(2011/02) Feb 2011

OFB, thanks for your reply.. i think i will go with NUK and Pigeon then.. dont really like the Avent ones and they're the same price as the NUK ones.. Thanks!


TGIF! are any of you preparing hospital bags already?

my back is killing me these days. very 'suan' feeling even when sleeping. i have made an appointment with a masseur to come over to my house to give me a massage tmr.. hope it helps..

Thanks Unicorn, I today walk at supermarket n have a stroll at east coast. Hope that will help. I must force myself to walk more often n reduce my weight. =)

Ah ching, What is duola service? Hmm i really dont want to C-sect but if no choice then have to do it. Hmm i read some book for labour n teach some steps to help the bb head to face down to our V. Hmm will start to do it. Super worry.. Do you know whether if C-sect still can Breastfeed baby?

Mrs Ong, Oh maybe dfferent sale person? I not sure. But she ask me to get a bigger size.

Zanta the bra very nice le. Is it nursing bra? Heard the sale person said the best dont wear got wire bra not good.

Jooz, Maybe u should try do some light exercise for ur back? I try below the exercise for my back it works. At least my back to so pain.

1.Lie on a pillow under you head and lie with the knees bent n feet flat on the floor or bed.

2.Keeping your back pressed well down onto the floor, slowly extend both your legs in front of you until they are both completely straight.

3.Draw one knee up and then the other, without lifting your back off the floor, then relax; repeat five times.

Hi to all,

Re: milk bottles

Me tried all the diff brand, Pigeon work fine till later stage, even though i change the teats but flow very slow n hard to suck cuz will flat out...so i change to NUK

Avent my boy use fr birth till now also, no leakage unless no close properly...

RE: disposable panties & pads

I use the cloth one which i buy fr venus/pink beauty...its cheaper n i think is gd...no tear or wat...

Pad- i use sofy nightwear all day long n is ok, no prob at all...maybe is up to individual...

zanta: for first few months of breastfeeding, better dont wear bra that will 'squeeze' the breasts...

cos get blocked milk ducts will be very painful and troublesome...

u can use it when ard 6 months when milk supply stabilise i think...

and this design i think dont have bigger cups..

wishchild: doula service is like engaging a trained person to help during giving birth..

ang mo countries very popular.

they are experienced so when during labour, they can help u to get into position and ease labour pain..

Kotex maternity pad, i used with tight panties, so no need to tie lei..

cos i think TMC give Kotex brand one.

and that time i bought Pureen brand to standby.

but in the end i only used 4 pcs of the Pureen cos find that not as comfy as Kotex brand.

today went to robinson at centrepoint.. din see any 20+20. only saw some items got 20% for members.

nothing much there so disappointing.

also went OG and saw that the medela electric plus going for 200+ and with free gift..

am considering that cos it is the cheapest dual pump around..

looking for tommy tippee steriliser but no discounts. sometimes mothercare will have 30% off tommy tippee stuff, so now waiting for the sale.

would like to ask experienced mummies..

do u think quality of childcare centre is more important than convenience?

I'm thinking of enrolling my boy for childcare next year.

there's one near my place, sheltered all the way and walking dist. fees $260 (but not very branded, kidsville)

there's another one, further, but no need to take bus fees $380 (eager beaver)

there's another one, need to take bus abt 3 stops $560 (subsidiary of kinderland, branded)and the only one that has infant care (fee $714).

my hubby said choose the nearest one (also the cheapest).. but in my heart i prefer the branded one altho must take bus and fees only $120 less compared to put at nanny


today am feeling very unhappy.

actually planned for hubby to take care of baby when i return to work in the day time.

hubby agreed previously.

but today he said he cant take care of bb and want to put at nanny..

but childcare for 2 children will cost $1k liao, that's like more than half my salary.

now i think of quitting my job but also cant..

i dont want to consider working full-time lei.. then got no time for my children.

Wish child, u need to find out whether ur Gynae is good at csec. The stitching job very important. If done well, whole process of recovery is TOTALLY PAINLESS!!! No bullshit here because my first child I did csec with a Gynae famed for his painless csec. My boss had three csec by him before me and she also had painless delivery plus recovery. Zero pain. By second day we are walking about the ward, carrying baby, breastfeeding, peeing, go for classes, eat well, video camping visitors and baby!! ;)

MamiB, Can i know who is ur gynae n where is his clinic?

For my gynae is my sis fren recommand to me. She went through c-sect. My sis fren said his stitching job is good n recover very fast. But painless i dont think so. Because she look in pain after her c-sect. WHen she sneeze the pain will be worse.

MamiB If went through C-sect still can Breastfeed baby? Will it have milk?

Wishchild, my dr is Gordon lim gleneagles. Csec of coz an breastfeed lah ;) I breastfeed tru out ML four mths. After I return to work, I was in bank sales line so very hard to find Time for pumping milk so gave up Bf at four mths plus.

Yah. I know alot of ladies csec very painful. Cannot get out of bed for two weeks, stitch coming out, or got bleeding around the cut, etc. Mine was really really totally painless. Not even ant bite pain leh. Maybe the pain killers they gave were very gd also. I did epidural csec. The epidural administration was also expertly done. Didnt know that it wa already administered. U have to get dr Ernest lim to do for u. He is superb at what he does-giving the epidural. I told him he must do for my second kid. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] all in all I am super pleased with my number one child birth experience [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@choc: Nice hor that bra. I wanted to buy so much but dunno if my size will go up again by third trimester so I till now also haven't buy. Haha.. How about those nursing bras with plastic underwire support? Will it "chak" into our breast?

I think I will buy 1-2 pkts of Pureen maternity pad, and the max-kool disposable panty to try.

Btw, did you try the suction of the 2 Avent breast pump?

@wish_child, @Ah Ching: Yup, that's a nursing bra. I was thinking if I need to buy bra again b4 giving birth, I must as well buy a nursing bra. Hehe.. Then most nursing bra has got the line in the middle of the cup which made it v visible if I wear t-shirt. Think I must find some alternatives le.

@Ah Ching: Don't be sad, just go according to what your pockets allow, so near some more. "branded" schools doen't mean good schools. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@wish_child: After c-sect should be able to BF too. I heard cases b4.

My friends who visited me Tot I natural birth when they visited me in hospital the next day. Keep askin me to slow down and that I walk too fast. I told them I did csec lah. V part not pain!?!? Then they told me that Tot csec lagi pain at the cut area. How come I walking abt like energizer bunny on steroids???? LOL!! Really funny. I went for the free motherhood classes happily. Plonk myself in a chair. Stand up at will without pain. Women around me were walking slowly, sitting down with alot of difficulty. Standing up with alot of pain. So I really think that if the stitching and overall technique of the dr is good, u don't need to be so scared of csec!! :D

The thread are moving very fast !

joodz! Thanks So much for ur live telecast ! will go down tmr ! wanna grab the cot !

Princess31, the class ytd taught us sittin/slping position, teaching us exercise which will later help in during & after delivery. and teaches hubby how to relieve cramps for us and massage for us. u better wear comfortable shirt and pants. will be sitting down on floor..

I think will stick to Mount A, I prefer the environment there compare to thomson.. and hubby was born there. & after checking wif my friends and compared the price Mount A is cheaper den Thomson.. they had gone thru the same process, but Mount A is cheaper (i hear say, didnt see it with my own eye at the bills) haha.. but since decision made was at Mount A, we dun wan change already. lazy to think further..

The thread is moving so fast.

@wish_child: don't worry, c-sect still can BF. My sis also c-sect and she managed to BF her baby for 11 mths. But milk supply will only come in 3 to 4 days after delivery. So first few days might need to give FM to baby.

Mami B, Grace n Zanta, thank u. I still worries if i went c sect can't breastfeed. Haha. Haha ppls around me mostly is natural birth. If I need to go C sect my family sure very worries.

Mami B, how much per session to see Dr lim? Is it very Expensive n do he take in patient already 26weeks?

Haha if I change gyna again this is the 3rd time.

Wishchild, u can call to find out the charges 64729938 for Dr Gordon lim. I m sure all doctors will take in new patients at any stage of pregnancy... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Wah didn't known change so many Gynae. He is the only Gynae I use.I didn't think of using anyone else cos in case I need csec, his technique is good. My recovery of the cut was excellent. No lumps or excess skin growth. Feint thin line only. Not sure if that depends on individual healing.

Or if u are already comfy with existing Gynae, u might wana stick to him. Up to u...

Today I read of someone who lost baby at 29 weeks. So scary. I Tot we are in safe zone. Reason umbilical cord blood vessel burst. Didn't know got such thing. Sigh. Have to induce n deliver. Very sad case [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Guess it's a reminder for everyone to remain careful ! Don't exert yourselves during this time. Jia you!! We are almost there!!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] have a great weekend ahead!!!

mamiB - it's really sad to hear such stories. i have also heard of a case where baby didnt survive after being delivered. You are right, this is a reminder to us to be careful and not to take things for granted and be grateful that our babies are well and healthy. I think being healthy is really the most important.

Yup, let's continue to stay positive and jia you!!

afternoon mommies!

unable to sleep till 4am last night!

boo boo!

didn't manage to go office to clear up my work.

boring weekend as husband is working on both weekends this week! *sighz*

@ d-duchess (dduchess): I was also unable to sleep for the past 2 nights! Boo! Last night only managed to fall asleep at 4am. *sad*

@ joodzjoodz (joodz): My bodyaches are also killing me! Yesterday finally had my 1st home pre-natal massage. Never felt so good in these past few months! The massage lady asked me to minmise walking/standing cos the moment she starts massaging, she can tell i am aching all over - legs, back, shoulder! LOL. But once she knows what i am working as, she also said no choice la!

By the way, anyone experiencing itchy body & nipples? Mine can be very itchy from time to time, especially after a long day & at night (even after i bath). I don't know if the weather is too hot or is it the stretch mark oil that i am sensitive to? I am using Clarins oil & pigeon nipple cream

i went to the turf city garage sale . did not manage to get anything.

head down to bendemeer warehouse sale . bought 2 single prams for $59 each. was happy with the purchse as they can be use from infant till 3 years old. the colours matched the colours matched the car seat which i bought.

from the baby clothes next door to the munchkin sale i bought 4 dresses for my niece.

made some friends from the sale as well. my friend bought a cot for $100 that was initially selling at $599 outside. the cot was hidden at the back of the munchkin sale store. They are very happy with the purchase.

@kittyki: I also experienced itchy skin n nipples last 2 weeks, but now getting better. I think is not caused by stretch mark oil, cause my foot n hand without stretch mark oil also feel itchy. Some of my experienced colleagues told me is due to hormone changed.

Hvn't got time to cm in for a long time. But now I'm free is becoz I'm warded in tmc for bleeding. It's my 3rd day here and my bleeding's still fresh red. I can't stop feeling worried. My bb weighs just 1.061kg. Hope my bleeding can stop soon.

Mami B, thank u very much. I will make a call to the clinic.

Haha I change gyna so many times becoz I find my 1st gyna not good. Then change other gyna which near my area n is my Sis recommend to me.

Charmine, are you ok? Better stay on bed n don't move around. Do take care if anything do call ur gyna.

Hello mommies now my bb is 26weeks n her weight is 800gram. Is my bb too light? I very worries my bb too light. Somemore heard ppls said when 3rd trimester most of the food go to us not bb. Don't know is it true.

charmaine, Take care ! god bless, hope everything will be fine for u and ur baby ..

ytd i went to bendemeer warehse sales, i got the display cot, but its NEW. not used b4. the boss also dunno why its placed there. i got it for $80, it was the 399 promo set. i feel its a good buy. so happy !

zanta...i tried the suction of both pump liao...seems quite similar to me leh.... can consider ba...if not get other brands which u are comfortable with lor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

charmaine...take care ya!!

Mummies... I have. 6pc set 3-6months from 1st impressions. My supplier said generous cutting... For feb mummies.... I give at cost price lah coz i dun really mark up so high all items leehh.. Go my fb n see under girls galore n babies n kids collection.... For mummies here... I give u at $23 plus free delivery ok.... 6pcs set consist of blanket, sleepsuit convertible to sleeping gown.... Yeaaahh, cap, romper n pants n bib... Lemme know of the name of design....

Thank u mummies for yr support. They meant so much to me now.!I'm all alone here for days as my hubby can't tk leave n he needs to handle my son after work. I've had 2 wardmates whom hv discharged with their families n loving bb. I can't stop crying. I just bled fresh red again n my contractions start when my gynae decreased my drip dosage which means i can't discharge as planned tmr. The bill size is snowballing, my son on the other hand, is being handled by my mum and sis who has nv took care of him be4. My son is hyperactive and my sis has been hittIng him with kind intentions to control him. I can't stop worrying or crying.

Charmaine, Try to rest well. I know u very sad n worry. If u dont rest well n relax urself how to get well fast. Jia you. Dont worry maybe other 2days u will recover n dicharge. Try not to worry too much. Cheer up. U still got another bb boy u need to take care now which in ur tummy.

God will Bless u. =)

Oh dear Charmaine, pls be strong. Most important is not to move as much ad possible. Use bed Pan even if very hard. I insisted on commod toilet n bleeding continue. Once I switch to bedpan my bleeding stopped.

I was also very worried abt the bill size but no choice. Pls rest well. Watch tv, check in forum to chat with us. Hope doc allow u to go home tom.

Plan how u can continue such rest at home. It's what I am doing now. Not sure if u can stop work. Should.

Thank you mummies for your support. I'm such a weak mum and I'm trying v hard to be stronger.

Mami_b, i've been using bedpan for the past few days and my blood still flowing out. I used the toilet on my 2nd day while they trf me to the ward n my blood was dripping out while I pee.

Charmaine, just try to stay put.don't move too much. Continue with bedpan if possible. Otherwise, commode. Don't walk to the toilet for sure. We need to keep really still for the bleeding to stop. Can imagine how distressed u are. Ur baby has passed the 1kg mark which means most hospitals are equipped to handle the baby even if touch wood premature. Less than 1kg then chance of survival is lower.

Hang in there. And don't anyhow think. Try ur best to think positive, that bleeding is temporary and will stop. That ur baby will be protected and preserved til it is ready. Continue to eat well.

@Charmaine: Please take good care of yourself and feel free to chat with mummies here.. Don't stress over the bill as health matters more.. Get well soon!


charmaine: please take care of yourself n see what gynae say.. for ur boy don't worry too much.. now all u need to do is to rest n rest.. stop thinking too much..

