(2011/02) Feb 2011

@unicorn: Woah, so good! Only gain 4.5kg and your baby is heavier than mine!

@pyng: Mine also 1st baby leh, but tummy like so big.


@Mrs Ong: My tummy is double or triple the size of yours lor.. I have taken the pic with my iPhone last night but haven’t sync.. Will do it tonight or tomorrow morning.. My scanning is on this Thursday.. Good luck to us all who haven’t had the detailed scan!! Keke.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

i had quaker oats cereals add with Milo 3-in-1 for breakfast at home. Around 10 plus in the office, i will take 2 slices of bread. then lunch. ard 3 plus will eat an apple (sometimes i eat the apple b4 lunch), then will wait till dinner ard 730pm.... for lunch, i try to eat fried fish bee hoon, sometimes craving for roast pork rice, or even chicken curry noodle... not much variety though ;p dinner i tend to da bao back cos lazy to cook after coming back to work.... never starve myself leh, still like that.

tmr when i go see my gynae, i will ask him if i need to eat more, sigh... but i don't want to eat junk food to increase my weight, that's not right too.

Unicorn - your BB so cute, can see she is yawning...

actually for the past week, i can feel my BB moving every day, during different times of the day too. i think i should start to monitor when she moves, as i m typing now, she just moved a bit in my tummy. Every night without fail b4 i go to sleep, she will do a few kicks, maybe trying to say good nite. hahaha


erm.. think i am in 21 weeks n 4 days ba..

OFB: Yup, both times I went to TMC scan place at lvl 4 on a Saturday, and both times no trouble whatsoever. Just got to get there by 8.15 am. Works out good for me coz my Gynae is also on lvl 4 so straightaway I can see her after the detailed scan. She only works half-day on Sat. I think if you're going on a weekday as walk-in, maybe don't even have to go so early [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Neongoby: Your eating pattern and weight gain is pretty similar to mine. At the last weigh-in with gynae (about 2 weeks ago), I hadn't gained anything at all since becoming pregnant. In fact, was 400g below pre-pregnancy weight. But I've had good appetite the last week and my home weighing scale shows I'm at least 1-2 kg over my pre-pregnancy weight now!

Nowadays I can't take big meals; rather, I graze constantly throughout the day on fruits and have a small bowl of noodle/rice for lunch and dinner. Sometimes I skip lunch if I had a heavy breakfast. Breakfast is usually a cup of milk and 2 slices of bread with jam. I have 2 fruit snack breaks - mid morning and mid afternoon - when I'm in the office.

Actually, I feel like my appetite is smaller than pre-pregnancy. But so far, baby's development and size is normal so I'm not too worried [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Oh! I've been feeling bb's movements everyday, on and off. Usually mid-afternoon and then at night as I'm trying to sleep. I won't say it's kicks, but more like churning or rolling or sometimes bubbly movement. It's so fun!

My hub has been trying to feel the movement by putting his hand on my tummy when there's movement, but so far, no luck...until last night [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] We were sitting on the couch watching the F1 race and bb got quite excited and gave a huge thump which my hub felt! That was probably the strongest movement so far and my hub was lucky to have felt it! Usually, he gets impatient after 2 minutes, haha .... so that was quite special for us yesterday evening [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Of course, after that bb decided to settle down so no more thumps!

wah seems like all of u eating quite little.. or am i eating a lot?

my diet consist of:

breakfast - 2 slices of bread with spreads

lunch - lots of rice.. recently been craving for rice rice rice.. have been eating economical rice for the past 5 days already, still dont feel sian.

between lunch and dinner i will constantly snack on biscuits.. if not my stomach will growl non stop..

dinner - a full dish(eg rice with 3 sides) plus another side(eg a bowl of lotus roots soup or salad) and then two servings of fruits

between dinner and bed time - junk food(so bad i know..)

i feel as if i am eating the whole day. my weight gain is 5kg by far.

joodzjoodz & pinkyval: I think so long as you are eating healthy stuff (and not-so-healthy stuff in moderation!) then it really doesn't matter how much or how little you eat at this stage. Plus we are all faithfully taking our supplements so should be fine :p I read somewhere that all the good stuff from our food intake will go to bb first, then to mum, so no need to worry that bb's not getting enough ... and again, no matter how little or how much weight u gain, I think it's not impt ...it's all part of being pregnant [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val: i also gain 8kg..

my tummy so big.. dun depress..

as long as bb is healthy..

the weight after give birth den exercise back to shape..

my 1st pregnancy i gain around 15kg..

but after that i took 4 months to get rid of the 15kg + 2kg.. so total i slim down 17kg..

i take care of my baby myself full-time..

@princess31: So that means if I'm taking not-so-food stuff the intake will also go to baby first? Lol~

@fiona: But when I look at my arm, *sigh* I feel like cutting off the meat! Or rather fats! If I don't close up my arms still ok, the moment I close my arms I can't stand it!! I think I have to walk like a sumo, with the arm away from the body. What exercise did you do?

Hi mummies! Hope everyone's feeling great.

re: weight gain

Have put on 3kg within a month, total weight gain 5kg. I think now we will all start to gain alot of weight soon as bb developing real fast.

Mrs ong, wow you are really slim!

fiona, my bulge v similar to yours. I'm ard 52kg now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] 1st pg i put on 22kg and lose all within 6mths thru exercise [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

princess31, same like you, my appetite is smaller than pre-preg. If i take full meal, my tummy will be v bloated and uncomfortable, feeling is like stomach and baby cramping within my body. So I can only take small meals.

val, you have gained 8kg so far izzit? Tat's not really alot coz i gained 12kg in 1st pg when i'm 5mths+. There are alot of ways to lose weight after birth. Dun worry so much and just eat as per normal. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Val: i never do much exercise lei..

i do all the housework, take care of baby my own..

erm.. everytime baby cry i will run to the room..

n breastfeeding also help..

charmaine: I'm now 53.8kg.. heavier dan u.. haha..

my hubby da sao say i fat liao..

but i dun care her ar.. cuz she is fatter..

i very bad when i say her fat.. but she is the one who say me first..

fiona, only 1kg diff so we shd be ard same built [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]. Maybe next time when yr da sao comment again that you fat, you tell her that she's even fatter even when she's not pregnant hehehe.. I also won't feel happy if pple kept commenting that i put on weight but in the 1st place, being pregnant of coz will put on weight.

Mummies having 2nd pregnancies, do you find that your tummy looks at least 2mths bigger than wat you are now? I'm 21weeks now but i look like 7mths from 1st pg!

charmaine: haha.. she now trying to get pregnant..

she waited for 8 yrs to have one gal.. now trying for the 2nd one..

now my tummy look like around 6 or 7 month for my first pregnancy..

fiona, ah you won le coz you pregnant now [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Wish her luck and hope she'll also tio. Ya, my tummy also looks like 6-7mths.. Wonder how it will look like or grows to when i'm 8/9mths [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


53.8kg is still lighter than me lor. Lol. I am almost 78kg!! Thankfully, my hubby says he likes my curves hahaha. He reassures me everytime I look in the mirror and sigh, that I am still his beautiful wife. Phew. Nice tummy shot though! =D

U are still slim lah. Ur hubby say you fat, then u remind him that the baby is growing inside you.

And ya la.... now weight gain is inevitable. =) After pregnancy, we can lose weight.

BTW been MIA-ing coz the hubby is back from Australia for a week but he will be returning there for work again this coming Saturday =p

@charmaine: But my arm is so flabby.. Then sometimes my bil will laugh at my arm and ask me to wave bye bye. Though I know he's joking but if he keeps repeat it I'll find it very irritating. Argh!

Mrs Ong- You are so slim!!! =D

Pinkyval- Hugs hugs. My arms are not small either. They used to be. T.T

charmaine: ya.. dun knoe how when we reach 8/9 mths.. haha

Geri: my hubby da sao say de.. not my hubby.. hee..

ur hubby so sweet..


yup, 2 months bigger... from the 2nd month onwards... took a photo recently, really looks like 6-7 months... upload if i can get a chance...


Why his da sao so one kind de?!?!?! Wah lauz. Talk about insensitive and low EQ. She reminds me of my mum. =pp

My hubby is empathetic I guess. When he was younger, he was considered morbid obese in NS. He wasn't fat when he was a kid lah but teenage years, angst, then chebabom- weight gain took place. But he lost all his weight during BMT and has always remained the same size since. He went from 100++ kg to 70+kg which is gd for his height (abt 1.7m). So he understands how I feel about putting on weight and looking eeyer in front of the mirror. ROFL. He is very disciplined with his diet though- he doesn't drink things with sugar and he doesnt eat very much pure carbs (rice, noodles, potato, etc).


Ok not flaming birds nest ah... Came across this on birds nest preparation and info on birds nest etc on someone's blog. Think some of u might find it helpful.


@fiona87 – your tummy look nice to me and just right since it’s ur 2nd pregnancy! Ya if u put in effort sure will get back to pre-pregnancy wt [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@pinkval – most important is eat what you desire but always aim for healthy food. I will eat for food that I craved even it’s unhealthy but cannot every day maybe twice a week and moderation is the key! I consider pretty lucky as my bb dun crave much except on my lst tri whereby my bb kept on craving for very unhealthy stuff and If I dun eat, I will feel extremely uncomfortable. Now bb very guai, dun crave during 2nd tri but not sure 3rd tri will crave anot haha

@charmaine – tks and did you try ebolin? Same here, I cannot eat too full if not I will feel bloated and uncomfortable that why so far I din go for my hi tea. I love hi tea food as I am sucker for those mini kueh kueh, pastries, cake and savory stuff. Thought can go for my hi-tea during my 2nd tri, still can’t coz if I stuffed full, sure jialat! I heard that 2nd pregnancy tummy will be 2mths bigger ...so not to worry much as long as your gyna said ur bb is growing well. Ya wt gain can be done at the later stage.

@Geri – tks but I really not that slim, just look slim haha!

Finally got my CL and though she not my preferred list (recommended by my SIL’s CL) at least I got one coz now really hard to source. Best part she charged me only $2.2k which consider cheap for CNY. My hubby said maybe she crippled or eyesight not good that why cheap…touchwood lah. But no choice coz now if I dun cfm her, hv to source again or get one from agency. Those who hire CL, did you view her lst before cfm?

trinket, charmaine, Fiona-

When I had Kae, my belly was very high and big. I used to use it as my bookrest hahaha.

I tried some of the maternity outfits my friend gave me but because I am bigger than she is, I cannot fit into some of them. Anyone wants the tops? =) They are pretty much pre-loved, but if you aren't particular, it's in pretty ok condition.

Also, I cannot recall who le (sighs my memory ah), but I remember offering to loan Avent manual breastpump. I have 5 (one is from my prev preg, four from my friend), so I can spare to loan out one if anyone needs to get one, but is a little cash strapped. Hope it can at least help someone out.


I miss going for Kushinbo buffets with the hubby. He is willing to take me to eat buffet, but first tri then I couldn't eat much. Not sure about now, but rather wait til after I deliver so I can pig out on my very much missed Sashimi. =)

Geri: haha.. she is like that one..

always anyhow talk one.. never think of other ppl feeling..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Mrs Ong: hee.. thanks.. ur CL is cheap for CNY period.. good..


Ah well... live and let leave I guess? =) But dun worry abt weight gain at the moment. Just eat healthy and eat well, and stay happy. =D

@ Mrs Ong: your bump is so nice and you are slim! Mine is twice your size..if i remember, i will take a pic and upload too for fun..hahaha!

CL: yes, i did arrange a meet-up with my CL and also to pass her deposit which was $300.

@ Geri: Thanks so much for the offer! I am very interested in your pre-loved tops and manual breastpump. looking to save as much as possible as many expenses are coming up.

Btw mummies, don't know if you all still remember Mamaying. Seems like she has not been here for a very very long time...

Gregda- PM me ur contact info? =) We can arrange to meet up next week or so? Not a lot of pre-loved tops, maybe 2 or 3? But the pump should come in handy. =)

Pinkyval- Have u tried PMing her?


- Found this website where this lady hand makes beanie pillows to sell.

We made our own for Kae last time... it took a lot of time and effort hahaha. Not sure who we passed all his beanie pillows and bolsters to though. Hmmm. Got to go ask around le. Lol.

Nothing like beanie pillows imho. Even the angmors copy us and make flax seed pillows these days. =)

@ Geri: Sure, I have PM you. Many many thanks! no problem, 2-3 is really enough.. Appreciate much!

I am looking to buy beanie pillows too. Previously mentioned that someone was also collating orders for it. Thanks


Guess just have to wait for her to come online le. Am sure she is okay and just keep her in prayer? ^.^" I MIA-ed for a long time from forum to at one point becoz I was preoccupied with stuff at home etc.


No prob. =) Oh. I didn't see the post on collating orders for beanie. I saw some at Kiddy Palace and will see if my Mum wants to make some more for this baby hahaha. She helped out with the beanies for #1. =)

typo error charmaine - wt gain should be wt loss can be done at later stage

@gregda - u making me blush and as mentioned i not that slim lol..Ya so glad have secure the CL, my CL can't meet me as she doing most her confinment at malaysia.

@Geri - u very generous and so good to have u in this thread as to intro us good stuff and tips!

Raining now...hopefully will stop after 530pm.

Mrs Ong,

I didn't meet my CL from first pregnancy cos she came so super highly recommended from a friend. And she was good la. I paid her deposit through IB.

For my CL from second preg, I met her to pass her the deposit. not really to 'interview'. Cos also came recommended from someone who extended her for a second month, so I thought that meant something. And I checked with the employer, and also chatted with CL on the phone before confirming her. Only then did we meet.

Mrs Ong-

My pleasure. =) Ya. Hope the rain stops soon. =p Itz been raining for quite a while now.

I bought two beansprout pillows for my #1 but she didn't really like it... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] guess it depends on individual babies.

Even now she doesn't sleep with bolster/lovey/pacifier/blanket. but i think it's really sweet when grandmas make it as a token of love etc...


Maybe #2 will like it? Lol. We used to put it on Kae's belly when he was asleep so that he would feel secure.

He never had a pacifier (refused adamantly despite my mum's constantly shoving it in his mouth), never had a "cao cao" (fav diehard pillow/bolster/blankie). He does use a normal bolster nowadays though... which I dun mind coz it helps relief stress to pelvic muscles. =) But don't have won't die. He doesn't have a bolster when he sleeps over at my parents'.

It makes it easier lah... my friend's kid will raise the roof if she doesnt have her "cao cao". =p

yah, sometimes easier sometimes harder. Cos I'm her comfort item. She insists on holding the inner crease of my elbow when she's sleepy!

what a rainy rainy afternoon.... waiting to knock off in 75 mins time... finally a lull at work.


Hahaha. True, true. Kae used to hold on to my nipples and boobs too when he was a baby. I then had to slowly back off, but if I roused him by accident, he would grab tighter too. Lol.

But we can't lose our nipples and boobs. When people lose their kids cao cao, they can prepare for nights of tearful protests.

My regular sleep pillow is a tempur (valentine's day present from hubby) and I hug a bolster to sleep. So far, it works for me. =)

Tempur has pretty good products imho and I got both my hubby and my Dad Tempur pillows so they can sleep well. Both of them love their pillows and won't be going back to regular pillows.

I realise that sleeping on Tempur, I hardly ever get stiff neck etc. My quality of sleep went up.

Kae doesn't like Tempur though. Little dude loves regular pillows from Ikea. =p We wanted to save up and get him one.

Here is a Tempur bed wedge that you might find very comfy and helpful-



my trusty bolster saw me thru the last pregnancy so think I'll just use the same. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

how r u these days?



I agree. Bolster is good enough. Lol. A lot of the body pillows out there are very similar in concept to bolsters. Just angmor-fied. =)

But, having said that, after the birds nest misunderstanding, I am trying to be more sensitive to other people's preference hahaha so listed these 2 supposedly good wedges.

To be fair the wedges when slipped under the belly, supposedly relieves back discomfort. Bolster is to bring relief to the pelvis. =)

