(2011/03) Mar 2011

my breastpumps (with SSSSS) are

1 avent duo electric pump (hand me down by my sis)

4xmanual avent pumps

thereafter the electric pump died. i sourced for 1 from WTS

thereafter stopped using after a long time. pass down to my another sister.

now im taking back from her

very well used hor? :p


actually annie, the pumps not really good or bad. i had friends who switched from ameda to madela (both electric 2 sided ones) or vice versa after they found out that they cannot get output with 1 but can get output with another....

really subjective. so friend A can get output from ameda but friend B cant; friend A cannot get output from madela but friend B can

Hi all

I read this article before. I just have to paste this long winded message for you all to digest

The article goes:

"I don't agree-google "borrow breast pump" and read all the info out there (esp from La Leche). A hospital grade pump runs on a "closed" system which means that milk particles never reach the inner motor. Most other pumps, though, run on "open" systems, which means that milk particles do reach the inner membrane and motor, which you cannot reach to clean and sterilize. This means that every time you pump, your milk mingles with the old milk particles that were there before. This can not only transmit certain viruses but can also just be unsanitary esp if there were issues with cracked or bleeding nipples with the previous user. The FDA's official stance is that open system pumps should only be used by one person. Check and see whether the pump you're taking is open or closed system. Some people borrow in spite of this info-it's your own personal choice for risk. I'm a soon to be mom who got a hand me down pump in trying to save money, but after I read this I'll register for a new one.

posted 02/18/2008 by a BabyCenter Member"

Annie, Yes, we can go together but I am looking for good yoga class ...in Oct, I will be 4 mths + so we can go together liao[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Did the message I posted disappeared??

I was saying. I got my Medela Freestyle at $480Sgd include shipping frm US.

I can help spree in if there's demand.

Local set selling $998.

Get a dual pump n forget abt single pump.

Total waste of time...

Every 20-30min saved can save our sanity n get that

Much needed sleep ESP when we need to pump 2-3 times a day initially.

I pump after latch to stimulate more supply...

Pixiepixel, several of my friends who are experience mummies recommended "Meleda". So far all of them find this brand reliable and good! I shall try this (will definitely get a new one, don't want 2nd hand as don't know if the previous owner has any infection or not). If really can't suit me then buy another one, no choice already. But if okay, then good. At least I go according to the majority recommends, safer I think. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Linda, alright, when you are ready to go, you let me know and we'll discuss further on the yoga class. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

blurjen, thanks for sending me the lists, they are really useful!! *hugs*

Hello everyone!!! I'm new here!!!

Currently 6+6weeks already... EDD is 3/3/11.

Hey ladies,

I may not be available to update e table on a regular basis. Below r the instructions on how to update the list :

1) copy the table that was last posted to excel

2) update yr details

3) type /table {

4) copy e excel table n paste into message. After e '{'

5) close with a }

Anhui: I can help with the updating of the table..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Anyone else not updated??

Post ur details n I'll help to update the table..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Good morning mummies! I just tested +ve and im still in shock. Why? Coz we are not actively tcc and bd is pathetic! We only had 2 bds last mth and not times near ovulation. I tested -ve last 2 weeks. So not sure if the result is correct?

Im a mummy to a 23m toddleer, it will be a wonderful bday gift for me and him if this preg is real .

Shd i test another time next week then see gynae? 2nd time but still nervous! I hv no symptoms leh, only tired lately

Sarina, Congrats!! If u r unsure, you can test again next wk by then shd be v accurate. How many wks r u now? hee hee i also no symptoms, i think still early.

hi ladies, i am using ameda lactaline pump and likes it. will buy a new version this pregnancy.

Does your colleagues know you are pregnant ? I have not told them, but find it hard to keep secret.

Hi ladies, how many times have you seen your gynae so far (and @ which preggie week)? I dun feel like visiting my gynae so frequent leh... I saw him

- @ 5th week for blood test,

- @ 6th week for heartbeat,

- @ 7th week for measuring bb's size..

wah piangzz eh....

Can experienced mummies share their experience too? what's the freq to visit gynae during 1st trimester?


P.s. assuming that it's a safe pregnacy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Linda Annie,

wow! start dicussing breast pump already le wor! stone!!!

u gals know last month Kiddy Palace was having promotion and 15% for non-memeber and 20% for memeber, tt's reli attractive... but too bad we didnt have the chance to buy anything during tt time.. Hope they will have the same promotion again at the end of this year!

Hi felina & sarina!

Congrats and welcome here! Bet u sure have a lot to catch up like me when i used to join too!

Felina- your Edd close to mine too and another mummy fish hu. Mine is 5/3/2011. Now seeing dr Adrian tan - tmc

Sarina, if u not sure, the best is to buy another kit and test! But I sure u r preggy since u say u r tired... All of us keep saying we are tired too [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])) heeee

Airmez- how come u so fast take blood test?? I tot we suppose to take blood test between 10-12 weeks??

My hub wrote down in details with dr Adrian tan briefing him last mon

6-8 weeks- see heartbeat, check foetus growing well

10-12week- blood test - triple blood test to check abnormailty

16 weeks- Oscar test

20 weeks- detail scan

the rest such as 2d or 3d is done at 26-32 weeks ( optional)


The same feeling! I wanted to buy aso cos of the 15% dis but wasted!!! But I think they will still have the discount year end?? Let wait? Hee

Orrhh... not that triple blood test. It's the blood test that check mother and bb's hormones... (to see whether u preggie or not). I didnt want to take, cos i just wanted to make an appt to visit him at 7th week but the receptionist insisted that i went down immediately to take blood test... sigh.. $$ flow away...


I have yet to see gynae yet.. This is #2. so I'm taking a bit for granted. I estimate my EDD to be abt 4 Mar, n I've made appt to see gynae on 26July.

By then shld be abt 7-8 weeks liaoz..

Will get to see sac, baby, heartbeat n size...

That's if u can bear the suspense n wait till then..

For my 1st pregnancy, u can refer to the table of expenses I posted earlier.. I went 5th week n 7week I think... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gynae is quite good in the sense he won't do extra tests unless its very critical or essential... So it helps save money..

So far not many who sees him have done blood test frm wat I know... Unless even the kit can't detect or there's signs of risks....[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Adrian did tell u wat we will assume to have in the next few weeks wor! I have no experiences, so didnt ask him abt tt!

I muz write down everything i wana ask, becoz i will forget once i enter his clinic room! wahahhaa!!!

Ya Lo... Dun like those receptionist insist this n that... I know money not theirs but they will say it's their responsibility to advise u.... N It'll be our own responsibility to decide we want to take or not...

Btw, anyone not doing Oscar n triple blood test??

I dun think I'll be doing it again this time.

I didn't do for #1 as well.

But this is really subjective to individual.

The question to ask urself will be: will u do anything different abt it if the test result is negative? If ur answer is no, u will still keep the baby... Then I'll say save the money then...

But if ur answer is yes, I'll abort the baby... Then u better do it... Cuz it'll be a lifetime commitment to the baby... Not trying to scare anyone off...

But i believe n is praying very hard for a healthy n pretty baby n hence I'll save the few hundred bucks... Lol...

Personal preference okie...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Sigh... after listening to u ladies, I should have stand firm on my ground when the nurse told me to go down and take blood test. I told her i see a very clear +ve sign, no need to poke any more needles to prove liao. But she insisted it's necessary blar blar blar.... Me 1st time preggie, play safe to listen loh.. @#$%^&

Ahbui, u got kenna this type of hazzle bor? Think i will postpone the next appt, and by the time i see him again, i will chide the gynane left-right-centre, but will do it gently lah.... hahaha

hi airmez,

that is dr fong's procedure (for blood test)leh.... for my twins I had also the same.... I will be seeing him tmr to scan again.. i think once can see heartbeat the next scan is 2 wks time.

for me I am ok la.. since with him for so long. all the mummies seeing him also like that. I think he is more careful in the 1st trimester and after that once u see him once a month u will find that the days draggggggg


I bit of more detailed type while hub is more lor soh type so he wrote everything down, gran all phamlets informatn to refresh his memory and asked dr Adrian again and again

U can ask him the next vist and aso visit level 4 to ask more abt the scan package

Ok ahbui, i wont abandon him lah... since he's able to give me a sense of security and i'm comfortable with him liao... It's the travelling to Orchard and WAITING time tat's killing me lah... I think i can walk Metro with my eyes closed liao... hahaha...

When i heard the nurse said that the needle to draw blood for the triple blood test is MUCH LARGER, i nearly fainted sia...

ic ahbui, i wont abandon him lah... since he's able to give me a sense of security and i'm comfortable with him liao... It's the travelling to Orchard and WAITING time tat's killing me lah... I think i can walk Metro with my eyes closed liao... hahaha...

I havent told my boss and colleagues yet. I guess my boss is abit suspicious, but she act blur leh.. still arrowing me with lotsa work.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

For me.. i already told my boss... and she is very nice to ask if I still wan to go ahead with the business trip...

well i decided to take up the business trip and go as planned and she is kind enough to get HR make an exception to allow me to claim for the pre-natal check up that I have requested to do in Germany... so at least I wouldn't miss a check and I will be able to know if bb is developing well..

So i'm glad i told her earlier and she is able to make such exceptions for me coz pre-natal check up are very expensive there...

so I guess it depends on your relationship with your boss and your boss's character bah...


to reply ur post about how frequent to see a doc....i think it depends...

1st time mum will see as much as you do

for 2nd time (or more) they not so kanchong liao perhaps will see a gynae only at 6th or 7th or 8th weeks for the 1st time

thereafter its only once a mth only leh...


No lei... no diff to me at all wor!! u go toilet everytime u drink??? and ya.. i will ask him abt the pacakge when i see him next time!

btw, gals, have u all heard abt walnut can help BB growing their brain??? My mummy start giving me walnut to let me eat as she said now is BB growing brain stage, so... muz make sure the body have enough nutri for BB to develop her/his brain!

Yes- Fish!

I am taking nuts, walnuts, peanuts too!

Is rich in Omega 3 - good for baby brain development. That is what the library book stated too!

I brewed peanuts lotus soup instead to eat...reduce heatiness.

I bake Carrot Walnut cake to eat the walnut instead.heee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Ask the Foetus assement centre located at 4th floor. That will be the place where Dr Adrian will send us to do all the test there.

They have a package which cost abt $480++ but we worked out the same price as ala carte test which we asked the nurses.


I not getting yet and I am still indecisive

My hub last nite told me he will take leave for 20 days to help me to do confinement!

say he will cook, bath , fetch our son up and down from school/tuition....everything he bao!

I don no if he can, so I need to train him up for the prenatal class again since for 10 yrs this is our 2nd BB...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Linda: think peanuts is one of the high allergen food...

Mummies in my #1 thread avoid peanuts during preggy n even while BF leh...

Other nuts is fine though...


some of the gals here have already confirmed theit CL and according to them, the rate should be $1.8K or $2K.


wow, ur hubby already start plan and he wana take 20 days leave wor! wow!! sweet hubby lei! but reli lor.. muz attend the prenatal class.. if not sure dono how to handle BB de! hahaha

then u have to quickly book the CL soon or NOW...

can understand is difficult for the 1-2 months

I still have to employ Part time maid to come over to help with the housework.


My CL charged $1.8k last year... This yr she said increase to $2k liaoz.... But I managed to bargain a bit discount. But still reasonable la... Last yr already got ppl charge $2.2k Lo... Check the forum threads for those recommendations... Go to June July 2010 threads ask those mummies doing confinement now how is their CL n if they wi recommend..

But al these are Heng suay also.. Maybe if expectations different then Mummy A find good Mummy B may find not so good Lo...

Most importantly, cook nice food, is clean freak n fast hand fast leg is wat I look for.. Loves babies impt also.[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Reall! Heng- I just took last nite. But I vomitted out most of them...hee[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Ok, thanks! I better stop taking peanut...but walnuts is okay, rite???

Fish - Cos I am very upset these days, donno if due to hormones changes, very indecisive. You know, the hospital la, the gynae la, now the confinement...that is why he has to come up the plan to keep me shut up...LOL

TMC has prenatal class and we can start from 5-6 months onward

MIMI- Is ex is it due to the EDD close to CNY?

When is your EDD?

