(2011/02) Feb 2011

Zantarina : I did not get your pm for the handphone number . Can email me your number at [email protected] ? I need to clear the seat stock at my place soon. Going to move back to MIL after giving birth . Tentatively 35 more days to my c section on 20 dec.

Charmine : please take care.


today went out with my hubby, #1 and my friends..

raining the whole day.. so cooling..

was walking the whole day..

v area is very heavy n painful..

n the sng sng feeling at the v area is more n more often..

even if i stand up will have that feeling..

my breast got pain pain feeling already..

when i press on it the milk juice will come out..

so now i try not to touch it..

oh yeah, talking abt bills, jus fyi , predential - prefirst gift (if i not wrong) my friend in the insurance line did introduced to me. saying will start cover baby & mum to be once after detail scan. and is kinda affordable. $100/mth..

charmaine, dun think so much.. it wont help but will worsen ur condition. stay positive and you will b able to go home soon ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] do take care !

Thank you everyone. I'm so lonely here and needed support so much. Duno how long I can go thru this by myslf. My new wardmate just gv birth to a 3.72kg bb n she has so many visitors n relatives while I'm alone, separated by a curtain, enduring their stares when the nurse bring in the bedpan for me or sobbing alone behind the curtain.

Mami_b, my bleeding hasn't stopped. I exert abit of force to pass motion coz not used to lying on the bedpan n more bleeding returns. Gynae couldn't reduce my drip dosage coz my contractions will increase. Discuss with gynae tat I dischrg Tmc on tues n admit to kk if I'm hving contractions when they stopped my drip.

Charmaine - stay positive and continue to fight on! Did ur gynae say what caused the bleeding? Hey, u have all our support here!

Charmaine, be strong for ur son and family. Don't worry abt bills. Continue to eat well and more fibre rich food so u wong need to strain. Transferring to kk is a gd idea cos e team there can deal with premmies. Hang in there so that bb cab still grow well inside u. V soon ur healthy bb will join u too! Don't bother abt e looks ppl may give cos they're just ignorant. With e advanced healthcare now ur bb will be safe.

@ d-duchess (dduchess):

I have PM-ed u the massage lady contact =)

@ charmaine (tittieal):

Hang in there! U have our support & company here! Be strong for the sake of your baby. Don't worry, u & baby will be fine =)

@Charmaine: Omg Charmaine, I was still wondering how r u few days back as you had been Mia-ing from this thread for quite long already. Please hang on there and ignore those visitors of your roommate. Close up your curtains during those visiting hours and come online to talk to us whenever you are bored. Did you do anything tedious before these bleeding started? I believe you and your lil one will be fine as Diana Ser can make it, you can make it too!! Stay positive ya.

@Cnicole: I was about to email you and I saw your pm. Hehe.. Will SMS you tomorrow as it's late now. Btw, the seat reach your place already?

@choc: Thanks alot for helping me to test both the BP suction power, really appreciate it. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I think I more or less settled my mind to buy the Avent single electronic BP as it can be used electrically, manually, and battery operated right? This is what I look for in a BP..

Experienced mummies, any brand of napkin liner to recommend? That day I went to kiddy palace to racky and found the brand Anakku to be the cheapest at $0.06/pc.

Thank you everyone for yr great support. I felt so sad n ashamed of myself coz I had a bad thot as to why my pregnancy wasn't smooth with this bb compared to my 1st. Minutes later, the nurse cm in to check my bb's heartbeat. My bb was scared n kept moving. The nurse couldn't get a stable count n kept talking to him n saying 'dun be scared, I'm only checking yr heartbeat' n my bb stopped kicking. After the nurse left, I cried nonstop. My baby is just as scared as I am and it's not his fault for wat has happened. I'm so ashamed of myself. I loved you so much baby. Mummy is so sorry. Please forgive me.

Moomoo, my uterus had a hemorrhage resulted frm my placenta shifting dnwards. Gynae say it's unusual coz 5th mth detailed scan showed my placenta was not low lying n usually placenta shift upwards in the last tri, not dnwards.

Zanta, doc were asking if I had fell dn or knocked anythg recently but I nv. I took over the hsework ever since my helper left and I tot it's fine.

Couldn't forget wat happened on thurs when I'm admitted as I really tot I will be giving birth. I was cooking dinner when I felt my panties abit wet which I tot is normal discharge. I finished cooking be4 gg to loo to clean up. I got a shock. My panties are stained with blood. 40 mins later when I reached tmc, my blood has soaked thru my pants too. I tot my waterbag has broke.

Charmine, I have a ex-colleague wife who also has hemorrhage n hosptialised, baby already near to 2 now le. You need to think positive n b strong , not only for yourself, your son and family but also for the little one inside you. cos your baby can feel that you are scared n will be scared too.

Be strong n must have plenty of rest. God will look after you and your baby.

Mummies, my avent pump is down again after leaving it aside for 2 years. Don't know to get it repair or get a new one.

I kept having power problem with it. Does any mummies experiencing the same problem as me? I got it fixed within the warranty period the previous time.

Thinking of switching to medela swing but duno if the suction is as good as avent

charmaine, stay postive ok..i know its hard but u got to for ya kids. dont stress yrself over the bills and yr no 1 too.now u should rest yrself and den dont move ard..u are not alone kk..we will be here emotionally.

Take good care and update us yr condition.

Morning mummies...

@Ah Ching: I went to Baby Hyperstore @Kaki Bukit over the weelend & saw Tommee Tippee stuff there.. not sure if it's cheaper but if you want, I can help u chk when I head back there again one of these days?

@Chairmane: Pls dun be too worried. Pls trust ur gynae & nurses. Try to clam down. If you over-worry, baby may also over-worry. Most imptly, is you need be calm & relaxed. Take care. Hope u will be weell soon.

Hi Charmaine,

Please don't be too worried and keep positive thinking. Your baby needs you to be strong right now. If you feel sad and scared, your baby will feel it too, so be strong, for yourself, your family and the little one inside you. We all support you.

Jia you, jia you


Yes, my Avent electric pump's motor totally died after one year, and i hardly even used it as I bought a Medela PIS. The medela was sooo much better!


Wish you all the best. Stay strong...

charmaine: its great that u came in to seek support and talk to us. i think u need it.. dont worry and blame yourself.. this kind of thing cannot be helped.. regarding bill size, did tmc doctor suggest moving u to kk? i think they are pretty welltrained in handling preemie and its much cheaper.. stay positive.. we are all here to listen. i really really really hope u get well soon..

@charmaine - Hang in there! Stay strong, and your bb would follow your lead! Don't think of other things already, just concentrate on resting and getting well! Trust your doctor that he'll do what's best for you and your baby! *HUGZZZzzZZZZ*

Charmaine dear, we always try to find reasons and blame ourselves for such situations. It's natural to do so but try not to. It doesn't help with the bleeding and makes u more upset. Try to take ur mind off it by watching tv, eating fruits, talkin to ur room mate, talking to us on this forum, look forward to visits from ur family. That's how I survived the time I stayed in hospital for my bleeding. If u believe in God, pray to him for protection. Ask ur family n friends to pray for u too. It helps to relieve ur anxiety too. I did that as well.

I really wish that ur bleeding will stop soon. Really pray for u that it will somehow just stop n u will be back at home n all is well. My heart feels sad that u hv this episode. The silver lining in ur case is even if premmie, it's survival is more assured coz more than 1kg already. My uncle who is now in his fifties was a seven mth premmie and he now has four children of his own!!! So if the old pattern technology is good enuf, now should be even much better right?

Pls stay strong.

Breast pumps

Thanks for the reminder to check if breast pump is working. I nver used it for more than 2 yrs!! Was naively expecting it to be in perfect working condition. Haha ;) ok will have to test!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies!

Wow, so busy on Friday so didn’t check out the forum and things are going fast n furious here …

Charmian: I went for antenatal class #2 on Sat afternoon and sitting on the floor for about half hour my left foot got pins n needles : ( Was very restless after that and so glad for the mid-session tea break! Hee hee…but after that, sat down for awhile again and leg got pin n needles again, sigh … I think lesson #3 will be on the floor again, right? Have you been practicing your exercises? : )

Charmaine: Oh no, bleeding! I really hope everything is okay …do stay strong n try n keep yourself happy…not easy in these circumstances, I know, but I believe baby can feel mummy’s emotions so stay positive, ok ? And do keep all of us updated!! We can’t wait to hear the good news of your discharge!! : )

I went for my 28-week check-up with my gynae on Saturday morning and had to wait an hour to see her despite having an appointment slot. Sigh! Anyway, baby is doing fine and currently weighs 1.238 kg at 28 weeks. Wowee! That sounds so heavy! But definitely baby will be growing lots more. I read in a book yesterday that we mummies can expect to put on about 5 kg this 3rd trimester. Sigh! Baby Lucas had one hand covering his ear … maybe we were making too much noise gushing over him, heehee ... and my gynae keeps showing the baby’s privates, just to confirm he’s still a boy, haha! I put on 1.5 kg this past month, and baby's weight doubled in the past month. Overall, I've only put on 3.5 kg since the start of the pregnancy. Sounds quite little ... but I believe this is going to change very soon : / And all the weight seems to have gone to my tummy area because it feels so heavy, it looks so low, and my poor bladder has to bear the consequences... the past few nights, I have been waking at 1 am, 2 am and 4 am to pee ... by then, I'm soooo tired that I don't get up again till 6 am when it's time for work ... wow, weekends are really for catching up on all this lost sleep. I hear that in 3rd trimester a good night's sleep will be a distant memory, sigh ... I really need my beauty sleep!! Any mummies have tips to counteract a lack of quality sleep?

Well, the not-so-pleasant news is that my low-lying placenta has not moved at all : ( Gynae has given it another 4-6 weeks to move, otherwise no choice but to c-section. GULP! She mentioned that it is partially covering the cervix, blocking baby’s way out. It shouldn’t move down anymore though. I’m trying to read up more about c-section and epidurals now but I’m getting abit nervous about it! Was reading about mamiB’s excellent c-sect experience and keeping my fingers crossed that my gynae is as good at stitching if I need it. So my next appt in Dec I will be doing a growth scan to check on baby’s development and also to confirm the final position of the placenta.

And yesterday I checked with my friend who had a c-section done. Although it's been about a month after, her gynae has advised her not to start on the jamu massage yet. I thought past 3 weeks then can already?

Have a good Monday, everyone : )

Nashita: thanks for the offer [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

but I probably cant go there even if there's any sorta promotion.

Princess31, u can google ur Gynae name and csec. See if there are any reviews on his skills or feedback from patients. I was pretty confident and not at all worried when I went for my csec coz my boss had given me very good feedback on this Gynae so I trusted him and went in feeling happy and assured. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hope that u will have a good experience even if really need to csec ;)

charmaine: rest well.. I know it is hard for u now with the worry abt your baby and finances and your elder one.

pls let us know if there's anything we can do to help!

in the meantime, take this as a chance to rest before arrival of your baby. we gotta yang jing xu rui as baby will need us when they arrive

@Charmaine: Be strong and believe that the bleeding will stop. Talk to your baby and ask him to be a brave and good baby, to stay in you till full term. I believe your baby will listen to you like how he listened to the nurse. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We'll be here for you and remember to rest well. Try to get another maid asap to helpout on the housework and check with your agent on any claims if you have got insurance.

mamiB: OK, good idea, will try the google suggestion :p But if I come across negative reviews, then how?? Maybe it's better not to know? Surely it's too late to switch gynae at this stage? In addition, the possibility of c-section is not even confirmed yet ...

I did speak to the friend who had recommended this gynae to me. This friend had a c-section done by the gynae so she speaks from personal experience. Her wound got infected and so she had some difficulty with recovering quickly : ( but apparantly this was partly because my friend kept bending over to pick up her newborn in the first month. Her newborn sleeps on a mattress on the floor. So this bending over repeated motion contributed in some way to the infection. And our gynae told her in all her years of c-section and stitching, this is the 1st time she's had a patient kena an infection!!! Dunno how true this is ... so my friend now has to wait at least 9 - 12 months for the wound to fully recover before trying for a 2nd baby. She wanted to try at 6 months but gynae said if she did, there was the risk that the egg, if fertilised, may implant where the wound was which was not a very stable place to be.

Princess31, it's definitely better to know!! LOL! If he is no gd at it, don't subject urself to it. Change to another Gynae. (if csec is confirmed inevitable of coz).

A csec wound if sewed properly shouldn't come apart from carrying baby or pumping milk or breast feeding. Quite scary but I heard many stories like this. That's why people are always apprehensive abt having csec.

My Gynae advice is for us to try for baby again min 6 mths after delivery so that all layers of the wound heals properly.

For malay massage with binding, Gynae advice is also 6 months. Slim down quite slowly compared with natural birth. I only started looking like myself when baby 10mth old haha [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] that's the bad part of csec I guess.

mamiB: Ya, I guess you are right ... our health and healing is far more important than any inconvience in switching gynae, right? Plus c-sect also affects our future plans (e.g. 2nd baby) so definitely better to play safe and be in good hands...

Wow, I didn't know we would have to wait 6 mths before doing the malay massage + binding. I thought for c-section a wait of 3 weeks is more than sufficient ...


Most massage places promote 3 weeks after delivery. Some moms tried and are ok, no problem. They also tell us if do after one month even, no use already.

Most Gynae on the other hand play safe, tell us six months.

It's really up to individual to think what they wana do.

I prefer to play safe lah. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] six mths pass quickly anyway.

Hi Charmaine

U are neither weak nor should u be ashamed that u r feeling scare. Its natural for us to feel worry if anything is to happen to our precious one at any pt of time. Do focus ur energy/ emotion to protecting him. Share the joy of ur roommate whom has just rec her bundle of joy and ur time will come very soon too. Picture urself in her shoe and how happy u will be then.

Its challenging at this stage, however, its more u should be strong and stay positive for his seek. Our little one share our emotions too, so when u r happy, he will be happy and be more relax.

Never mind the medical bill, things will fall into places as Lord as plans for each of us. The priority is the both uur bb and ur health, we can always earn the money back.

If u need anyone to talk to, u can call me “> I’m happy to lend a listening ear “> Will PM u my no. kiss kiss and hugs.

Charmaine, how was the lunch today at the hospital? Is it nice? ;) I quite enjoyed the hospital food served when I was hospitalized. I always look forward to my meal times. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Charmaine

Talk good care of yourself! Try to relax and dont think negative, must not let baby know mummy is afraid, will get well soon de!, Nurses and doctor will be there for u so rest well in hospital!

Jia You!

@Charmaine - yeh, to keep your mind occupied, mebbe you can share with us your meals menu! So we would be prepared for what to expect for those staying in TMC! hehehe! They say foodwise TMC is better than Mt A leh! :p

Hi all, any second time mom who have used medela bottles b4? They look abit soft and not durable to me. I'm looking for some feedback for their bottles as i intend to get medela freestyle pump.

Mi Mi, Medela bottles are so thick and sturdy..

are u referring to the collection bottles that come with the pump?

I think the collection bottles are the soft type material not like a typical milk bottle.

ah ching, u mean the storage bottles are different from the milk bottles? i thought they r the same. so i cant use the collection bottles to feed my girl? sorry, im really a newbie to all these. pls enlighten me.

Mi Mi, we can feed from the storage bottles but if u prefer a more sturdy bottle, I think u can attach the normal milk bottle directly to the pump instead of using the storage bottles.

I'm basing on Medela Single Electric, you may need to check with mummies who have the Freestyle.

But for the first few weeks, our supply may be low.. like 20-30 ml from each side, then the milk bottle will be too big.

I think the storage bottles capacity is smaller. Useful for intial stage.

Later stage u may use milk bags instead of the storage bottles when u return to work, then u can transfer to the milk bottle type during feed.

ok ladies, am going to see dr ang now.

so excited, wonder how big is my baby now.

she has been kicking a lot and i also need to ask

abt the stomach hardening and pressure on the v part.. thing.

catch up tomorrow [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

ah ching: hee.. happy for u.. can see ur gal later..

update us with ur bb weight.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

my check up will be next week..

hope that my jovan is eating well.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi Mummies

Back again - hectic morning. Just wanna chk if any of you heard of the brand Inglesina for strollers? Any feedback based on experience or research? Tried Peg-Perego but found it hard to close & open the stroller.


Thx. We bought. Happened to walk passed a pushcart in Suntec which sells. Damn it bought it at 16.90 n saw another selling 15!!!

I was busy with my 4 bps n catching up my zzz cos bb woke up 2 hours earlier than usual for e past 1 week!

@ah ching - does it mean we express into a milk bottle, transfer to bag for storage, then put back to milk bottle for feeding?

Hi Mummies

Sorry to interrupt. Had some item which i would like to let go below cost price as i have no use of it anymore. Pm me if interested thanks

Bn Lansinoh nipple Cream 2 OZ expiry 2012 - $12

Bn GNC Fenugreek 100 Capsules expiry 2014 - $16

1 brand new box of pigeon breast pad (36+6) & 30pcs of loose pad in box (total 72pcs) - $12

Self collect my place near kk hospital. E-mail me at [email protected]


Do any of you experience a weird aftertaste after eating something sweet?

I went for my 27 week check-up on saturday. I asked about the chances of my low placenta moving up, and the doctor said there's always a chance until the 35th week. Baby is now about 1kg. About normal weight.

I took my son for his two-year old check up and vaccinations after that and found out his weight and height were off the charts!

Busy with daughter last week including weekend. Fell sick for 2 weeks.. Her condition worsen after going childcare.. Now that I have stop her for 2 days.. still not getting any better.. Instead.. developed rashes all over her body.. Haiz..

Busy closing some sprees too.. Now that my sprees are done.. Can relax a bit.. But still stress with daughter..

So many posts to catch up.. saw some briefly.. Looks like the Bendeemer road one was a good deal thanks to Joodz update.

Charmaine: pls take care.

Disposable panties: Hmm.. Going to check out Watsons.. Not sure anymore good deals left..

Origins Massage: Rebecca has emailed all concerned on your bookings. If you have paid your deposit and did not receive the offer email from her, let me know ya.. She did not indicate email addresses in her email so not sure who she send to also..

Hi Charmaine,

How are you today?

I hope and pray that you and your baby are recovering well. I know you are very scared and lonely now in the hospital but don't worry, all of us here are with you and we will keep you and your baby in our prayers.

Think postively and very soon, I am sure you will be able to be discharged.

Don't worry on the medical bills. I think medisave should be able to claim a good portion.

Read a book, watch some TV and talk to your baby. I am sure you will be fine soon.

We are all with you so don't feel lonely, k.

Ignore the stares from other vistors..they mean no harm, just curious stares probably.

Really hope you can get well soon...my prayers will be with you & your baby..


Hi Mummies,

How is everyone?

I have been following the thread bit by bit.. but did not update much.

Anyway i was back last 2 weeks from my Hongkong babymoon and it wasn't that good a trip. A lot a lot of walking there and i had a case of food poisoning where i kept vomitting and had fever. went into the hospital for a jab and was better. recovered well 1-2 days later. only good thing was the cooling weather which i really enjoy as i believe that our body temperatures are up now.

i used to be so afraid of coldness, but nowadays its the total opposite.

Re: weight gain

I am approaching my 28th week tomorrow and my tummy is really BIG now. have put on 10kg since my last check up with Dr Woo last Wed. have bought a few more clothes for this last trimester.

my constipation is still ongoing.. my frequency is once in 5 days..quite bad and despite taking a lot of fibre, i still cant improve. anyone has good remedy?

I am also getting a lil panick over baby shopping items.

Have only bought sterilizer, warmer and some babt clothes. the tricky thing is some friends have offer to pass me stuff, but i have yet to meet them or confirm with them..so very hard to go shopping too.

i see that many of you have manage some good buys around!

Thanks Joodz for the Bendemmer house updates..i wanted to go down but in the end, thought to give it a miss.

I heard that there is one Parentfair at Expo end of this month. anyone has any idea or details?

