(2011/03) Mar 2011

Hur hur.. Rayanne just latched to sleep.. Dunno if I'm asking for trouble... She wanted to latch.. For many days... Some days she licked and shook her head.. Just now she like addicted like that... I offer and she latched.. Fell asleep.....

Hope I'm not committing suicide..lol...

Bubblypig - wana ask then fir your case is consider elective csect or emergency csect? Bill exp?

Starfruit - bb weight is ard 3.1-3.2kg... Hubby just talk to me and he doesn't seem very keen on inducing... Sianz... Maybe wed just see what gynae say... Been talking to bb and ask her guai guai come out on her own next week...

I rec'd the similac bag in my letterbox today le ;)

Eh rach ur gal is not exclusive latch one meh?

I just finished pumping. Hope tonight can latch all da way so that can deplete my stock in boobs so that I dun need to wakup n pump hurhur

Yahoo, I oredi have few bags of fbm liao!!! Out of space in fridge....Ran out of via cups

Rach: erps! Will she cont asking fr yr neh neh?? Den she one side, RL one side.. *faints

Pixie: Rach alrdy weaned off RY le.. Haha, but nw she gt addicted seeing RL drink frm her once precious boobs.. Haha..

Yayy fr yr milk! Haha.. So fast u out of space in fridge?!!!

starfruit, nevermind...you didn't lose out much also lah...*pat pat*

xiaofeizhu, ya I think you should wait and see what the gynae says...

Angelia, March holiday not your business but it is mine! LOL. So happy! Hope my bb will kuai kuai let me enjoy my holiday before he pops!

Belinda : congrats...ur girl has the same name as me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and we r seeing the same dr...happy breast feeding....we r all working hard on it here.....all in the same boat...jia you!

Lailai : lol !!! Than you must enjoy now liao kk... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] heehee!!! Jiayou!! I'm munching on KoKoKrunch at this hour! =\ can't sleep arr.... =\


orh rayanne ah

harnoh u asking for trouble leh


yes I oredi have over supply. Nowadays per 3hrly yield 120-160ml n bb takes in 50ml. So got surplus lor

I v depressed. Just now tok to hb n still not happy with me no matter how much I've changed. Haiz. My future seems so bleak n suddenly I feel so so so lonely.


I tot I strong mummy but truth is I'm not that strong sometimes.

But heng got smh lar kekekeke

Angelia, I also leh! Munching on crackers and waiting for my dryer to stop! So hungry...then bb was moving so much when I'm hungry...till down there kinda tingling feeling...

Pixel, hormones babe...hormones...you r our role model cum advisor can...don't say until like that! =D

Lailai : hahaha!!! Jialat leh... All those mummies is wanna sleep cant sleep cause need to latch or feed bb now.. Than both of us is can sleep but hungry cannot sleep... Hahaha! =p

Pixie : you alright? What's wrong? Why your hb not happy with you? Can always whatsapp me and share share with me de.... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] although i might not helps, but i can lend you , my listening ears... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Pixie: whooo~ tts alot of extra.. Hehhh..

Ehh! Y u depressed?! Y he nt happy w u no matter hw much u change.. Hmm, we always here to hear u rant ok.. Don keep it in u.. *hugssss

u ARE a strong mummy! N one of our most experienced ones.. But u still human ma, sure haf unhappy n fragile moments right? Can wadsapp me too..I can entertain u w my nonsense.. Hahahaha.

Angelia n lailai: u 2 can slp better go slp..! Haha, once u haf bb, u wan slp also no time Liao.. =Pp like me.. Jus fin pumping nw den prep to slp.. N gotta wake at 5am again..... Don even know I can wake anot... If nt I'll jus end up w super engorged breasts.. =/


night ladies!!!

Hi mummies,

I so much wanna join e gathering on 15Apr but haven cross 40 days by then... Are ur going to haf another gathering after this?

Today day 4 after delivery, woke up to pump my miserable 20ml... Can feel lumpy breasts but can't really express out leh... I give in to FM for nightfeed cos nipples v sore, bb jaundice... But oso worried after drinking from bottle, she will not want to latch... How huh?

wa liew!! i damn n heart pain!!

my stoopid perfect m** bra so loose made me leak away my precious BM jus nw... see the breast pad 1 big patch wet then i realised!!

super heart pain lei.. wanna cry liao.. sobz!!


u ok? jus rant.. mayb u'll feel better?

Mummies, sorry so lOng don log in.

I feel soooo tired.

Today is my 4th bf day. First 3 days in mount A was manageable and I tot I did well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Tonite is bb first nite at home, and he wkup evry 1 1/2 HR crying for milk.

Breast is engorged but I tried pumping. Doesn't wrk leh. As in nt much but am so tired so I just slp Loh. Then when bb try to latch on, abt 20mins then dun wan Liao. Faint.

So whole nite keep waking up to latch him.

Annie, my water retention also worse than pre delivery leh.

Gynae told me its lidat will follow go away [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Then my c sec wound still very pain.

Basically us pain n tired w no solutions!!

Then my CL keep telling me if reli too tired at nite gv FM so that bb can slp more n me too.

I told her we try for another 2 nites see how.

Hope tmr bb more use to the new environment.

Milktea - take ur pain killers strictly... wear your binder (given by hospital) 24/7... then when you wanna move from bed to chair or chair to bed/stand, use folded towel, press onto the incision site, this will help splint the wound, take a deep breathe, faster do what u wanna do lo...

Your milk supply kick in alr?

Xiaofeizhu: dun tink mine is emergency csec cos e 1st induce is at Dr Ang clinic nt at TMC. I admit into hospital as csec delivery. The 1st nite I stay in 2 bedded cos Dr Ang patients gt free upgrade frm 4bedded to 2 bedded. 2nd nite onwards, I stay in single bedded cos they dun have single bedded when I check in. Total cash is $2.3k after medisave deduction.

Pixie, it's hormones fault! I also keep emo for no reason but I Noe is hormones la.. I'm getting better so u must remind urself is u more sensitive this period, not anyone fault. Just pass this 2 weeks will be better. Ur milk so much, u can donate out if u ever feel dunno whatnot do with the overflowing milk k? Haha it really will help others, good deed leh, why not? Give to mummies who are struggling with milk supply. :p

Belinda/Zenia/Lilprecious, I think too long didn't washbhair n when too much oily stuck to scalp will make hair fall. Not that I start falling hair so early la. Tat y I very scare n feel like secretly wash. My hb not strict on this, ask me go bathe secretly whenever i want but most of the time CL around how to? Unless at night but at night I dun dare bathe scare really too cold n wind go in more. I also use shampoo, I dun care.

Millers, first night is terrible one, very natural. I also kena the same problem! Bb latch so irregularly like every 30 mins to 1hr, or 2 hrs but nv 3 hrs. So after first night I give in to supplement fm in the middle of night until I can pump enough milk to switch back to bm...

Mummies, anybody same experience as me? From last evening my boy drank my ebm (room temp) n when we burped him he vomit out partial of the milk. CL says it could be milk too cold , suggest me to warm the milk if pass more than 2 hrs. Freshly express within 2 hrs we feed normally w/o warming but if pass 2hrs, suggest to store in fridge then we use the cold ebm in fridge to warm up for Bb.

Milktea: my water retention is similar to u oso. Eventually it slowly go away after a wk.. The csec wound will definitely b pain.. U need a while to adjust. Right nw, my wound still pain slightly if I cough or laugh too much..

Annie - Maybe too much EBM for your baby le... How much u fed? Their stomach still very small lei... Sometimes if put him back lying down too soon, they regurgitate partial of the feed back... =)

this happened to baby Eden few days ago too... So maybe go slow in increasing the amount, then burp frequently?

Milktea> it's normal.. My 1st or 2nd nite... I wake up every half hour to latch also until I wanna die... But just latch n latch until super sore Lo....

Nipple cream just apply!!!

Btw ladies, I've passed the nipple cream stage!! No more sore nipples le... As in not those piercing pain when latch on le...

They are seasoned!!! And cuz baby is drinking well, latching less frequent and more time for neh neh to rest before next feed....

Raylynn been sleeping since 10plus until now!!!!

I woke up and shake her up to latch.. Lol....

Exploding breasts.... But not going to pump... Lazy and too tired.... Hehehe...

Pixie> we are here for u to rant... Dun let ur emotions get over u!!!! Jiayou!!! U are a strong mummy!!![IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif][IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Annie> I dun suggest to leave ebm for TWO hrs outside...

Bacteria dear... Once pump I'll keep in fridge... And take out previous ones to warm up and give to baby...

Else I'll latch... Why u become exclusive pumping le ah????

I think it's Time to latch ur baby and only pump after latching to clear ur breasts.... Think ur supPly is doing well le....

Fel, sometimes Bb drink 2 oz sometimes not enough, sometimes ok so I dunno. CL make one.. I think they dunno how to control? If I pump slightly more than 2 oz n give him he will take it all. I did burp him everytime after feeding n is after first burp vomit out loh... I also think he drinks too much.

Rach, when Bb latch nipples sore leh... He likes to treat my nipples as pacifier to sleep, hard to unlatch him. I pump not so sore n can ask CL feed him. I thinking to stock up some milk first then begin exclusive latching. Now I only latch 1-2 times a day. I also waiting for ML to give me the cue that I can change to every 3 hrs pump then I latch more often coz now I must pump every 2 hrs to catch up with my boy demand. He needs to drink every 2 hrs on average. If I drag to 3 hrs pump now dun think I can catch up with him.

Sunesis, I read ur problems are exactly what I faced when I first brought back my Bb. I also scare Bb will not latch on after using bottle to feed ebm. What I do is I try to latch at least 1-2 times a day while pump for the rest coz pumping is less painful right? I guess our latching method may have some problem - not latching well so pain. But since it's already sore, we can only hope it recovers fast. I also have many lumps inside my breast (ESP the right one). Nurses at MAH says is good coz those lumps are milk just that they got stuck there. I would suggest u hurry hire a ML to massage your breast to soothe the lumps, otherwise milk will not come in n is really painful when it engorged coz the lumps will only get more n more (that's what I experienced myself). Till now I still on my massage but I can really feel breast getting softer each time after massage. Then u have to pump diligently in order to increase ur milk supply. Cannot pump anytime u like. We r new mummies so having milk will take more steps than those already a mummy.

Fel, I have to, no choice, I feel better when i pump every 2 hrs coz breast under control (not hard until uncomfortable) n I can be ahead of my Bb's demand. When he's catching up me I feel kan chiong. Ma Chiam like racing sia... Going to do my massage soon, bbl.


I gave birth this early morning le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] bb 3.5kg natural with epi. Can't tong the pain! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yesterday gynae check up Already 2cm dialated n back home the contraction kept coming on n off. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Finally gave birth on 12-03-11 [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Morning mummies,

I will probably skip the outing as is not 40 days yet for me.

Milktea : Im doing csect too,do wear the binder over the wound so it has to be bind around your lower hips more and I find that it supports the wound and not add pressure to the wound when we move around.

Lil: hope Jayien is better after his tuina [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

Rach: so good Raylynn is sleeping through the night now already. Then you can have better rest.

Xuelyn: Must be very heartpain to see the spill milk. Aiyo.

Pixie: yah, the hormones lah. Supermummy needs to rant too,so come in here and rant.

I like to ask the mummies going through csect. When do you star your meal in the hospital?

My doc super kaisu, yesterday morning I did my csect with epi,no vomit whatsoever, yesterday only allow fluids.

Today day 2 only allow milo for breakfast n porridge for lunch n dinner.

Day 3 then proper lunch n dinner. Wa lau,Im so hungry loh...

Even the nurses here tell me only my doc is like this!!!

Congrats boymum. 12.03.11 nice date leh. Where are you? Im still in Mt A. Can go over see you after my drip taken off later. Of cos only if you are feeling better. ;)

Annie: maybe yr CL is right..it might b 'cold', thus causing wind n him to vomit.. The ebm normall. I express le will immd store n keep in freezer or fridge.. Unless Jayien is drinking at the time when I pump, den I'll pump n feed him straight..

Rach: wahh tts gd, RL can slp thru the night le.. My poor CL din slp well last night cos Jayien didn't slp well also.. Keep making noise.. Later gonna bring Jayien back to tuina again.

Cldnt wake up at 5plus to pump.. Woke at 7 plus, boobs so engorged..,make milk n change Jav, jus express finish n store.. Go back lie awoke more.. =.=

Congrats boymum!!

aaa: yup, hope he feels n slps better today.. Keep hearing him make noise.. Feel so hrtpain.. Sigh! Really wrong time to have lift upgrading man! U rest well too ya!

Congrst boymum!!!


i started having breakfast the very next day... but only porridge... and also for lunch... but after that all proper meals liao..

So tired... Really slept.. Fed RL at 5plus then Ko again till now... *yawn*

Wah if I only latch and sleep and eat and bathe and sleep...

How nice... That'll be a true confinement Lo...

No need to do anything else.. Just sleep n sleep... Wahaahaa.....

All bravado nursing bra/tanks & Glamourmom Nursing tanks orders:

All orders and payment by Sunday 2pm please...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Medela freestyle or Spare Parts

I Can either take in 1 set more freestyle with some spare parts OR alot of spare parts to fill up the size of a pump...

let me know ASAP as the other mummy has paid for the freestyle and needs it ASAP as she's popping soon...

Thanks!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hey, actually can offer my house la if u all dun mind... Just me n bb at home during day time n I have 1 lg prime n 1 lg Parklon playmat for bb to lie down. But it's bit dirty/ dusty n Scare no time to clean it b4 u all come... Paiseh le

My CL is so idiot. I pump out 90ml

Of milk last nite she use it to feed my Bb at 730am. But my gal only drink max 50ml per feed. So left over milk I got to throw Coz defrost Liao. So heart pain. N I realize she always keep left over milk for 3 hrs soak on boiling water n feed the Bb again at next feed. Caught her last nite again. Sigh


Where is the tuina ? Thinking to bring bb Shay. He seems to have phlegm n heard tuina works. How long is the session n how much? Can maKe appt? Waiting time long?

Shirley, since ur bb drink only 50ml, y not keep ur ebm in 2 different cup... So cl only take the 1 cup for 1 feed n no left over.. If I saw cl keep the left over I'll ask her to throw..

Aaa... My Gynae just as kiasu as yours! First day (after morn csect) only fluids, milo for dinner. Day 2 then soft meal (porridge) then day 3 normal food.

When I check in for my csect on Monday morn can conme say hi to u before I discharge!!

R u in a single room? Hope I get my single room so tt no 1 can run ard.

Pixie: be strong! It's all hormones! Last few weeks my hormones making me quite violent, I keep controlling n not smack no 1 or throw things n get angry over small things w hubby. Think this time I'm gonna b very blue after popping [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Lil: Jay will get well soon, don't worry!!

Pixie: too much on your shoulders too ya.. Take it easy talk to him.. Men sometimes stupid NOT sensitive at all lor!!

Annie: not only u all got sore bleeding nipples la.. We 2nd time mums also will have lor... What to do.. Just bite thru and ren the pain.. I find after the pain over once when he first suckle after that can pull thru de.. What's is sore nipples compared to delivery pain and down there pain?? Keke..

Shirley: suggested that u sit down and tell her how to handle bm.. Not all cl knows how to handle bm lor.. Even agencies one some also dunno how to.. So tell her or list down what to do..

2ks- I sit down n talk to my CL already but I really hope she listen. I dub wan to wake up every night to catch her repeating same mistake like soaking ebm on boiling water n worst thing, she pour boiling water into my warmer!!!

Simney- next time I will just place milk in freezer!! Or Luke u say, separate the milk into 50ml when I pump lo.

Shirley: i also dunno how already.. Some cl are just plain stubborn...

My cl just broke my corelle plate.. Heart pain like shit but I lun..

Aaa, me in room 322. Waiting to get single room cos this morning all full house. Hope noon time some mummies discharge I can get it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] how come you on drip?


Boymum: cos me csect. Therefore on drip loh. Me in rm 332. Haha. You 322? Wow can buy 4d leh. Later I go look for you. ;)

Jaster: so good leh. Just relise from nurse that she made a mistake, my doc say porridge from today dinner onwards. But morning nurse already took my order of porridge for luch n dinner. We agree to just go ahead dun let my doc know! Haha..

Pinkypink: aiyo, really torturing not being able to eat proper meal. I brought along my pregnancy vits n fish essence.

Think the single room is pretty limited. I check in to double n after transfer to single deluxe cos single room still not available.

