(2011/02) Feb 2011

Nashita: Mine's a Shears white cot.. I bought it at $300 about 2 yrs ago with free bedding set, delivery and assembly, stroller and cot mobile.. So far so good. Serves us pretty well.. save for a bit of scratches and cracks (even though it was hardly used). Only problem is its quite bulky..

There is an option to convert this into a junior bed too.. But as my B2 is coming soon, we have yet to do that.. Think for long term.. should be ok too..

I prefer white cots too.. Hence bought this.


Trinket, Geri cant meet us today. See you girls there.. Meet at city hall mrt or B1?

1. idaar

2. choc

3. rachel

4. wish child

5. c nicole

6. trinket

7. unicorn

8. Eviangal (if 12.30pm)

9. Blue Potatochips

10. baywater (if gal recovers)

11. felpoo (after 2pm)

Thanks Visha.. ok I will wash those items as well.

Joodz: same as me! you be delivering where? end Jan too? your nursing instinct is so strong! but feels really good after packing and doing everything ya..

My baby is a bit on the big side. at 31 weeks now, my gynae say shld be ard 1.5kg but based on the scan yday, gynae say eh is ard 1.8kg.

think i had too much donuts and icecream last round.


To be honest, I didn't use any moisturiser on Kae. ^.^" Some kids get rash reactions to diff brands of moisturisers (even if meant for baby), so it really depends on your little bundle of joy.

We only applied some oil to Kae's belly because we used to do baby massage on his belly. =) My Jamu massage lady then taught us how to do it.

I used to use the Eagle Brand Minyak Telon for Kae's tummy instead of Ru Yi You as Ru Yi You can be a bit too hot (altho I LOVE the smell of Ru Yi You).

gregda: my gynae has told me that i probably will give birth in the last 2 weeks of jan. during my last appt my baby was 1.3kg at 30weeks.. my next appt is this coming monday and i will be at 33 weeks so im curious how heavy baby will be.. dont want her to be too big also.. i dont have the guts to go through c sect unless i really have to..

Gonna miss u ladies... was soooooooo looking fwd to the lunch gathering. Haiz. =)

Bought this really little green singlet (no prints... gonna print something on it) for Noah and a matching one (but with prints) for Kaelen at Cotton On Kids (Novena). Hehe. Kae was so thrilled. Thinking of having them put the singlets of for a photoshoot next year. ^.^

pootz: coincidentally i just met up with my cord blood coordinator yesterday so what she said is still fresh in my mind.

there are basically 3 cord blood banks in sg:

1. Singapore Cord Blood Bank (public)

2. Stemcord (private)

3. Cordlife (private)

1st of all i was told actually cord blood's proven shelf life is about 15 years. anything over that not enough research done yet. cord blood is also a pretty new area of research. if you ask your parents about cord blood they might not have heard of it yet.

difference between private and public is private u get to 'own' the cord blood while for public it's shared internationally. if u donate to public and need it in future and nobody has used ur cord blood yet, u can call up scbb to retrieve ur cord blood for usage. if its used up prior to that then u got to wait in the line like others.. of cos, public is free while private u got to pay but can use cda savings.

i believe its really up to personal belief and financial ability since cord blood banking in private is pretty expensive and u might want to use the extra moolah in other ways. for me i chose public because i always have this feeling that all children are equal and if my baby's blood can help someone out there why not. if really(touch wood) my baby needs her cord blood we just have to wait in the queue like everyone else because my hb and i feel everyone is equal. for my hb he is also quite skeptical about cord blood banking cos he feels its like MLM(haha!). hopefully we all dont need to use the cord blood ever again lah. that would be the best case scenario but to store or not, to donate or not its really a personal advocate.. :) anyway if u dont want to store in private can consider donating since procedure in less than 5 mins and painless and can potentially save someone's life..

@joodz - thnks for the insight. If i do not save it in private, i definitely would be donating it. Don't waste mah! But dunno if i shd pay for exclusive use for the next few years when the risk of problems is higher. I read somewhere that only very small amount of health problem will the blood be useable. If genetic problems, also cannot use..

pootz: yah lor. my coordinator actually told me yesterday that in the event of any diseases which require the use of cord blood they also dont recommend using back the cord blood which belongs to the donor because the chances of a relapse is higher. they prefer to use other donor's cord blood which matches them..

our first baby: machine wash & tumble dry bb clothes tend to stretch them or make them out of shape...coz wash with other bigger adult clothes...

Hi mummies, I am from Jan 2010 thread.

Would like to sell the following items:

Brand new mesh rocker - Selling at $30


Safety Fits - Lightly used car seat cum rocker - Selling at $40


Fisher Price - Brand new manual musical mobile - Selling at $28


If you are interested, please either PM me or SMS me at 9184 6259. More pix of the items can be provided too.

Hi Geri,

Thanks for your sharing.

Guess it really depends on the baby hor. I will just stand by one bottle of baby lotion and see how first. If baby's skin is okay, guess i will not use it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Great meeting up with the Feb 11 mummies. Now I have a better idea who I am chatting with. Really look forward to the day when we could really gather without the need to rush back to the office. And together with our babies..

Lets catch up again soon! =)

Yup, nice meeting all the mummies!

Wish child, thanks for the home-baked cookies too! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi mums,

Had a great time meeting up with some of you ..

Too bad, I need to go back for work too ..

Do PM me your email add for the group photo that we took ..

Wish Child:

Thanks for your cookie ..

It will be part of my tea-break later .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

tomorrow going to mums & babes fair medela breast pump going at $9.90 for 1st 15 customers.. saturday going stroller for $19.90 for 1st 15 customers.. 3rd day is baby monitor i think for $29.90.. intel from my friend..

Sounds like you gals had great time during lunch! Too bad i can't join...

Gregda - 7 more weeks to go! so fast... if i were you, i will really be very excited already.

Btw, i am still not sure if i will be going for natural or c-sect. My low lying placenta has moved up a bit but still need to monitor...

seem fun u ladies hv and do post up the pix here! Too bad can't join due to work. Hope can join u mummies in next gathering.

@wish_child - so nice of u to bake cookies for those mummies...too bad can't get to taste it haha

@gregda - 7 more wks...u opt for c-sec or due to placenta?

@moomoo73 - great and go for natural!

Letz have another meet up soon! =) Feel a little sad that I didn't get to make it for this round. Haiz!

On the other hand, I am also feeling somewhat happy coz we managed to finish clearing the whole store room! Tossed out cartons and cartons of stuff... It was like going through a time capsule from my PRIMARY SCHOOL days onwards. I found my Roald Dahl books from when I was in Primary 4!! Kae was naturally very happy.

@Moomoo- Believing that your placenta will move up and you will be able to do natural birth if you want to!!! How many weeks are you now?

@Wish- Wah! Wish I could have a bite of those cookies. Bet they were yumz! =D

How I wish I could join u all.. Miss my 'walking' freedom..

Hope u ladies had fun just now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies,

I have a 99% brand new Pigeon Steriliser to let go. Used only two days. Warranty included.

$80 only.

Pls email [email protected]



Mrs Ong - for natural, i have heard people who went through 10hrs of labour and eventually still cannot make it and have to resort to csect. I hope that doesnt happen to me!

Geri - i am probably the last person due for Feb 2011 :) My edd is 28 Feb so that makes me 28 weeks now.

bigflamingo & pootz: no.. the service is FOC and under no obligation by ur gynae.. he can choose whether or not to do this favour. so even if on the day of delivery u deliver ur gynae got the right to refuse to collect the cord blood. however most known gynaes will do it for u.

pootz, regarding cord blood banking:

I've posted this before but yonks ago. My hubby and I are both doctors (and my hubby has done a stint in blood disorders before) and we are not supporters of cord blood banking. The main reason is there is little utility for it. The only indications at present for cord blood banking are genetic diseases and blood disorders such as leukemia. If your child has a genetic disease, his/her own cord blood is useless to treat it because the genetic defect is already in the cord blood stem cells.

The only use of cord blood is:

1. Your child or anyone in your family develops leukemia in the next 15 years

2. Anyone in your family besides your child has a genetic disease (that your child does not have, hence his cord blood can be used to treat it) and this is diagnosed within the next 15 years.

Both scenerios are fairly remote. Meanwhile the costs of private cord blood banking are pretty high.

The last point is that between cord blood transplants and bone marrow transplants for leukemia, bone marrow transplants are more established in Singapore.

Hence for the above reasons, we're not supporters of private cord bld banking. However, public cord blood banking is a different story. Your babie's banked cord bld can potentially help someone else with a genetic disease that your baby does not have. Likewise for leukemia, if the victim's family is not a match. This is more of an altruistic move rather than "insurance" against potential diseases for your family.

Just my 2c worth. Gd luck with your decision!

@cherry - thanks for the long explanation, that is indeed very helpful! Indeed, I believe donating a healthy cord blood would help others. Likewise, if my family n frens are ever in need *touchwood* of such blood banks, i would wish the bank would have a good match. And to support that, I would first have to support the cause, right? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

whether i need to pay for the donation or not, as long as it's nominal, i think it would be for a good cause. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We were just talking abt this this afternoon... And it happened to me...

When I got on train just now, people in three seats nearest the door where looking at phones/ reading. I waited for one of them to notice me. I knew if I asked the ang moh on the reserved seat, he'd definitely get up. B4 I could decide whether to do so, this middle aged lady standing next to me told the teenage girl reading the book to let me have the seat! This is only the second time it's happened to me. First time was yrs ago during first pregnancy. I thanked the lady who asked for me. 

The girl agreed to get up but it caused the other two seated nearer the door to look up. The Chinese uncle just looked down again once he saw the girl getting up. The ang moh with travel luggage got up immediately so suddenly I had two seats to choose from! A bit paiseh. The ang moh said 'do sit down' so i Decided to take the reserved seat and told the girl she can sit. She said nvm I'm getting off next stop. So she stood and the seat was empty till she got off... Think everyone else paiseh to take that seat. It's nice that there are people out there (tend to be females) who speak up for preggies! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Trinket: oh yes, I am with u on that. Was just talking about the nice Indian couple who tried very hard to look for a seat for me the other day. Then yesterday, on the way home, encountered another nice incident. Was on bus and priority seats were all filled with young males - one in army wear and the other 3 in executive attire. Seems like the moment I got on the bus they all felt sleepy at the same time and nodded off.. After awhile this old lady got a seat and she die die don't want to take it.. Gave it to me instead. I took it reluctantly cos abit paiseh(here I am young and fit, taking a seat from a senior citizen). She then stood most of the journey. The young men continued 'sleeping' and I didn't dare ask them give up their seats. Nobody else did either. Very disappointed at the men but felt the old lady's gesture very heartwarming.. I find that women tend to give up their seats more but I have a friend who experienced the other way - men give up seat more often..

it is rare that ppl give up seat for preggie... tsk tsk.. me pregnant 3 times already. total number of times ppl give up seat for me is less than 10 times. can use fingers to count... and i'm not the kind that will ask the person give up seat to me... haizz...

i just reached home.... i left the lunch party at 5.45pm today. after lunch we went macdonald for drinks and fries . we were all gossiping and sharing tips.

the rest of the mummies continue to shop after i left.

hi mummies,

a bit moody today. like nashita, workload is increasing even the last 3 mths.

I have attended a meeting held by other dept today. was being challenged alot.. like y din do this n that.. a bit angry as this is the 1st meeting n they expect to see the result.. might as well i finish the task force then go.. to present only the end result..

anyway, it was my fault also as i ask my new colleague to present. she present <2mins n the effort i put in is more than 1wk.. sign... thot it wuld not have bishop in the meeting.. end up even the director also sit in..

Just reach home. TOday super happy can meet all the mommies and u all super friendly and nice. Oh too bad some mommies need to go back to work or else we can have more time together. Haha learned a lot of thing today. =)

Oh thank u iddar bring so many clothes for us to choose and thank u to give us some discount. =)

Mrs Ong, Geri, Charmaine, moomoo, Hugz!! Hmm i do some cookies to give meet up mommies as christmas gift and a first time meet up gift. hehe. Dont be sad the next outing i will bring some other home bake stuff for u girls to try an give me some comment too. Hmm plan to have a gathering before jan if possible and of course before cnicole went for c-sect too. So we can meet out for dinner or lunch again. Oh me and cnicole suggest go to eat fish steamboat at around beach road area. The fish steamboat really very nice. Hehe. Oh other mommies got other suggestion to go other place?

Eviangal,Unicorn,Trinket, Thank u!!! Hehe happy having so many good comment and happy to see baywater's daughter like my cookies. Hehe but sorry for the ugly artwork. hehe i will improve. Haha.

Trinket, is the butter cookies that is round in shape how is it? Will the cookies too hard?

Unicorn, My email address is [email protected]. Thank u!!

PingPing, Dont be too stress.. Cheer up.. =)

Ping Ping-

Huggles. Oh dear. I understand that kind of frustration too. Don't let it get to you. Keep a positive mindset even though it feels stormy out there.


Why not? Do ask if the train is crowded or you are tired. Sometimes people are so busy fiddling with their Smart Phones they don't look up. If you ask, they will gladly give their seats up. Even if they are reluctant, they generally will stand up coz they will try to do the socially acceptable thing. =p Asking and sitting is better than suffering in silence lah. Not worth it esp when train is jerky, people are pushing and you are feeling discomfort of any sort.


I experience that before- the kindly Ah Ma or Ah Gong who either give up the seat or secure it for pregger mummies. I was on the train the other day and this old man insisted on standing to let me sit. Next to him was a 30 plus healthy looking young exec, across from us were other young guys. NO ONE gave up seats to him even when I glared at the guy sitting across from me. He look puzzled and then looked away. WTF right? It makes my blood boil. =p

I really try not to take seats from old folks but they won't take no for an answer most of the time.

To be fair, I've had as many gentlemen giving up seats to me as nice ladies. I have also encountered the chao kuan kind of young women who feign ignorance. The other day this lady refused to stand up. Kae was blatantly rubbing and kissing my baby bump. And I was wearing a tight tee - damn obvious I was preggers not fat lol. Then this aunty kept staring and staring at her up and down as if to HINT that she should give up her seat. She finally did- 5 stops later- stand up sheepishly to ask if I wanted to sit, but by then we were getting off le. Lol.


Yea letz meet up one more time before some of us welcome their baby to this world =D Shall we set a time? CNic's suggestion sounds yummy! ^.^... drool!

joodzjoodz : i have the feeling you are going to be the reporter from the scene for mumsandbabes warehouse sale like the last bendemeer fair.

i dunno wat time people will start to queue to be the first 15 customer.

Glad that those mummies who met up enjoyed yourselves. I must have missed out alot of fun and lessons taught today. Wanted to join you mummies but has got a date with the hubby to go watch Narnia today so can't make it. Hope I can join you mummies for the next gathering, probably b4 we pop.

Went shopping for bb and also my stuffs today after the movie and I finally found Pureen Maternity Pad in Metro, it's selling at $7.95 per packet so I bought 2 packets of this, and 1 packet of Kotex to standby. I also bought 1 tube of Medela PureLan 100.

I bought Pigeon 2 in 1 wash for bb but found out from SIL later that it's too soapy for infant so she said she'll buy me Gaia brand soap and exchange with me since her son is using this.

Do we need to buy cotton buds for bb? I just bought 2 bottles w/o knowing if need or don't need. Haha.. Btw, Pigeon is having 20% off in Metro now.

@wish_child: So nice of you to bake them cookies. Hope to get a bite of them for the next gathering. :p

@cnicole: When will your c-sect be? How are your babies?

@cherry: Thanks for the valuable infos which you shared with us. It's nice to have a doctor around to guide us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@joodz: Are you going to the fair?

hey mummies.. good morning.... had a fun time yest meeting up

@baywater - thanks for the ride there

@wish child - thanks for the cookies, my children loved it too.... so kind for u to bake extra 4 for my kids - discount for feb mummies no probs lah.... glad u supported me

@trinket - thanks for being my 1st customer

nice chatting up and boy were we torn by the no of food shops there - all try to tahan esp Choc - diet2 and then we all went Mcdonalds

Wishchild very guai leh - all she dun eat one.. this and that cannot - salute u lor!!! good mummy

the rest mummies.. whack2 only lah... hahahaha

hahaha--then baywater asked me to confirm my clothings frm nissen - Visha, BFC and choc, cnicole kena affected - they bought the sets also.. hahahaha

yup were saying better organize one soon even b4 cnicole pops.. she pops latest by 11 Jan....

as i was typing this.. vomitted .. gastric acid.. two days kene liao.. haiz!!

Sounds like mummies who met up enjoyed themselves yesterday. ^__^ sorry couldn't make it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Yup wishchild n cnicole's suggestion sounds gd. Hope will b able to meet up w mummies b4 we pop!


Your cookies sounds yummy!! Drool~~ I love baking too...Mayb can exchange recipes next time! ^_^


Hope u're feeling better now! Try to take more smaller meals... Take care ya!

SU... slight better lah

mummies - vote for which date before we pop.. Jan would be bz i guess as many mummies mite pop earlier and busy w last min stuff?

1. 16/12/10 (a day b4 my bday.. hahaaha)

1. idaarshad

2. 22 or 23 December??

1. idaaarshad

Wishchild. Many thks for the cookies. My gal love it;). I love to bake too. Where do y stay? Probably we candrop by each other place to bake haha. My gal love to bake together with me too, gd way for bonding, keeping her bz n happy n at the same time improve her motor skills;)

idaar u r most welcome on the ride. ;)

I'm on for the next session, hopefully my gal can go back to cc so I can hv more time to chat ;)

o, if u ladies dun mind coming to my house, we can hv the next meeting at my house (bedok reservior) but must confuse need to pack food. I'm not a snack person n the worse cook ever. Haha. Even my gal reject my cooking. Sob sob

o any more mummies wish to order nissen sets?

Morning mummies,

Had a great n fun gathering ydae.

Felpoo, we confirm 100% not bitchy at all ;)

Tks wishchild for e biscotti n Ida for e discount ;)

16 dec 10 ( sori I can't copy n paste ida's post, gotta retype)

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

Baywater, u got pm ;)

Gonna c doc later, kanna leg cramp attack, think I strain my muscle while too ;(


BPC - must take care.. cramps more norm now.. mine are stomach cramps as well.. haiz

felpoo - managed to get ur coach bag or nt yest?

baywater's idea not bad if mummies just wanna order in makan2 n just gathering to exchange tips or rather like yest also can [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

