(2011/03) Mar 2011

esnow - thanks... in my heart I'm quite determined to go for induce on 16th March as proposed by gynae but MIL do not encourage cos she feel haven oerdue why must induce... so I wanna get some assurance from the forum that my choice is gd to go =) Aiyo nobody will be home if they deliver during office hours... wonder when I can get the bag liao...



i will choose to wait till it's due then opt for induce.. in fact i wanted to wait for another few more days.. but Dr didn't encourage... =) i never try i never know whether can go thru natural birth or not... least i tried but i couldn't mah...

xiaofeizhu, I got my bag in the postbox, not doorstep wor...

esnow, y yrs so special..@ doorstep? Hehe

Induce or not is up to individuals..some people not overdue & choose to induce also can dilate & deliver fast...some already overdue & labour symptoms r all there but end up gonna emergency c-sec...so alot of things very hard to say...can only pray for a smooth delivery....& so long as the bb is healthy! =D

xiaofeizhu, I'm sure u've thought for a long time before making this decision so follow your heart & mind. =)

Hi mummies,

Congrats to bb_love other mummies delivering today.

Mummies still waiting to enjoy bonding time with bb now. I actually tear in the op room cos cannot feel bb kicks anymore.

I delivered to my gal,Shaelea this morning via c-sect LA. Weighing just 2.7kg only nia. Lucky her cheeks quite chubby,else will be so tiny looking. My bbs seem to be getting smaller n smaller. #1 was 3.7kg, #2 was 2.9kg, now #3 only 2.7kg.

Today indeed very busy day. Mt A dun have single room/single deluxe too. I was put to double n transfer to single deluxe after one mummy check out.

Oh,now they serving tea break. Very hungry liao.

lai lai,

Hee.. I also not sure why mine is delivered to my doorstep leh.. maybe coz my mailbox is not big enough? But she gave me a paper to sign for so it seemed to have been arranged that way. A long list of recipients on the paper! LOL...


I forgot to add. I will induce on EDD, not earlier. If your gynae insist to induce a few days earlier, maybe you can check with him the reason. Sometimes its based on their experience that they make such recommendation.

Gathering on 15 Apr,

If at Rach plc then I can join in the crowd Liao... Coz I 'dun' like/no confidence to bring/expose bb to public crowd leh. At home more manageable n hygiene ba...

jaster/sinmey: Yeap! Tts y I said home Gatherings for the first few gatherings till our bb bigger n we gt more confidence to bring dem out den we'll meet outside ya! Hurhurhur...

i think a lot of mummies are busy pumping and resting in the afternoon after feeding their bb.

i am ok to go rach's place also. then i can maybe stay at her place till my hubby knock off then i ask him to pick me up after work..hehe..then we can also do our milk pumping together n learn from each other how to increase milk supply,.hehee

Dear mummies, I prefer to go someone house as ION will be very crowded , do let me know once it is confirmed, I will be driving so if rach you need a lift I am more than happy I live in woondlands [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Medela Freestyle & Spare parts Spree anyone else?

I've got request for 1 set of Freestyle..

need 1 more set to place orders...

anyone else wanna get a set????

someone PM me .... but i lost the email... coz subject never write Medela Freestyle.. cant find...and i've thousands of email..dunno how to scroll...

if anyone keen, please PM me.. thanks.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

fangfang> haha..sure.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Im ok to open up my house.. u all can come and play play.. :p

just that gotta sit on chairs or floor la... dun have so many cushion seats like restaurants... :p

we can lay all the babies on mattress and take pics!! hahahahaha... :p

I can easily accomodate 10-15 mummies i think...since the babies are still so small.. :p

Just a 3 room flat okie... :p

Angelia: just finish seeing ah lim. I ask him my edd 17th and if baby haven't come out how? He just say see me on the 16th and see how. He will plan for induction lor =.=' u tell bb come out fast ba. Ah lim not into inducing or VE leh.

Hello mummies,

6th day from my baby's birth, finally got some 'SANE' time to do other stuff.

I read the previous posts and saw the other mummies' post on their birth story. Mine however, is really really short.

Woke up at about 4plus with my usual incessant toilet visits again. When suddenly I felt 2 very hard kicks at my vaginal area. Then I started feeling a tightening pain in my womb.

I decided to time the pain and the first contractions started at 5.30am.

5.30am: contractions 15mins apart lasting about 1 min each.

Walk around, went on net to google and posted on here to ask about how to spot contractions. Woke my hubby up and he told me to go take a shower first just in case.

After showering, with pains coming abt 10-15mins apart, I was talking to him halfway when suddenly I felt a discharge coming out frommy vagina and when I checked it, I realized it was a bloody show.

Quickly packed my bag and headed to hospita.

7.50am reached TMC

8am: Delivery prep room, did enema and cleared bowels. Nurse say contractions coming on well, may give birth before noon.

8plus: Transfered to labor ward, 4cm dilated.

9am +: 7cm dilated with contractions hitting 127 and above.

10.03am: Olivia Khoo was born!

Natural without Epi, Painful like _______.

Anyway, I think the after birth was more stressful on me, I spent the past 2 days crying.

Have been breaking out in cold sweat for the past few days, hot like crazy, perspire like mad, sticky like anything. My hair is a nightmare, and so itchy. I'll give up all my money for a nice bath. -.-

Thanks esnow, lailai & jaster... Gynae proposed to induce cos he scare bb too big by edd and diff for natural birth... then bb head is very low liao but cervix not dilated yet... he did mention can wait till edd if we wanna but there's risk for overdue bb which he is not comfortable with but did not explain further... I also asked my lunch khaki this qn and she reminded me since already full term just listen to gynae's direction, plus she reminded me abt another colleagues' incident not to let history repeat itself... so I guess I will just go with my heart and pray for a smooth delivery to a healty bb... trust the gynae on his expertist otherwise what for we engage him right hehe... then 1 colleague asked her mother to see tong shu for me, she say 16th March is quite a ok date for me to deliver, so well...

belinda - your labour is very fast...

belinda..i like ur last sentence...congrats on ur delivery..another fast n furious like 2ks...like in the movie...

congrat aaa

rach place ah? further for me leh..ok lar..i try to make it...i stay along NEL, farrer park..any one wanna share cab..if not unless i drive there..hmmm...baby in infant car seat ...maybe can lar..i second time mum..everything also not scare coz been that , done that...

for first time mum, i understand its abit daunting..i bgt my #1 out alone to meet my colleague who was alos on ML ard 2-3 month old...scare like hell...but also survive [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my may 09 forum..wat we did was at some condo function room..bubt need to order in food etc...can be done..but logistically need to collect money etc..that is the most leceh part if not i can book my condo's function room also..

Valerie : LOL !!! See!!! I knew it.. Ah Lim super not into inducing and VE de... Aiyoh... I don't want C-Sect lah !!! i shall go tell him that i die die also want natural... Lol... So you 16th going to see him again ?! OMG ~ Waste another check up fee leh.. you better talk to your bb more, ask bb come out faster.. Lol... =P

2Ks: ok, I try ur way and see if it works anot.. Most of e time when I latch bb, she always zzz.. Then when I stop and let her zzz, she will wake up and cry for milk.. End up I need to gif her fm..

Xiaofeizhu: I had e same scenario wif u, but Dr Ang choose to induce mi a day earlier than EDD. He dun like bb to b overdue as he believe bb is already full term and there might b risk if bb is overdue. I choose induce although chances is Onli 60%. However, I end up csec as bb is having irregular heartbeat after e 1st induce.. If u opt for induce, tink he will put u on ctg to monitor after e 1st pill and advise u.. Jiayou.. Who noes bb might cm out naturally these few days..

naforye donut relief pack

anyone else keen??

Supplier is increasing Price 12march onwards..

So better let me know fast so I can secure the orders first...

Anyone else wants Naforye products let me know also..


I like the parent tray for stroller... People who have seen my stroller will see the pink tray for putting our drinks, hp etc..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Thanks bubblypig... hopefully bb choose to come out on her own next week =) now as I walk I feel so heavy below and her actions are getting more and more violent these few days... sometimes I worry her action so big that she may just break the waterbag herself haha...

Rach: think wee hours then more mummies here.. Lol

Jaster: ha.. Thanks.. I m just trying to see what advices I can share. This is my way might not be off use to all la..

U also don't be too obsessed, set a routine for yourself first.. Remember the bb won't run away, u can learn/adjust after yr confinement.. Now most important is rest build up your health and supply.. If u are really tired, one feed of fm won't affect anything de lor.. Just don't get too stressed alright??

Lilprecious: rach place got big living room to lay all the babies Ma?

Cos seems like at least ten babies, will it b crowded?


hahaa.. yesh.. shan't be obsessed... yday gave most FM while i try to stock up the supply in the fridge... so far given all BM since this morning... trying to adjust my routine and see how not to abuse my already sore breasts~ hahaa... seriously how to pump like 5/7-8 on FS ah! pei fu pei fu! hahaa...

just finished one pump... going for my post op checkup later.. hope to hear news such as "your wound is healing expecptionally well" depsite all the active-ness that i had for the past week...

yawn! when 2 grandmothers take care... i got no time with bb at all~! sian...

2KS: hey! Sorry only saw ur comment abt finding me in TMC after i got discharged. anyway how are u so far? I cant wait for confinement to be over man! How come ur confinement is 40days? So u 40days not going to bathe also ???!

Jaster: yes!! Then u feel satisfied right cos bb whole day drinking bm instead of fm.. Do it slowly, don't force yourself, slowly yr supply will up and u won't need fm anymore! Right?

Even I considered myself experienced I also standby a tin.. Cos I dun wanna stress myself and then fall into depression again..

Belinda: ya suppose wanted to walk over visit u but I got flu in tmc so back out after that.

No no... I only wipe dry my body with the da feng ai till 12th day.. I will wash my hair on the 12th day also.. My hair is super short.. So it's not too irritating to me la..

The previous confinement I bath everyday and wash my hair every alternate day and I suffer from migraines every now and then.. So I decided to ren this round..

But I feel the bedsheets dirty la so I ask hub to wash the weekend and every weekend.. Till I finish confinement..

Killl meeeee... Wad I typed jus went blank again... Sobbb..

Yayyy! Seems like more mummies r joining in for the home gatherings! Hurhur.. Den we can all latch or pump in peace.. Keke..

Shirley: think I'll b like u.. Stay dere till my hb pick me up.. =Pp hehehe.. Rach, we gonna 霸占 yr plc.. =X

Rach: wait fr me k! I think I wan some medela parts n also the tray.. Wahaha. Tonight ok.. Gonna nap soon.. =Pp

Belinda: u considered v fast labour fr #1 le.. Nw jus needa concentrate on moo moo-ing!

Jaime: think u drive better.. If u can.. But Rach's house to mrt not far la, I've walked frm her plc to the mrt before.. But might b abit inconvenient fr u, cos u gotta change line somemore..

2ks: mmm, may be a lil cramp bah.. Tts y I was telling Rach maybe gotta limit the amt of ppl if no choice.. Mm, but sge posted saying can accomodate 10-15 ppl..? Jis no comfy cushioned sofas to sit on... Hurhurhur..

Unlessss.. Anyone gt bigger place to lend? =X someone mentioned function rm, but will b inconvenient to place bbs ma? I offer my house.. Aft lift upgrading.. Ok! Hehehehe..

Anw, jus settled n pumped finish aft coming back frm tuina.. Jayien gt a lil 感冒.. Throats red, n gt phlegm in his lungs.. Abit warm too.. Poor boy. Luckily brought him to tuina, if nt also no reason y he kept vomitting.. Sigh! I asked sinseh, y nvr go out will Kena, she told me most prob it's in the air n he's so young therefore he caught it.. Plus I told her abt my lift upgrading.. She said the dust in the air makes it worse.. =S so she suggested tt we on aircon instead.. Aft tuina, he slpt so well, till nw still slping.. Tmr going back again.. =\

Nw they knocking dwn the 2nd floor wall n it's sooo noisy.. I really cannot imagine the noise when they knock e wall jus outside my window... *faints

Lilprecious: oh dear hope jayien can recover faster..

I also cough so scared will spread to bb but well Bo Bian too.

I can offer my Place if not for my dogs unless I lock them at svs balcony..

My living room is quite wide la.. And I got two sets of sofa.. Lol..

Otherwise bb rabit house if she dun mind.. She stay executive too..

Otherwise just stick with rach house lor.. I can join next time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

=) hahaa.. just relented to giving FM again.. tired after a day's of pumping liao.. and no time to wash the parts after the last pump! getting ready to go see gynae lor! yeah can go gai gai...

feeling better cos got to finally hold my baby just now!!! hahaa... but i think he still prefer all the ah mas than me.. sob sob!!! hope the first word he calls out is mommy and not ah ma leh.. me very bad hor? hahaa...

2ks and mommies here,

thank you all for your encouragement! seriously! without u ladies i think i'll still be sobbing today lah... for mommies who went thru csect, do you find yourself slouching ah? i slouch leh! quite bad... hunchback.. then i got to pull myself up... but a while later slouch again...

=P i also can join in the next gathering when i'm more zai... moreover need to buy the nursing cover first... hahaa.. actually at home i go half nude to pump de... hahaa.. convenient mah rite? hehee...

XIAOFEIZHU- then you listen to the doctor advice.. btw, what your bb wt le?...

actually i wanted to say initally before I saw you type the doctor advice, oni induce if EDD date nt out yet..but still hear what your doctor say..

LAILAI/ESNOw and whoever got the simlic teddy bag...sob sob..why I nt ist 300 de.( bang wall).

BELINIDA- oh mine..your bb birth like smooth and fast..so cool

XIAOFEIZHU- then you listen to the doctor advice.. btw, what your bb wt le?...

actually i wanted to say initally before I saw you type the doctor advice, oni induce if EDD date nt out yet..but still hear what your doctor say..

LAILAI/ESNOw and whoever got the simlic teddy bag...sob sob..why I nt ist 300 de.( bang wall).

BELINIDA- oh mine..your bb birth like smooth and fast..so cool

Selling my Medela Pump In Style Advanced Backpack

Bought a few months ago and I've only used for 3 months. It's almost like new in perfect condition. Selling it now as I've just stop breastfeeding. It's a US set and I'll throw in the voltage converter FOC.

Price: $220

It comes in the complete set in the original box which includes:

- Instruction manual

- Pump motor

- Battery Pak

- AC adapter

- Removable cooler bag with cooling element

- 4 BPA free bottles with lids

- Double pumping kits with Personal Fit breast shields

- 1 pair of valves and membranes

- 1 pair of tubings

Self collection at my place (if you wish to try the pump motor) or at Toa Payoh MRT/ Queenstown MRT.

Please PM me if interested. Thanks!

I can book function room but the function room only got table n chair .. Mayb the next round .. Cox if need food need to coordinate delivery n also food

I wana drive but if I go to unfamiliar places I abit kan Cheong... Yishun not my territory

But take nel very leceh also

starfruit: smooth ah? I suppose its quite fast, but seriously the contraction very painful. and i never PUSHED so hard in my LIFE before!!!!!

2Ks: ah.. the da feng ai is for wipe dry ah? I tot is for bathing! ive been wiping dry with water and my MIL's bottle of VSOP. LOL

lilprecious: Moo Moo career not easy man, I going to give FM for night feed and BM for day.

2Ks:ya lo.. I feel so hrtpain to see a small bb sick, u take care too ya.. We r ok w anywhere I guess.. Where's yr plc? Maybe we can do a vote..? Or we can plan the 2nd one at yr plc! Whoever is convenient join whchever.. ? Hehe..

Jaime: hmm, tables n chairs.. Maybe can do it when they r slightly older.. Haha.. I think I'm mad, planning gatherings so far away.. Think u drive better, easier fr u.. NEL really quite leh chey...

Belinda: hee, it's nt easy.. But perservere ya!! Once supply in, u can give bm at night too! Heeee

Belinda: da feng ai can be used for bathing and wiping body ah.. I didn't bath but I wipe my body everyday with that..

Vsop?? Never heard of that la

What home gathering? Have not read the archive. I wanna join for the home gathering, pls include me!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Annie: we r thinking of changing the ION gathering to either Rach or someone's home.. so at least all mummies can b at ease to feed or pump or when bb cries, wont b so afraid n stressed to handle ya..=))

2ks: VSOP is a cognac. haha den when u washing ur hair? after 12 days isit? can wash with shampoo??? I cannot stand my hair man!! After my massage even more oily now

I just wanna check with all mummies,my bb is 6 days old,if he's drinking 60ml to 70ml every 3 hours,is it too much or too little?cuz sometimes after 2 hours,he seems like want to drink again,but I will wait til after 3 hours then feed him.

Belinda, I also can't stand hair oily ESP after massage. I can understand u.. I already washed my hair, my CL made herbs water for me to wash my hair n I went ahead to use shampoo discreetly... How can dun use shampoo? I tahan dunno 2-3 days totally nv wash hair then when I washed ytd I saw alot of hair dropping loh! Gosh! Hair too oily tat y will drop! My poor hair... Today my mum n CL dun let me wash my hair again so I told my ML not to massage my head in order to reduce the oil. Tmr also cannot wash hair Omg I really feel like sneaking out to salon n wash my hair! Argh...

Annie, u serious? hair dropping? my CL say hair will only start to drop after a few mths leh. i now wash my hair once a wk only... i tahan first wk nv bathe only dry wash, second wk onwards bathe everyday... my CL thinks everyday i dry wash...lolz...shhhh...

Belinda: I know what is vsop la!! Lol

Just never heard of using it to clean body..

Yup yup I trying to tolerate 12th day then wash hair.. My hair vvv short now so doesn't really affect me

Annie: wahh! So fast gt hair drop? Normally it only starts aft a few months thou.. I wash my hair most of the times n dry them immd aft bath.. Cannot use shampoo meh? I used leh.. I soap n use herbal water wash off lo.. Wakakaka..

