(2011/02) Feb 2011

I too went through an emotional upheaval recently and have decided to stop wallowing in sorrow and decided to move on for the sake of baby. This time we tend to get emotional easily too so we got to be strong. Else it will affect our pregnancy.


Are you all feeling any movements of the baby?

I read in babycentre that we should be feeling the flutterings now since it's been 4 months but I have already passed 4 months and yet no feeling. So getting a bit worried....

hi mummies..sometimes guys are just so insensitive.. if u are really sad n angry, just let it out and cry in the toilet or watever. you will better after tat n wun feel so bad..

Good Morning Mummies!

Had a good weekend? [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] The weather was lovely and somehow it was a rare weekend where I didn't have much chores to catch up on, so it was a really relaxing one for me [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Felpoo: Don't worry about weight gain at the moment. I haven't gained anything yet since pre-pregnancy, because I lost 3 kg in first tri so am only now just beginning to gain back that weight. My gynae is confident I'll be heavier than pre-pregnancy by 20-week scan though :/ Enjoy the fact that you can still fit in your normal clothes!! Actually, although I haven't put on weight yet, my clothes, esp office wear, are already feeling tight... anyway, if it helps, u can go see your gynae (you're gg today?) to alleviate your fears ... nothing like a good ole scan to see bb's doing nicely [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Valerie & Fiona: I hope both of you are feeling better now. A brand a new week [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Mamibel gave some really good advice and I completely agree that men and women communicate in very different ways. I also kena shouted at by my hub (his temper not the best) on Sunday morning when I woke up and was hungry so I ate some kueh, even though we had a brunch appointment for 11.30 am. So by the time it came to going out, I wasn't feeling so hungry and said so. For unknown reason, my hub got real mad and shouted that I always do this kind of thing, spoil my appetite and ruin a perfectly nice date outing!! Of course I burst into tears >.< Why was I being shouted at? Not my fault that I was hungry after waking up!! Then my hub realise his mistake and came to comfort me and we ended up going out to eat afterall (with me still holding onto my ball of wet tissue coz nose still sniffling) and I had a really wonderful lazy brunch :p I think both sides must give n take lah. Normally, I would continue to sulk and maybe even say I don't want to go anymore (just to spite him), and then at least 3-4 hrs of cold war with my hub. That would've ruined the entire Sunday. My conclusion is that pregnancy makes us more emotional and we just have to try and be more thick-skin, and think happy thoughts for our bb.

cnicole: Congrats on twins! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif])

CLtine: I don't feel any bb movements either. Actually, I'm not even sure what kicking would feel like,but I'm pretty sure I haven't experienced it yet. My gynae told me I won't feel anything till 5-6 months stage. On a different note, my 8-mths pregnant friend says when she lies in bed, and looks at her tummy, she can clearly see movements! Like her tummy is wriggling slightly. So funny!

Here's to a bright new Monday, everyone!

Morning mummies,

Thank you so much for hearing me out and giving me all the advises and comforting words.. I hope you mummies had a wonderful weekend. Mine sucks. Sorry for the language.. I really think he has split personality.. Yesterday was his niece birthday so we had lunch with his family and he could still talk to me, tell me when he went Paragon on Saturday he saw a lot of ang mo mummies using mcclaren stroller. But after lunch, after sending us home, he went out without telling me and only came back in the evening and continued to ignore me. What is this?? I think I'm going bonker soon.

Valerie: *hugs* Don't go bonkers!! No good for bb!! I think it's just your hub's way of coping with pregnancy too, to a certain extent. I believe our hubs get affected by our mood swings, constant complaints from aches/MS, etc ... I guess maybe give him some space, and try and keep yourself occupied with work, or other friends or bb stuff. Then can try talking to him in 1-2days if things don't improve?

Sometimes when we talk to hub re bb stuff, we talk in a rather naggy or negative way. I've caught myself doing it many, many times, eg. I often complain there's so many things to buy for bb and it's so expensive and I fret about the financial burden. Then I will say he's been spending alot on his electronic gadgets recently. Not very good like that, ah! Hub will associate bb stuff with negative emotions and harbour resentment towards bb, even if it's not direct resentment. Maybe try and talk in a more positive way, eg. ask hub to talk to bb or rub your stomach for u, or share on some of bb's development that you read from internet like how bb's hearing and sight is developing. I know it's not easy :/ Hang in there!

@princess31: I didn't even talk to him much about baby stuff. I also don't know what is he so mad on. Cos I kept him waiting on Friday night? Well I did ask him along and he chose not to go. Can't be cos he's hungry then I have to anyhow ask about the policy and rush to buy dinner home for him right? Then might as well I don't meet my agent. *sigh* I'm so sick of going home. Feel so depressed the moment I reach home.

hi morning mummies...

today is not a good day for me..

I just dont understand why we have problems with our hubby after we have babies and children?

I was wondering when we should consider leaving our other half. It seems unfair that we are staying together becos of the children..


talking rubbish again

i have a very serious qtn..

does anyone know whether we can cope with a toddler with no other help when we are heavily preggy?

I am very worried.. that there's nobody to take care of my son when i go deliver..

my son doesnt want his daddy..

i quarrelled with hubby today cos he lost his temper at my son when I asked him to take care of him for awhile..

not even 1 minute...

and my son kept hugging me tightly and asking me to bring him away from his daddy

my hubby does not even dare to take care of him for 15 mins alone..

when I go deliver I will be away for at least 2 days if natural birth and short labour time..

then what will happen to my boy..

i am really very worried..

have been trying to get my hb involve and giving him opportunities to interact with my boy. but he doesnt seem interested..

i asked him if he dont start now then what will happen when i go delivery..

he shouted at me and say 'dao shi hou zai jiang'

I am really very upset by what is happening..

i kept asking myself why did i get pregnant a second time?

I really doubt that I can take care of 2 children by myself..

morning ah_ching...

i tink u are facing something similar to what i am facing now..my son doesnt want his daddy too..always hugging me tightly and asking me to carry...

so far i can cope with carrying him coz if my hb offer to carry, my boy will cry badly and insist on me carrying... so at times no choice but to carry....

i tink our boy/girl are sensing sibling rivarly...hmmm hang on

valerie...sometimes mens are like that... when we wan to get things done..we have to politely ask them to do it...with any other tone, they feel that we are commanding them...some man very MCP one...so no choice...

i learnt..and trying very hard to remind myself constantly that i need to be polite when requesting things..HHAHAHAA

@chco: *sigh* Don't know lah.. I just hate my life. Zzzz...

@Ah Ching: How about your mum? That time when my sil gave birth to her 2nd girl the elder daughter also stayed with her mum cos her hubby gotta work and can't take care of her 24 hours also.

i find that it is so unfair to my son..

and I have to work, take care of my son, do the housework etc.. and he does nothing..

everytime just say he is under a lot of stress

he is striving for his career so that we will have a comfortable life in future..

and he does not come home until after midnight everyday

and he sleeps until late morning sometimes until afternoon...


sorry must vent..

Ah Ching, looks like you have been struggling hard with this for some time. I wish I had some answers for you but it's very hard when hubby is not in the mood to cooperate or help out.

Is there family who can help? Like your MIL or mom?

Valerie, hope your hubby cools down and eventually forgets abt the incident. next time he ask you to buy dinner, and you have appt, just tell him delivery home is at 9pm. Ok or not? if not ok, he better buy for himself. A hungry man is an angry man... but he really shouldn't hold grudges over a simple matter like this for so long. I think there are deeper issues begrudging him and you need to find an opportunity to sound him out... talk to him the way you all talked about everything under the sky when courting. I did it this morning with hubby and it was very refreshing. no condemnation because of differing views. just getting to understand how the other party thinks.

Ah Ching/ Choc,

I think maybe your tots are now at a more sensitive age that's why they r v sticky to mummy. My girl also rejected daddy when she was younger, until she was 2 years old and can understand words better. Since u r the sole caregiver and esp if daddy works till late v often, seldom communicate, the rejection would b even worse!

Is there anyone else to help out when you deliver later on? Your mum or mil? Or u intending to hire helper? Because I feel that such things cannot wait until last minute. We must prepare our kids for our delivery and make them comfortable with the replacement caretaker a few months before we r due. Give them private time together if not then 1 mth following the birth would b v traumatic for the both mum n firstborn.

I rembr for myself I had to rest n bf no. 2 so I had no time for no. 1 at all. She was quite lonely and pathetic.

Try to get the contingency plan worked out asap.

@mami bel: It's been a while since we talk everything under the sun. Cos he'll get angry very easily if I said something that he doesn't like. And when he don't feel like saying, he won't say. So even if he has simmer down, no point bring up the matter again.


Why not u n hubby just talk it through calmly? I doubt I can stand being ignored for so long. Maybe he's got a gripe about something? Or maybe it's work related stress? Or stress about the impending arrival of the baby? To communicate is the best solution.

@first mum: But when he's angry he won't want to talk. When I want to talk to him he also ignore me. Anyway I'm used to being ignore by him. I just find it very sickening.


sounds like a sticky situation and you probably tried all the various methods to get thru to him... please stay strong and hang in there for baby. sometimes, men's heart will soften once baby arrives. when baby arrives, try to get him involved as much as possible so that he gets very attached to baby. when my no.1 was born, i always tell hubby that baby looks exactly like him, that baby seems to like his smell, baby seems to like the way he carries him. now my hubby is very close to my 3 yr old boy. they will sit on the sofa talking nonsense for a long time, tickling each other, teasing each other.

the opposite may become true if I get uptight about the new baby, criticize hubby that he don't know how to feed or carry the baby, that he make the baby cry, etc. some men are like that, if they try to help the first time, the wife or the mom criticize the way they do it, they will totally switch off and write off that activity and never do it again. i.e. not their responsibility already.

So Val, if he still ignores you during the pregnancy, all the more you need to work on him after the delivery. He may totally change his attitude towards you for the baby =)

wish child, no prob. Just wanna share my exp with using bumwear [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

mei mei, sure no problem. Can add me at msn [email protected]. I maybe not be getting another maid when my current leaves. Will see if i can cope with 2 kids. Coz put on drip, my contractions came immed after 15mins, interval of 5mins, followed by 3mins.

zanta, sure i shd be getting my loots this week hehehe

valerie, guys are not as sensitive and emo as women. My hubby also ignore me when he's angry. I'm the opposite type, when there's a quarrel, i want to clear it immed to know wat's gg on. But it's just frustrating when he just kept quiet. So i ever asked him why he keep quiet, he say coz he's a guy and almost all guys behaved like this. He say guys not like gers, they dun like to talk when there's quarrel or unhappiness.

@mami bel: Thanks mami bel, but cos I'm so used to him ignoring me, I also didn't do anything to appease him. Cos my past experience during courtship told me that the more I tried to call him, talk to him, he'll feel even more angry. But when I don't disturb him and wait for him to cool down, things will be better. So hopefully this time also like that.. I just can't stand him going out without telling me cos I'll keep thinking who is he out with. I keep thinking that he's out with other woman. Argh. I really hate this kind of feeling.

ah ching...seek help from ur mum...or mil if no one to turns to...

my mum is helping me take care when i go work...so i guess when i go deliver that time ...she be helping me take care for the days i am at hospital lor...and confinement be done by her....so ok lar...

first_mum...yeah... the todds are at super sensitive stage lor...but is good to keep reassuring them that they are still our darlings... =) i always tell my boy i love him alot..hehee... then he will "sa jiao" or sometimes kiss me...

actually, come to think of it, I do behave like a guy sometimes. I tend to keep quiet and ignore hubby when i get pissed. I will shed a tear or two to make a point and after that, I ignore him. this really sets him off! he start asking me if I will be ignoring him for the whole day or the whole weekend. sometimes, that breaks me and i will relent and answer him,"just give me half an hour".

Choc, I totally agree with you! My boy now says he is a baby (just like his meimei who is swimming inside me). He would then crawl on the floor and make noises instead of speak. He would want me to carry him horizontally like a baby and rock him...

when i ask him if he loves mei mei, he say he love papa and mama but he dont love meimei. he is too buzy with school, with drawing, with cooking... LOL! jealous siah....

valerie: sorry to hear what u are going tru.. your hubby sounds a lot like my hubby actually.. sometimes i will feel that my hubby is very insensitive and childish.. have been trying to find ways to overcome this.. so far, i realise only one method works for me.. Ignore. this kind of person they need a wake up call and some personal time for them to reflect.. cant give in to them everytime also if not next time the demands will be more and more. i think i got split personality. sometimes i will be so emotional and oversensitive i will pick on every little thing and end up p*ssing my hubby off.. but most of the time i actually start ignoring my hubby.. bcos i knw this kind of man no point sitting down to have a talk bcos they simply dont want to talk, they want someone to agree with them. so i will use the ignoring time to calm myself down. jiayou..

@Judy: I agree with you so much! Last time during courtship when he ignores me I'll get so scared to the extent that I'll actually go to his house downstairs in the middle of the night just to wait for him to be back. Silly right? And I think I have already let him have a habit that whenever he's pissed with me I'll be so scared and 讲难听一点 will behave like a dog lor. Until my sis also can't stand his attitude towards me and asked me to ignore him when he's angry. Don't keep calling him cos will piss him off even more. So I started to do that and it really works lor. Maybe he needs time to cool down without me keep calling him. But maybe cos now I'm pregnant and I get so emotional that all kinds of negative thoughts will come into my mind and I'll start to keep crying and feel alone and find my life sucks. *sigh*

valerie: haha.. yah during pregnancy harder to control emotions.. i will start to feel like my hubby dont care.. but we need to realise that he is exactly the same as he was pre-pregnancy.. its just that we are starting to ask for more in 'return' for the pregnancy.. this is what i feel lar. but nothing wrong with that.. i bet our hubbies have yet to start feeling engaged cos they still cannot feel/see the baby yet.

tahan tahan tahan!:D

Hi ladies/mummies, i'm new here. Kindly add me and my EDD would be on 13 Feb by SGH gyna Dr Yu. Hope can post often in this thread but pardon me as i am a lazy woman ;p

@Judy: Haha.. Thanks Judy and all the mummies~ Feel much better after telling you all. Hope today when I reach home I won't feel worse again. =/

Val, that's what we are here for. to support one another =)

I just got back my blood test results and was very relieved that its normal but I got UTI so taking antibiotics to control or heal it. so many pills to take!!! argh....

choc/first mum/mami bel: my mum is almost 80 yrs old.. so she cant help..

my mil need to take care of my BIL's daughter and my hubby relationship w her not very good..

cant get maid also cos family income dont qualify...

First Mum: will be sending my son to nanny in the daytime when I give birth.. hopefully..

but depends on whether can afford the $680 fees when I stop working..

now my part time job is just enuf to pay nanny, baby's neccessity and my doc visits and mealtime.. so cant even save

ah ching, able to negotiate with your nanny to take care of your son on the days while you are in hospital? Pay her abit more?

Hi Mummies,

Good day

Mummies who are in low mood,

Cheer up, for the sake of our little one inside us. When we are sad, our babies can feel it leh.

Ah Ching,

Perhaps you still can try to check with your MIL for taking care of your son when you are in labour? I mean since it's only a matter of 2 - 3 days and not a permanent arrangement, i think she should be able to help lah. Try to check first, no harm, right?

hi Ah Ching

I'm in something similar to u. Since my first darling, i'm petty such handle her all on my own with little to no help from him.

Tot he has changed for the better, that y i decided to hv another one. However, leopand never change its spot... just hv a big disagreement with him.

He is absent throughout my first n now second preg, work till from morning till nite, at time, I can hardly see him for few days - cos of his work.

Wkn is seldom family time, cos he'll say he's tired and if he is to go out, I can expect to c long faces from him.

It took my girl sometime to get used to this is person is her father and slowly adjusting herself to him.

On last Sat, he told me that he is planning for a 10-day ice-sking on his own cos he needed a break. To him, family vacation is nothing but to accompany us and he always thinks that its extemely tiring for him and I'm the one who plan and pack and ensure that things go properly. For him, his only role is the go along. At the end of each day, I'm still being complaint by him and he is still stress out and tired.

Guess when is he scheduling his trip!! In Mid Jan,which is close to my due date. So some husband I hv, I guess, I've send my girl MIL before making my way to hospital to deliver.

baywater we really in the same boat! but i think your hubby is worse! go ice ski-ing near your due date!!! your MIL never scold her son meh?

my son sees my MIL once every 2-3 months, and everytime see her will cry..

so nanny will be better choice than MIL..

Spoke to nanny before and she is willing to let my son stay overnight when i am at the hospital..

but i'm worried my son not use to it..

everyday he will wait for me at the gate ard 5+ and ask for me..

so cruel to leave him with nanny...

another prob is the $$. cos i planning to stop work end dec.. so will have no pay..

so not sure whether can still afford the nanny..

now also not sure when I can return to work..

I realise I'm very emotional during this pregnancy..

does it have to anything to do with the fact that I am expecting a gal?

i heard that when expecting a gal there's more female hormones in our body

so now i got acne on my face and back and oily face and hair too..

my stomach is quite big now so getting more and more anxious every day with planning for the delivery.. and child care arrangement..

Ah Ching, children are very adaptable one. they may cry for a while but they wouldn't cry forever. your nanny will find ways to settle him. This could be the best solution for you now.

are you getting a CL to help u out? Otherwise, you will have to cope the first month by yourself... will be very tough...

Hi Ah Ching, i think my mil will support him, cos she will claims that he needs a break. U c, he's the only son and she dote him a lot.

I understand ur worry if ur son getting use to it, cos, my girl has never sleep away from me since her birth....

if possible, cont to work, cos independent is our bargaining tool. They will not and cannot hold us ransom if we can financially independent from them.

@mami bel: Thanks mami bel. =)

@baywater: Did you tell your hubby you wish he'll be there for you when you deliver? Was he in the delivery room with you when you were delivering your first?

@Ah Ching: Hmm.. I'm expecting a boy but I'm also very emotional leh. So I guess in general pregnancy just makes us feel more emotional bah.

Anyway mummies, I have this pain in my tummy last night when I was sleeping. Don't know issit cos my sleeping position not right or what. Arghh.. So worried. =(

val, the other time i also had a pain, then a mummy here said her gynae mention as long as no blood its ok. my pain comes on and off sometimes also.. think nothing to worry about.

pinkyval, yes, i did told him that i wish that he is with me when i deliver which he did not respond.

He was with me when i delivering my girl, with much persuasion, cos he claims that he's afraid of the sigh n his bubbies claims is bad luck for them, hence never accompany their wives too.

During my contraction, he is bz watching tv rather then helping me time the contraction...hence the Amercian saying that the best way to get even with husband is to take away their TV remote is so so true.

@baywater: Hmm.. But the first time he went in with you after that no bad luck for him right? What kind of logic is that. If like that bad luck then all the fathers in the world experiencing bad luck lor. Bad buddies. *sigh*

i do hope that the case.... after I told him that I'm delivering in Feb, he says, Y cannot go,I'll be back by then.

If he did forget, it will seems that he forget quite a lot of things, like that we hv a toddler who needs company and send and back from school everyday, and I might be due earlier.

O for mum who is asking if preg lady can cont driving, I did my homework, yes u still can drive but carefully and slow cos u do not hv to hv unnecessary stress n troubles. Practise wearing ur HP earpc and tell out ur hp, as u never know... ">

pinkyval, unfortunately, after that time, things are not too smooth for him... hence I suspecting that the reason y he's absent from my girl in the beginning.

Things are better after my girl starts to be more responsive to enivronment and interactive

cho & ah ching, i also hav the same issue here!

but wait, i will share with u more & my idea of settling it. gotta feed my gal lunch now. be back again. =)

@baywater: Huh.. Why is he so superstitious... He didn't blame it on accompanying you into the delivery room I hope.


btw mummies, got a question to ask.. before pregnancy i used to sleep on my front with one arm under the pillow.. however since pregnant i dont sleep on my front anymore. however, i have this habit of still putting hand under pillow while sleeping on my side.. this chnge of position is making my neck very pain every morning and my hand under pillow is always numb.. i try to chnge position bt subconciously i will still return to the sleep on side hand under pillow position.. and its causing me a lot of discomfort. my bed currently has 8 pillows(bought 5 more that time to make my sleeping area more 'fluffy')

anyone experiencing the same thing or has suggestions on how to make sleep better?

