(2011/02) Feb 2011

dear all,

i wanted to get the kate spade diaper bag very much. Any idea where it is available as now can no longer order online and at store it is selling at 900 plus? any advice?


Morning mummies.. Fri is here! Yay!! But sad cos hubby is down for reservist for the weekend.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Nvm take opp to clean room & rest & have some ME time.


Sound like u mummies had fun.. so sad I cannot join yest. Idaar, I can prob join 16 Dec but not 23.

MRT Rides

Talking abt seats on MRT, I take the train at Tamp & when I enter the train, I will notice how awake pple will immediately sleep. Hahaha.. And for me, no heart wake pple up.. I definitely look preggy. Smtimes, I get pple who are not seated in priority seats giving up their seats for me. When I mentioned to hubby, he also noticed even when he is not with me.. he say he saw a mummy much bigger than me the other day but he was on the other end of train & again, everyone auto sleep when she boarded.

nashita.. ok will put ur name in for 16th

well mummies yest aft gathering - i also never get seat lah till halfway.. purposely stand there w my big bag of stuff also ppl dun care.. haiyyzzzz.

@ping ping: Hiaz, one of my colleague said u cannot run away so mebbe dat's why kena pile up work. Just bear with it. I try to clear as much as possible so at least I can go back on time & rest but smtimes, I do work late to finsih up all the work.

But dun be stress cos I thk I must be (from my face or smthg), till a colleague said, dun stress else baby can feel it too.. *feel guilty*

It's alr Fri.. take care & have a good weekend k? *hugs*

16 dec 10 ( sori I can't copy n paste ida's post, gotta retype)

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. Eviangal (depends on location and time)

22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

MRT seats: I consider pretty lucky.. Most of the time also get seats.. Even if I don't passerbys standing will voice out for me.. But i hate it when ppl actually saw u and can feign ignorance.. worst still.. they are alighting shortly..

Really bth the people u guys ment.. so inconsiderate..

Iddar, Better go see doc and must take ur meal. I see u eat very less during lunch. But im the only one keep munching non stop. Wahaha.. Oh thank you for the good comment. Hehe so happy.

Haha not i guai is i not choice. Later i anyhow eat anything happen to bb everybody sure pointing finger on me.. =(

Idaar, Felpoo didnt get the coach bag yester. Yester dont have the bag she want at coach. =)

Geri, Su & Zanta, Yes we should meet out soon.. Hmm maybe the next meet out i can do some cupcakes for u all to try too. Hehe can give me some comments too.

Su, I love baking and cooking. Oh baywater also love to bake too. No problem when we meet out we can exchange some reciepe. Hehe. Will be fun.. =)

Baywater, No problem hehe im glad ur daughter like the cookies. Oh i stay at Jalan Tenaga very near to bedok reservior. Sure anytime when u free i can drop by and we can bake stuff together. Gathering at your place will be good too. Hmm maybe we can make a potluck at ur house?

Bluepotatoeschip, Do take care. Dont walk too much. Haha i think yester i walk too much until my leg like stone now. haha

Nashita, Tampines station always got a lot of ppls and super wont auto give seat to ppl. Hmm i hate it when people pretend to fall asleep when saw a pregnant lady. Haha maybe u can try vicki idea, just take a pic of the person. Im sure he/she will faster stand up and give u the seat. =)


16 dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. Nashita


22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. wish_child

GATHERING - PLS ADD ON TO LIST -Paste n copy for Eviangal

16 dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. Nashita

4.Eviangal (depends on location and time)

22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC


16 dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. Nashita

4. Wish_child

5. Eviangal ( Depend on location and time )

22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. wish_child

i wondered where i saw u leh evian mummy and really wondered.. wahseey.. my memory aahhh no ggooddddd

alamak.. the list gets copied and paste all at same time.. hahahaha.. i copy again


16 dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. Nashita


5. Eviangal (depends on location and time)

22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. wish_child


ANEWAY i love baking also but only hari raya time... i was asked to sell my cookies also but lazy lah.. i made 18 types of cookies and cakes this year

maybe we can do the baking stint together .. hahahah

yalah.. no mood to eat and also no appetite.. stomach like no space.. sometimes i can eat at 5pm today n dun eat till next day w/out realizing... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] .. but remind myself i have to coz of bb lah.. i also hvnt start drinking mummy milk.. have those sachets and all.. but super lazy to make.. feel guilty really

Idaar: U came to my place to collect your Disney spree stuff before remember? hahaa...

Btw, you guys really sounds like having a good time.. Too bad I cant join for too long..

now is my lunch time... no mood to eat but gonna see wat have and mummies.. i go check the sprees threads.. seems all the bb mall onlines ones closed lah.. haiiyyyaaaa --- i dunno how to do it.. if not i will gladly do so [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

evian.. i remmeber got go ur house.. but it was so quick i hardly remembered ur face

april gatherings also i didnt manage to go.. all weekends now and i have booths lor.. missed to see how ur lils one at 20 months are doing ... mine is a fierce one!!!

Idaar: We having a Christmas gathering for Apr bbies this Sun. Able to join us?

As for bbmall, I b happy to show u how to do one if u want to organise one.

zantarina & cnicole: haha.. this time not going to the fair.. i have gotten most of what i need to get and the rest are smaller items which are cheaper in msia/neighbourhood shops no point going mums & babes. haha.. very tempting though cos i live in the west. but got to restrain myself or else i go there sure spend.. not going! :) i heard previous fair they queue hours in advance.


16 dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. Nashita


5. Eviangal (depends on location and time)

22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. wish_child

4. Joodz


Idaar, Oh really can share ur recipe with me or not? I love hari raya cookies but nobody teach me how to do. Hehe. I wan sell some cookies and goodies for CNY but still not up to a standard. Hehe =) Must keep practise.

Idaar, Maybe u can munch something better than never eat anything. =)

Eviangal, Once i saw u i can recongise u. Haha but choco i remb her but forget the name. Haha.

I have antenatal class on 16th, so gonna try for 22 or 23rd Dec gathering =)


16 dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. Nashita

4. Wish_child

5. Eviangal (depends on location and time)

22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. wish_child

4. Joodz

5. Geri



Sorry to interrupt.

I have a set of brand new AVENT dual spare parts for sale. It consists of the 2 funnels and the tubing. I bought it at $170. willing to let go at a lower price. If interested, please pm me.


Morning mummies! Look like you all had great fun at yesterday’s outing!

I went for my weekly gynae checkup yesterday. Bb is well, 2+ kg at 32 weeks. Doc extended my mc for another week.

Joodz/Cherry: thanks for sharing info on cord blood banking.

Pingping: Cheer up, just do your best for your work, and more importantly your bb!

Giving up seats

When I could still be out on public transport, I got seats more than half of the time. When there are no indications that the passengers sitting in front of me are budging, then I just move myself to other parts of the train for other kind souls to give up their seats.

There were a few times when I was squeezed at the door and can’t even move in, and I must thank those righteous passengers for asking those at the priority seats to give up their seats and asked me to move in!

I despise those physically able young men who hog the priority seat and pretend not to know it is for pregnant women! There was once a kind soul in front of me gave up his seat, but halted me and asked an elderly person behind me to come in and take the seat. I was happy and yet disappointed.. Ha..


Joodz/Belinda: Thanks for the info on the cloth diapers. So are you going to use the modern cloth diapers? Much more expensive compared to the traditional type ya?



Are all the items at Metro still on 20% discount till this weekend, incl the Pureen pads?

Pigeon 2 in 1 wash for bb: is this the same as pigeon baby liquid soap and pigeon baby shampoo? I bought the latter and does it mean that I can’t use for my newborn bb as well? Hmm!

Cotton buds: from the prenatal class, I think Mrs Wong mentioned it is to clean the outer parts of the ear…

@joodz: Q for hours?? That's crazy le. I'm also left with those small items to buy so will just buy them when I sees them.

@wish_child: So nice of you.. Your hubby "you kou fu le".

@Nashita: Your colleague is right. So pls try to stay happy though it's hard at times.

@Michelle: If you have got friend going to US, can lombang them to buy. How is bb Marcus? Is he discharge from the hospital?

RE: Gatherings

I should be able to make it on both days but will need to depends on the venue and time. So I'll confirm my attendance again when you mummies decided ok?

claire: you're welcome:) yah i bought those modern cloth diapers. its much more exp than trad cloth diapers but in the long run save more than disposables. but this is also one of those things that we are taking a gamble.. if i cannot tahan all the washing/inconvenience then i will swope back to disposables. i never liked the traditional cloth diapers.. too leceh for me..

zantarina: yah lor.. cos their opening sales really dirt cheap but limited qty. i guess most of us already have gathered what we need, more or less.. this sales more for those in 2nd tri who have energy to squeeze and queue for hours lah. haha..

If I remembered, one mummy is gg for the Moms & Babes Fair... cannot remember who... but dun mind can update if it's worth gg down cos it's quite far & may only be able to go on Sun. Dun wan make a wasted trip..

judging from Jan 2011 thread where some mummies have gone today, the mums and babes sale having 50% for diaper bags and most BFing accessories. people started queuing at 3am today, majority guys.. i see from M&B website last yr's sale also mainly guys! lol.. weird huh..

wish child

your cookies are nice! not too hard. I ate 2 and saved the rest for my dd. thanks!

so sweet of you to prepare stuff for us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

lunch mummies

wah you all really had a whole day out! macs and then shopping... haha, guess only women can bond like that first time we meet.

i went back and wrote down all the real names in case i forgot... but paiseh, bpc I forgot yours! though you were sitting next to me! can PM me... or any other mummy who remembers can PM me too heh.


at your home sounds great! i also live in the east. and if I'm not wrong, your nick is your devt name hahaha...


Lol. Yea I wanted to do the washable modern cloth diapers but the last few days of doing laundry non-frigging-stop has made me think... ah... fish... just use disposables. ^.^" I will be too tired from feeding and recovering from the birth to really want to handwash 10-12 nappies a day. Plus I wouldnt want to hassle my Dad, Mum or MIL to do the washing also. =p

@Claire: Metro is only having 20% discount for Pigeon items which are blue tag, the other items are not on sales. The Pureen Maternity Pad do not have discount even if you are member because it is white tag, meaning discounted item. The Pigeon 2 in 1 wash is for hair & body and is the white colour bottle with grey wordings and green flowers. Maybe you wanna try the ones you bought to see if they very soapy or not?

Joodz, which brand of modern diapers did u buy?

Ha.. i was trying to explain/convince my hubby how modern diapers are more superior than the traditional ones but to no avail yet..

We had earlier bought 2 packs of Tollyjoy nappies and nappy liners to stock up during the Robinsons/John Little sales in the past month.

wishchild- of coz can share recipes... mine most modern cookies lah

eviangal - how to join.. i went to read but saw its on sunday leh... i got booth to tend.. haiz.. cnt run2 also.. hb not around mah? bb mall how to organize if got no credit card leh?

bought rice + chix strips.. but cnt eat.. now munching on oreos

Mummiess.. i am uploading new stuff from supplier who just came back with her loots.. many mickey / minniw / winnie stuff.. just go see my fb - as usual.. mummies here will get a discount off the ori price [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Zanta, haha my hubby don't like eat cakes and cookies. Haha he don't like sweet stuff. So normally I bake all the cookies or cake he just took 1 bites. His taste bud hav very high standard too it very difficult to make food for him and he said is nice. Normally he just said ok only. Haha unlike all mommies here so kind give a lot of good comment. Haha.

claire: haha.. i faced the same issue as well but lucky my hubby is that kind of man who thinks 'women knows best' when it comes to baby stuff so he kind of leave it to me.. he is still not comfortable with the idea of using normal detergent for the cloth diapers. actually u can tell him traditional diapers is basically the same as modern cloth diapers except leaking issues are better rectified, looks nice, more convenient(trad cloth got to fold, pin here pin there, tuck here tuck there) and more durable. instead of having to wash the whole diaper when peed on modern cloth diapers u can just remove liners and change inserts. and.. more fathers handle modern diapers better than trad ones. haha. cos its more idiot proof. my hb is neutral on trad or modern so i am adopting a let him try it himself approach.. see when baby come out he want to handle yucky trad cloth diapers or cute modern ones.. haha.. he is assigned to diapers duty mah.


so sorry...jus remembered I was supposed to get the pic of the rocker to show u...


We used the rocker for my son from when he was nb till around 8 months when he got more 'mobile' and would try to climb out of it!

Did not realli rock him much in it cos did not want him to get the habit of being rocked...it was more like a place to put him where he could see us around rather than lying alone in his cot in the room!

Hi mummies, before i submit the last order for nissen 10pcs set, pls chk if I've missed out anyone.

Getting very blur and distracted at home haha

1. babi.Precious (Priscilla) a set of the newborn clothes, blue colour.

2. Idaar a set of the newborn clothes, blue colour.

3. Cnicole a set of the newborn clothes, blue colour.

4. Cnicole a set of the newborn clothes, Yellow colour.

5. Blue Photo Chips a set of the newborn clothes, Pink colour.

6. Idaar Pants, Red 110 & 120

7. Idaar Pants, Black 110 & 120

8. Visha a set of the newborn clothes, Yellow colour.

9. Choco a set of the newborn clothes, blue colour.

10. Felpoo a set of the newborn clothes, blue colour.

If using the Nissen website as an est, each set is est S14. Hence, do transfer S$14 per set to my POSB ac (will PM individually later when my gal is asleep - more peace). Will do subsequence adjustment if need too oki ">

joodz: If I am not wrong, u need to change both the inserts and the diaper when it is wet..

the inserts only help to absorb the pee so that it'll not wet the mattress or wherever BB is on.

@trinket, u r rite, my nic is my residence, haha, I'm not the creative type LOL

Wish_Child, dun worry abt the comments ur hubby made. Treat it positively, as once u hubby gd, then u know its very very gd already. I used to bake quite a bit during my pre-preg time, and no one eating it.. sign.

So if the bake is gd, then my hubby will bring to office to share, if its not successful or meet his mark, off to the bin as me scare of putting on weight and my gal will reject too. Sigh....



16 dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. Nashita

4. Wish_child

5. Eviangal (depends on location and time)

6. Baywater

7. Zenta (depends on time and location)

22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. wish_child

4. Joodz

5. Geri

6. Zenta (depends on time and location)

Mommies glad u all enjoyed e gathering, wished I cld b there but need to work! Wld love to join e gathering on 22/23 dec but can only make it at lunchtime in city hall or suntec area [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

I'm on mc today.. Been having insomnia and bad constipation these few weeks and mths.. Once I don't hv enough sleep I'll b heaty and develop sore throat etc. Any mommies having insomnia too? I'll be on leave next wk so looking fwd to rest w hubby. 16th my sis visiting me so I can't meetup too.. But during maternity leave I bet all of us will b free after confinement!

I bought a number of bb and mommy stuff fr sprees hope they'll arrive soon! Gan chiong spider haha

I've fairly lucky got seats on nel most of e time also bcos I take d train at 915am thereabt on nel so less ppl they can see I'm pregnant. Den u take circle line home less crowded. Else I see e nel crowd at 7plus i also feel stressed though it's faster den circle line.

Being pregnant is rly tough.. Just hope babies r healthy hubbies treat us gd and we can lose weight fast! Haha

Wish_child, tat's so sweet of you but I can't join u guys for the dec gathering as well coz gynae hvn't give the green light for me to step down the bed.

Went to see gynae today. Bb is 31wk 5day n weigh 1.7+kg. His head is engaged already. Wanted to induce at 35wk but opposed by gynae coz chances of hving emerg c-sec is v high. So will till bb wants to come out.

Hope I can join u guys if there's a gathering in Jan, provided gynae gives the green light [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

joodz, queuing at 3am for the fair? Unbelievable!

Hi, mummies, just to share

Got my front open button pj from clementi central. 1 dress and 1 short sleeve + pant. 1 for $7.90, 2 for $14. E material is ok but a bit too thin for me (e dress is inner visible ). But I think it's ok since during confinement, I might not be allowed to bath before 12 days [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

E store is located beside fock Hua, called Ty Fashion if I remember correctly. Selling quite many types of pj and baby clothes.

West side mummies maybe can try to get from there if you have not gotten any [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I'm green with envy seeing you ladies enjoying the gathering! I just got my MC extended till the end of the month for bedrest, so I doubt I'll be able to make it out of the house. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Sigh.....

Went for my dr appt this morn, and my blood sugar was very high, think it's coz i just had breakfast and my gummy calcium! So tmr morning gotta go back and do GTT [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Hope I pass!!! I lost weight since since my last weigh in 2 weeks ago. But bb seems to be ok, at 1.2kg @ 28 weeks.

So tempted to shop online since I'm stuck at home. For mummies who may be interested ASOS is having sale plus FREE INTERNATIONAL SHIPPING. I've loaded up on one-piece swimming costumes anticipating that I'll be frolicking in the pool with my bb! No more bikini for awhile... too dangerous with bb's wandering hands? ;p The baby clothes are also discounted as low as 5 pounds for a rompers etc. Is it cheap? Very tempted to get more since it's FREE shipping. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Would like to join in the gathering next time if possible.



16 dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. Nashita

4. Wish_child

5. Eviangal (depends on location and time)

6. Baywater

7. Zenta (depends on time and location)

22 or 23 Dec 10

1. Idaaarshad

2. BPC

3. wish_child

4. Joodz

5. Geri

6. Zenta (depends on time and location)

7. Tangobebe2010 (22nd lunch is out though)

Geri, hope to meet up since we missed out on each other on Wed. How did your check up go?

About placenta capsules, my friend did it with a company known as Mommycozyhaven last Nov. I have emailed them and they are charging $200 and group discount of $180 if 5 or more are interested. The ownder mentioned that each placenta can yield 100-140 capsules depending on the size.

Geri, I am keen on cloth diapers as well. There is a BP for the following brand on Malaysia http://www.babylandcd.com/, costs about S$9 each pc, good price? I have bought some prefolds from bumwear but now looking at those that can be used till child is older.

@chsrmsine - you say wait to see when bb wans to come out, means you still going natural? I confirm, c-sec, and we're just hoping to survive till week 37 without any bleeding, else would have to be even earlier...

oops, tats to Charmaine :p

@charmaine - you say wait to see when bb wans to come out, means you still going natural? I confirm, c-sec, and we're just hoping to survive till week 37 without any bleeding, else would have to be even earlier...

Ah Ching: eh? i was told that if baby pee but never poop can wait till 3-4 hrs before each chnge.. only when poop then must chnge immediately.. but i got to clarify again.. i think this only applies to All in Ones.. other kind of cloth diapers need to chnge imme like what u said i think.

haiz.. have been in and out of toilet many times today.. feel lika wanna do big biz but dun have.. aiyyaaa... hope nothing lah

bye mummies.. off to go to booth now.. work till 11pm ....sigh.... catch up soon


hi ladies

OG is hvg another 20% sales this wkn and another 10% for OG card member ">

GG on sun to do my last bit of shopping for my gal. Need to stk up her items before gg to pop as my h is clueless on her daily needs... sigh... anyone want anything??

