(2011/02) Feb 2011

@Val: Haha.. Your bb really very active - maybe it's bcoz you had too much Mac.. Haha.. At least he went with you today so if future visits he can't make it still can be forgiven lah.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


pinksorbet.. of coz i remember u lah.... heee...

congrats... wens edd.. cannot remember urs 1st girl or boy.. many march mummies also popping soon hor [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] hows everything...

yes, after 36 weeks.. u have to be more careful as baby can decide anytime to come into the world.. i had a range of early by 1 week.. to be on the dot as EDD.. so ard there mah? unless got some issues of coz...

anyway hope my baby wont be very big lah.. like the bro 4.14 ok liao... my babis keep getting bigger by the number leh...

1. 3.060kg

2. 3.075kg

3. 3.845kg

4. 4.14kg - just becoz he's the fourth baby.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Darlest: How long have you been down with flu? Did you went to see a doctor? Take care ah..

@preciousbabi: Hahhaha! Or maybe cos I had coffee in the morning and no breakfast. Too hungry that's why keep moving trying to throw tantrum. Lol~ But I scared next time when he comes out he also exhibist leh. Anyhow show people his erm, pte part. Lol~ I'm hoping he can accompany me throughout leh. Cos the next few visits my gynae will be telling me about the umbilical cord, delivery process, epidural all those. I want him to know also leh. But when I told him I want to do the 3d scan he said save up. Hmm.. If next visit he didn't go with me then I'll go and do the 3d scan. Hahahaha! Come back then show him. =p

pootz - u got your CL from confinement agency? I tried calling one of the more reputable ones but their CLs all taken up for CNY liao.. dun dare to try other agencies cos not sure if they are reliable.. u got any recommendations?

pinkyval - How did ur doctor assess that ur baby will come out at 36 wks? the detailed scan can predict EDD??

afternoon ladies!

just come back from gynae there..

raining very heavy..

morning went for my detail scan..

everything is fine and baby is very active..

confirm is a boy.. hehe..

@kinderbueno: Hmm.. Don't know leh. My edd is 6 Feb. Plus minus though. Maybe what she meant was 36 weeks can come out if baby wants to and let me be prepared bah. I also didn't ask in detail. Cos my next few visits she'll start telling me things that I should know.

@kinderbueno - Mine is recommended by a friend, I've not resorted to agencies yet. Ask around for numbers, there are really a lot. But recommendations can still fail.. so have to manage your expectations. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] If your friends' CLs are already booked, ask them for referrals, they sure have one. Today, a CL just called me from Msia as another friend's CL passed her my number. But too bad I had already booked one [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

just now dr ang actually wanted to do the 3d photo.. but baby dun give face.. during the scan, baby abit notti cuz when scanning the hand.. he put his hand behind the head n when scanning the leg he will cross the leg.. can't measure the length of his height also..

Ida - my edd is 19feb...#1 is a notti boy. hahaha....so hope #2 is a gal but nvm la, if boy also ok cos can accompany the brother to play boy stuffs.

i'm opposite from u, my #1 is so small when he was out, onli 2.4kg+! Even though small, i had to use my might to push, and cos i'm v skinny, so alot of strength is needed. Not too sure if i can tis time round if my bb is bigger. Cannot also must can...hahaha...hope to go through natural this time round too.

dear mummies, I'm doing a Bp on Sophie the giraffe , baby first toy. It's a natural rubber teether made in France. If anyone is interested to order for mummies in this thread, special discount can be given to u all ya. Cos all is ready stock. Pls pm me ya. Tks.

@pinkval - tks for updating us and so nice to hear that ur bb is healthy and active [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@eviangal - sorry not buying the undershirt coz lately spending alot ;p

i just signed up KKH anatenal programme coz TMC conducted by Mrs Wong's classes are full (i think selective wkdays still available but i wan wkend). Have picked KKH partly is cheaper ($180 for wkend rate and a total 9 classes) and nearer to my place.

Going for my facial now...c u mummies on monday and have a great wkend ahead yo [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Val: Well, if he is really busy with work then can be excused lah though preferably he can have it planned in advance since now already know when is the next appt.. Talk to him lah.. Say bb told you he want to see Daddy at every visit.. Keke..

@Fiona: Congrats!! Your bb also so mischievous.. Haha.. Can’t wait to see mine..

erm.. just to add on.. my baby now is weighing 370g

and i am in my 21 weeks le..

my weight now is 53.8kg..

i have gain 8kg already!!.. so scary..

pinkyval - my edd just a day before u! ohh. so my baby could turn out to be an early jan baby instead..

pootz - yup.. i still hv a few numbers of CL which are recommended by friends of friends.. but still in two minds abt whether to call them... like u said, recommendations can still fail and i wld prefer to rely on those from pple that i know... read some forum postings on CL horror stories and i was really freaked out, esp by those of CL who dun take care of baby well.. i can tahan if they dun take care of me, but baby so fragile.. cannot bear it if he gets bullied!

@preciousbabi: I always let him know the moment I made my next appointment and I know he's very bad in remembering dates so I'll always remind him when the date gets nearer. But he always say see how. *sigh*

I asked him to talk to baby last night. If not next time baby can't recognise his voice since newborn baby can't see anything, can only hear. Then he asked me did I talk to baby about him. I said yes, but I never tell him I talk bad about him when he bullies me. Wahahahaha~

@fiona: Don't worry, I also gain around 8kg and I'm only in my 20w5d! My baby is only 351g. Lol~

@kinderbueno: Won't be early Jan bah. Maybe late Jan or what. But I want after CNY~ Lol~

@fiona: Oh, and to add on, I didn't consume the things that my gynae said will add on to lots of calories which is milk, mooncake, ice cream, soft drinks, fried rice, fried mee all those. Wonder where did all these fats comes from. Lol~


Ice-cream is one of my cravings ..

I have no idea on how much weight I've put on ..

Got to leave office soon coz too many ppl crowding around for F1 ..

Enjoy your weekend !!

during pregancy you should take milk because it gives you calcium for baby bone growth, but you cannot take milk if you put too much weight... so funny.

@fiona & unicorn: Hahahah! She said once in a while is ok. Lol~

@OFB: She said milk consists of lots of fats, that's why she gave calcium pill. But for those who has problem absorbing food and nutrients like those that always vomit she'll encourage them to take milk. But not for me cos she said I'm absorbing very well. Lol~ I think too well till I put on so much weight!

Anyway yesterday after work I took a train from Yishun to Orchard to meet up with my hubby. It was the first time I took a train since I got pregnant. The train was so packed and nobody gave up the seat to me lor. Not that I really "gian" a seat but at least now I know clearly how those people that really need a seat feel. *sigh* Singaporeans.. Sad to say.. I think some are still not courtesy enough.

Pre-natal classes:

Looks like Mdm Wong is really popular.. Think I'll just go with Mt A. Read that pre-natal classes are to be taken from 24 weeks.. will go find out more.

Drinking milk:

Think if we drink the low fat type, it should be ok. I used to drink the full cream Meiji milk but now drinking the low fat version.. hehe..

Weight gain:

My colleague said my face is rounder! Jialart.. Based on my gynae's weighing scale, I've gained abt 3kg, but based on my home's scale, I've gained 4kg ha!


My family has asked me to boil "dang sen" with wolfberries and red dates. They said will make mummies face glow wor hah!

Seats on mrt:

Yes, many (ranging from students to the young an middle age pp!) will just close one if not two eyes! I think these pp will only "learn" when they themselves or their partners get pregnant.

Hi Mummies,

I have the following items for sale OR exchange.

1. BNIB Little Giant Milk Bags. Made in Korea. Good Quality. 1 packet for $10, 2packets for $6 each

2. BNIB Carters Rompers for baby boy. 6-9mths. 5pcs in a pack. $22

3. Thomson Medical Black/ Blue Sling/ Shoulder Diaper Bag $4

4. Maxi-Cosi Cabrio Fix Car Seat – Under Warranty! $198

5. Sterilising Tablets about 30pills - $4

6. Arm’s Reach Co-Sleeper - $69

7. Naforye Air-Flow Baby Carrier - Blue Colour, Good Condition 9/10 $29

8. Quinny Zapp Baby Stroller – Wave colour! Almost brand New! Condition 9.5/10! $308

9. Quinny Zapp Original Stroller Basket – Good Condition! 9.5/10! $35

10% discount or free Diaper bag if you buy more than 2 items!! Can throw in Free glass bottles!! Free sterilizing tablets!

Can Exchange for brand New MammyPoko/Fitti/Pampers L Size Diapers

Collection near Parkway Parade, Raffles Place or Bt Batok! Or via Postage

Please PM me if keen. Thanks!

Hello fellow MTB

hi choc, can add me into the list please

Name: Joan

EDD: 26/2/2011

Gynae: Dr Lawrence Ang

Gender:TBC on 4 Oct.. hope so

Baby #1


Sorry to disturb, I have already delivered and looking to clear some brand-new and preloved baby and maternity items. Please refer to this link http://picasaweb.google.com/116194716505027587843/ItemsForSale?authkey=Gv1sRgCOf1kYbm-8Ta1gE#

for related pics and descriptions. Items include BN Avent Light Moisturizing oil @ $15, My brest friend nursing pillow, and Dale abdominal binder.

If keen, please PM or email me at [email protected] Thanks!

SOLD items will be deleted in the album, so it won’t be confusing.

PS: just to add, for every purchase for $15 and above, you get 5pcs of Drypers S for free. so for $30, u get 10pcs and so on. while stocks last!

Hi Joan, are you going down to dr ang on 4-Oct too? Our appt is on that day too late afternoon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

We are going to do a walk in on 2-Oct to TMC for the detailed scan. Was originally booked on the weekday but I'm on reservist so could only make it on a Sat, called up 3 weeks before already fully booked so no choice do a walk in.. Anyone experience walk in on a Saturday? I heard waiting time is horrible for walk in. We are mentally prepared for 3 hrs waiting time which I was advised. Maybe can burn some time having breakfast at the coffeeshop and visit the parentcraft dept. I got my 3 hrs itinerary haha.

Here my weeks 20 tummy pix as promised...


Going for my detailed scan on coming this fri which would be on wks 20 n 5days. Excited cum worried and praying hard my bb is a healthy one!

Mrs Ong, nice pic. My tummy look bigger than urs. Hmm u shld be a slim lady ba. Don't worry ur bb will be healthy. Gd luck for ur detail scan. Can't wait for my scan too. =)

Hi pinkyval

I am with Doc Tham from Glen Eagles.

He usually arrange mum to be to NUH for detail scan , My sis pregnancy also was referred there, my gynea say its more detail check there leh..

You pay extra for the 3d scan? i think i will top up to see 3d scan if it's not that expensive =X

Hi Ladies

Anyone looking for a good second-hand stroller?

I have a Capella S228 (black and orangey red) for sale at $150. Suitable for newborn. It is a four-wheel drive stroller and the handles are reversible. It comes with full-canopy and a three-point harness. I bought it about 6 months ago at Robinsons (retail price was about $200). It is used occasionally as I also have another Combi stroller (a hand-me-down) from my colleague. I'm letting the Capella go because I have just bought a twin stroller (expecting another bb). Please email me at [email protected] if you are interested. Thank you [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Ang

Got a few questions answered, guess most of you will have the same questions as me.

TMC don't allow photoshooting or videoshooting of the delivery process. But you can take it after it is delivers. means no shooting of baby coming out of the vaginal scene.

Dad cannot stay in with mom / baby if in 2 or 4 bedroom. Only 1 bedroom type allowed and Daddy need to pay $75. Otherwise, visiting hours till 8pm.

No more free upgrades from 4 bedroom to 2 bedroom anymore. (try harder! haha)

Estimated bill size for 1 bedroom is $4500 before medishield claim.

Only 1 companion is allowed inside the delivery ward, others have to wait outside.

Hope it helps!

Mamas & Papas brand (from UK) baby cot & changing table (both cream color)

Used only for 2 years and is in very good condition

Cot has 3 levels and is good for newborn till 3 years old.

Come with mattress and bed sheets.

Bought at $1500 now selling $450!

Please conatact me at 97970047 for viewing or photos. Sorry, i hv problem to upload the photos here.

Hi OFB: I did walk-in at TMC for both my OSCAR and detailed scan. Both times ended up waiting for only a short while; it's just that you have to be there VERY early. I was there by 8.15 am both times. Can go in and sit..birng jacket coz aircon really cold when there's so few pple there. You doing it at the Level 4 scan place? Come out of the lift and turn left?

Anyway, both times I got my scan done by 9am latest, then for detailed scan I just had to wait another 10 mins to get the report and I was out of the place by 9.15 am latest. So if you're going to the same place, I think you don't have to worry about such a long wait, so long as you're there early.

Mrs Ong: Your bump is so small!! Lucky u!! Still looking so slim [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mine is at least twice that size and I'm feeling like a beach ball all the time :p

Pinkyval: Same.. I put on 8 kg too.. Shot up an additional 5kg in a single month!!! Reason could be the milk, fried noodles, fried bee hoon and nasi lemak i took every morning... But I need a heavy breakfast lei... If not I cant last till lunch.. Sigh...

Mrs Ong: No worries. =) Btw, you do look very slim lei... I look sooo... big.. Even worse than B1... I hope I can shed them all away after delivery....

OFB: I had filming of the delivery process before and during delivery lei.. This priviledge is no longer available?

No more free upgrades? My friend who delivered a few months ago at TMC got the free upgrade though.. Not sure isit becos she is Dr Ang's patient.

Good morning ladies,

I am in my week 21 now, but so far i only gain ard 3kg, is it too little? I do eat considerably, snack when feeling like. I am a bit worried that I am not eating enough but my tummy is growing though....

Good morning, mummies

Wah, so many days didn't log in here, but i've been supporting by reading all the posts silently, hehe.

Here's a little update from myself [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Just had my 20weeks scan on last Saturday. Thank God, everything is fine. Gynae said baby is growing well, she is weighed about 320g and 17.X cm and my detailed scan is scheduled on this coming 6 Oct 2011 (22 weeks), about 1 weeks plus from now. Yes, feel so excited but at the same time, feeling worried too. Hope everything turns out well. Praying hard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

My gynae also commented on my weight gaining. I gained 3 kg within a month. Hm... he said once in a while it's ok, but try to cut down my carbo intake and increase the protein and vitamin. But i need to eat alot of rice to make myself fulled... Now heeding my gynae's advice. My hubby also helps me to monitor my carbo intake [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

And, and, one great movement for my milestone as i reached 20 weeks was... i seemed like finally feel baby movement. I am not very sure what the feeling is, it's like something bounching inside... Normally happens in the morning most (when i wake up) and sometimes in the afternoon and evening and it only happens when i sit or lie still. I told my hubby and my mum, they said it could be baby kicking. Hm... i do hope it's baby movement, but i am not very sure yet, hehe..

Mrs Ong,

You look so slim... And all the best to your coming detailed scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Me too, need heavy breakfast and dinner else feels like can't tahan, but now trying to cut down my carbo intake, hope i can do it [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Did your gynae comment anything about your weight? I think the most important is baby growing well. My gynae's nurse told me that there are some people who gain very little weight for the whole pregnancy, but their babies is fine.

Morning mummies~

@Joanne: I didn't pay for the 1 scan that she showed me on Friday. But if doing a full 3D scan it'll be $150 which includes a CD. I thought of doing it though. Hehehe..

@evian: Haha! Mine is like an average of 2kg every month. *sigh* I eat prawn noodles/wan ton noodles every morning. Then if I'm still hungry before lunch I'll eat bread/biscuits. But still gain a lot leh. Z.

@pyng: Woah, you still so slim! I find my tummy very big leh. Forgot to remind my hubby to take photo of my tummy yesterday. Hmm...

@neongoby: Did your gynae say anything? I think so long as your baby is absorbing the nutrients it should be ok. At least you will have a easy time losing the weight after birth! =D

Neonby: Its ok to gain little. Actually weight gain depends on how much our BMI allows. Mine is average. So allowable weight gain is 400g per week. I am still on trakc. But cannot afford another 5kg shot manz..

Pinkyval: Average of 2kg per month is normal. Thats my average weight gain with B1.. Actually, besides a heavy breakfast, the rest of my meals are normal lei...

Anyway, I think if we bf can exhaust all this weight gain eventually. I gained 16kg with B1 and not only did I shed all 16kg, I think I went down by about 18kg to 20kg overall..

Jolin: Ya lorz.. Same here.. Think I need to think of healthier breakfast alternatives.. Porridge maybe.. keke..

Mrs Ong... u look very slim leh!!! aiyoo...

eviangal... i also gained alot of weight... from those junk food and heavier meals... but cannot cut down leh...maybe try to snack healthly...

leg cramps...have u ladies started to have leg cramp? Just had the attack on sat, 5am on left leg, 10am on right leg...now still very sore from the cramp..sob [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

@eviangal: Actually my meals also like normal 3 meals a day. Then in between only eat a few biscuits or a piece of bread. Now I also hardly eat supper. But still, don't know the weight gained is from where.

Anyway last Saturday I was out with my hubby and he went MacDonald to buy strawberry milkshake. But the person that fixed it heard strawberry sundae. So end up I got a free sundae! Hahahha! My hubby said our boy is a lucky boy. Haha! But I didn't finish up the sundae cos it was too creamy and the strawberry tastes weird. Hmm.. Quite a wastage but at least I ate a bit. If I don't take they also going to throw. Heee...

eviangal mummy - please lorr.. u are so slim when i saw u .. so i m sure u can shed like u did with B1 -unlike me... i m big even though not preggie...


my legs cramped up in the middle of the night abt 2 weeks ago. Tink cos I stood for too long during the day!

For 1st preg, had it quite often in the 3rd trimester. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

su... the after-effects very bad leh!! i still feel the muscle pain now! hahaaaa

yeah i remember for my first pregnancy near to 3rd trim it happen frequently...hais....

Yeah..most of us are halfway thru the pregnancy lor!! me counting down...18 more weeks to go!

Princess 31

You went on a Saturday?


The lady i met up at TMC told me one le ... I also don't know. But she did say last time free upgrade got, but now don't have.


I think yr weight gain might be too little leh.

I gained 4.5kg so far and according to online pregnancy weight calculators, I am already gaining too little. But my doctor is not worried at all, since the weight of the baby is right on track.

Hi mums,

Just did my detailed scan on Sat ..

My bb is now weighing 402gm at 20 weeks ..

I guess she is absorbing well and so far, I only put on 4.5kg despite no MS in 1st tri ..

And she has long limbs .. hee hee ..

She was sleeping when I was doing the scan and she even yawned when daddy came in to see ..

My placenta is slightly low but the gynae said that it is normal and it will go back to the right position by end of 2nd tri ..

Mrs Ong:

U look very slim ..

My tummy is almost double the size of yours ..


My appointment was 11am but I only got to do the scan at 12.15pm ..

We actually came early but also no use ..

So I think if you want to do a walk-in on Sat, u better be the first few customers ..


Thanks mummies for the compliment but I am an average size lady. Just that the angle or pose made me look slim lol. In fact my hubby commented, “wow ur tummy got so big meh”. Frankly, I just want to show u mummies and to see more mummies tummy pix to see if my tummy was considered small (usually lst bb tummy is small so dun compare mine if yours bb is no. 2) I dun mind its small but my bb must be healthy and growing well so scare all the food nutrients go to me and not my bb.

@wish_child & Jolin – tks! Not to worry, your scan will be a healthy one for sure!

@fiona87 – not slim just right size and bear in mind that u mother of 2!

@princess31- sooner mine going to be like urs!

@eviangal & chocger – u r mother of 2 so dun compare mine. I believe can shed if bf couple with right diet and exercise! No leg cramp so far…

@pinkval – haha ok lah…will be big soon!

@unicorn – tks and glad ur detailed scan went well! 4.5kg is a healthy gain as u have no MS. How to know if bb absorbing the food nutrients?

