(2011/02) Feb 2011

Re: diapers

I tried pampers n drypers n kaiden gt bad rash...i change to nepia n it leaks...now i use fitti basic for daytime n mamypoko overnite...so best if u ask sample of diff diapers n try on ur baby...

Re: Gina ford method...

I too lazy to read books...i juz plan my own n always chat n pray to kaiden...he been slping thru the nite since 3mth old till now...

Re: epidural vs laughing gas

I gt high threshold for pain...went to doc appt n he said mine dilated 3cm le...then he admit me..laughing gas make me choke n my dilation slow...so i ask for epi...n kkh rule is dosage will stop when dilate 9cm...thus gt strength to push..but tis stupid n 1st time me failed to push properly...doc say wana vaccum kaiden out so i told him u better come out now if nt ur head shape distorted...then he jus obey...haha


Zanta, why I use cotton wool to wipe is because the wipes more or less will contain a bit of alcohol and when I use cotton wool with water, I realised that the occurence rate of getting diaper rash seems to be lesser.

Maybe I didn't make myself clearer. For poo, I do use the wipes but will finish up with washing the buttock with tap water.

tks trinket, hahah.. very impt that u highlight that it's 400/dose! silly me, thought that it's all-u-can-eat buffet, one time charge then after that free flow!

ah ching - tks! Will go check out their website.. i was actually planning to go with stemcord cos Mt A ladies card got discount, but seems like most pple on this forum say cordlife better.. arggh.. if i did my research earlier, could hv just signed up at the parenthood fair

Hi mommies,

i have a BRAND NEW set of Philips Avent multiblender and feeding set selling at $69.90 and an BRAND NEW avent baby monitor model 510 selling at $129.90. Do let me know @96302151 if you are interested.

@kinderbueno: My gynae told me is $700/dose!! And I was like "OMG, so x??" I can eat alot alot of nice foods with that money wor..

@choc: Ok, shall buy 1-2 packets to try..

@felpoo: Won't bb be startle by the cold tap water?

@Ah Ching: That means we need to use cotton wool with water instead of wet wipes for NB?

zantarina, i second that tap water and cotton ball is the best. but cotton ball is exp as baby use really alot. so i bought those cotton roll and ask hb to roll into balls. but i use warm water tho. so its tap water mix with hot water. wipes is only for going out. been using this method till now.

kinder, you can ask for epidural from the moment you administered. not sure if it applies for all hospital but gleneagles does. but that time i act hero and reject every method offered to me. therefore, no dilation in 6hrs. in the end, after epidural was given, i dilate few cm in 2hours.

hi mummies,

got a non-preg qn to ask.. for those who have in recent years applied for HLE letter for HDB loan, has any HDB officers asked for bank statement? its been about a month since i submitted my documents but HDB has been asking for weird documents like bank statements and statement from the credit bureau etc. i thought its just payslips/cpf records/acra and those things stated on the website? headache ah.. my flat selection is in a few weeks' time and i need the approved HLE SOONEST.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@Jeanie: Thanks alot and noted. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Joodz: I remember during my time, about 3 yrs back, they only requested for my pay slip and I think my last 15 months CPF statement only. For self-employed will be their yearly assessment. But I heard that they're more lenient back then. Now it's harder to loan. Which area did you applied for?

Sigh.. Can't help but to voice my grumbles in here.. I feel heavy in all places except my breasts :_(

Hope I can have a good nite sleep tonite.. Keep feeling bad that I always wake up finding myself on my back. It seems to relieve a lot of aching on shoulder and back. When lying on side, baby kicked me like nobody's business.

Felpoo: haha me too...... Baby kick me as if I'm a punching bag when I sleep on my sides. I used to sleeping on my back, so now the most 'uncomfortable' part of the pregnancy is sleeping! Haha

Joodz: seems like hdb now follows private banks's practice. You can get your credit report online, the link is www.credit bureau.com.sg.

Felpoo, shingirl: I am feeling the same too. Sleeping on side is quite difficult for me.

Joodz, since hdb ask for it then give it to them. I rem last year when I first apply for HLE, they did ask for credit report. You applying for bto?

Pootz, I'm ordered to full bedrest till delivery since 27weeks. Even when I go back for my checkup, my gynae also tell my hubby to wheelchair me up to his clinic. He wants me to follow his instructions to ensure bb can stay within me till at least 34weeks.

Labour Pain and Epidural

Believed every woman experience labour pain differently, regardless whether u have a high pain threshold. I hv a gf who has low pain threshold yet she had 2 deliveries w/o epi and gfs who had epi when they hv much higher threshold. If u think u can't take the pain anymore or u are not dilating fast enuff, ask for epi. Epidural relax yr muscles and helps in cervix dilation. I was admitted after my waterbag broke so was put on drip to force my contractions to come as I wasn't having any at all. Within mins, I'm hving v bad pain in intervals of 3mins. I tahan badly for 2hrs to know that I'm only 1cm dilated. So I asked for epi and my cervix dilate frm 1cm to 9cm within 3hrs after having epi, I could even chitchat with my hubby and nurses and had a quick nap before my gynae came bk 3hrs later, checked my cervix n said 'okie get ready to push'. Was surprised but so glad tat delivery went fast, smoothly and bb is fine. So if I'm able to hv natural delivery this time again, will still take epi.

Everyone seems to hv different experience in their labour. ;) my first one is a blur blur one.

I took my ML a wk earlier n end up my gal is overdue, hence I stayed at home, bore to tears for close to 2 wks. On the day on labour, me very hard working. Lol. Did a tiramisu for my h, cook fry rice all in the afternoon n by evening, change to my sports attire n went reservior walking on my own.

While walk, experience backache so ended my walk 45 min later. Walk home, eat dinner watch tv n hv no idea tars contraction. Haha.

At 9pm+, watch tv with h who is so engross n I started feeling weird so I decided to tell my h who asked my to call my sis n gynea to chk.

Well gynea ask me to go tmc just in case. So we reach there at midnite(rEally take my time. Haha )

Was shocked when the nurse told me tat I'm 4cm diluted. Being ks, I've opted for Epidural imm. Then I'm wheel to the delivery ward. Nothing to do n feeling tied n best of all no pain, I slept.

My gynea came twice as everyone is expecting me to hv a fast one. 1 x to burst my water bag, the other time to chk. My gal, gd gd, let mummy to hv enough rest b4 coming out. ;) by than, the effect from Epidura wear off n i started feeling the pain full force.

Took me 5 hrs without med to push her out. So total labor hrs, from 6pm to 11 am 17 hrs. With gd 8 hrs of zzz cos of the.Epidural Haha

ladies, dun worry too much on the labour pain, when the Bb is out, u will feel tat all is worthwhile. Trust me n all the pain from delivering will fade off while ur little angel is here will u;)

Good Morning Mummies~

Its such a nice cool morning today..I'm on leave today! so happy! going to go shopping and makan at JB later with Hubby n PILs..anyone knows wat are the good baby stuff to get there?

Its very funny. Even when I am on leave, I will still wake up as my usual mornings but the feeling is different. I feel more energized and happy. Hahaha..wish I can work from home everyday next time.

Nowadays do you mummies feel hot? I perspire so easily now. Lucky thing is the weather has turned much cooler. I think we will be sweating buckets during our confinment in March.

Baywater: wow, your first delivery seems so smooth! I think it helps that you were kept busy with stuff and walking around helps in a better delivery. Good for ya!

Mummies, one thing to note is that Do decide on use of epidural fast. My cousin wanted to try without Epi and was dilated halfway when she decided that the pain was enough and called for the anthestican. By the time, he arrive, adminster the Epi, she was already 9cm dilated but still have to pay for it. Even if you are fully dilated, and have no use for the Epi, once you call for it, they will charge you. The tricky thing is sometimes, you may dilate fast enough before the Epi reaches you.

But i agree with what some mummies share. After the Epi drug, no pain felt, so body relax and is easier to push. With the pain, i think its hard to concentrate and push.

Jeanie: i do experience leaking when i sneeze or even laugh too hard at times...i think it gets worse as we progress into 2nd preg and so on as the muscles relax. Just practice Kegel exercises..it should help.

Felpoo n Visha: me too...when i sleep at my sides, i can feel the baby boxing and squirming at my sides. hahaha!

By the way, mummies..i am having yeast infection now. i already have it before pregnancy. tried all methods...but not easy to get rid of it as yeast thrives easily. the most impt thing is not to DOUCHE, but i am very guilty of it..everytime it gets itchy, i do a lot a lot of washing and douching, making the yeast worst.

I eat a lot of yogurt, yakult, garlic to solve the problem. The antibiotic pills have lost their effect on me.

What I am worried is that I read from the TMC handbook "Guide to Childcare" that up to 5% of babies have oral thursh if the mum have yeast infection at the point of delivery.

Anyone can share on this? The book says that thrush will appear as white spots around BB's mouth and they will feel discomfort and hard to feed too..i wonder will my baby be affected now?

zanta: regarding wet wipes, u can use for NB but I think the cotton ball with water is more effective in cleaning and comfortable for BB.

u can buy 2 packs of cotton ball at NTUC abt $1.05 per pack.. and buy Pigeon wet wipes for standby..

u can decide which to use when ur bb arrive!

gregda: I had yeast infection for the whole of my 1st pregnancy.

I find that drinking yakult and eating yoghurt makes it worse cos it is sweet..

yoghurt u can take if u take the plain flavour..

my boy born ok and my yeast infection just recovered after delivery.

it is the hormone causing our PH to change in the v area that's why we get the yeast.

u can discuss with your gynae in the prevention..

i think as long as the baby dont stay too long in the birth canal should be ok..

hi Ladies

SOS... anyone has a gd part-time cleaner/ helper to recommend?? cos my helper when home n I'm left without a helper, my girl has to stay home cos of the injury and I've loads of cloths to wash n iron.... dun mention the routine household chores... sign

O for epidura, I agree with gregda, cos it happen to my sis too. She tahan for the first 15hrs, decided that the pain is too intense for her, and ask for the epidura. B4 the drug kick in, her boy is out and she has to pay for the laughing gas, epidura (which came too late) and the ward charges... net net, its more that the epidura alone...

Gregda, I also have constant yeast infection for this pregnancy. I remembered my first one was not as bad as this one.

Mine is different from Ah Ching. I find drinking Yakult seemed to be more effective in controlling the yeast. If you find it too sweet, you may buy those which has lower sugar content. I think the top seal is blue in colour. Usually, I buy the apple flavour and after drinking the yakult, I will flush down with plain water. I realised that if I stop drinking, the yeast infection will always recur.

The gynae prescribed the pessary for me which I only used once during the early months because it was really really really itchy. Other than that, what I did was to after urination, I will use the tap water to wash the vagina. And dab it dry with tissue paper.

At home, I normally go without panties to air myself. Especially at night, after shower, I will just switch on the fan and lie down on the bed to air the below part.

Just like yesterday, the vagina started to itch again and after a bottle of Yakult and constant airing, I am fine.

zantarina: i applied for bukit panjang area.. the senja parc view project. really fell in love with the place.

moomoo73: thanks for the link. ive bought the credit report tru that website already.

jeanie tan: yah im applying for bto.

hmm i just find it weird that they ask for bank statement.. actually ah, as a freelancer, my hubby did underdeclare his income.. if declare fully, our combine not eligible for hdb liao.. so very worried they dig out skeletons.. the mafan thing is my hubby owns a pte ltd as well. his other partner is his dad. though he is director, he has nothing to do with the company and does not receive salary from it. however on paper the company has actually profitted in the most recent accounting year.. my hb's main line is his freelancing work. now waiting to see if we are getting good news or bad news.. wait so long alr..

Baywater, where are you staying and have you tried to look at those classified ads?

Don't get too stressed on the hse work though. You just put the clothes to wash in the washing machine and then just bring it out to hang dry on a hanger. I don't think at this moment is wise for you to use the bamboo pole. As for ironing, iron those which are necessary, like your hubby's clothes. You don't need to iron 1 whole shot rite?

Take it easy.

Really long time nvr hear from valerie.


They did ask for my bank statement and my invoices because I am a freelancer. I even had to swear a declaration about my Income Tax etc. We also did the credit report online thingee.

We went through the same tedious process of "ping-pong"-ing with HDB last year. It was such a pain in the beep. We took MONTHS to process the darn paperwork. Hubby was in Indon for a diff feature film shoot then as well so I had to go visit him and settle the signature and stuff.

In the end after the tedious process, they refused to acknowledge that I had an income and gave us our loan based solely on hubby's pay. =p The best part is some HDB officers were surprised they turned me down because they would have let it go through. Started wondering if it was some "depends on who is serving u" thing… like suka suka okay, suka suka take boleh.

Ooh. I just went to Bkt Panjang area the other day to do some work at a client's place. She lives at Petir Road. Love how it is tranquil and the view from her window after the rain macam like we are on Genting- misty. She had unobstructed views and was surrounded by greenery.

BUT it is not convenient for hubby and I to live at a place like this because we don't drive and we like having amenities around.

We applied for The Peak in Toa Payoh which is about 5 mins walk from our current place. =)

**** Sleeping on side-

Lol. I actually love it when I feel Noah kick hahahaha. So I am quite happy to sleep on the side. I am a side sleeper actually. But it is very hard to turn from one side to the other. I feel like a beached whale. I sleep mostly on my left, but I do turn to the right once a night to relieve the pressure on the left side.


Yea! God is merciful. I call it labour amnesia hahaha. If I am not wrong, I did like go blank once in a while whilst pushing Kae. Lol.

Lol. I hang up Ian's shirt to dry whilst it is still pretty damp so they dry relatively straight. I have no energy to iron his shirts and he don't know how to iron shirts. I guess because he carries his laptop backpack style, his shirt still gets wrinkly... so he kinda decided that itz ok not to iron his shirts UNLESS they are very wrinkled. ^.^" Plus he tends to roll up his sleeves too. =p

As for washing, I agree with fei. I dun use bamboo pole. U can get relatively cheap dryer racks from NTUC, Carrefour or Ikea. I hang all our clothes to dry on two of those racks. I get Kae to help me take down his clothes, fold and keep them. Ian helps me with the adult stuff when he remembers to hahaha.

Hate the rainy season... I wanna wash and hang my clothes out to dry in the balcony but if it rains heavily whilst I am out, the rain splashes in and will get on the clothes. Argh.

I have several full loads to do over the next few days. Thank GOD that hubby is on leave tomorrow and Friday... so we can wash balcony, wash clothes and dry them & get him to pack the house overall over the next 4 days.

*** Perineal stretching exercises-

Has anyone done that before? =) Heard it helps prevent tearing and perhaps stave off the need for an epsiotomy.

Hello mummies,

Sorry for diverging, but I still have a couple of extra new Sophie The Giraffe baby teething toy to clear, extra gifts from the baby shower. They are still in their original, sealed packaging. It's made with 100% natural rubber and food paint and squeaks when pressed. It's durable, safe and this toy has been around since 1961. My little one enjoys playing with it since 3 months old. I'm sure yours will too..

I'd like to clear them at $28 each, postage included or COD at convenient locations.

Please PM or email to [email protected]

Many thanks and good health everyone!

Geri, I have dryer at home thus I don't really use those racks. Unless the electric bill really eats up the last month, then some of the clothes, I will use the hangers to put up the clothes and will hang it somewhere near the planter. Won't want to take the risk to hang it outside as weather has been erratic. You should buy clothes rack and these way, so that you can hang more clothes this way.

You can buy Cosway wrinkle free spray. I think you can hang the clothes up and spray them and don't need to iron. Don't know how good is it though heard good raves about them.

The perineum massage that you were asking. I saw in the website and I myself is thinking to try it out. I think my gynae no patience one. He mentioned that my pelvic is small and my 1st pg, he cut until very long and it was really painful during the recovery period. So this time round, thinking of going without episiotomy. Wonder if the birth canal can expand without the cut, will they still stitch us back. And if not, then will the "hole" be very loose?

@mami b – I’ve PM u and kindly let me know ur blog as I really interested in following feeding routine. She mentioned that if missed the feeding time, have to skip and how if my bb hungry and cry non-stop? Sorry really nuts on this and hope u can give me more insights. Perhaps u can briefly tell me how ur timing feed like?

@Claire – Tks and will check more with my gynae on my next visit. Hope my placenta not that low and not blocking the cervix but still have to depend on my bb position.

@Geri – hope so my dear…tks! I heard too and I believe a few gynae also know how to do it…

@gregda – u can borrow Gina Ford’s book from KKH if u are patient there. Enjoy ur JB trip and heard got Sales till 2 Jan.

@trinkets & experienced mummies– do we know how to push after Epi being administered? Will side effects like shivering or vomiting kick in once we took Epi? Epi can last for how many hours?

@kinderbueno – ya u should go down the talk and listen. I signed up with stemcord as my bb cord blood is split into 2 bags and can terminate on yearly basis. Kind of regret did not attend the cord life talk that held at parenthood as I was there! Personally I think that 2 pte bank are more or less the same, just see whether u like the way they processed, stored etc.

Anyone can recommend yummy bday cake around beach road or nearby area as I need to order cake for my MIL bday. I thinking of ordering Rive Gauche cake if no other good recommendation as my colleague told me their best seller chocolate cake very nice. However, duno if old ppl like it anot...

felpoo: i didnt have a episiotomy but it tear down there when baby came out..

it tore sideways so made recovery more painful!

so if no choice I think getting dr to cut straight is better than we get crooked natural tear..

anyway dr will stitch back to reasonable tightness.. u can request stitch tighter mah ;)

Geri: yes yes! my situation is EXACTLY how it was for u that time.. the officer serving us is also abit bochap. my hb is lazy/clueless about all these things plus he is on feature after feature and doesnt have time for all this so i am preparing everything for him.. he recently had to go down to hdb to declare that he is a freelancer. i guess my situation is taking a little longer than yours because we still have the issue about him owning a biz. we dont have months to wait.. flat selection is next month and if we dont get HLE, dont see the point in paying 2k to select a flat.. the way we see it it is more important to secure a loan first rather than to plunge headfirst to select and then find out we are not eligible.

Just to share with all on pushing methods. I realised that most gynaes practice coached pushing


The cons on coached pushing are as follows.

• Increased risk of damage to the mother's urinary and pelvic structures

• Greater chance of perineal tears or episiotomy

• More frequent nonreassuring fetal heart rate patterns

• Increased maternal stress and fatigue. Being urged to push before feeling the urge (and often before the baby's head is in the proper position) may drain energy needed later for productive pushing.

• Higher rates of forceps- or vacuum-assisted births and c-sections

Hello mummies,

Just back from lunch. i am very furious. need some place to vent..

first thing first, i fell down the stairs. thank god i landed on my knee and cushion by hand so i dont think there's anything wrong.. however, i was stunned and due to the weight of my bump i couldnt get up as fast as i wanted to. the thing that made me angry was the 4 13/14 yr old boys walking in front of me turned around, looked at me, pointed at me, and laughed. LAUGHED AT A PREG WOMAN WHO JUST FELL DOWN. i felt so embarrassed and humiliated. there were also other people around but none helped me too. but none of them laughed either. i am very hurt right now and i feel like crying.

aiyo, joodz.. ur tummy got pain pain? next time be more careful.. kids these days really... did u stare back at them?

if me, i will be very paiseh.. but i duno to be angry or not..

Jood, are you alright or not? Please be more careful. How come you are so careless? Where are your colleagues?

If I am you, I will scold the boys with vulgarities. And if not, I will pretend to crouch there in pain and see their panic stricken faces.

Nowadays teenagers are a horrible lot. I am lucky that in the trains, people either offer me seats and if not, those ppl standing around me will ask those seated down to stand up.

joodz.. u ok bo?

i also had a fall few weeks back and landed on my knees too and was blue black for weeks..but didnt hurt anywhere..i tink as our tummy get bigger, we tend to lose balance easily...

must be more careful ya

Ah i see we are sharing birth stories today. Here is mine...

Had made plans to have tim sum with my family on Sunday, then before we left the house I found a blood clot, no pain, so went to the hospital to get checked. Since it was one day before my due date, my gynae told me they were gonna induce me...i was shocked! And the first thing that crossed my mind was, "oh no. I only had a small bowl of porridge for breakfast! Gonna be hungry!"

So they used a device that looked like a knitting needle to break my water bag, and i was stuck watching a horrible movie on TV, it was Baywatch the movie...hahah. After about 7 hours and increasing pain, the urge to push was super overwhelming. It really helped that my hubby was by my side, to tell me when the pain was going to hit the peak and subside...according to the monitor. Lucky for him, i didn't scream or swear at him, haha, but i think for the last 3 hours, the pain was so intense I closed my eyes most of the time. The pushing part was quite fast i guess, like around half an hour. I got tears already by then, but the bb's head was so big I needed an episiotomy as well.

When he came out I thought he just looked so perfect Instant love! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

popomin: never stare at them.. i already very paiseh.. but it really hurts cos they laughed at me. in a loud mean way, not those sniggering behind my back kind..

felpoo: i went out to tabao alone.. first time i kena such 'treatment'.. the other day was just telling my hb how i feel so loved by random strangers cos people have been very nice to me..

choc: are u okay now? my knee feels okay leh. my hand cushion the fall.. physically i am okay.. mentally i feel very pek chek.

@Joodz: Don't put this incident at heart as those boys are still immature and ignorant to know the consequences of a pregnant lady falling down. And for those people around you, maybe they were also stunned and lost for actions? But nevermind, as long as you still can manage, then gotta "zhi ji die dao zhi ji pa". Cry out and just forget about all this ok. Hugs..

As for your HLE, I hope you can manage to get the loan. If can't, try to appeal or bug those officers-in-charge.

hi, how to i add myself into the fb group? ;p

now tt i'm stuck at home, i can now fb freely! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@mami b - tks so much and will browse later when i free!

@joodz - be careful nextime...aiya dun care on the kid lah..xiao hai zhi bu tong shi most matter u are ok.

I do agree with Choc. The thing here is that I also do realized that I can't see the steps anymore when I go down the stairs as the stomach is too protuding out.

Pootz, the administrators in the FEB MTB have to add us in..


cheer up. we hug you!!

those teenage boys will kena next time - hope their delivering wives squeeze their arms with fingernails till they bleed bad bad. haha!


hi mummies something is wrong with my FB.. when i type in your emails in my search tab they say no records found.. for those who want to be added to the Feb MTB FB grp can you pls add me in facebook at [email protected]? then PM me in FB that u want to be added into the grp.. thanks!

@Trinket: You are so funny when you said that. I was expecting you to say things like next time when their expectant wives fell down and they will know how Joodz felt.

I just looked outta my window while typing this and saw a young boy with only 1 arm and I feel sorry for him. Sometimes I see people with physical defects, I will worry for the lil unborn one in me. Can't help but to worry..

Jooz, Hugs Hugs. I'm glad u ok. If feel anything wrong must faster see ur gyna. Must take care urself n ur little bb girl.

Teenage nowaday really very idiot n so rude. Never think of others. Don't angry over it they just childish n inmature.

Hello mommies. How is the gathering coming?

Oh yesterday went to buy bakery stuff. Walk here n there too much until my pelvis around is super pain n my backbone going to break. Super tired.

Felt my girl like getting more n more heavy. Hmm hope I still can go walk n shopping. =) Oh my bump getting bigger n bigger. My Sis mil said my tummy very big for 1st pregnancy. Haiz can't imagine my second pregnancy bump will bigger then now. =( But my tummy big but bb small. Look like my tummy contain lot of waters.


Oh and btw, I am a basic user in FB.. So don't know how the FEB MTB 2011 Group works. So once you add me in the Group, I will see the Group in the Friends or Pages Tab?

