt matter..this is wat I feel..

at least you got try le the natural method

Starfruit> u good leh.. Still happily waiting to pop.. Lol... When ur edd huh???

We almost finishing confinement Liaoz.. Heheh..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hahaha..RACH-still in waiting list le..23th woh..

gd hor, you guys finishing confinement..some already finished le woh..

Mummies on waiting list.


1) Angelina

2) Spyria

3) Cynthia

4) Lx3

5) Butter8

6) starfruit12

7) Leon

8) Cindy

9) spongehat

10) vivienpg

11) fatbonbon

Mummies, ask u all.. If I don't pump but stil empty breast by hand squeezing, is it sane effect as askin to produce more milk? Caz reallkmy use pump like not usin. So miserable 5pm but if hand squeezed can get much much more

Thanks mummies for ur reply. I got discuss with my hb that's why we decided to ask her leave. No point telling her what I expect of her now n later Si po Lian pi or make her got heart feeling n dunno how she will treat my Bb later... Anyway my 2 weeks confinement already f up n didn't do properly, I can't be bothered abt my remaining 2 weeks Liao. Get me? The most I got headache n body ache then my next pregnancy then I bu back with a super careful selection of CL. I understand if first confinement done not well, can bu back 2nd time one...

My hb already talked to my mil, she now not working Liao so morning she will come over take care of my Bb n feed Bb with my ebm n I just rest in day n night time I will take care of bb myself with hb. Then I just give my mil some allowance. She will cook for me n take care of Bb, do the CL job. I think is better than arguing with CL. If the person character already like this, no point to try changing her, I dun think it will help much.

Still got me too!! Edd alr passed lo, zzzzzz....

Mummies on waiting list.


1) Angelina

2) Spyria

3) Cynthia

4) Lx3

5) Butter8

6) starfruit12

7) Leon

8) Cindy

9) spongehat

10) vivienpg

11) fatbonbon

12) Audrey

Annie, I asked my confinement to leave today also since she Nt brewing tonic soup for me n anyhow cook food for me. My CL cry in front of my hubby n say she come into Singapore n expect to earn 4 weeks money u instead of 2 weeks. my hubby just listen lor. He feels that the food she cOok anyone can cook lo. N she don't double boiled any tonic for me also one. Like u say, 2 weeks gone n like no confinement so just let it go

Hi babybride,

I also have the same experience initially.

Now i handsqueeze 1st to get the milk out then use pump to continue.

Hi Annie,

I think ur CL attitude is making u TL... confinement time need rest n peace but confinement lady is Not a MUST to make it successful, gather help fr hubby n mil... n with some planning... it can still be good.

my no.2 birth, i have no confinement lady. my mother comes every evening after work to cook dinner, i settle my breakfast n lunch my new indo maid cook with wat my mother prepared n teach her the nite b4. as my indon maid have to care for my no.1 child, I care for my no.2 Newborn all by myself... to make it simple ( minimum sterilization/ washing of bottles) i totally latch-on feeding... initially my milk supply is low, but no choice mah so i perverse on... in the end, cos hav to take care baby myself, my no.2 was on TBF successfully for 2 years... going out with my no.2 is a breeze cos I only have to bring a sling n baby wipe/diapers n nothing else... i can shop then BF him once he is hungry, very easy to handle, my no.2 also stronger than older brother... believe is cos of the benefit of TBF for so long. I don't suffer any aches after that also cos I make sure i don't do strenous movement but leave for my maid or my hubby to help out...

Confinement lady is good to have lah... it is a luxury...but i believe u still can do a good confinement for the next 2 weeks de, don't worry k... all the best !!

Hi Mummies

I have the following items for sale, do PM or SMS me if you're interested [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pigeon Nipple Care Cream and Breast Shields


Tommee Tippee Bottle Tongs


Pre-loved My Brest Friend Nursing Pillow


Used Medela PISA Faceplate


Starfruit, don't scare me. Sekali worst case scenario, wrong edd plus drag til 42w, then wouldn't I waste almost 1 month of ML??? U started ML alr?

hiya!! finally free to come in.. hurhurhur...

settled Jav for aftnoon nap.. nw got time sneak in b4 i go take my nap..keke..

Valerie: congrats!! don feel bad abt having csec, the most impt thing is bb is well n healthy!

Annie: think all of us giving u same advice bah, y don u try giving her another chance since shes alrdy here? no need si po lian pi de.. shes yr employee she will listen to u.. my CL told me b4, sometimes some employers haf certain requests but they don say, the CL wont know..

maybe u really jus try sitting her dwn n talk to her, tell her what u expect of her n see for another wk?

but if u alrdy got yr MIL promising to come help n u feel u can handle better, den go ahead.. maybe u will feel more at ease n not so pek chek to see yr CL since u r alrdy v unhappy w her nw ya.. go with wad u think works best for u lo.. chill chill k.. jus rem, rest whenever u can cos when no one is helping u, its really nt easy to cope alone w all the midnight wakings n stuff.. jia you! =D

Shirley: yr CL is drama queen leh.. haha, can cry in front of hb somemore.. anw, see if u can get help frm MIL or mum lo ya.. tk care!

Jaster: its pretty common of some mummies to haf mastitis.. tts y when u haf lumps, mus massage n pump to clear out as much as u can.. don needa gif up bfeeding de.. i haf frens, breastfeed till shes preg again, n had mastitis more den 3-4 times in btw.. terrible n horrible feeling.. but, it can work if u persevere ya! jia you jia you!! =D

Hazel: maybe u try keeping bb up don slp too much in the day? see if he can slp more at night? u also mus rest more ya.. tk care..

talking abt not slping well, Jayien hasnt been slping too well since birth.. n recently, worse liao.. he will suddenly jus scream n cry in his slp.. even thou hes so deeply aslp.. he can jus suddenly scream n cry until v v cham type.. everytime i see this, i feel so upset.. keep relating back to the accident, mus b got shocked inside tts y come out keep like tt.. sigh! dono wad to do nw jus cuddle cuddle him, pat pat him..

Shirley, we segarian so sway hor, kena not good CL. Anyway we just told the CL to leave Tmr or today n she immediately said now!! I now going to withdraw money to pay her half a month. 2 weeks of suck confinement is enough..

Tres, yes, I pay money to hire a CL n give myself more trouble n stress for what? So we ask her go. I believe I can handle myself with my MIL help in day n hb at night. Tonight I'll be on my own Liao... But i like it coz nobody to hinder my stuff!

Rach way is correct to build supply ..

My #1 coz never latch much n never pump much low supply

Then my fren introduce me to ameda website .. Say much pump after latch even nothing come out

Which i did ... N my supply eventually came in

This time rd I haven pump after latch coz lazy n I think for now my supply more than enuf for my girl

This few days I pumping coz girl on fm due to jaundice

I really electric pump sort of toughen ie elongate the nipple for better latch as well

So since now my electric pump is back in action prob when I go bk to full time latching I will Pump after latch to build supply

2ks ur current supply won't be use yet coz u r producing more than wat ur boy need .. So keep till u go back work ?

I realize if in freezer for too long got the stale fishy smell ..I smell also wanna puke

#1 didn't quite like it

So I also don't wanna store long long

Those who r ftwm .. Full time latching also has it's disadvantage coz some bb after mummy go bk work difficult to accept the bottle or prefer to take more of the milk from

The breast

So also must introduce the bottle at some

Point in time etc ..

Rach, lilprecious...

=) i'll see how it goes... hahaa.. possible to have milk flowing from one breast or not? i just keep latching on my right one now... learnt the lying on the bed and latch method... by the time want to bottle feed him, he already seems quite satisfied... hahaa.. and yes i'll jia you!!! no support from my mom initially... but after hearing my my cousin, she started learning how to make soups etc... i told her no need cos very ma fan... after my swell goes down i'll take my supplement again...

babybride, treestar...

yday the lactation nurse told me that using hand to pump the breast can get more milk cos we're squeezing the areola whereas the pump only squeeze from the nipples... open your milk ducts by pulling the areola back and then towards the nipple... a few times in different positions... then try pumping... as you pump, try massaging your breast... when you squeeze your breast, is when the pump is sucking in the nipple... try this to see if you can get more milk out...


any plans to induce since u r over ur edd? still can wait?

my gynae had prepped me to go for inducing if bb overstays after edd.

Annie: how can she dun make tonics for u.. Shake head..

I had tonic soup everyday, be it Ginger with Dom, pao sheng, hua qi sheng, du zhong, shi quan, etc.. This tonic is vvvv important if after u finish your confinement and maintain a strong body to take care of bb... Let your cl know.. Idiot she is suppose to be the expert yet u hv to be the one who tell her.

Angelia: not suppose to touch water till the last few days.. And bath bb need to bend here and there... Use your eye power to learn la.. I only learn the last few days.. Can de dun worry

Jaster: how can u whole day go out no pump?? U using freestyle right? So small yet u nvr bring out?? After mastitis, supply really will go down alot alot... But if hardworking abit perhaps still can... Better than nothing mah.. Take care ya

Rach: thanks for typing such long post... It's something that I wanna reiterate all along...

After seeing so many encouraging posts,feel like letting my bb to try latching again,has been feeding him ebm,always pump out 2 feeds supply cuz didn't want to keep pumping.

Though I only need to pump around 15-20 min can get 160ml. But every night still have to wake up and warm the milk a bit troublesome also..

2k : opps!! I already bath my girl liao worr.. Aiyah.. Forget it... =\ if really *touched wood* anything happen than just "bu" back the next time lo... =\

I agree with Jaster about the part, while pumping than massage the breast area.. Really will have more milk out de... At time, i very rough with my breast de... I will pump and massage(press hardhard!!) than i see the milk split out, you will feel sibei song de... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hahaha!!

Jaime: u see I mentioned so many times after latch still pump

Will up supply but like nobody believe me.. Thanks for adding on for me..

Yup I temp latch then pump also to up supply. I will stop the latching by 2nd month cos I dun wan bb to get used to my nipple. Or I m thinking only latch at night..

For fbm ah.. What I usually do is mix with fresh ebm to reduce the fishy smell lor.. But hor must start giving before go back to work alternate with fresh one lor

Think cuz first week I kiasu scared no milk,keep pumping every 2 to 3 hours,until over supply,but feel engorged easily,now I take things slowly pump every 5 hours and try not to empty my breast,slowly meet my bb's demand. I'm sure you can do it too!! Jia you jia you. Latching is my problem though..

2k> haha u are welcome.. Just felt led to type and the More I type the more words come into my head Lo.. And I type using iPhone k..haha...

I also since day 12 every nite need to take martell or dang GUI soup and DOM coming.. Hate it!! Bleah...

Had ba Zhen today.. Bleah....

Think The pig trotters made it bitter.. Whenever I have pig trotters, all my soups taste bitter de... Yucks..

But what to do.. It's good..

My CL and helper also get to drink Lo...

Whatever soup I drink they drink same.... Good life..

Rayanne put on 1kg in 2weeks...

Helper also put on 1kg in 2 weeks... Sigh...

Thank God I'm losing weight... Hahaha...

But they really have good meals 2 times a day..

Eat till full full and shiok shiok...

But still maintain $50 for 2 days of ingredients la...

Else I pok...

Shirley, ur CL cries infront oh ur hb then how??

My CL immediately called friend who introduced to complain. Now noe what? She demands us to compensate her money!!! WTF!!!

Hi Mummies!!

Me and BB Chermaine has been back hm for the 2nd day... finally hv some time to come in here to update my birth story...

16 March 2011

10.45am - inserted induce med at gynae's clinic, strap ctg, then was asked to go hm and monitor... to self admit to TMC at 10.30pm...

12.30pm- 10.15pm - life as per normal at home but but aching at V area plus on and off bearable contrations...

10.50pm - Admitted at TMC

17 March 2011

12.30am - gynae came and do VE, 2cm dilated, insert some more induce med...

1.00am-2.00am - strap to ctg, pick up waves of contraction, frequency getting intense...

7.00am - Eat breakkie

7.30am - Brought down to observation ward

8.00am - clear bowels

8.35am - 3cm dilated, gynae break waterbag....

9 plus - asked for laughing gas

10 plus - 5cm dilated, asked for pedithine

12 plus - 8-9cm dilated, pushed to labour room

12.59pm - Happy Birthday BB Chermaine!!

**Hubby heard mid-wife calling Dr Ang like 2-3 times asking if he has reached otherwise they will ask me to start pushing first.... then so funny, during the last call, the mid-wife tell Dr Ang, I give you 5 mins to reach.... lol..

Have tried latching bb and pumping also... think I'm one of those lucky mummy that BM kick in real fast like on the 2nd day after delivery... but in TMC bb dun seem really keen to latch plus I got 1 side short nipple... after reaching home, CL is pretty helpful in bringing bb to BF during day cos she saw that i'm quite engorged... I haven really work out a routine on how many time to latch and pump.... can mummies help? I get abt combine 70-80ml from both breast during 2 pumps last night... then I slept thru until 6.30 this morning to pump and latch, after latching, I still manage to pump abt 90ml from both breast.... then again I latch ard 10plus and 2plus... shld I pump now or wait for bb to wake up to latch liao then pump?

BF is really hardwork and I really need to keep my sanity in tact... luckily hubby was very supportive.... cos of my bad tear I'm not so mobile at home so alot of things have to depend on hubby... now I'm really scare what will happen after he goes back to work on wednesday.. feeling emo....

Annie, my hubby also buay song her Coz the food she cook is not confinement food n u know if she cook ABC soup for lunch, I drank same soup for dinner!!! She even clean the kitchen till my cupboard chip off. Haiz. So my hubby told her I paying for her service n I am unhappy so she got to go. Plus mu hubby is sick of her when he ask her what to buy from market n she just say whatever we Like to eat. As if my hubby know what confinement food to buy.

Ur CL also super 1 kind. Still wan pple to compensate her. Crazy. Gt contract sign meh??

2ks: u mean we not supposed to touch water?? I day 4 started to bathe my daughter myself alrdy. As I don't have CL, only my maid to help me fix the breast pump etc, most of the things I do myself. Dono isit cox I stressed or wad, my milk supply dropped alot. Now 3hrly only combined abt 80ml to 100ml maxed

Wanna check when is the best time for massage ah? I hv delivered since 14/Mar but then for these 2 days, my mei mei pain pain leh, can still proceed with massage bo ah? Actually my gynae dun recommend at all unless is really a cerified one.

Anyone using Mona and Salbiah Salleh? Just wanna check how r they...but then understand that Mona is somehow very packed one leh, and she is a smoker, as one of my friend used her b4 and told me that her "smoked smell" quite strong.

hmmm, i was wondering how not to touch any water leh... my first wk i alr touched water, cos in the middle of the night CL feeds my gal, i pump liao then i wash the parts on my own, CL helps to sterilize them. then go toilet also need to wash hand ma also will touch water lo.

Belinda, my supply also siao siao one... sometimes more sometimes less, if u express 3hrly then u should be fine lar. like today i lapsed 5hr nv pump then when i came back, i expressed 300ml of ebm... i was like shocked. sometimes i lapsed a few hrs nv pump also onli expressed 200-240ml max.

Hi ciacia,u can start your massage on day 5 or day 6,I've just finished my 7 days massage,my massage lady is Mdm Safura. She and her 4 sisters running this business,they've run this business for generation.7 days costs $380. If you interested,can pm me. My tummy really gets smaller,but a bit pain when she massage the womb part cuz she's pressing all my bloodclot out. I also have another lady called latifah massage for 10 days cost $500,but not sure good or not.

Hi mommies

i was feeling emo too.. cos bb oreadi 18days old n i still dun haf any excess bm to store.. managed only to fulfil 80% of his feeding n 20% on fm.

then i saw Rach's post on hw to increse bm! haha i shall be more hardworking n try to built up more supply b4 cl goes back.


since ur CL nt doing their part n kip making u gals unhappy.. its also a gd thing to let them go. at least u wont feel so pek chek!! cheer up.. things will b better =) take it as earlier hands on session.. mommies u will survive! wat can be worse than child birth rite?! =P

Not touched water as in those water direct from tap...

I washed my hands with warm water.. Its troublesome but I know it's good...

Otherwise I wipe my hands with mamy poko wipes..

I brush teeth with warm water too...

Abit troublesome but I still do it...


Aiyoh rach, u say me until as though I have lots of output but hor since yesterday, my boobs went lazy liao lah...coz I only pump out 100-110ml per side per 4hrly, in between if bb wanna latch I let her latch. But hor boobs still heavy for the whole week. My brain finally got my signal and stopped producing so much so now only can get 90-100ml per side per 4hrly. Still considered over supply but dropped liao lo

my boobs quite lazy kind really

bfding mummies, jia you!!

For me, I pump every 3hrly in week1, and 4hrly in week2...so now is 7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 11pm, 3am

next 2 weeks will roll to 5hrly for 4 sessions and 1session of 4hrly, making 24hrs in a day. I always calculate my pumping hours by 24 in a day, easier to remember.

Once u established a routine, won't forget when need to pump liao, then only need to remember wen was bb last feed etc. Remember bb feeding time & pumping time very luan rite....so pumping schedule can fixed, bb one cannot mah!!

Like that no excuse to be lazy liao....

Then in between if bb wanna latch, even 1hr after u have pumped, offer ur breasts to him/her. This way, you get more milk...sending signals to brain bb demand more than supply

that's what I'm doing currently...just to share

