(2011/02) Feb 2011

Is amazed at how a person, after an accident n is badly injured cn say about an ex wife getting her past 7yrs maintenance money as a crime!!! Is it? Hasnt enough leniency been given to the ex husband till the maintenance fees goes up to 20k plus n now that he is ordered by court to pay n the ex wife pitying him agreed to an amount of a miserly 100 bucks is said to will get retribution for doing this?? N which part m i missing that this EX wife is BAD??


@OFB: I had heard of these stories too and I'm afraid too but my hubby and I had not decide on whether to take the free upgrade from 4 bedded to 2 bedded or just take the 1 bedded ward. But 1 thing for sure is hubby won't be accompanying me the whole day..

@Idaar: I don't get what you mean. Is it your ex husband accuse you??

@Charmian: My EDD is 6th Feb'11 and I chose TMC. Initially hubby and I wanted to choose Mt.A but Dr Ang told us his preference so we decided to go with his preference since detail scanning is also done there so I applied the FBI card in order to get discount.

Zantarina, we applied the mount a ladies card already as we signed course there.. ): we tot it's worth it since we going to deliver at mt A.. But nw... Mmmm do u all know hw much does it cost to deliver a baby ?

@Charmian: That time Dr Ang mentioned just topup afew hundred to 1k+ after deducting from medisave if we choose 4 bedded ward. He told us during my last appt that he will talk to us about delivery on my next appt.

Hey i am going to buy the following and saw this promo on their website and just share with you if you are interested.

English and Japanese sets total $176 thus i am going to ask for the Chinese set as FOC. I am getting the chinese sing along too. I will be using the discount code WTL-ABT (valid till 31 dec 2010) to get S$5 off.

Zantarina : noted on the pick car seat. when do you want to collect?

where do you stay?

Idaarshad : are you coming to collect carseat over the weekend?

Hi Mummies, after hearing the feedback for Similac Mum maternal milk, I don't think I'm keen to try it as I can't take milk which have a sweet taste as it makes me feel like puking. If any mummy is keen to try, I have an unopen tin with me which I got from applying the FBI card and would like to exchange it for some other things. This tin is 700g and expires on 01/02/2013, retailing @ $19.95.

Things which I would like to exchange for will be as follows (either 1):-

- Anmum Maternal Milk Powder (cocoa flavour), 1 box

- Mamy Poko NB Diapers (52 S), 1 pkt

- Nepia NB Diapers (60 S), 1 pkt

- PIGEON Bottle Nipple & Vegetable Liquid Cleanser (700ml), 1 bottle + PIGEON Moisturizing Cloths Baby Wipes, 1 pkt

Looking to exchange items around woodlands area. Thanks alot.

zantarina... not him directly.. was his current wife.... i chanced upon it only when i saw him commmenting on my cousin's fb and thus just knew abt his existence in FB.. and i saw his wife's wall and all that.. bloody pissed.. and when i was struggling for the past years.. when i was single.. with 2 jobs... and when we initially divorced... only one was allowed to buy with HDB loan.. and wen i asked him to give me leeway.. me was only abt 22 at that time with not much CPF.. un know what he told me.. he too wanted to buy a house with this woman whom he was gonna marry

aneway our divorce was not becoz of her but due to him not working for one yr plus.. but till now they have no house, just got married, and they both got into an accident with her jaw torn badly and need cosmetic surgery.. to tink i pitied her before i knew of her sayings on the wall!!.. angrryyyyyy

but well.. little did i know of what she was saying abt me... so i guess god i just rite? who got the retribution now? i have given him leeway for 7 yrs and never asked for maintenance wen it was due.. and now when court enforced it and he has to pay or not he will go jail.. is it my fault.. did they ever know how i struggled to feed my family before my current hubby came along? and till now.. i m still werking hard for my kids..

sorry for the long rant mummies

cnicole.... i will contact u on the car seat... this week bz with preparations on the bazaars and also my mum having a feast.....

anewy mummies.. i have secured a push cart in Downtown East.. so will be there everyday from Fridays to Sundays - 10am to 10pm till end of January .. just before delivery... so work2 work2.. no off day ....

hope to rotate with my fren at times so to grab some rest .. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Idaar, looks like you have had a really hard time these past years. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] and you are really working very hard. Can see u sacrificing ur weekends to run the push cart biz even tho u are heavily preggy and only two three months to delivery.

Just ignore the comments of the wife of ur ex husband. There is nothing u can u since she already post on Fb... She is in a pitiful state now. Which woman want to have jaw torn (Eeeeek!). It's a disaster.

Just try to stay happy and cheerful for ur baby and current family now. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] don't let the old relationships affect the relationships that truly matter. Not worth it babe.

mami b.. yup.. well god is great.. i didnt know of what she has to say of me.. well wen i just got divorced.. i knew she was so scared that my ex came back to me.... she was so insecure.. till i chanced upon it now... to tink i have pitied her having 3 broken toes and also torn jaw and needs cosmetic suregery till not able to carry her own child....

did she ever ask my ex to come see the children? nope.. in fact when i brought him to court the few times.. all he said he not working and the last time in april... said both him n wifey not working.. and wen mediator asked.. means ur mil feed u... he said yes.. can u believe a man would take his pride down for the sake so that he can dun pay his kids maintenance and when i found out ... he works, wife works, have a bike and carrys an i phone when he told me each time he doesnt reply my sms stating prepaid no money..

when he was ordered to pay 1k last few days or 2 weeks imprisonment.. he could sms me stating that how is it after that.. how to pay if every month has to pay 1k... iphone was found, bike belongs to a friend, he has no place to stay, his mum house is to put stuff, wife stays over at her own mum, he has to sleep at werk at times, bringing wife as well to sleep.. so i had to pity them? who pitied me

sorry mummies.. really pissed about she has been saying about me.... arrrgghhhhh

Good morning mummies!

Been pretty busy at work this week as well so have only been able to keep one eye on the forum :p

Charmian: Like you, I also applied for Mt A Ladies' card to get the antenatal class discount there. Anyway, I also thought I would be delivering there. Now turns out will likely be delivering at TMC since my gynae claims she's fully booked at Mt A for Feb 2011. Sigh, long story. So I applied the FBI discount card at TMC too. You are in similar situation too? Think our EDDs quite near too .. mine is 5th Feb ... yours? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I'm thinking of 1-bedder coz I don't feel comfortable staying in hospital on my own and would like my hub to be there, at least for this first experience [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Funny, right ... I can stay in overseas hotel on my own for biz trips no problem, but local hospital cannot, hee hee ...! I think it's because cannot lock the door in hospital so then I imagine all sorts of things will happen ... especially since the security in our hospitals are so lax. I often walk straight to my friend's wards when visiting them at hospital and not a single person takes any notice of me. Hey! update me about antenatal class #2, ok .. mine is this Sat evening [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Zanta: I also received the free tin of Similac Mum and the other mummies are not kidding when they say it's sweet. It's SOOOO sweet! By the first cup, I knew it wasn't for me. I had been using Friso Mum before that and I much prefer the taste of that. Once this free tin is finished (think should be by this week, phew) I will switch back to Friso Mum. I also have trouble dissolving the Similac powder for some reason even though I use hot water. It still clumps up and I hate that [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Whereas with Friso Mum I use cold water and it's fine.

I see there's 20% off Munchkin products at various shops recently. Anybody got any Munchkin products to recommend? I don't see anything particularly suitable for newborns or young babies, maybe more for toddlers and older ones. There's this diaper holder thing which you can hang by cot side, to hold all the barang associated with changing diapers. Think it sells for abt S$50. Is it good? Worth buying?

Princess31: i was given the munchkin diaper holder by my fren. she said she din use it as her wardrobe is juz nx to the cot. I'm not sure how useful its going to be. but my mom bought a basket to hold all the changing stuff, i think its quite good. u can bring it to living room if u feel like changing ur bb there. so maybe u can as ard first b4 purchasing the diaper holder

Ah Ching: u going for ur appt next week ar..

maybe u can help ask dr ang n post here to ease mummy worries..

Mi Mi: ya.. need to observe..

i also very scare after seeing jamie case..

moomoo73: i also midnite always wake up n go pee..

so tired n feel like sleeping inside the toilet..

wish_child: try to go toilet more often..

dun let ur bladder full for too long.. not good..

Hospital booking: i still haven't ask dr ang about this..

dun knoe whether can go MT A to give birth anot..

next visit must remember to ask him already..

Mi Mi: True, I was planning to get a simple basket to put all the diaper stuff after seeing my friend do this at her place. Looks nice and is so convenient. Thanks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fiona: don't worry, I think hardening of tummy occasionally is quite normal. Also, I'm carrying my bump quite low too and can feel the pain around the v area. Sometimes, even after I pee, I can still feel the pressure! But thankfully it's not all the time, only sometimes. Usually after I eat or towards nighttime. But I find a soothing warm shower helps sometimes, as well as lying down.

Haha, I have the same problem of waking up to pee in the middle of the night. I won't be surprised if 90% of mummies here have the same experience! On bad nights, it could be up to 4 times. On a good night, it's just once [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] and then I always feel so thirsty so when I'm awake at night I can't help but take a sip of water too, which then contributes back to the peeing problem :p

Hospital booking ... I also have not done. My gynae doesn't seem too concerned about it. She mentioned around Dec then we can do the booking... anyway, I'm seeing my gynae for 28-week check-up this Sat so maybe will gently bring up the topic to see if I can find out more about the booking policies and procedure.

Princess31: when is ur edd?? so fast 28 weeks le..

i dun knoe how to count my weeks..

my edd is 27 Jan 2011.. but dr ang say my edd is on 2 Feb..

i dun knoe to follow which one lei..

cuz my first pregnancy give birth early..

One vs two bedded

I had the chance to stay in two bedded warded during my bleeding episode. So here is my review of my three Night stay

1. Lady on next bed just delivered so her iPhone keep having incoming SMS. Beep! Beep! Throughout the day. She didn't hv common sense to silent the phone or vibrate or softer.

2. I can recite to you her birthing experience from what time dilate 4cm to 10 cm and how pain and how she push. She retell the story to anyone who call And whom she call and who would care to listen. She speaks loudly and I am sure it has been exciting but I really wanted some peace and quiet.

3. The toilet. Everyone has different toilet habits. She used. Her hubby used. Her visitors used. When I want to use, I found water all over the seat cover n worse! Blood stains?!? Guess she never tot of wiping it off for her room mate. End up, I always ask for portable wheelchair toilet when I need to pee dare not use the toilet.

4. Her baby. Breastfeed at night : nurse comes in with baby. I was woken by the loud conversation between nurse n new mom. Cannot whisper meh.. Sigh...2am one time. 4am one time. 6am one time. How to sleep???

If u can afford, choose one bedded. If cannot,really no choice, then take two... Its really a big difference. I think the $1k difference ( in my case sec plus gleneagles) is worth every cent.

Idaar, think he is trying to paint a sorrowful picture of himself so that think he is in a worse position than you are. Since already divorce, just be objective. Take what u are entitled to coz it's not only for you. It's for your dear children as well. For me, I would not care how he come up with the money. He will just have to pay it or I will haul him to court again n again.

No leeway one. If he is pitiful, whatabt the children?

Hi mummies,

woke upwith bad sore throat... think i ate too much junk liao. I feel like drinking liang cha but scared too cooling? any otherpossible options?

My gynae's nurse already asked me to book a bed, and i am at 26 weeks. She said most likely a Jan bb, even though my EDD is 15 Feb... I want a rabbit bb leh.

I agree with Mami B, that time i was hospitalised for excessive vomitting, i went for 2bedded...the lady beside me turned the aircon so cold i was feeling so miserable--nausea and freezing. When i hinted to her if i could adjust the aircon, she said "its OK coz she is used to this temp at home". Sigh!...not as bad as MAMI b experience but after this i am determinedfor single bedded.

my last 2 kids i opted for single bed in TMC. Initially want to save money but then again, how many days do u stay in hospital..after so many monthsof pregnancy i think really wanna pamper myself wif some privacy.

Clio, take starfruit. I am havin sore throat also [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Strepsils is ok according to my gynae.


Good news.. im back from the Bendemeer fair.. went at 10am when it just opened. im surprised at the response.. there are quite a lot of people there at 10am alr.. mainly housewives or people with babies in carriers.. not many pregnant ladies.. i also overheard one aunty tell the sales person "i come every year" and the sales person says she recognise her.. so i presume they hold the warehouse sale every year..

not recommended for those who go for european brands.. because the main carriers for this sale is BonBebe, evenflo, Latido and babycraft. good for people on budget.

there are basically 2 parts of the fair - clearance items at the corridor, and inside the warehouse itself, the big ticket items and some rows of smaller items.


what caught my attention was

1. Baby Bedding Set ( 1 pillow, 2 bolsters, cot sheet, bumper set - suitable for most cots) @ $10

2. Drying Rack(Brand: Munchkin) @ $6

3. BPA Free bottle x 1.. MAM brand(never heard before) for newborn, anticolic function @ $3

4. Pram Accessories like hooks, hanging columns, mummy bags, from $1 - 10

5. Baby Gym(the colourful kind with hanging toys for baby to lie down and play) @ $10

other clearance items were toys, teats, things i didnt really take note of. clearance items maximum price is $10..


1. Playpen(Bonbebe) UP: $229, now $99 without mattress

2. Bonbebe high chair UP $229, now $149

3. Lots of strollers.. what caught my eye was an evenflo stroller(something like that but standard colour without prints nor the matching car seat: http://www.my-family-fun.com/products/Evenflo-Ellipsa-LX-Travel-System-Tatterstall.htm). that stroller goes at $80. usual price i think $200+. but limited sets.. current stock is 2 x red, 2 x black, 2 x green, 1 x blue.. their colours is the bright kind not the dull kind so i think looks pretty cool..

other newborn strollers goes around $30 - $100+.. i saw the latido stroller i bought at baby kingdom for $99.. it was going for $30!!! heart pain.. plus comes with head cushion also, which the $99 i bought dont have..

4. 4-in-1 cot just the frame, no mattress @ $100..

Fiona: My EDD is 5th Feb. That has been the date my gynae shared with me since first check-up till now. Although I hear it's quite normal for the EDD to change as your pregnancy progresses. I think you ask Dr. Ang to re-confirm at your next check-up for the latest EDD date [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Each time I go for check-up, the scan printout will print how long I've been pregnant and just happens my monthly scans always fall on a Saturday and coincides very nicely with the weeks. I think my gynae purposely schedule our scans like that. So this month's scan coincides with 28 weeks, the next one is 32 weeks etc... but you can download those iphone applications that track your pregnancy and if you key in your EDD it will calculate for you how far along you are [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mamiB & clio: Thks for sharing your 2-bedder experience. I am confident I'm making the right choice by choosing 1-bedder despite the quite-big difference in price. My best friend took a 2-bedder at Mt A recently and her roomate had a huge family come and visit her at practically every possible visiting hour. Including old folks and little children running around the ENTIRE room. Then the visitors also place their bags and gifts at the common sink area which is outside the toilet. So noisy and really no privacy. The roommate and the females in her family were talking about breastfeeding and long nipples. My husband and I who were visitng at that time heard the entire conversation and it was quite embarrassing :p

But another friend insisted that 2-bedder and even 4-bedder is fine and there's no need to take 1-bedder because the wife would be feeling so tired that she won't even notice her surroundings. Is this true?? Plus it's just for a few days so just tahan. I guess it's really down to individual preference and how much you want to spend.

my own opinion is cots selection, not much. all natural wood colour, so no dark oak colour or what.. saw only 3 kinds of cots.. cots are the bigger kind cos i think all their cots are at least 4-in-1 to convert to junior bed.. wide selection of strollers and car seats. car seats not very cheap but cheaper than outside.. smaller items got to look for lobangs cos its quite messy.. not for fussy buyers who are looking for absolutely brand new or branded cos some of their stuff quite dusty, though in covers.. probably old stock.

for those who want to buy, let me know, i can buy and put in my office. i TRY to help get whatever you guys need but no promises.. also, i dont have pictures but can only describe to u.. its cash and carry so i have limited funds to buy a lot.. haha.. have only decided to get the evenflo stroller in red for now.. didnt have time to really look tru also.. later lunch then go see some more.. so any orders let me knw before 1pm so i can go see have or not.. also since most of their stocks are while stocks last, no promises item in stock.. let me know!

Jooz, Thank u for all the info. =)

Zanta, haiyo my waist line also 39+. haiz i felt so scary also. My hubby said my size is double now n he very happy. Haiz but i very sad.

My gyna said my bb belly not fat. Hmm maybe all the fats go to me not bb. I also cant stop eating. I'm trying to exercise but also feel very lazy haha.

Morning all mommies!! Wow today is a cooling day.

Oh i got 1 question. I heard some people said when on third trimester whatever we eat wont go to baby will go to us. Is it true? But if the food dont go to baby then how bb can grow up to 2kg-3kg?

Morning... me too feeling so lazy when I advanced to the 3rd trimester leh... always feel so tired and sleepy..maybe partly due to taking care of my ah boy at nite ba...

Zanta..yeah yeah..is me who had a old avent manual pump and got a brand new electric avent pump...hmm..will try and let u know electric pump suction ba... yet to try...

Baby stuffs... Left with not much to buy liao coz practically all I need my boy is using..except for NB diapers lor... so only managed to buy 2 pack of rompers from the BP and the rest will need to sort out the old clothings over next few weeks liao..

wish child... got such sayings meh? will still go to the baby ba....

I forget who want to make baby bigger size ... take some durians lor..if u ladies believe... said to make babies bigger coz of its sugar content and "bu"... errr...but got some other saying say no good to take durians..anyway..moderation ya...

joodz...the baby cot is cheap!! can consider buyin for those who havent got one


Thanks for checking out the sales for us ..

Do they provide free delivery or cash and carry ??

Thinking of gg during Sat afternoon coz I stay quite nearby ..


I think I pile on alot of weight this month ..

My gynae is gg to nag during my next visit ..

I am supposed to gain 2kg this month but i think I sure exceed alot ..


Can take chrysanthemum tea ..

Cooling yet not as strong as herbal tea ..

I will drink that whenever I feel 'heaty' ..

choc: yah cot is pretty cheap.. i think the most stock leftover are the cots.. i saw them piling up a lot of cots(in packaging) by the lift lobby..

unicorn: they do free delivery for cot.. so if u buy other things with cot they can deliver for u except those small hand carry stuff..

i cannot tahan the temptation.. i just went back to the warehouse sale.. decide to buy the red stroller(wanted to buy during lunch).. lucky i went.. cos i managed to get the last one.. the playmat gym also no more.. so sad.. $10! manage to jalan abit more while they wrap up my item.. steriliser(some unknown brand) @ $42.. food warmer(same brand as steriliser) @ $29.. baby carrier @ $30.. mobiles @ $10.. got this interesting voice activated night light which also produces mummy womb noise @ $10.. almost bought that but i think my hubby wont be happy.. but then, the stock supply is miserable already.. within an hour the whole warehouse like damn messy.. alot of people and my queue took 30mins.. i think after today no point going.. wont have anything left.. unless u stay quite near and convenient to make a trip down.. if not, no point cos i chatted with one aunty who is the salesperson there.. i wanted to ask her if i can reserve items if anyone here wanna buy.. told her i am her neighbour do me abit of favour.. lol.. but she told me she want also cannot.. cos these are their only stocks left..

oh yah, just to add, the unit directly beside theirs having baby clothes sale till 13 nov.. 994 bendemeer road #06-08.. very cheap and its those stylo clothes for babies to wear out.. but seems like abit too big for newborn.. looks like for 6 months and up.. for those who have older kids can consider..

Hi Mums,

Robinsons sale just started yesterday ..

Closed door sales event from 6.30pm to 11pm for both 10th and 11th Nov 2010 ..

Got special buys for Graco, Philips Avent steamer set and 20% + additional 20% for some brands ..

Mostly are 20% discount though ..

joodz.. wahh so good ah the sales.. never heard of it.. since u bought the latido stroller already.. just checking.. till how many kg can it be used for? can help me purchase these few below? I will pm u my number...

1. bedding set - (neutral color like green or yellow?)

2. MAM bottles - 2 x -the brand is quite popular also.. how many ML isit? plain or printed?

on rooms, for first one, I chose 1 bedder,but turns out it was around some auspicious day so lots of c-sec chose those dates so no 1-bedder available! want to pay also dun have!

so for the first night I shared a room. my roomie was very considerate, spoke softly but when her bb or my bb got wheeled in for bfding no choice the other person's sleep sure get affected. she checked out the next day and the nurse managed to 'convert' the room into a 1 bedder for me, by not letting anyone else join me.

guess i had a gd experience cos roomie moved out next day and didn't have many visitors.

but just to note, even if you opt for 1-bedder, it's subject to their supply that day...

hi idaarshad:) my latido stroller weighs 7.5kg and can hold up to.. i think 14 kg.. quite fragile.. therefore i decided to buy this new stroller since the weight is also 7.5kg but can hold up to 4-5 yrs old according to the lady..

i will go over during lunch time later to see if they still have stock for the items u want.. bedding set i think left yellow.. pink and blue all gone.. last i saw still have bedding set..

MAM bottles are the smallest one.. 5oz i think.. looks bluish.. not sure if printed with designs..

@fiona87 – I also feel that my tummy low and will pain at times….not sure it's due to bb movement or what but it’s normal right? When you mean and feel hard, will it cause pain as well? I duno how to describe if my tummy belong to hard or what, but I just feel it’s 重 重 de not comfortable feeling lor. Can describe what do you mean by hard huh?

@wish_child – is it ur gynae told u ur bb’s size like u mentioned head small etc or u observed urself from the screen? My gynae did show me but din say much on bb size…even my placenta low she also didn’t tell me only when I asked her then she said [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I believe her purpose was not to cause unwanted anxiety on preggie ladies.

@Cnicole – u have any idea what time will the Nurturing Talk starts on 27 Nov coz my fren will like to join…can’t find the detail in KKH...can public join in the talk?

@clio – gargle with salt water and drink more water! Avoid heaty food.

@joodz – tks for the update and will go down this sat…just scare not much stock left

Lunch time and post later if free! Happy lunchie!

Mrs Ong, hmm my bb size is my gyna told me. He said my bb head is small look like 24weeks but i'm now 25weeks. Then my bb leg is long look like 26weeks.

I think ur gynae dont want to stress n make u worries too much that why didn't told u much about bb. Sometime no news mean is good news. Dont worry i'm sure everything is fine or else ur gynae wont kept quiet. And the placenta heard will go up also. So dont worry too much =)

My gyna sometime is gd n bad. Haha dont know how to describe him. Haha sometime he said something i will be shock or scared.

Eg Yester my scan, my bb leg at my V part n head at my belly button. I asked my doc whether for my placenta can i go as normal delivery? He said cant must C-sect.

I felt very shock. I said HUH!! My gynae said my bb position cannot go by natural birth must C-sect. Haiz!!! =_="""""

Mrs Ong: heavy feeling also have..

the hard tummy will feel like a rock..

but no pain ar.. only feel uncomfortable..

it come n go a few times a day..

Unicorn: Is yesterday and today ah, the Robinsons Sale? Somehow I thought it was today and tomm, so I was planning to go tomm .... now must go today?? I don't have the brochure with me at the moment ...

@wish_child - r u hving low placenta too and why ur gynae insisted must c-sec?? My gynae said it may shift up at later stage so ask me not to worry but i think most likely won't go up leh...sobs

@fiona87 - will try to monitor if i experience hard tummy coz so far just feel tummy not comfortable at certain time.

