(2011/02) Feb 2011


Thank you so much for your encouragement.


Yes. I feel very scare when carrying my bb, especially when she cries. Maybe you are right, I think I was too tense when carrying bb. My hubby told me before that if I feel scare, bb can feel it too. Now I always tell myself to stay calm when carrying crying bb. Bb recognize my voice and I think that is quite a good start already. Thanks for pointing out e problem. I will take note and Jia you.

Joanne, Zanta,

Yes. Let's Jia you together.

went down to ICA to do birth cert, baby bonus and CDA this morning. reached 8.10am left 8.25am. so fast ... no queue. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

now less pp chat here, cos most chat in FB.. hor?

anyway, cut my gal's finger nails today.. yeah no need to wear mittens and I can play with her little hands.

also no need to wash so many items..

anyway, they no need to wear socks after 1 month liao right?

@Val: I think call up your bb's PD and check with them? Or maybe can ask your gynae?

@Ah Ching: Maybe still wear them at night coz it's colder in the night?

@OFB: I think it's because of off peak hours so no queue.

Talking about names, did you all still put both dialect and han yu pin ying names in the birth cert for the chinese?

today brought my son to CC.. the teachers all commented that I have lost my stomach liao..

so happy to hear.

but still a bit more to lose as still cant fit nicely in the pre-pregnancy pants.


I think u can call your gynae to ask. Safer...


I just put han yu pin yin for his chinese part of name. No dialect. If not the name is very long - english name, surname, dialect name and han yu pin yin name!

here my thoughts after 1 week of confinement lady. i would not recommend any confinement lady i used to my relatives or friends, after my experience with this one. She talks a lot. She will tell me all the problems my colleague (whom recommend me this confinement lady) has in her family. Now i know not so good things about my colleague family background, i didn't tell my colleague... also don't want her to know that i know. It's hard le. Next time if i recommend this confinement lady to someone i know, she will tell my stories to the person also. I don't want that. Be careful!

She says stories about other people to me such as

1. husband not caring

2. mother not enough milk

3. in law treating wife not good

4. baby very naughty

5. family stingy or generous

6. husband and wife problems

7. bad habits in the family (like taking toilet rolls from the public toilets, taking many many plastic bags from NTUC)

All the embarrassing stories. She talk non stop one. Auntie .. no choice only nag whole day. i hear until i very sian, always find an excuse to go away and not listen to her story REWIND!

Jolin, jia you!! rem to relax while carrying.

Zanta, I nv put hanyu pinyin in birth cert. My elder boy I just put Keith Teo. Chi name 张哲睿. That's all.

Ah ching, I will remove mitten after full month but booties will wear till forth month..

Jolin - don't give yourself unnecessary pressure. Motherhood is a whole new experience for me and i'm also very scared too.. Furthermore, i dont have young nephews/ nieces so i really do not know how to handle babies. i guess we just have to tell ourselves take one step at a time, and treat everything as a learning experience. Nobody is born to be an experienced mother, there is always a first time.

Fangfang - yeah.. looks like it's 28th for us. I do have some brownish discharge now, but i dont think that means anytime soon. Actually, the wait is quite agonizing.

Ah Ching - wah... so fast u got rid of the stomach ah? that's very good... i hope i can shed off too.

moomoo: actually still cant fit into my work pants.. just packed my wardrobe. Packed up all the maternity clothes and took out my work clothes..

think must go buy new clothes liao as bust can fit into tops and stomach cant fit into bottoms..

i lost weight faster for no. 1 lost 3 kg more than prepreg within 6 weeks.. but this time a bit hard.

OFB: your comments on CL very funny lei.. but aunties are all like that.. cos I am auntie also, I think gossip is quite normal ;p

Hi mummies,

Letting go of Medela PIS Advance (Backpack) @ $420

Good condition. Used only a few times.

Warranty included till June 2011

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RE: Names

I guess the new generation don't put dialect names already. Actually I don't even know how to translate the Chinese name to dialect.

@Kittyki: Then for surname you put dialect or han yu pin ying?

@Ah Ching: So good, then did your weight dropped to pre-preg weight? I tried on a dress which I bought just before I'm preg last night and I'm sad to say, the top part can't be zip anymore. Then this morning I tried on my favourite jeans and I can't pull up my hips!! I wonder if I will ever get to wear that pair of jeans again or not.. Guess I need to go shop for some dresses already.

For mummies who c-sect, did you all avoid wearing low waist bottom and try to wear dresses for some time? I now got phobia to wear low waisted bottoms as they're more fitted and tight in cutting.

And did you mummies avoid eating chicken in case of infections? My mum avoid cooking chicken for 2 weeks and this week she starts to cook chicken for me to eat but I'm scare to eat too much.

I'm also going to do birth cert tomorrow. Hehe.. Finally have a name for our baby le.

@Zanta: Mine I only put English name, dialect surname with hanyu pinyin name. And Chinese characters too. Cos we also don't know how to translate the name to dialect. Sounds funny.

Hi mummies, being MIA for days as I was busy & trying to adjust my moo moo lifestyle. First of all, thanks all mummies for the well wishes and jia you for those who still on waiting game! First time mummies must also jia you as its definitely not easy being a mum.

@choc – tks for updating my gal’s wt and ADD and her name is Ying Xuan

@zanta – my gal wt is 2.75kg and doc has estimated wrongly!

@ourlstbaby – So bad ur CL and guess it best not to recommend any CL to friends.

For my CL, she’s very talkative, like to shift blame to others, forgetful & not hygiene when come to handling things. Overall she still acceptable coz she will listen to instructions and pretty proactive.

@Ah ching – guess having 2nd kid is harder to lose wt bah. Last nite, my hubby commented why I still have tummy as he thought by doing 5 days of post natal massage, the tummy will go off. Now so busy of taking care of my gal that I have no time for myself. Hope I won’t be like ‘Huang Lian Po’


I suffered milk ducts & engorgement for about 1 week and it really make me feel like giving up on breastfeeding. Not only the pain, also have to keep pumping in every 3 hrs! Lucky my masseur help & tell me the best way to treat engorgement is to use warm towel to keep massage the ducts in circular motion. If really painful, use cold cabbage. I will only use if pain is unbearable as I heard it will decrease supply. After that, latch and pump every 2 to 3 hrs as it also help to establish our milk supply


If baby having G6PD, isit ok to take chicken essence & those tonic soup? Is XO belong to English wine? Did you all take tonic soup daily or just normal soup?

Zanta: same here... Today is 17 days after birth.... I still have tummy and only lost 6kg...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] wonder when will i ever lose all my pregnancy weight.... Dont even dare to try any of the old clothes....

I also csection..... I did not take chickefor first 2 weeks.... This wk started taking .... Chicken essence aldo take evryday now...

Hi mummies,

I'm new mummy frm 23rd feb. May I knw how can I produce

More milk for my baby boy? I breastfeed him for 30mins to 1 hr, but he still cry when I let go. Seems like I dont have enough milk for him.

mrs ong.. my boy has G6PD.. i took chicken essense.. its ok..

but in terms of tonic soup.. you need to know whats in the contents of the soup.. so far, i know for G6PD.. cnnt take the following chinese herbs..

Dang Gui, Honeysuckle, Pearl Powder, 牛黄, 腊梅花, 川连,惊风散

or u can ask the chinese physicians.. they should know what to avoid..

@moomoo: Concur. This wait is getting tiring. Counting contractions and baby movements all the time. Getting confused between true contractions, false contractions and big fetal movements sometimes.

@prettymimieyes: For my second born, the milk came in around the same time with the same engorgement problems...

I lost weight very fast with my first born since it is natural birth. Had problem losing weight with my second as it is C sec...Took me a good year.

Hi there

I experienced leakage just now at 4plus and gynae advised that I be admitted so here am I, at labour ward now. Confirmed my water bag burst liao.. On antibiotics drip now cos I have GBS.

@Taurusgal: Continue to let him latch. Milk will come in few days later. Mine also came in after 4-5 days I delivered. Right now he should be sucking in the colostrum.

@moomoo73: Have a safe & smooth delivery! =D

@moomoo73: Wow! So you will see your baby soon. Congrats!!! Waiting for regular contractions. Not sure I have leakage but I figure I wait for the contractions to get closer. :D

Congrats moomoo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] see ur baby soon! Guess u prob go home on sun, won't see u on mon when baby go for jab le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs ong, my girl's name also ying xuan 颖萱, she is 2 years plus le [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

zanta: havent gone back to Dr Ang for post natal.. thinking of waiting for the wound to heal and lochia to completely stop.

otherwise so embarassing and painful when he check. so havent taken my weight yet..

but dont think i drop to pre-preg weight cos still cant wear my pants..

@moomoo: All the best and have a smooth delivery!! Finally your waiting game is ending and your moomoo career is starting!!

@TaurusGal: Don't latch your bb for too long to prevent sore nipples. Instead, latch your bb every 1 hour or so to promote MS, 15-20 min each time.

@Jerine: I'm left with 7kg to lose to get back to my pre-preg weight but this weight had been maintain for 1+ week and I think my fats are mostly stuck at those stubborn area like back, tummy, hips and thigh. Btw, I realized my back area had widened which is why I couldn't fit in those not stretchable tops..

@pyng: Tell your hubby you took 9mths to gain that tummy so it'll take you some time to lose it. But does your massage help? I wanna do but can't at this moment.

Zanta & Jolin - yupz let jiayou together.

BF from 1st day, baby got her 1st let down today.. mouth full of milk, so cute.

But she is big so after latching for 15 mins each, still hungry so supplement on cup feeding 1st... will go hm and pump to see if supply is more

Mrs Ong, be careful about cabbage, it is used stop lactation too, so use very sparingly.

Moo moo-- have a smooth delivery.

Btw, this is papa posting here. Mama is sleeping, we will be discharging from TMC tomorrow

Pinkyval & Zantarina:

Tks for advice! Yea even nw just 2nd day, I knw is just colostrum, but seems like my bb boy is quite big eater.

I had tried formula milk for him since he Dnt seems to be full

After latching for 30mins to an 1hr. Cried n cried! Just nw waiting to bf him again, Dnt even want to latch on it. No choice then, I feed him with some water or formula milk.

Tmr gg to learn parenting class on bf. Hope it will help!

Hi sorry for the late update, delivered a bb girl on 14/2. So far with CL everything is going smoothly. Now breastfeeding is my bigger challege.

By the way, if C-sect, how soon can I engage those malay massage?

Those who are waiting, Gan Ba Te!

mrs ong: i know have to avoid fava bean for sure.. when i was in hospital, they served black bean soup as one of the confinement dish.. so far my boy ok.. but i'll try to avoid most beans and legumes.. not a big fan of beans and legumes anyway.. except for soya bean~ =D

ru i m a c sect mum,malay massage can be done at abt 3-4 weeks later after discharge provided if u are in gd condition i have done mine at abt 3 weeks plus, and massage lady help me to get rid all the excess wind manage to shed off a bit of fats can almost wear back my shorts and clothing nw except for the arm and thigh due to water rentention when preggy time.

Stylish Nursing wear from Dote Studio for sale at up to 50% off retail price. Retail prices range from $69-$139. All BRAND NEW WITH TAG.

Pls email [email protected] for details.


All these and many more...


Dear mummies, I have finally done it. Baby kaylene is born this morning and weigh 2.93kg.

En Xuan, Fangfang, Terralyn - it will be your turn soon! Hang in there

reverie no need to be so long just ask ur massagae lady to be gentle to the wound will do,if 3 mths no effect liao the 'the wind' will nt be able to get rid of so as long as ur wound nt pain can liao one of my colleague c sec she lagi kia su, 2 weeks plus she already massage liao [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

Am from Jan Thread, jus some info and advise

please dun engage a lady call Siti i got her from Oct thread her service is not good in the end i got to engage and get another 7 sessions of massage thru another massage lady. She nvr massage properly and no jamu applied in the end all my money wasted...just my 2 cents worth in case any of you engage her.

