(2011/03) Mar 2011

Any of you ladies continue to go for your facial after finding out u preggy?

Plus can we have chicken essence (those bottled type) during 1st trimester too?


PrestoRabb - My face is kinda sensitive right now so I might go once I get into the second trimester BUT before I get big, I remember feeling really uncomfortable on my back for so long while having a facial, pity cannot massage, super sian.

Annie - I used to limit myself to a glass of wine a week and 1 cup/can/bottle of caffeine (coke, coffee, tea) a day. If I don't give a little I'd start to feel depressed and want even more, so. I was in Perth for my babymoon and we went to vineyards, my husband is evil, so it was about a glass of wine a day, small sips of different wines, so nice.

No issues. So a cake with a bit of caffeine and alcohol, is ok I think.

Thanks, M. My hubby says got alcohol cannot. So I throw away after having one bite. Haha.. He will make me feel guilty. lol...

Hi baby

thank for your help!

Milkshake, I know now early stage cannot eat any tonic brew till abt 5 months then brew cong zong cao to strengthen the bb growth,

I aso remember my mum telling me to take bird nest at 7-8 mths. Cannot consume too long cos is cooling for bb

Hi Rach!

Yah, Pink Beauty is somewhere near, but opp tat Koi bubble tea shop. Btw, Red Tomato doesnt carry Clarins stretch cream/oil.

Annie, is best to avoid taking alcoholic stuffs cos it's good to play safe than be sorry. For me, I have quitted my caffeine intakes since last year when my physician told me consume too much coffee is bad for us, ESP when I alway suffer frm migrane.

So I have not been consuming caffeine nor unprocessed cheese or alcohol stuffs or wine. Must bear with it


yes still can go facial but if u r scared u can tell ur facialist that u r preggy n she will be extra careful. I went facial everymth when I had my #1. Only last trimester some facialist won't massae too near your heart area


some gynae say no caffeine but some gynae say one cup a day is ok. Even during bfding days some gynae say ok for caffeine

it's really up to individual I think

One more question.. Do any of you know if we are allowed to attend friends' baby full month celebration during our pregnancy or say first trimester? Is there anything about patang in this? I don't believe la but my hubby is patang then ask me not to go this Saturday. My other friend thinks I should respect my hb by not going too n just explain to my friend, but I worry my friend will be angry with me. Haiz.

Pixel yeah maybe still up to individual cos I aso have ex colleague who drank 2 cup per day, in the end

they say her bb very dark skin, donno true anot cos of caffeine too....

For me, kiasu a bit, play safe

Is it? I only know cannot attend wedding, but I didn know cannot attend full month celebratn. I gg to my friend one this sun as promised... Cannot ma? Don scared me Cos I quite pantang too

Thanks M and pixel - i guess now i avoid facial too.. cos rashes keep popping on and off my face. I shall do DIY facial.. cleanse my face properly at home. Hah.

Linda, I checked with mum and MIL, both said can attend wedding, so I already went 2 weeks ago... At first my hb also die die dun let me attend wedding but after his mum say can then he LL n went with me.. Now he comes again about the full month! say what I not stable yet.. if anything happen I will regret, make me damn guilty n worry. I will go back check with my mum see can attend anot... If any of you know or check with your elderly, let us know ya?


can attend but cannot eat their cakes - when i having my #1 and my colleague sent her bb's 1st mth cakes to office, my colleagues say dun eat. coz my bb will get jealous.

all these pantang stuff, up to you all to believe or not but i dun believe this portion. a bit the "overdone"


hahaha, ur hb's one lagi better....

when i oredi preggy few weeks back but dunno yet, i also passed by a funeral leh. i need to pass by somemore coz must walk there to get to my blk...

im craving for spicy food.....

just now 2 hrs ago i ate some mee siam, now i feel like vomiting. dont think i can eat dinner liao

Wow! I checked liao n confirmed! Bb full month don eat the red egg and cake, other like buffet dishes can eat!

Wedding- sorry I heard cannot attend cos my ex colleagues who 3 were preggy last year aso nvr attend wedding

pixel - I aso got craving for mee Siam but I scared the vomit part where all the chilli spices will boil down my throat n aso heartburn...,[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] so have to control ... Ren ren ren

blizzbless- same- my hub restricted me to pass by the funeral area- we choose to walk 1 big big round instead ..... Cos pantang. If kena downstsir at the multi purpose hall, then I tik he sure. Ask me cannot even open window to breathe air!!!

Can preggy woman play badminton huh? My mum told me cannot cos we raise our Hand so high up, worry will affect the breast circulatn blood!??? Heard of it? Now whenever my boy ask me to challenge him, I have to reject n see his disappointing face

Jialat man !

hi all

I attend wedding and full mth celebrations for all my previous pregnancy...but not for funeral...but but for my 2nd boy, i attended a good friend's wedding....and on that very night after wedding, i went home...tummy little pain....keep going toilet, cannot sleep....then at 340am, wake hubby up, went to TMC for check....in the car damn damn pain, but no bleeding , water bag never burst, reach TMC 0410hrs, at that time i am at 36 weeks, nurses check my gosh 9cm dialated....pain until i semi conscious.... baby came out 0431hrs....bcoz baby is at a very good weight 3.28kg...so not considered pre-mature...not sure if was bcoz of wedding....but i attended many many throughtout my 3 pregnancy.....keke

Hi pixel, I had my fav Tom yum soup just now. Drank a few mouth n also want to puke. Hb so surprised. He specially order for me. My ms after dinner is bad


ooh... U searched at Red Tomato before ah???okok...

Maybe I'll go search for Pink Beauty next few days...

I'm dying of carrying #1 in carrier liaoz.... Can feelmy back breaking n she doesn't want to sit stroller... I'm so gonna die very soon..... Have to really train her somehow else when my tummy gets bigger, even if she wails I can't help it...headache when u have a sticky like super glue kid.... >.<"

I bought a NUK premium choice wide neck bottle...

So exp Lo.... $18.90!!! N bought 2 latex teats at $8.90...

Faint..... Tried to give FM n she rejected again.... Sigh....

Rach - When I had to get #1 to take the bottle cos I was going back to work, I tell you the amount of money I spent on teats and bottles, I have nearly every brand. The only thing that worked was the Mag spout and then after a few days she took to the Tommee Tippee and NUK (but the latex was too slow for her). The pediatrician was right sometimes the only way is the hard way, no boobs just bottle, took us 4 days and me crying A LOT. At least now your kid can eat not just bottle.

And btw, she's gotten super sticky now too, like she knows there's another coming ahahaha.

Dear mommies,

It may be the size of the holes in the teat. I think the flow of milk from latching is actually faster than the pre-cut holes in a teat. You can try to make bigger holes by buying a hole cutter for teats. That is what I did for my girl.

Ladies do any of u still have brown spotting? i still have a bit today and yesterday but last week my gynae told me no need to come unless it is red. quite worrying.

Have you been stress, tired? If you're NOT having bad cramps and no red blood then all you should do is rest. If you have bad cramps and the brown spotting gets worse or you see red = gyne.

Relax, feet up, nap.


we wouldnt know why ur gal rejects the bottle. it could be a combo of everything. but did you mix the fm with your bm? you still bfding right? she may not smell the familiar smell of your bm and rejects the bottle straightaway...

M is right, taking the bottle the hard way is only by no boobs but bottle.

the earlier the age they get weaned off breasts, the faster they adapt to it


I just added you (FB). Please accept me. thanks.

nowadays i have to wake up at least once middle of the nite to peepee... sometime even twice... so much niaoniao!! haha!!


thought 'pao sheng' is 'liang' type, like those chinese herbal tea, we cant drink that much... or i confuse between 'pao shen' and 'hua qi shen'

as for BB full mth, i was told, we cant eat the red egg and cake, and cannot carry the BB too (not only the 1st mth BB, but all other BBs as well)... can only go there and see see..


Both Linda and myself seeing Dr. Adrian Tan from TMC... he is abt 40's and a very friendly and cheerful gynae... so far.. i'm quite comfortable with him, but we have to wait till we have the maternity tour at TMC and confirm which hospital to delivery, if Adrian Tan is able to delivery at both TMC and Mt.A. I will stick with him throughout my pregnancy this time.

btw, gals, yest hubby and myself went for the maternity tour by Mt. A, but we didnt go TMC as the time slot (In the afternoon) unable us to go two places. so, we decided to go TMC next Sat after my 2nd visit to Gynae. so far, i feel Mt A, the room and delivery ward all quite big and for Mt. A, they have 14 1-bed ward, we cant reserve so it will based on 1st come 1st serve basis.

Fish, u must be impresse w Mt A ba? U seeing dr Adrian next sat? I be seeing him on 7 aug. I tik is 1 week later than yours. Maybe u can get the slot frm the concerige counter. Must register your name also, remember is 11am& 2 pm onli


morning mommies...

i like to ask you ladies, when clearblue test kit show i'm preggy 3+, does that mean i'm 3wks preggy or 4wks preggy? i did the test last thurs. oso 1st time mum...dont understand.


I'm quite impressed with Mt.A.... really... all their wards are BIG...so.. hope TMC can give me something similar with Mt.A so i can reli compare this two.. and Mt.A only have 14 1-bed room... i wonder how many 1-bed room do TMC have wor!!! think lesser...


U did the digital test? few weeks ago i did this test too and the test show i was 3+ weeks pregnant, but then when u see gynae, gynae will tell u, u are properly 5+ week pregnant.

Gynae is based on the 1st day of your last mense to calculate.

clearblue digital test is based on the date that you ovlated.

Hi mummies,

Thanks for suggestions....

I'm pretty sure it has nothing to do with the bottle or the milk...

It's the breast... Because if I spoonfeed her the FM, she will drink.. Spoon by spoon BUT it's damn tedious to spoon feed FM!!!!!

She dun like mag mag cuz even when there's water inside, she will only drink if she's very thirsty or feels like...

I dunno when is that so I just offer the mag mag whenever I have fed her puffs or melts or cereal.. Sometimes she takes a few big sips, sometimes she push the mag mag away.... >.<"""

Last nite war with her till she so pek chek she roll and cry.

Then I put the bottle away, offer breast n she happily drink n empty my breast..

I guess the other way is to start pumping n try feeding her EBM in bottle n see if she drinks..

But so lazy to pump!!!!! How to when she sticks to me all the time?? Gotta find a way.... Sigh.....

Hi bing! Congratn!!!

Hi fish- really tempting lor!


mummies- does any one experience emotional breakdown sometime? I got realli pissed off with my mil who is very aggressive everytime when she talk over phone. Sometime she can even raise her tone and still say we nvr listen before talking... That realli make me upset and cried!

I don tik will get her to do confinemt for me already since she is alway like so aggressive type ;(


some mummies ive encountered will sit down and prep talk their child.

eg "you grown up liao, cannot take mummy's breasts any more" etc...after some brainwash, the child understands and wont take the nipples.

heard few real life cases of this working ley - even for very young kiddos....

u never know but u can try. kept repeating the same sentences about you not able to offer breasts anymore liao

MILs no matter how nice become pains in the butts. I thought my MIL was lovely till I have birth (she didn't bother me much while I was pregnant) but ohmygoodness with the baby and esp with breastfeeding I wanted to scream.

I got my husband to handle her.


not for me but hormones overdrive in our body now, i guess this can happen to anyone and should be common lar...*hugs*

hey that sounds like my own mum.

my hb cant stand my unreasonable mum....coz my hb (and you too) not brought up in this environment so when u see her "power" u cannot take it. for me im seasoned liao she she screamed, shouted, scold bad words, slam fone etc etc i oso let it slide n pass


Ever since last night, after nasi lemak and a glass of milk, I had been having stomach churns and LS.... dunno is something wrong with dinner (but others are ok), or i'm latose-intolerant, or just hormones creating havoc...

I've also cancel my '7th-week' gynae visit, and straightaway book the '10th-week' appt with gynae.. 1 less visit... heehee.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


During my confinement, I was kind of post-natal depression so no one dares to contradict me about anything. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

