(2011/02) Feb 2011

I remember the nurse did shave me a little with my #1 though.. The check in procedure felt pretty awkward to me even till today.. But i guessed to the nurses its normal...


re waxing

dont be mistaken lah.. the nurse wont be shaving everything away.

they just shave a bit near the v and anus area..

so there wont be any difference in the appearance.

also wont have the itchy feeling when the hair is growing back.

i remember the nurse just take the shaver, swiped 3-4 times then it's done.

i think waxing makes the down there look worse, cos our v area is swollen during pregnancy and darker in colour..

i still remember during first time pregnancy i was horrified by the look of when I checked in the mirror.

Claire, I am not very sure about the shaving part. I think they do, but not much though. They are definitely not going to shave u bald!

I had just called HoneyPot to check it out. Their package sounds very confusing. Just to sum everything up, they will offer 20 + 8 sessions for 1260.00.

And assuming there are 28 of us who wants to take the Hollywood Brazilian Waxing (Sexy with a capital S, this will see all of the front, labia and butt cleavage waxed) retailing at $63, each of us only need to pay only $45.00 only.

They have other services too. But they go by credits and with the deductions, it's very hard to determine. Errmm.. well, it sounds confusing though.

Thus, if we can gather 14 people to sign up the package, each of us pay $90.00 and can use 2 sessions until our EDD.

Well, and that's only assuming that everyone has to do Hollywood BW.


Mmmm... I'm interested! I think $45 for a session is a pretty good deal.

Shall we see if we can get 28 people to join? No smaller package huh?

Re waxing

I did this twice before few years back and i think because my skin is rather sensitive, it itched like hell after that and i had to see a GP to get some medicine. I agree that it's cleaner but to go through the itching agony, i wouldnt dare take the risk, furthermore there is a lot to take care of during confinement already, i dont want to have another problem to handle. This is just my personal experience, i have seen my other friends who did it with no problem at all.

lunch gathering

i think i have to give it a miss as i am down with flu since yest. on mc now. so, need to clear my stuff at work next week.. =(

Jane: regarding GD. i had it when i was in 3rd tri for #01. detected 2 weeks before giving birth. When I was in 29th wk, my baby was 1.6 too. i gave birth @wk38.6, she was 3.27kg which is considered normal. of course, doc did mention to induce if she is still not coming out as my gynae is very prompt to natural, scare the baby too big if she came out later.

As i was sick yest, did the checkup yest n have GD AGAIN. @28th, i only put on 6kg vs last time 12kg at wk 29. I am considered as slim type but still have GD. baby is 1.1 which is below medium. gynae said this time i cannt control too much as baby is a bit small. however, my baby is very active so gynae commented she is very healthy.

Gynae did not put me on diet this time because of baby n my weight. but ask me not to take sugar n sweet stuff (which i have been avoiding).

my last pregnancy, i put on total of 12kg. i was on very strict diet since wk29 (as weight have been increased to 12kg).

This time i try very hard to increase the weight. i think because of this, i ate a lot of rice n noodles for the last 2 weeks.. that's y, my GD is worse..

Hee hee... I went to call Strip too.


They have 12 outlets, can use package at any outlet, expiry of 2 years.

the smallest package costs $380, after free credit added in you will get 9 sessions, which works out to $42 per session.

the next package costs $600, after free credit added in you will get 15 sessions, which works out to $40 per session.

What do you gals think?


if you r 1st do waxing, you can consider what i did last time. I did wax b4 pregnant n have no prob. As afraid of body condition has changed, i did twice in case i did only once which near to EDD and have some complications.. as mentioned by moomoo.. just two cents..

doc juz called me and i'm diabetics-free! so relieved..... but gotta watch my diet for tis period coz i guess im pretty vulnerable... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


8 Dec (Wednesday) 12:30pm

1. geri

2. rachel

3. c nicole

4. trinket

5. kinderbueno

6. idaar

7. unicorn (only pop by for drink)

8. baywater (if gal recovers)

9. felpoo (maybe)

10. Blue Potatochips

11. Eviangal (if 12.30pm)

9 Dec (Thursday)12:30pm

1. idaar

2. choc

3. kinderbueno

4. rachel

5. wish child

6. c nicole

7. trinket

8. unicorn

9. Eviangal (if 12.30pm)

10. Blue Potatochips

11. baywater (if gal recovers)

12. felpoo (maybe)

14. Geri (maybe)

Hi mums,

I know everyone is trying to cut down on sugar ..

But today Starbucks has 'free' coffee from 5pm to 7pm ..

You can donate any amount to Salvation Army for your free cup of coffee ..

Any mummies still game on travelling?

Here's a lobang for you..

Anyone keen on going Harris Batam? Only $170 for 2 persons ($85 per person) and it includes the following:

1. Ferry tkts (two way)

2. 1 night stay in harris

3. 1 hour massage

...4. Bowling sessions

5. Shuttle bus to town

6. 1 Pan Pizza

7. Breakfast

8. Ferry pickup

And its valid for 6 months..This deal ends at 11+pm tonight.

Refer to link for more details. http://www.deal.com.sg/referral/7778388f

bigflamingo: i had my prenatal massage 2 weeks ago.. very very shiok.. went to those 'spa' places.. this place called jamu wellness at jurong point.. i got the big sized masseur so her strokes are very solid and powerful but maybe cos i am big sized too. haha.. paid $65 if i never rmb wrongly.. only downside is session i think too short. 1 hr only.. i wish can massage another 10 hours more. that was how bad my backaches were. the moment out of the massage place i feel very light and easy and no ache anymore. good feeling lasted almost a week. after that come back liao. haha. thinking of going another time but budget wise dont think i should spend this sum rather get hubby help.. alternatively can get those 'home' massage ladies.. the kind u engage for postnatal. but need to look out for shady ones. go google and read forums see who is good lor. their standard rates are $40-50 i think. before i went to jamu wellness i actually engaged one of these 'freelance' massage lady.. she postponed the session twice so went to google her name found some bad remarks so now i have gotten another one who was rated quite good.. but dont think she got slot for prenatal cos she fully booked till april according to her..

eviangal: oh yah hor can use after birth.. so tempting.. but i scared no time to go overseas with the new responsibility.. thanks for the good lobang!

Hi Mummies!

I'm in KL! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The hubby is at a conference and I am here to shop, eat and relax. The hotel is great, we're staying at the Traders, which is just across from the twin towers. Our room is really luxurious and has a kickass view. The room prob costs a bomb, lucky the hubby got sponsorship.


I went mad in the Bukit Bintang area today! Here's what i bought:

From FOS (factory outlet store)-

1. 4 baby rompers and 2 pairs of baby pants, 3 for RM30 so about $4.20 each. The rompers had words like "I love daddy, daddy loves me" and "Grandma's little sweetie" on them, unbearably cute

2. 1 tank top and 2 pairs of baby shorts, 3 for RM11 so about $1.54 each

3. A baby swimsuit and cap set for RM25, abt $10.50. Suitable for when my girl is 9kg. I can't wait to take her to the pool!

From Metrojaya

1. A set of 12 "Bumblebee" brand (Malaysian brand) BPA free 140ml breastmilk storage bottles. Comes with 8 sealing caps and is supposed to be compatible with most standard breast pumps. Cost me RM38.90, abt $16.40, which is $1.36 per bottle! I thought that was super cheap

2. A set of 6 receiving blankets from Luvable friends, for RM55.90, abt $23.50 so $3.90 per blanket. Again I grabbed it, cos I haven't bought receiving blankets yet and thought this was a great deal.

3. 2 Nursing bras for RM54.25, $11.40 each.

I also bought 2 other nursing bras from small shops in Berjaya Times square, 1 for RM40 ($16.80) and 1 for RM25($10.50). Considering that 1 nursing bra at Mothercare costs well over $40, and I bought 4 for a total of $50, am mighty pleased [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Haha when the hubby comes back to the hotel and sees the loot on the sofa he will have a heart attack [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

BTW anyone knows how much a breastfeeding pillow costs? I saw one going for about $25.80 after conversion from RM, was sorely tempted to buy it but it's huge! Wonder how to carry home?

Hehe time to soak in the tub before the hubby gets back!

hi mummies,

I'm frm March 2011 thread..

I'm doing a spree for CINCH TUMMY WRAP for post natal use..


MOQ: 20

we hae just received the 1st batch and it's pretty affordable with shipping and even GST..

Est $115 each..

If anyone keen to get, pls pm me as I dun check this thread..



not sure what brand the breastfeeding pillow you saw is, but the mybreastfriend ones go for like $60-$70 if I didn't recall wrongly! so if you like the material etc, then no harm buying.

although actually you can use most pillows for support during bfdg, and after a while, really dun need pillow at all.

enjoy yourself! I get a kick out of converting everything too cos it's all so cheap... like for secret recipe, it's dollar for dollar, but cos of exchange rate, means it's 2.3 times cheaper!

cherry, SO good u at KL n having holiday. Oh i miss the Berjaya Times square hotel and the B1 chinese restuarent selling all the yummy dianxin. I went there eat everyday when i at KL. Super duper nice. But the service sucks. They very rude if they know you cant speak cantonese.

For the breastfeed pillow for a good brand my friend bought it for $80+. Online at motherhood selling around $50 for secondhand. Is a good buy since is just cost $20+. Somemore can place ur bb to sit up position when bb can sit by itself and also can used now for ur bump. =)

Hi all, I have 1 pack of Drypers Newborn 28 pieces to let go at $7. NTUC selling at $7.80. I will give 1 piece free Mamy Poko Newborn Diapers.

Collection at Sembawang, Admiralty, yishun or woodlands MRT station.

Pls PM me if interested.

Joodz, sorry to hear bout yr fall. Glad tat u are fine. Dun be bothered with those students and nil help frm bypassers, most impt that u are okie. Walk slower n more careful coz our tummy v big now.

Eviangal, thanks for the link. I din't noe of this lobang webbie. Btw, I've rec'd the balloons. Thanks alot!

Cherry, so envy of you! And u've got a gd bargain for the loots esp the bm storage bottles. For breastfeeding pillow, i bought a BN brestfriend pillow frm a nice mummy at $20 only. Provides really good support while u bf. You can look at the 'want to sell' section for a bn or good condition pillow at a much lower price.

Bigflamingo, I had my first prenatal massage from the 3rd month onwards. Went to Bodywellness as I have a package there and from the 5th month onwards, went to those Chinese reflexology massage for body and foot. They say having foot massage can aid easier labour. Dun know how true. U can try it out.

Hi mums,

Do your feet get swollen nowadays ??

Yesterday, my right foot swell up suddenly and I had to lift it up for an hr before the swell subsided by half ..

The swell came back after dinner ..

Then today is okay again ..

Is it because of the food I ate ??

Unicorn: I also having the same problem, some of the ppl said is bcos we drink too much or water & eat too much of salty thing.

Hi mummies,

Sorry to interrupt.I have the following AVent products to let go.All brand new,still in packaging.I'm letting it go coz i have no use for them anymore.I want to clear my cupboard for more space.

The products are:

Avent Single Manual Pump

AVent Nipple Cream

Avent Moistrising Oil


Interested mummies,pls PM me

Sigh.. Dun know wth is wron with my mil? Last week she just bad mouthed me and I got to hear it and now she's doing it again. She told my hubby to relay a message to me and then in front of his son, she said that I have no brains so must let me know.. Haha.. I happened to hear it again because she didn't know I was just nearby.

Dun know whether to cry or laugh. Anyway, my hubby also nvr relayed the msg to me. I had alr thot what I need to say if he told me what his mum had said.

I will retort very loudly in Chinese 我又不是耳聋。我听了很清楚!I think my hubby cant be bothered with his mum.

Hmm.. Foot reflexology is good. I was skeptical abt it thus I went to google. There are a few acupoints that the masseur or therapists can't touch. Other than that, it's ok.

A fast check on the Internet you might want to reference to it:

1. http://www.babyworld.co.uk/information/pregnancy/health/reflexology.asp

2. http://www.suite101.com/content/reflexology-and-your-pregnancy-a50057

1st link mentions which category of preggies hld avoid foot reflexology and 2nd link shows the benefits of it. I just came to realise that i happened to belong to the category of having excessive amniotic fluids!

Maybe I didnt make myself clear.. It should be foot reflexology not massage.. Paiseh..

Felpoo, hugs. As OFC said is good ur hubby stand at ur side. The most important is ur hubby by ur side. But too bad u can't move out without ur mother in law.

Hello mommies, did u girls feel pain below the belly button area? I'm feeling pain n feel tummy very heavy. The pain come and go. Is it normal? But bb is good she still happily kicking.

Hi Mummies,

Thanks for all the tips on yeast infection. Now i learn to rinse lightly that V area with cold water after a hot shower after reading that yeast thrives most in warm and wet areas.

I go commando at home too.. really cant stand the itch at times. My problem is that everytime I itch, i wash and douche and it get worse. must refrain from doing that. And Oh, my gynae say not to wear liners. It will make it worse. Wear cotton undies and go commando once at home. Do not wash with Vaginal washes too. Our V area by right takes care of itself by cleaning up but when we over-wash, the PH balance changes and that's where the yeast comes in. I hope i can clear mine before delivery..any idea if how long the baby recovers if really suffer from thrush?


I have a package with Strip now. i do my Brazilian waxing there and I think they are pretty good. My therapist is quite fast and hence, the pain is minimised. I will be going for one last session before my EDD. We get ingrowns from waxing if the therapist doesnt wax properly. the direction they pull the hair away is important. in-growns can be itchy too.

I spent a whole day shopping for BB stuff at JB yesterday. went Jusco. Not too bad. Good bargains because some items are same price as SG, but we gain because of 2.37 exchange rate. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Unicorn: Drink more water to lessen water rentention. Raise your legs up. Try not to cross our legs often too. Hope you feel better now.

Gregda, what do u mean go commando at home? commando is a army force right? Haha sorry i don't know.

Hmm why cannot wear liner? I use liner if dont wear it my discharge will be a lot until over flood n some time my pant will feel a bit wet wet like the discharge stink on my pant.

Gregda: Each time after urination, rinse with cold water and dab dry with tissue paper. NO toilet paper unless u use those virgin pulp.

Try not to douche. Most gynaes will tell u not to wear liners as it is not breathable. What we do is to change the liners the moment you feel is moist.. I am too lazy to wash my panties by hand thus i need the liners.

I wash with Vaginal washes as the wash can control the ph value. Our below is acidic thus the wash can sting u when u use too much. Do not hv it get inside your vaginal and dun use alot. I always pour abt 20cent coin size. I dun use the wipes though. All these my Gynae is fine with it and I find tht it works for me. I guess everyone body works differently.

I hv a gf whose baby had thrust during delivery. I think she took a week to two to clear. I'm not sure as I did nor see the severity of her child's case. She was prescribed anti biotics and medication for the mouth.

Wish child: commando means going without our lingerie.. Hehe..

Guys, sometimes it's easier said than done. Everyday u get to hear someone complaining or bad mouthing u, u also will feel "sianz". N worse she can pretend nothing happened and smile along with u. Within a span of a week, I heard her complaining and cursing me twice n she didn't know that I'm nearby. But when my face showed up the next moment, she knows that I heard it. I was still telling myself to learn to let go. But if I'm not going to do something about it n she knows tht I know abt it, she will get smug n then the nonsense kicks in. She will complain to her son n he will be caught in between. Obviously I m not going to bother him with this. But she's going to create a rift btw us

Thanks felpoo!

Wishchild: go commando is not to wear any undies. I wear those cotton on boxers shorts at home. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Wow!!! Looks like KL really is great for baby shopping yah!! U bot so many things and at great prices!!!

Wish I could travel to Malaysia to buy also kekeke...

But I cannot even go for babymoon, let alone for shopping trip in malaysia haha... Coz on Bed rest


I just put up my Christmas tree with the help of my son n maid. Got Christmas mood already kekeke.... Nowadays I just wana eat and eat and eat.


Pity u have to put up with this nonsense... If only u can somehow change her opinion of u. Coz u cannot move out. Either that one ear in one ear out. Take it that old people like to grumble talk nonsense bah.

Mami B : I tried to change myself on several occasions but dun seem to help. Nvr seem to be contented. U watched the taiwan drama series, 爱?

I think she sees me as the Xie Ming Ming and He Xiao Li's character.. Hehe..

Anyway I foresee a lot of problems once I give birth. Just imagine that she has to see my face for a whole month, 24/7

Hi Mummies!

Haha, we've accumulated so much pink stuff that if *touch wood* my girl turns out to be a boy, we're in real trouble! I really really really hope all my scans so far have been accurate!

KL is great for shopping and eating cos of the exchange rate, but shopping only for certain things. You have to shop in the local department stores like Metrojaya and Parkson, or discount shops like FOS. Malaysian-made things are super cheap, but imported things (like all the stuff in the Mothercare here) are more ex than sg.

KL really sucks for transport though. I'm staying at KLCC, and the main shopping district is Bukit Bintang, like 15 mins walk away. I actually wanted to walk there but my hotel concierge said not safe. Wanted to take monorail but no direct train, must take train many many stops far far away then change train back to Bukit Bintang(yes it's that stupid!!). So no choice but to take cab, I was abit nervous taking cab alone in KL when so preggy, scared the taxi driver might drive me out of the city and rob me. Thankfully nothing happened!

I'm here till Sunday. Wonder if I can shop another 2 days without getting bored outta my skull. I find I can only walk about 2 hours before I'm so tired I die die need to sit down. Nothing like the marathon shopper I used to be! I also get mild painless uterine contractions after some walking but they go away after resting. I always feel my girl kicking me after that so not too worried.

Felpoo, I really feel for you! The MIL DIL relationship is always so hard, it's like we're never good enough for their precious sons [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Hang in there! You always have the support of all the mummies in this forum, so you are never alone.

Felpoo, ya I agree with u said is more easy then do it. Xie ming ming and He Xiao li they very bad lor. Haiyo don't urself like them. If u like them u already chased ur mil out of the house.

Ur story like my mother n grandma. My grandma also hate my mom n always bad mouth my mom. When my mom do confinement only have 1 ginger minced meat and 1 soup for 3 meal and the whole confinement. Always bad mouth my mom also to us(kids). What my mom do is just kept quiet and hack care my grandma. When my grandma pass away she still dislike my mom. My mom only have us kids to standby her side. My dad is those hack care type and bring money home that's all. So u are lucky ur hubby are on ur side.

felpoo: glad that you are being the bigger person here. some people just like to sow discord. i agree with the others that as long as your hubby stands by u, thats most important.

anyway got a question to ask mummies who have given birth before. i am about 31 weeks + now. from last week i keep having diarrhea pain which last a few seconds but when i go seat on the toilet bowl nothing come out.. the pain is bearable and other than the pain i feel okay. happens mostly when i just wake up and just before i go slp. i have not been eating anything which may lead to food poisoning. i also have not been drinking milk or other things which usually lead to diarrhea in me.. i heard this might be a way the body is preparing for labour. is it true?


joodz - I'm having exactly the same experience as you! I'm also coming to 31 wks but unlike u, i went to eat some spanish ham last wk without realising it was cured meat (i.e. not cooked properly)... very scared that it's some delayed reaction lor... it also happens at night and in the morning... and nothing really comes out after i run to the loo.. now quite worried also, dunno whether to call the doc.. I somehow dun think it's braxton hicks leh..

cherry - u are making me jealous with all that shopping =) If u are going bt bintang again, go look for Alor Street.. the BBQ chicken wings there are to die for! U are right abt the safety situation there.. try not to venture out in cabs alone!

