(2011/03) Mar 2011


my nausea on and off de... like last Thur and Fri.. i was so uncomfortable.. cant eat.... then Sat morning, i was okie.. and i had two slices of bread with ham! strange...


I was shock too when he said can know the sex of the BB by juz having the 'ba mai'... but he said now still too early and the diff is not very big... so... i half believe his words 1st ba! wahahaha!!


Baby love, do you have his delivery charge? I called up over the phone last time but the nurse say will onli tell me when I go down, that y I hesitate..,

milk shake- you buy the sizes frm m to l. I buy frm " m" to xl Liao, cos tummy quite tight for all the panties that I wore.

All mummies- my mil told me cannot drink milk if I alway LS. True or not?? Cos I say before, everytime I drank similac mum, I will go toilet

Hi Linda,

Actually i quite piss off when i went to but new panties, cause the auntie made a big fuss, so fast must buy new one huh? how many months? i never answer her and just walk off, so kpo. and she just kept looking at my tummy.


U dun talk milk for few days and see if will still LS?

Or maybe you want to switch to another brand?

I dun like milk, and made me neusea. I did ask my gynae if neccessary to take milk, he only say take floic acid can liao, so everyday i been taking folic acid only.

oh ya, we should take more papaya now, cause payaya is a good source of folic acid

Fish, is hormones fault again! make us like crazy women... mood swing like nobody business! haha...

Ytd my MIL told my hb there are few ways to determine whether your bb is gal or boy, my mum said so far quite accurate.. these are the methods:


Pick up some rice grain and count if it's even of odd. If it's even, meaning you'll be having a baby gal, if it's odd, means you'll be having a boy. Your mother/MIL can help you pick up n count for you too. (My result: Boy)


Use a red string to go through your wedding ring. Hold the two ends together, and let your ring tangling on the red string. Don't move your hand and observe the direction of movement of your ring. IF your ring swings inward and outward (facing you), means you have a boy. If your ring swings in a round or right and left, means you have a girl! (choose a no wind place to do this test, if not not true liao)

(my result: also boy)

So now I shall wait for my confirmation of my baby gender from gynae in the 16-20 weeks then we can tell if all these old belief methods are true/accurate or not. Hahaha.. Btw, you all can check out the Chinese Birth Chart too. Base on your chinese age and month of conceive to see is you are having a boy or girl. My result for this chinesse birth chart also boy!


I tried method 2 too.. my hubby 2nd sis in law asked us to tried and the result show i'm having boy this time.. and i will be having three kids..

1st - boy

2nd - gal

3rd - boy!

i told hubby, if this time reli boy and it is proved accurated.. i will stop at TWO... i dont wana to have 3 kids!!


Whether u can take pics or not, i thk depends on your gynae. If he allows you to take pics u can do so.


U mean Dr Ho's delivery charges? From what I overheard at the counter, it is $1200 for natural delivery. If you wanna find out, I will ask them on my next visit. I visit him weekly cos I have spotting when I was 3 wks. So you can imagine how much are my medical bills now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

hey ladies, can actually buy the bra extension for now, dun need to upsize the whole bra collection. Cheap and effective. My breasts got even larger when I was breastfeeding, cant even fit into some clothes. That's when I upsized my bras. Now that I've stopped breastfeeding, breasts shrinked. sob sob.

Oh, Me going for 1st appt this wed, hopefully will be around the same time as the TMC tour. hee.

chen, urs also shrinked? mine too after breastfeeding so sad [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Fish, how to test how many kids we will have? I don't know this leh.. As for the rice grain, you can pick and count for yourself too..

Fish, I ask tmc before, I took out my Hp cam but the nurse don allow and say that frm website can aso see their room category.

Btw, I saw 4bedded mt A room. Is very much bigger than tmc one

blurjen and pixiepixel, ya... shrinked till not nice, sob sob. Tried the palmers cream for breast firming, didnt really work, or rather I wasn't too faithful with the applications.

Annie, I'm gona try your methods tonight, see if both give the same results. hee.

Annie, fish, realli can work huh? My hub kept saying we will have 3 kids and he say he wan another 1 next year aft I give birth.... Tik I m a pig! Lol! I told him I wan to go back to work after giving birth next year cos my eldest son will be 11 yrs old. He say I cannot cos I too motherly, worried too much here n there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so I can't save up my own personal $$ Liao

Babylove, if $1200, then is cheap! Does his delivery charges as accordingly to room category??

Fish! Did u realize that dr Adrian tan 4 bedded charge abt $2850? If I minus the hospital Stay of $1413, his charge is ard $1400? For normal

Annie, fish, realli can work huh? My hub kept saying we will have 3 kids and he say he wan another 1 next year aft I give birth.... Tik I m a pig! Lol! I told him I wan to go back to work after giving birth next year cos my eldest son will be 11 yrs old. He say I cannot cos I too motherly, worried too much here n there [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so I can't save up my own personal $$ Liao

Babylove, if $1200, then is cheap! Does his delivery charges as accordingly to room category??

Fish! Did u realize that dr Adrian tan 4 bedded charge abt $2850? If I minus the hospital Stay of $1413, his charge is ard $1400? For normal


haha!!! sorry to confuse you... but take pics during delivery, of coz can tk...hubby take lor.. haha!!!


Same, use the same method then after u know 1st BB is boy, then repeat the steps again again... till u let your ring tangling on the red string / own hair to move again above ur hand, and if it stops moving at No.3.. it means u will be having 3 BB in your life.

If shrink for our breast, mdm kang frm woman breastfeeding associatn did advise me before that u have to massage before n after BF, and wear BF bras + padding for better support

Is very much diff lor, now I realli wan to go mt A deliver.

Fish will u be asking dr Adrian tan on your next vist? Mine is 7 aug..

Chen, go try it! and share your result with us.. see if both the methods match! haha...

Fish, I dont' quite get you on the "till u let your ring tangling on the red string / own hair to move again above ur hand, and if it stops moving at No.3.. it means u will be having 3 BB in your life."

Is it just repeat the test until it stops moving then is the no. of kids? Tonight I try again.. haha..

blurjen, chen

mine also shrinked terribly after brestfeeding! Orginal 75B up to 80C (bfeeding). Now 75B also loose, wanna cry liao.

so far my boobs no change leh..still small. My first pregnancy my boob grow during 6 weeks.

Any of you choose Eastshore Hospital? I gave birth there for my #1, love it! Going back there...

Don't know why whenever I'm at work, I feel nausea easily. When I'm at home, I'm better leh. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Now it's attacking me again. -.-"


Yes yes... sorry ya! i also confused wat i type...

anyway, yes... juz repeat the test again and again till it stops moving.. then u will know how many kids u gonna have!


Yes yes... sorry ya! i also confused wat i type...

anyway, yes... juz repeat the test again and again till it stops moving.. then u will know how many kids u gonna have!


$1200 is only for his delivery fee. If you opt for c sec, the charges will be higher. I will ask them abt it on my next visit.

The room charges are according to the type of ward you choose. That time i stayed in single ward, is abt $320 per night. Now i thk they increased the charges cos they just renovated.

hi Annie

i tried ur method 2 before...mine were all accurate.... i had 3 boys...i dun dare to do again this time round....as i am hoping for a girl but think 98% is another boy....sigh....

pink beauty at AMK

where is the shop???

I wonder if I still need to use the oil considering my stretchmarks already like watermelon marks...

Hahahhaa when I got time to dig out I show u all my stretchmarks for #1!! lol!!!

Oil is better than the cream...

So get the clarins oil if u can.. Smells good too!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


my next visit Adrian Tan will be 31st July. next Sat. will help u and me ask if he is okie to delivery at Mount A and if there is any additional charge or not.

Baby, that meant dr ho delivery is tag by the type of birth, but I see dr Adrian one is tagged not only by room cate but aso by birth type?? I don no if I m wrong lei...

Can trouble u to check with him

again? Thanks!

Annie, I don no why but nowadsy I can't stand the smell of Indian.. Sorry no offence cos my neighbour who is an Indian alway burn some kind of smoke outside...,

Dear Mums,

For sale - Brand New Avent Newborn Starter Kit (BPA Free)

I have a spare set which is given during the birth of my baby. Includes:

2 x Airflex Feeding Bottle (260 ml/ 9 oz) with size 2 teat.

2 x Airflex Feeding Bottle (125 ml/ 4 oz) with size 1 teat.

2 x Extra soft, Newborn Flow Teat size 1.

1 x Newborn Pacifier.

1 x Bottle and teat brush.


Retail price @ about SGD49.90

My selling price SGD40nett, brand new.

Call me 98204176 to transact immediately.

hi ladies...

can i join the thread? me tested +ve, abt 4weeks although have not seen any doc yet...maybe next week ba....EDD 23 Mar 2011

is nice to get so much info here...hee

wishing you ladies a very good afternoon :)

bingbing, welcome!

mimieyes, I sleep well on most nights. Except for yest, woke up and couldn't get back to sleep.

nausea is with me everyday. Hoping gynae can give me 2 days mc when I visit her. Feel very terrible at work everyday. Sigh!

Hi rach!

I not very sure abt the exact address. I know how to go there, but din take note of its surroundings and unit no. It's NOT inside AMK hub, it's in those shops behind AMK hub. It's near to Maxi Cash (correct spelling? that michelle pawn shop advert)

Alamak, u all say clarins oil is better ah? think i faster apply this tube, and buy the 2nd one in oil bah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

oil is cheaper too!

gal, your HB and yourself so power leh! 3 boys!! hahaha...

Linda, I also cannot stand those joss sticks smoke!

bingbing, welcome to our thread! Now we starting to see 2H March EDD!

Stretchmarks - I'm not sure if it's genes but I don't have stretchmarks and I got huge w #1 and my Mom after 3 kids no stretchmarks either. BUT my mom used olive oil on her tummy every night and for me, I used the Palmers Belly Butter and Clarins Treatment Oil (alternate) and Palmers Lotion during the day plus the Palmers breast cream.

Genetics or the extra help I'm not sure but these things did help when the belly got itchy around 7/8 mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif].

I'm reading the emails frm iPhone hard to reply though I got comments for some peoples post!! Hahaa... See what my holey brain can rem...

maternity tour

no pic taking allowed..

Actually nothing much to take.

That's why I recommend going to both TMC n Mt A on same day.. Then can compare.

Or not too long apart... I went for the tour when I went TMC for the detailed scan at 18weeks... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

TMC is abit more exp than MtA.

I compared between every ward last yr.

Mt A is abt $100 cheaper...

AMK Pink Beauty Shop

ooh is it near the Koi bubble tea there?

Not too far off frm Mac?

Maybe I shld check out RED TOMATO shop too..

It's behind Jubilee. Alot of household items lie shampoo, pads, body wash n perfume all very very cheap one..

When I pass by I always stock up... Lol!!!

Clarins oil vs Cream

yah oil is supposedly better..

I used 1 bottle from 5-9mos.

Given by my fren who didn't Need it anymore.

But stretchmarks appeared the next day after I applied..

Hahahaha made me think very hard if I shldnt have used it at all or it wad really time for it to appear... Lol...


add me!!! Search for Alice Rachel Neo

The pic is my #1. hee..

Pls state u are frm March 2011.

Cuz alot of funny people always add.. So I always ignore.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

sleeping at nite

woke up 2-3 times with full bladder but so lazy to go toilet but no choice.. Our body is busy developing our precious baby n hence alot if waste product during this period...

2nd trim will be better but 3rd trim will come back again cuz our baby will be pressing on our bladder by then.. Leaving us with a smaller bladder n that's why feel full faster...

books to read for 1st time


1. what to expect when u are pregnant

2. Supernatural Childbirth by Jackie mize

Very informative book n helps to encourage us at this time too!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fish: Hmm..I know EYS have "an-tai-yao" but I personally think that if the gynae will/ already given us minerals and other supplements, then + in-laws or own family brewing some tonics for us, will it be "over-nutrious" for us? Then gotta ask the gynae if its already if "east meets west" medicine alright or not. I won't be buying extra, will do good with whatever the gynae gonna give me, what my family and in law gonna brew for me and my own Blackmores Pregnancy and Breastfeed formula. I think thats in fact bit too much lor. And I think if have too much face might break out too @.@||| But still, the choice is up to u. Unless u inborn "weak"..else I think the most typical would be sufficient. Just my opinions :)


my mum asks the Chinese Medical shops, they ask my mum make me pao sheng (i think is called American Ginsheng if I'm not wrong) plus wolfberries, red date to drink for now. This is to give me more energy as first trimester is a very fatigue period. Then when we reach 2nd trimester, 4th month onwards then drink cordycep and birdnest in the alternate weeks. coz now is bu us, and 4th month onwards is bu the baby.

