(2011/03) Mar 2011

Rach, ya massage lady coming nxt wk...meanwhile gonna endure wor...oops paiseh! Just now panicky in the middle of the nite, didn't know the notes I've saved b4 is the qns I've asked...hee...understand liao! Thanks! =)


Alice> if u want to deduce ur supply.. Dun empty ur breast.. Just pump out 60-70% and ull see it drop...

U keep emptying ur breast u are telling ur breast.. Not enough... Produce more !!

yawnnn* finish pumping.. nw going back to slp..

my Jav fell off the bed ytd..=.= cos my neighbours downstairs haf been banging their door every night, so ytd, the same..keep hearing banging sound n know its them closing their rm doors, suddenly i heard another bang, louder a lil.. den both me n my CL tot its jus the ppl downstairs again.. den suddenly we heard someone crying n screaming.. faster rush into the rm, see my lil fella standing n crying.. sigh! =S

my fault la.. he was slping on my bed w me, but i tot wait till hes deeper aslp den carry him dwn.. who knows... the funniest part is, the past 2 nights he slpt w me on bed for the whole night, nvr fall off.. jus when i tot hes rather seasoned w the bed...... -.-

My left breast still feel so heavy!! Engorged liao.. Need to massage n hopefully it clears fast cos so xin ku!! Sian! I dragged abt 5 hours before pumping it out..n got a yield of 160ml in total.. But like tat my milk Supply wil decrease also right? Nite tine find it v diff to wake up pump 3 hours leh..

Mummies- if I consume yang Ming jiu at 1am than I pump my milk at 5.30am, us it safe fir bb to drink? Will my milk stil contain traces of e alcohol?

Thanks rach,I thought emtying the breast would give more hind milk to bb then he will be fuller. Maybe I'll try not to empty,if not difficult to store

Hi mummies, I gave birth already yesterday morning at 7am. Delivery is very fast so fast till too late for epidural and no time to cut down there too.

4.30 contraction

5.05 contract again.

5.15 water bag broke.

5.20 Leave house

5.40 Reach hospital. already 5 cm dilated. By

6.45 fully dilated

6.55am Doc reach

7.00 two push baby come out Liao.

Rach, sorry ask u again.. For sore nipple, u juz continue to latch? Or u stop? Wil it worsen if continue to latch? Nowi stuck. Wan pump out also got prob caz pump cannot pump out alot milk need manually squeeze. Wan latch scared nipple condition worsen. How? I already didn't pump since 12 last nite. Supply already only 30-50ml like tat I scared later no supply

Fel> thanks!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Like that it's $0.55 cheaper than going to expo!!! Haha...

CAn buy online and they deliever??? But Huggies ultra not cheper leh... Issit??? Need to calculate...

Mamy poko wipes on sales again!!

$8.95 for 3 packs!!! Grab!!!!!

But I got abt 30-40packs of wet wipes (pigeon + mamy poko) in the cabinet liaox.. lol...

Feeesiajen> Wahhh congrats!!! That's very fast!!!! Ur #1???

Babybride> I continue to latch but apply nipple cream and air till next feed... But I only latch one side per feed... So each Breast rest abt 4-5hrs once...

hi mummies,

Baby Lucas is going home today, yippeee! His jaundice level dropped to 8 from 13.9. He was admitted with 21. thank you for bearing with my ranting these 2 days, hee hee [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi freesiajen,


ur delivery is really smooth n fast...

Rach: yeah lor, but im on the brink of madness alrdy la! Wah lao my hair is like dono what. Rach, how we know if we fully emptied the breast? Ive been pumping until nth seems to be dripping out. den i stop. but when i use my hand and squeeze, milk come out. Does that mean ive not been emptying it fully? Becox ive noticed my supply dropped.

Hi mimimo24, glad to hear your baby can come home today. Hope baby etna can come home too! Her next check up is next tuesday intend to give her fm before her check up.

Congrats, freesiajen!

Belinda, u Li hai leh... Can tahan so long.. I also cannot tahan.. Very angry when my hair oily n body sticky! I wash my hair every 2 days now n bathe everyday. Even bathe everyday once still can feel sticky at night loh coz the confinement food makes u so heaty n keep perspiring... I told my mum my next pregnancy I either wun hire any CL, no confinement for me or I hire a super modern one who wun hinder me in doing what I want like bathing!!! How can dun bathe when we need to carry our Bb n bf them? Dirty leh.. Cannot go out I also going crazy! My hb says later I wanna go where he brings me out to walk walk but the CL n mum sure make noise!! 2 more weeks to endure..

Lilprecious, bf will make below dry? No wonder painful la, so dry... Then I better wait for at least 2 mths then think of this. But i do miss the times with hb coz we really very very very long didn't do le... Eversince 2nd trimester..

2Ks, ask u huh... If I buy the chest freezer, can I transfer my current ebm in the normal freezer to chest freezer n the expiry date will become 6 mths is it? Coz they are already stored in my normal freezer for week le n normal freezer only can keep up to 3 mths..

Rach, thx thx. Sorry one more qn.. I stil can't get much output frm pump even when confirm alot milk inside. Makes mi wonder if my funnel size is wrong. I using m size now. Wat shld I do? How shld e funnel cover e breast then it's correct fit? Or is there somewhere I can go ask n buy if wrong size?

Ayoh super angry w myself! N frustrated! Purposely don't latch left side breast since last nite 3am til now do pump.. To test e pis again.. End up without hand squeeze only 5ml !!! Arghhhh wats wrong w mi or w e pump???!!

Babybride> ehhhh.... I'm also using the softfit M leh...

It's the nipple and areola I guess... Maybe the pump u are using not suitable for u???

U may wanna try another brand!!

Maybe can go back The hospital u delivered and ask to try other brand pumps.. Or see a LC??

normally need to pay $70-80 a session but at least u get ur queries solved..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

They will be able to give u some professional advice ba...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My stories!! Sorry to took so long to update... =\

13-03-2011 Sunday !

10+am - When for tim sum with Mil and hubby in the morning... Than proceed to Taka BB fair cause i wanted to stock up more things for bb...

Reach Taka shop shop bought quite alot of wipes and those barang barang.. Than off to Ikea... Bought another spare bb mattress for Cherelle...

4.30pm - Reach home, i was sooooo tired and after bath, i fall asleep...

5.30pm - Feel abit un-controlled urine, so woke up and go to the toilet and "pee"... Clean my meimei and back to sleep again...

6pm - This time round i was awake with shocked cause i nearly wet my bed ! And when i try standing up , a splash of water just leak out... Went to the bathroom together with my towel and pad , bath myself till song songz cause i sense something not very right... Bath for a good 20min wash hair etc... Than went back room to clean the floor, as i wet the floor before that... While cleaning contraction hit me... So i tell myself maybe i should call gynae and check...

6.35pm - while waiting for gynae to call back as it's a sunday and clinic was closed... Went to the living room and tell hubby that i THINK my waterbag burst... ( in a calm mood! ) Hubby dont really believe and thought i was kidding, than i told him that i am not sure and also waiting for Gynae to call back... Than i went to the washroom as got urge to urine again! =\ when i clean meimei time, i was some light pinky and bloody show.. So i think mostly tio liao.. Lol !

6.50pm - Gynae call back and i told him what happen and he say mostly is waterbag burst already... Ask me to rush down to TMC and straight to Labour Ward instead!

7.10pm - Hubby drive me there and now the contraction on off keep coming...

7.30pm - reach TMC and off to the delivery suite there... Changed and went to observation room... Hubby was told to wait for me at the waiting Area.. =\ Than nurse done a VE check on me (SUPER PAINFUL LO!! She damn violent! =\ ) than she dont know do what lah, and a warm water flash out.. =\ than she told me that i was 3cm dilated, and need to wait for gynae to come.. =\ she gave me something to insert to my anus and clear ny bowel...

8.15pm - Gynae reach and came over to see me.. He tell me that he mistaken me to his another patient!! God!!! Than he VE me to check again.. ( this time round it's not as painful as what the nurse did previously.. ) than gynae say he got to insert a pill to soften my cervix...

9pm - contraction on off come already... Sibei pain lo... I jidao cry till like shit... Holding onto the bedrail and pulling hubby's pant and clothes... Than the stupid hb keep say my tolerence level so low, ask me inject epi lah... Than i damn Dulan when i hear that than i die die also dont wanna inject (although, i really feel like giving up liao..) so i tahan all the way... Hubby keep physco-ing me to give in to epi.. But i die die also rennnnn arrr! =\

10pm - nurse came in and check.. I was 6 going 7cm dilate already.. I hear liao super happy and keep tell myself abit more only soo still tahan-ing....

11pm - nurse ask me how was it? And i told her i dying soon!!! Than she still laugh and tell me that no woman die from labour pain lah.. =.=" i smile alittle and continue my "nonsense" ( pulling and kpkb at hb cause he damn irritating ) lol !! Than i really cannot liao.. I ask hb to call nurse.. I told nurse that i need the jab on my buttock there... Oh! I was all the way on laughing gas...

11.20pm - was push to the labour ward there for the jab... I totally cant feel anything cause the laughing gas make me seh liao... =\

11.40pm - i told hb i feel like pushing liao... Than i keep trying to push and nurse was kpkb at me.. She say if i push too hard now, i sure will have a big tear! =\ ask me control abit while waiting for gynae to come to the labour ward... Seriously i bochup what the nurse say.. Cause i really cant control lah... Awhile more.. Gynae came in and all dressed... While i still on off pushing... =|

12.20am - gynae and nurse tell me, if got urge to push, just push... And when gynae give me the instruction to push hard! Just Pushhhhh all the way...

Keep pushing and pushing and pushing!!!

12.52am - Cherelle Yang is FINALLY out !!!

*phew* sorry for the long post... Finally update my birth story le... Hope you girl enjoy it.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] now back to pumping session liao...

Hi mummies

Me now at polyclinic for bb jaundice review .. Hopefully she clears today else everytimenneed poke leg to draw blood.. See Liao also heartpain..

For freestyle pump, i experience milk leaking below leh.. Is it e position I holding e bottles? So far haven try e Hands-free method.. Sometimes leak until super DUI cos Precious milk soak in handkerchief.. Also i realize that after pumping for a while, e nipple get used to e funnel Liao than no milk seems to flow.. Only when u remove e nipple n put t in again, than milk will start to be suck out.. Is this normal ?

Annie- u tried Hands-free right? Any leakage?

Angelia- u are funny! Still got energy to kpkb.. But I thought e labour ward nurses not bad leh.. At least e 2 who attended to me.. So far experience of tmc not bad lah..

Babybride: hv u tried using the manual piston that comes with the Pisa? Try using that for few mins first esp if u haven't pump for few hours n r engorged then when milk is flowing well then use the electric pump. This worked fr me.

Rach: I ubderstand abt hook b but where to clip the other side? The look like hair clip that side..

Allets, I also experience milk leakage from below on freestyle.. Think we relax while holding the flanges ba.. Sometimes happened w my Pisa too.

I having tried handsfree either but longing to!!

Think is ok to bath everyday cos we breastfeeding, else v unhygenic. Even the nurse at parentcraft tmc say must bath with warm water everyday. I also wash my hair everyday.

so far ok leh. No bad afer effects. This is my 3rd one liao. As long as you close all windows and bath quickly n dry your hair with hair dryer after that, should be ok.

I cannot tahan breastfeeding my bb if i'm sweaty & sticky..then bb will be prone to rashes also.

ya, thk milk will leak out sometimes when i use my freestyle, so i try to press my funnels closer against my breasts. Then no more leakage.

Belinda: yup I drank 2 times Shen hua tang.. It's for clearing of lochia. I find that my lochia cleared faster. By the 10th day almost nothing already. Lochia cleared that I think the wound recover faster.. Although I still pretend to be in pain la...lol

Lailai: pumping per hour is so not right... It's prob engorgement la.. U hv to do hot compress and press on the lumps before u pumP.. The pain will take about 2-3 days to clear.

Annie: I wouldn't suggest u to transfer those normal freezer milk to chest freezer then extend it from 3-6 months. Cos normal freezer temp and chest freezer temp is very different. The freezing temp already so much difference.

Babybride: is it the pis suction got prob? How high u set? I m using pis also but no problem leh. Or perhaps u wanna try manual pump? Some ppl can't use electric ones

Allets : lol !!! Cause pain mah... I kpkb till my hb scare... He say i really can kpkb alot! Lol !!! Bobian lah... My stupid hubby still say when i kpkb that time i look so ugly... Make me more feel like kp him... Lol !!! =\

Babybride: another thing u might hv blocked ducts.

But can I ask, did u do pumping regularly? That means even without latching did u pump?

Example: latch 3pm, 6pm did u pump? If u didn't, u are not telling the brain to produce more..

Perhaps u can tell us your routine daily then we be able to advice more.

2ks, E suction stil seems ok leh.. Else how u know it's working anot?? I tried even to e max but stil no outflow of milk.. Tats y dono if funnel wrong size or not..

Super frustrated w myself loh

Bb bride: max and u dun feel pain? It's impossible to use max la.. I use 1/4 I also buay tahan le.

There is a prob somewhere.. I think perhaps your routine is wrong.

U discharge how many days already?

Mummies on waiting list.


1) Angelina

2) Spyria

3) Cynthia

4) Lx3

5) Butter8

6) starfruit12

7) Leon

8) Cindy

9) spongehat

10) vivienpg

11) fatbonbon

congrats to Freesiajen and Prestorabb ..

ANGELIA- quite smooth woh your birth story!

Mummies on waiting list.


1) Angelina

2) Spyria

3) Cynthia

4) Lx3

5) Butter8

6) starfruit12

7) Leon

8) Cindy

9) spongehat

10) vivienpg

11) fatbonbon

12) Audrey

Starfruit : not really leh.. Cause to me is really torturing... I abit scare of labour pain sia.. But still wanting to have #2 leh... Lol !! Hb is asking, when can resume naughty naughty... =\ think he going be monk real soon... Lmao ! =\

ANGELIA- hahah..but at least nt too long the labour..my mum says young give birth and old give birth got differenece de woh..

2 kids is nice!..

cos young bones easier..old bones harder ..lol..so I wonder wat will happen to mi...

oh..notinoti!! some mummies here say 3 to 4 mths can le woh..

mummies helpz!

i think i'm soon becoming a human pacifier... my nipple reali have very good hipnotic effect on my gal. sometimes when she's hungry, she don slp... so we gave ebm then after tt her eyes still wide open. then maybe aft 1/2hr she still don slp then i'll try to latch her, then she'll slp le. she can latch for 5mins then KO liao. but i reali scare if this would become a habit for my gal. how?

2ks, ya I already on to max stil no output of milk. Dont feel v pain leh . So dono isit my funnel prob or wat.. Where can I go n check huh? I discharge last fri so today day 12 liao..

I latch almost every hr or at most every 2 hrs caz baby wil wake up for milk. Then I pump 3-4 times a day depending on time caz usually end up pump half way baby wan milk then I dry wells liao so don't pump so often as 3 hrly.

Starfruit, thanks for updating the table. somehow along the way my name disappeared lol.

Yeah Prestorabb went into labour last night about 3am and she gave birth to her bb boy Justin this morning! On my edd somemore haha, and I'm still here waiting lol. *drums fingers* She's resting now so guess she'll update us on her birth story later. :)

Angelia, your birth story is funny, thanks for sharing!

Freesiajen, congrats! Your labour really smooth and fast, envious!

Btw ladies who r interested in going expo fair, here r some deals I'm aware of. Presto went down ytd before her labour and shared w me, happening rite lol!

- huggies: nb $6.50 (buy 2 free face towel), small $12 (buy 5 free finger puppet).

- pampers: nb 2 for $15, small 2 for $30.

- tango wet bags: promo price $15.90 medium $19.90 large. Limited designs here but can preorder and get same price. Free postage. http://tango.com.sg/category_6/Wet-Bags.htm


GREAT that your baby is out of the hospital! am really happy for you!

hey allets

try to use a hot towel - really hot but dun scald yourself - and put it over your breast and try to massage it in a circular motion. the heat kinda breaks up the lump so easier to massage n clear the ducts.

but the best is to get the ML to do it for you.

if really cannot tahan, suggest u go to LC to get them to help u with it.

re: freestyle - my milk also leaks so i will press the breastshield to my breast tightly but it kinda hurts but no choice.

Starfruit : lol ! 3-4month, i think he really become monk liao... Lol !! =\ i also bad lah... Sometime will disturb him abit... Lol !!! =p

Audrey : funny as in? The kpkb part arr? Haha! =\


Either u hv blocked ducts that's why no matter how u pump oso no milk. I experienced this on my 2nd day in hospital cis I hv engorgement n blocked ducts.

Also, u should check if ur freestyle parts are assembled correctly. Sometimes if the parts are not put correctly or not tighten enough, the suction is v weak although we max to L9. I always pump with L9, max suction. If doesn't work I try unplugging Obe side's tubing , either press the end if the unplugged tube to your pump to close the tube opening. Then the other side will start to pump stronger.

This is what I do when there is no or weak suction. Somehow i feel that pis is better than freestyle in terms of suction. I hv pis, freestyle and swing. Pis is the best.

Allets> no leakage leh... Think it's the way u hold..

Use handfree la.. And u should sit upright... Not slouching....

Maybe u use hands to hold so the funnels moved.. So there's area not covered so no suction..

Why dun use handfree?? Defeat the purpose of buying freestyle leh....

Hi mummies,have a question to ask,my bb quite used to the 3hrly routine,will auto wake up and drink milk in the day,if not I will wake him up and he will drink.but almost every night from 11pm to 1plus,he's wide awake,refuse to sleep even after feed. I'm wondering why always the same timing,when pass this timing,he's back to his 3hrly routine liao.

Pinky> u mean the bottom strap that has left and right?? To the bottom of ur bra!! The ribcage that rubber area....

So my left side straps will over lap with my right side straps cuz I'll pull them as far as possible so that it's tight.. Else leakage...

Oic,so those who has popped will be listed in the table ya..tht's interesting,I find this thread's mummies very active and helpful,glad tht I'm here also!! Btw I popped on 6 march at Gleneagles, natural with epi,bb boy weigh 2.83kg,49cm,gynae is Dr Chan Kong Hon. Can I be included as well??

2Ks, noted.. So if I buy the chest freezer then I store in newly pumped ebm. Those already in normal freezer just leave it to finish within 3 months. Thanks!!

Allets, I use hands free freestyle won't leak leh.. U didn't tighten ur straps well is it? Must tighten all the straps well to make the softfit shield (funnel) stick well n tight to ur breast then wun leak le. I only leak abit when I remove the funnel from my breast. When pumping no problem at all.

Angelia, u really very lucky to have a fast n smooth labour, that's why sure can tahan all the way coz everything was done within 6/7 hrs.. Ur dilation super fast loh! Now then I know why some ppl can dun take epi some ppl can't. It all depends on ur speed of dilation n labour. If ur dilation is slow n need to endure a day long labour sure will need epi. Those who took epi are mostly ppl with long labour.. That's what my ML told me... So u must really thank God! U know my bill came up alot coz of the epi.. I took a total of 3 tubes of epi n my cost of epi came up to be near $1200!! So heartpain...


Pinky> I tried to google but no videos of how they strap leh...

Eeehhh.. I make my own video??? Wahaha....then I post to YouTube.. Dun show face... lol...

