(2011/03) Mar 2011


sighs... Dunno wat bottle to buy... She doesn't take bottle at all... Even water in mag mag she doesn't drink... The only thing she'll drink without battling with me is latching on.... >.<""


A very warm welcome to all Mummies!!

Hey Ahbui! Glad to hear that everything is ok!!

Btw ladies, besides folic acid, do you think is recommended to take:

- multivitamin;

- walnuts;

- fish oil;

- Omega3;

- milk (Calcium)??

my hubby very kan cheong leh... wanna me gulp many pills wor...

hi airmez,

DHA & multi vit will be prescribed after 12 weeks...

Milk is fine... Can drink those meant for pregnant mums or HL kind also can...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Calcium up to doc ba... Some will give some won't...

I didn't take any at all for #1...

I just leave it to the doc... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hi Airmez

when u go for ur gynae check up they will advise u...so dun worry.....

eg : if u dun take milk, they will give u calcium pills....fish oil not now, a little later....etc



dr jocelyn wong charges something like 738 (before gst) or 700+ (cant remember exact figure) from 20 weeks onwards

ahcapp, NI HAO!!! heehee

so qiao rite, we have the same age (month) kids liao leh

Hi Pixel,

Didn't expect to see you here. What a nice suprise! How are you doing? =)

Hi AirMez,

I think my gynae gave me Obimin (Multi-vitamins) from 2nd trimester onwards. Plus Folic Acid and that's about it. I drink those milk power for preg mums too. Not sure if I can stomach milk power now. =S

Hi Linda,

OH yes, when I smell the deep frying oil from my downstairs neighbour, I quickly close my window. Becaue the smells makes me nausea. =(

Hi Rach,

Do you suffer from indigestion? I seriously think something is wrong with me. If I don't eat, I get hungry and have this funny feeling. If I eat, I feel bloated and I have to take some gasy stuff like ENOs to burp everything out.

Hi Summer's mommy,

I suspect my no.2 might be a girl too. Because I am getting rather fussy and fickled mind. Emotional too. My no.1 is a boy, and my pregnancy was pretty ok. I sleep well, eat well. =)

HI Annie,

I think you are not the only one who is pek chek with hubby. I was calling my hb bl@@dy hell when I missed my period and I felt that he didn't care enough to ask me about it. Hahahahaha I must be crazy. I burst out crying in his car TWICE and hb must be thinking I must be possessed! =P

I told him it must be the hormones. He agreed with me =)


no leh... no indigestion but just no appetite n like bloated n never hungry lo...sianz...dunno wat to eat at all...

but in the mornings/afternoons i will crave for spicy foods.. like nasi padang or nasi bryani lo... lol....

yum yum.... at nite then bloated...

burp alot though....very gassy....

Hi Rach,

Nasi Padang or Nasi Bryani? Wow, that's super heavy! =D Your baby must be loving spicy stuff. My record so far is Tom Yam Soup for lunch and dinner! hahahah

I feel bloated too. Goodness me, I am only 8 weeks and my tummy is growing! I am not sure if I can hide this little secret any much longer.


yes!!! I had nasi bryani yesterday for brunch n I had nasi Padang for brunch today... Lol!!!

N I'm craving for nice nasi padang!!! Any recommendations in the north??? *slurp*

Had long John silvers (dunno what to eat) at 5plus... Some jellybean mixed flavor pancakes at 8plus.. Now bloated n maybe hungry.. But no idea what to eat at all!!

#1 I had prata for supper 3 times a week.. The only comfort food that made me happy n go to bed smiling... Noting else could curb that nauseous feeling then... Wonder wat it'll be this time....

craving towards sweet or salty stuffs

mummies, does anyone have craving for either one?

I think I prefer salty stuffs for this pregnancy...

Had preferred sweet stuffs for #1. hope this will be a boy... Lol.... :p

Hi Rach

U may wanna try Nuk latex teats to wean ur lil one. Tat works for me when I wean my gal off so tat I can get back to work she can drink ebm fr bottle. But latex teats dun last n got a rubbery smell. Y can slowly change to silicon teats. Hope this helps..


Craving for Tom yam but when it came in front of me I wanna puke.. Lol my hb cannot take it. Today's dinner was pizza n spaghetti bolognese.. Haha super heavy but surprising I finish it.. Hadn't had a proper dinner in weeks..


Gynae prescribed folic n muti at the first visit. Folic is to be taken till end of 1st trimester. Multi vit all the way and dha calcium will come later.. I hate dha pill co's it's so big n hard to swallow.. Yikes!


yup my girl took NUK bottles before when she was a month old... But nowadays, she see the pigeon bottle she Siam liaoz..she haven't even touch the teat she push away liaoz... So the teat got difference ma?? I can prob reuse the nuk bottles n see how.. She was on nuk pacifiers though...

Till she self wean recently.. So she's officially off pacifiers at 10mos!!! Yayy!!!


ya I hate it too!!! The fish oil smell turns me off!!!

Adds on to my misery n makes me more nauseous Lo...


Thanks pixel. And that excludes ultrasound right? :)

Rach, DHA pills smell? How about try Blackmores Pregnancy & BreastFeeding Formula? Been taking it and there ain't any funny smell and the fish oil are tested against mercury etc + there's folic acid, calcium and other minerals. So typically a good all in 1. If anybody wanna buy, go Watson's instead of Guardian. As Watson's often offer -20% discount sale periodically.


apparently nuk teats most resembles a mother's nipple so this teat is the best for weaning to avoid nipple confusion. But u have to get the rubber ones first. And yes it's totally different from pigeon teats leh.


Yup the diff brand teats are all diff. Nuk is suppose to be closest to mummy's nipples. The latex one is even softer. U can try lor..

U gal auto wean off pacificer? So gd.. My 18 mth old still need it for sleeping time... Shame shame..

Blessings> yah... Taste the fish oil Lo... Eeeee....,

But I take what gynae gives....

I have the blackmores too.. My fren gave....

Pixel> ya I know nuk teats resembles mums breast most... I always tell people that.. Hahhahaa... That's why she used nuk pacifier... Rubber meaning the yellow one rite??

Okie I shall go try then... Go get a bigger bottle with teat.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Xuelyn> ya I know the different teats are different but I wonder what diff it'll make to my girl cuz she dun even touch the teat!!!! That's what I'm trying to say..

She push away the bottle even before it touches her mouth!!! Lol...

Ya I change her pacifier frm the latex one to the silicone one.. After 1-2 mos she pursed her lips one fine day when I give her the pacifier n even at nite I used to unlatch n give her pacifier but she will angrily remove the pacifier n just want my breast... So the good thing is... No more pacifier.. Bad thing is.. More time on my breast...

And now weaning off my breast is the headache...

Morning mummies..

I tested +ve for the second time this morning. Im more of less convinced Im preggie. I tested twice for my #1 too.

I was thinking of meeting gynae 2 weeks later so that I can hopefully hear the heartbeat by then. But im not sure when is my EDD coz my menses is haywire.

Can I still carry my #1 who is now 23mths? Its very hard not to carry him [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Rach, I placed my boy on nuk brand teats so far ok for him that he slowly learned too!

And I guess partly becos at that time he was in full day childcare, the teacher did a good job on teaching him on drinking frm cup, but it takes time too

Hi Sarina! Congratn!

Wat a wonderful new to share!

Guess u can take folic acid first before u schedule to see your gynae 2 weeks later!

For your question, I can't answer u cos my boy is now 10 yrs old and I preggy w #2 aft 10 yrs gap...;))

Hey rach,

me too have craving for spicy food But I read the book saying eating too much spicy food can causes heartburn during later stage, some happen early stage.

And aso not to take cayenne peppers - they can be a uterine stimulent in large enough doses and have been linked to premature labour

So eating moderate is acceptable euff

Good afternoon everyone!

Linda, I'm feeling better already. Mood been up n down n cry easily... Ahcapp, yes, even myself thought I'm crazy at times.. Haha, so don't say my hb... He bought some books to read when he first came to know that I'm pregnant. But maybe we're both first timers, so he may need sometime to get used to my weird mood swing ba.

I had saussage mcmuffin with egg this morning again! Haa! Hb noes I've craving for it, so ordered for me. But lunch dunno what to eat.. Sian.. But I notice I love drinking soup too! I can finished a big bowl of soup! But I can't eat too much rice.

Linda: yah heard abt the heartburn...

Hahhaa but really crave chilling leh!!! Lol...

Couldn't find nasi padang so I had nasi lemak!!! Lol....

little bhubu personalized tshirt for up to 3yrs old

I'm collating orders for my #1 thread... Ant mummies here interested??? Me not earning a single cent.. Just collating to get some discounts for everyone...

Please PM me n I'll send u the order form...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


how's everyone today...

myself so far no craving yets.. but feels like drooling most of the time..

and am yet to face some MS.

had some spotting earlier and i quickly rush to KK.

Had a vaginal scan but only shows a sac.. foetus not form yet.. doc mentioned that the pregnancy was unstable and was prescribed duphaston to stablized the pregnancy..

haiz.. i really prayed that this pregnancy will go strong after my D&C done in March..

Avent Newborn Starter Kit (BPA Free)

I have a spare set which is given during the birth of my baby. However, we have already bought a set. Retail price @ about $49.90 and I am selling at $40nett, brand new.


2 x Airflex Feeding Bottle (260 ml/ 9 oz) with size 2 teat.

2 x Airflex Feeding Bottle (125 ml/ 4 oz) with size 1 teat.

2 x Extra soft, Newborn Flow Teat size 1.

1 x Newborn Pacifier.

1 x Bottle and teat brush.

Call me 98204176 to transact immediately.


Ameda Lactaline Dual Breast Pump selling for SGD $200. Used once only, still in brand new condition, still under warranty till Feb 2011.

PM me if interested

hi ladies, my MS is starting it seems.

BTW is it possible to be dismissed or fired at 6-7 weeks pregnant? is there a timeline that MOM will protect pregnant women? Thinking of telling my boss soon as feeling sick.

Good morning everyone!

Rach- realli envy u man! Can eat all the yummy food!

But I was told by nurses that nasi lemak better don consume cos of the coconut - bit too " liang" for bb..

Annie! Glad that everything goes well, maybe do some yoga Can help in our moodvswing too!

Tdy I still feel tired n nausea since I woke up 8 times to pass urine..,., realli tired aft a long sleep till now.

Hope the nausea period will pass n all of us can eat eat eat!!

Went to AMK to buy the clarins stretch mark cream yesterday, and started applying last night! super kan cheong hor... keke.... my hubby kept shaking head say "sayang, stomach not very big yet, can apply 3 weeks later or not.." Me bochap.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I mananaged to get it at 30% discount!! $82 -> $57.40 at Pink Beauty (i.e. like those 'Ocean' type of shops in people park). Quite good deal hor? *rub hands in glee*


although mom promised to fight n protect all preggy woman, it still boil down to every company policy.

Some co can choose to dismiss between the 24 weeks and early. Some do not. I remember my hub telling me mom rule something like 8 months onwards cannot dismiss and ado during materity leave cannot dismiss

u may have to check w your colleagues who r preggy before or hr who can advise u.., but if your co is a small co, most likely the boss can bend the rules, hope it help

Morning everyone!

Linda, last night I also ran toilet many times until I super shag, this morning can't wake up on time.. Now walking to office only.. Very sian.. How I wish I no need to work! Surprisingly, my nausea like turn better leh... Not that serious.. Only a few short period ytd.. This morning so far no nausea feeling yet. But sometimes when I dun feel nausea, it seems like I am not preggy loh! Silly me, I actually hope to see my tummy pops out faster!

ha ha saw some pple toking abt the breast hee hee when i breastfeed my girl last time my breast really got bigger but after I stop breastfeeding my breast become smaller than last time lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hope that this wont happen this time round.

Hi mummies is the clarin oil really good? I use mustella for my #1, swear by it, glad to say no stretchmark. But tempted to switch to clarins leh!

Btw do u guys feel bloated or hv a pouch in the lower abdomen. I noe its early but i feel super bloated n my pants are tight!!

Will b heading gynae tis sat instead of next week, eventhough its my 2nd it feels like first ;)

Hi Linda

Yes, I'm seeing Dr Ho. His charges are expensive. But he is a very experienced and skillful gynae. He delivered both my gals and his stitching is very good.

For my 1st bb, I did an assisted (vaccum) delivery and after delivery, I could get down and walk and the recovery was very fast too.

My 2nd bb, i did a c sec cos he estimated bb will be bigger than my 1st. His stitches were very good also. My massage lady commented that my c sec stitches were very nice and neat, can tell is done by a very professional gynae. She said so far mine is the best stitch she has seen.

So i guess my $ is well spent.. heee

His 1st consultation is $100 i think. Subsequent visit is $60. His package only starts at wk 20. 4 yrs ago we can sign up package at wk 12. Not sure how much is his package now but i think it is abt $800. (doesn't include vitamins & supplements).

ic... have u all told your boss? i think my tummy is going to show..... hard to hide....

i dont think my boss is so evil to dismiss me cos our r.s is quite good, but somehow, feel that she will be a bit disappointed..haha

Hi Linda! Is the oil really tat good? Alamak, i bot the cream one... i scared the oil very messy, so din buy...

Hi sabrina!

I have a pouch in the lower abdomen even before my pregnacy. hahaha.... so cant comment much...

But i read those preggie website, it's states the bloatedness is normal, and the pouch may appear during 6th week...


Same, my mood is also easily affected, i also quarrelled with hubby last week over small issue and i ignored him the whole nite, even sleep i also dont bother to hug him.. and not only to him, sometime when ppl said something, i also very easly get annoyed by their words!


wow! u increase size and cup wor!!! so far i havent change the size of my bra, juz feel nowadays my bra filled with 'meat' not like last time, there's some gap in between the bra..

Wow... u so poor thing wor.. wake up and vomit every nite wor!!! so serious... but the timing reli strange! haha...


Juz wonder if it is okie to buy an tai yao from Eu Yan Sang? coz i remember they do sell this kind of thing in their shop...

but should i get from Eu Yan Sang lei or from my own gynae??

yest my parent frenzs came to home for dinner and one of them is a very very famous chinese doc. then mummy asked him to 'ba mai' for me.. then he told me, my left hand 'mai' is strange than right hand.. and he said, i might be having a BB boy!!! sob!!! i wana BB gal!!!

but nvm la.. if is reli a baby boy.. we also have to accept it as long as BB is healthy and everything fine and safe!! haha!!


Hopefully I could join your Ooo… I just tested +ve 2 days ago…

Now on Chinese An Tai Yao, maybe 2 weeks later then see Gyane by the time should be in 6 week^^

Sarina- the clarin oil is great except is a bit messy since it us oil based instead of cream form,

my tummy already bloated out and infact when I took bus or train, ppl gave way to me hee;)

babylove- is the whole hospital bill ex? Can u advise? My last round was 10 yrs back so I can't compare with now, I read forum that his stitching is great and ccn recover very fast..,

airmez- yes, the oil can be bit messy but come in handy for massage too aft we give birth! And the oil last for a long time. Is worth to buy too!

Fish- u don feel nausea anymore?? How your appeitite?

Yeah I m like a zombie everyday in the morning as I have to wake up at 6am to prepare breakfast for my boy to go sch... By nite, I become a full time zombie! Walked like not straight haa

Morning mummies,

So far, i can still wear my usual bra.

Yest went to buy bigger size panties, then the aunt make a fuss, "aiyo, u so thin, why need big size, u preg huh? "

For me, i dun like to wear tight panty and from M to L, is only a small 1 cm diff only, dunno why these promoter like to kick a big fuss when we just want to wear the size we are comfortable with.


Hi Linda,

I cant remember how much i paid the last time. I think is ard 2-3k cos i did c sec that's why more expensive.

But i thk MT A and TMC is ard the same ..just that TMC might be a little more expensive compared to MT A.

