(2011/02) Feb 2011

Parenthood Fair

26 November 2010 - 28 November 2010

Event type : Family

Venue : Hall 4A

Admission : Public - Free Admission

Event Schedules : Time: 10.30am to 9pm

Show Profile :

Parenthood Fair 2010 promises to showcase bigger and better deals, contests and absolutely fabulous prizes. Expect to see a myriad of fun and exciting games for your kids as well as great entertainment for all.

Organizer : Motherhood Pte Ltd


@gregda - no wonder I haven't seen you in class for 1 of the week.. and last week when I wanna say hi to you, you seemed quite busy purchasing Mrs Wong's stuff. :p Hope you enjoyed your HK trip, despite the food poisoning.. tat sucked! :p

I'm going for a staycation at Sentosa Siloso Beach Resort tomorrow! Whoopeee! =D


Do try to put all other worries aside and just concentrate on getting well! Jia you and take care!!


did u recently bring your gal for MMR jab?

My boy recently went for his 15mth jab and got fever abt 1 week after the jab. After the fever, developed rashes all over his body too. Checked with my bro-in-law (he's the one who gave the jab) n he said it's ok cos some babies will hv this reaction after the jab. True enough, rashes cleared in a few days.


Yup, there'll b a Parenthood Fair from 26-28nov


Saw in the papers there's also a Moms & Tots fair 20-23nov.


M looking forward to the Parenthood one to get a Babysafe mattress for B2 and Mustela stuff for B1. They shd b there this time too as they were there during the fair earlier this year.

Thanks a lot Pootz...

are you going for the Doc's talk tomorrow?

i remember reading earlier on that you are going for a hotel stay for this Tue / Wed holidays..

@charmaine - Stay strong and positive! Dun blame urself and i believe everythings will be fined for u. Do take extra good care & God bless!

bigflamingo: My gynae mentioned last Sat that we will not wait much longer after 32 weeks for placenta to move. In fact, at my 28 week scan on Sat, she already looked slightly concerned that it hadn't moved : (

Eviangal: I received Rebeccas' confirmation email [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But yday my friend told me she cannot do jamu massage + tummy wrap due to her c-sect wound until at least a couple of months later. This is her gynae's advice. So how, if any of the 12 mummies in the package have c-sect and cannot take the package immediately? Is there a cut-off period to utilise the package with Origins?

Gregda: Welcome back! I hope you enjoyed at least some parts of your vacation ... I seem to be having a constipation problem just this last week or so too although my frequency not so bad yet, just once every 2 days, but even then it takes considerably more effort than before. Before used to be daily and minimal effort : ( Ya, does anyone have any tips to share on rectifying this problem?

I also heard of a Mums n Tots fair at the end of Nov but can't recall the details now ...

Princess 31: Yup, for c-sect you can do the massage later. Massage for c-sect can be done 3 to 4 weeks after delivery. But have to be completed within months. For normal, it has to be completed within 2 months.

Su: Val took her MMR jab quite sometime back lei.. abt 3 weeks ago.. So dont think its the jab.

ooh thanks all for the fair details... so many fairs coming up...hope to get some stuff soon by 8th month before we are too big to go shopping. but i heard that things are not necessary cheap at such fairs... hope to get a good bargain for baby cots. anyone has a good brand for baby cot to recommend?

Pootz: enjoy ur staycation..sounds really nice and relaxing! yah i missed the lesson 4 as I was away. went for the make-up lessson by another trainer. really a BIG difference between Mrs Wong and her..now i know why Mrs Wong is so popular.

Thanks Princess 31. yah i did some shopping and it wasn't that bad.. but the vomitting sucks. Luckily baby is not harmed. it was a mild food posioning.

I took stool softener (liquid parrafin) from my gyne..you can ask about it..but it didnt work for me...and i drink prune juice and took loads of vege and fruits too...maybe we can try eating beans..some say beans work..like Heinz beans or green bean soup.

gregda - i was like you before and had tried softener, prune juice and all that didnt work on me. Later, i force myself to drink at least 1.5l of water per day and it did help improve the situation. now, it's once in 2 days. I even bought a nalgene bottle to discipline myself to drink that bottle of water each day in office! Good luck!

@gregda - I won't be going tomorrow for the Dr's talk, will join the next one on Jan 11th... Hope the information won't be that crucial and can wait till Jan. :p

The other teacher boring ah? :p Is it as long as Mrs Wong's class?

Charmaine.... Hugs dear... I too blamed myself for my 2 miscarriages last time.. Esp the 1st one when mil said coz i frequently ride the bike.... I felt so hopeless n useless n weak.. But hey even ur bb is strong like u.. He / she wants to be checked n to inform u that he is alright... He / she wants u to know tat... My prayers are w u babe... Dun fret abt stares n all... They know nuts... Keep faith n stay positive... We all are praying for u...

Reverie.. Ooohh u bought.. Heeee.. Suntec mah.. Sure price a bit steep.... Pasir ris also selling at 15....

Mami b... We were so near yet so far hor.... Saw ur maid only.. Thanks for the support

Mummies... Shall we organize a dinner b4 we pop or smthng.. Saw mar mummies already planning for high tea... At least we cn see our now selves n later... Hahaah though for me still same n fat lahh...

@ pootz: no the class ended early ard 845pm. In fact by 830pm the trainer was talking stuff on her grown up children n other non-related stuff. Can see that she was doing it just to allow time to pass. Mrs Wong's lessons are more structured n valuable info received.

Mummies just to share this morning, i was standing on the bus to work. There were two guys seating in front of me n they were friends,chatting away. Then one lady happened to see it when she walked past me to alight n she say to the guy,"shouldn't you give up your seat to her?" the guy was so embarrased!

Idaar, yah lor!! I couldn't leave the house coz my boy fussing in bed so had to ask my maid to come down instead. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] quality of the rompers are wonderful. Can imagine my little gal wearing the pink one out of the hospital. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that's the absolute smallest piece which will fit her beautifully. The rest I think she need to drink my milk first hehe and grow into the rompers 2-4 weeks later.

Charmaine, are u ok? U have been quiet today. Hope that all is well.

Moomoo73- prune juice n prunes worked well for my constipation. I have smooth bowels for the last two weeks. Then when I ran out of the juice I started to have constipation again.

Idaar, good idea on dinner. But I may not be able to make it as I on self imposed bedrest til delivery. Been stayin home for last seven mths!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] u gals go ahead. I join u all for the post delivery one. That one I can surely make it. Haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ya lah.. Heheh.. Oh so u nt werking at all.. Tot

Since u got go groceries shopping n all... Cn meet up near2 lor.. Hehee

Glad u liked the rompers.. Of coz must get smthng that i will wear for my babies too.... My doter said that cute romper looks like for a doll.. So tiny... Bt i sure know nb babies

Cn fit that so nicely.. Ehehe

oh i found one food that is good for constipation. i lao sa after taking that. haha..

i bought the quaker oatmeal squares for my 20months old to eat for bkfast. so i tried and taste good. i took for bkfast too and by lunch i will toilet. high in fibre.

hi, saw dr ang today and got a 3d photo of my gal's sleeping face!

she has a nose just like her brother and like her dad.

my gal is 1.2kg at 28weeks and 2 days. and i have put on 10.5kg *distress*

fiona: check with dr ang the stomach hardening.. he gave me some medicine told me to eat on days it is bad.

say to prevent contraction..

and he was in a rush to go for his break so didnt manage to ask abt the pressure on the v part thing...

today my gal was in an upright position and i have the stomach hardening thing.

i suspect it happens whenever her head is near my chest... cos i can feel kicking near my bladder...

pootz: u can express milk directly into milk bags and pour the ebm into milk bottles to feed.

for me, i express into storage bottles and feed from the storage bottles directly.

no need to transfer here and there.

i find that drinking orange juice (those with pulp) helps me with my bowel.

also drinking kopi/ teh/ fresh milk helps me too..

i always go in the morning after my hot drink...

or at night after my orange juice if i didnt go in the day when i take soya milk instead of my kopi/teh

Hi, I've a Medela Symphony Manual Pump used only once. Am selling it as I do not have enough milk to express out to my bb born in Nov 2010. Interested pls PM me. Thanks.

Sighz.. i think my daughter kena measles.. Prob as Su suggested due to the MMR jab.. Going to bring her to the PD tomorrow.. If she really kena measles, I need to stay away from her.. In case it affects Caden in the tummy..

I heard of a friend who suffered miscarriage bcos her baby suffered from chicken pox whilst in the womb. They didnt know till they did the post mortem check...

Princess 31: For c-sect, massage had to be completed within 3 months. Or would you like to check with Rebecca if this can be extended longer?

Charmaine: stay strong n ur baby will b strong as u too...will pray for u...super hugs

Re: fairs

I m going to mums n tots fair to c if there any program for my boy, can update u all if there is any babies stuff there...

Re: gathering

I dun mind joining but i cant eat much lately cuz i din put on weight but baby is...thus is squashing all my stomach n gastric...n making me terrible....

Good Morning Mummies!!

@Cheyanne: When is the Mums & Tots fair?

How much weight have you gain so far? It must been hard on you for not been able to eat much..

@Eviangal: I didn't know that bb could be infected with chicken pox while in the womb. That's scary..

@Charmaine: How are you these 2 days? I hope your bleeding had stop and you are able to discharge today.

Good Morning All,

Zantarina : Moms & Tots fair 20-23nov

for constipation, i am eating a slice of papaya and a cup of apple+pear+tomatoe (the fruit stall aunty say good)

Princess31, sadly no practice the exercise at home. after work so tired. but did heed the advise on try to slp on left sides, and get up bed and sitting posture in office.. and doin the pelvix exercise.. Next class also exercise i suppose.. kinda boring i feel..


I'm now considering to buy medela swing or medela freestyle... The price differ so much.... I don't know if I should get the higher end... As I'm planning to express for at least a year after delivery...

Good morning mummies!

Eviangal: Ya, I wrote to Rebecca to ask how long the package can be extended for and I think the answer is 3 months. Basically, Rebecca was saying those mummies who do c-section can do Jamu massage as early as 3-4 weeks after the op, although gynae wil lrecommend 6-8 weeks. Either way, it's still within the 3-mth deadline. Also, Rebecca mentioned her masseurs will be extra careful with the wound area and not massage or bind so tightly.

Zanta: One of my friends kena chicken pox at 32 weeks even though she had the vaccine for it! She was so stressed about the effects on her baby. But her gynae did all the checks and said baby was still growing normally. The only concern was whether there would be any scarring on baby, but they could only tell when baby was out. She delivered in mid-Oct and I'm happy to say her baby has a flawless complexion and is perfectly healthy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] So I think mummy had a bigger scare than baby!

Charmian: I also find the classes abit boring leh, dunno if it's just me having short attention span or what ... my husband even worse...halfway through, he cannot resist taking out his iphone to check email, play games etc! Must give him a black face then he put it away, heehee ...I also have not been practicing much of the exercises, other than the pelvic floor exrecises which we can do while at work [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Lesson #3 is on breathing techniques for labour and delivery, right? Oh ya, my trainer was also quite strange ... but next lesson I will be getting a different one, hopefully better ! Keep me updated! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Yay, last night, I got up to pee at 1 am and managed to move bowels at the same time :p Quite strange doing my business in the middle of the night when I'm still half asleep, but better than nothing! That was close to 72 hours without moving bowels which is very long for me. I hope it doesn't happen again. I ate more veg, a whole papaya, took extra chilli for my noodles and then drank prune juice over that period, all in a desparate effort to get bowels moving. So now I'm not sure which one did the trick, heehee ...

I'm soooo looking forward to the public holiday tomorrow! Can barely keep my eyes open at work today.

vivian: freestyle is double pump and swing is single pump.. so u use half the time to express milk.

i think swing is more for those irregular occassions that u need to pump.

if you're thinking of pumping every 3 hours daily then u prob need to conside the freestyle..

anyway, freestyle US set only abt $450+ but the swing local set already cost more than $300 right?

so the price really not much diff..

Morning mummies... Hope all of u are doing fine.. been a tiring 2 days this week, looking fwd to PH tmr to sleep!

Gathering - I am keen. Will be great to put a face to the ones we've been replying to online.

I was wondering if anyone had heard of the brand Inglesina for strollers. Any feedback?

Ah ching: thanks for helping us to ask about the hardening tummy..

so i need to tell him n so he will give me the medicine also?

for the pressure on the v part thing i will ask him next week when i visit him..


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Items include:

BN Avent Light Moisturizing oil @ $15, RP:$29.90

BN mothercare nursing gowns x 2 @ 35, RP: $75

Preloved mothercare swaddling blanket in pink@ $15 RP: $39 (used less than 5x-bb dun like)

Preloved Dale abdominal binder. @ $25 RP:$65 - $80 (used once)

Preloved EGG maternity black shorts @ $20, RP: $159 (worn less than 5x)

And many more..for more pics and descriptions,

please see here http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

If keen, please PM. Thanks!

SOLD items will be deleted in the album, so it won’t be confusing.

fiona: i guess he will give the medicine..

cos the moment i told him my stomach hard frequently and showed him the location, he immediately prescribe me the medicine.

he say if the hardening is regular, must call him cos scared going into labour...

he say if premature labour, just go straight to KK, otherwise TMC very expensive..

Hi Ah ching, how is the feel of stomach hardening? Occasionally some part of my tummy become hard and there will be a small bump popping out at the area. I don't know is it my baby turning/rolling inside my womb or is it consider stomach hardening that will cause labour?

@Princess31: U took extra chilli to solve constipation? But what I heard is chilli will worsen constipation cause it is heaty.

I find that eating dragon fruit can help bowel movement, quite effective.

@Charmian: Thanks alot for the info on the fair but may I also know where is it held at? TIA!!

@Princess31: I heard that when mummy got chicken pox during pregnancy, the bb's immunity system will b low after they're born. But dunno true anot..

Thanks Cheyanne and Su.

Went to the PD today. PD said my daughter had sensitive nose like me.. This is a hereditary.. Hence, she is more prone to flu or asthma, etc.. And there is no permanent cure.. It will be an ongoing vicious cycle.. Only thing we can do is to build up her immunity system so that she dont fall sick so often..

So sad to hear that.. Cos her flu has now ignited to some viral attack to develop rashes all over her body.. Thankfully not measles.. And wont affect B2 anymore.. My concern now is B2 will have this too.. Cos there is a 70% chance...

Princess31: Ic, hopefully you dont need to undergo C-Sect... But if 6 to 8 weeks, there is still time within the 3 months deadline to complete the massage session.

Your friend is lucky.. My friend said she went for her scan at 5 months to discover the baby's face bloated.. After visiting almost all the gynaes in Singapore also cant tell reason.. Only after she delivered and did a post mortem check did they know the baby died of chicken pox.. Prob because she is weaker too ba.. Cos she was given a few months bed rest before this..

Thankfully, she gave birth to 2 wonderful babies after this ordeal..

Hi Grace,

Me too! I have stomach hardening quite frequently. same like you, one area (usually my right) will have a bump popping out! i tot its the baby turning or maybe his head happen to be that bump. I am not too sure also. anyone has this feeling?

Ya i read that chilli causes constipation too. For pregnant ladies, chilii is heaty. That is perhaps the reason why I am constipated as I take in a lot of chilli padi. a must for me to eat every meal. hahaha.. i love the kick.

hi zantarina,

both fairs are in expo..

one is the Mom & Tots fair and the other is Parenthood fair.

Wonder how is charmaine today..

HI Grace,

my stomach hardening is more like the whole belly become like rock..

not that some parts of baby poking here and there..

i think this is a contraction, when the stomach muscles/ womb tighten..

cos when i pointed to the location, above the belly button, doc say is the womb..

Grace: I do feel that.. But i think its our baby moving around.. Cos I do feel movements. It will get stronger and more obvious over time..

stomach hardening: i tink mine is also abit like harden like that..then make me so uncomfortable...got to switch position then feel better... but mine can see the stomach "trembling" like alot of movement.. hahaa

even though this is my #2.. i also forget how issit like when i had my #1...

but recently the frequency to go toilet increases... the constant weight on my bladder...make me walk to n fro toilet many times.. sian...another 11 weeks more to go...

yeah..is holiday again tomolo... i think alot of places sure have sale..so once again can go stock up baby stuffs ya [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Ah ching, thanks for your description. Mine is below belly button, normally at the right or left side, not the whole belly. I think probably is baby moving around. Will check with Dr. Ang when I see him next week.

Grace & gregda: Really ah?? Chilli leads to constipation? Never knew that! I used to eat alot of chili pre-pregnancy but still went to toilet daily. Then after being pregnant, my appetite decreased along with my affection for chilli so ate alot less. I just thought chilli may "upset" my stomach into bowel movement so I gave it a try :p So desperate hor?? Honestly, I think it didn't really affect my bowel movement this time ...

Eviangal & Zanta: Perhaps my friend was in quite advanced stage of pregnancy (32 weeks) so her baby had a good chance of surviving the chicken pox, and due to the vaccine she had taken that could have offered some protection too. She mentioned her case of chicken pox was quite mild. But I'm wondering, how come the vaccine didn't prevent it in the first place?? It could be eviangal's friend's baby was still small (5 months right?) that's why could not fight the chicken pox, poor thing ... but glad to hear of the happy ending of many more children thereafter [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Have a happy holiday, everyone!

vivian: medela swing is for not-so-frequency usage as the motor is not so strong n durable. also it's only single pump.

im getting the freestyle @ USD$285 from www.AddALittleLove.com

freestyle USA set doesn't need to convert voltage therefore can use in sg

pm me if u want to buy from usa too so we can share the shipping. =)

