(2011/02) Feb 2011

@kinderbueno: welcome!! =) I am sure you will find alot of information from the mummies in this thread

@Ah Ching: hope its nothing too serious for your boi. Take care..

Gd Morning Mummies!

I have a wedding dinner to attend soon and am fretting over what to wear. I checked out : http://azurematernity.com/cart/index.php

it looks very nice but its abit expensive for korean clothing right?? Can anyone let me know if there are other websites selling similar clothing?


ah ching

all the best to you and your boy! He'll be fine, kids are very tough!


if no bleeding or pain then should be ok? at our stage bb is very cushioned inside. but must prevent it from happening again...


personally, if it were me, between paying $3300 and waking up at night, I'd wake up at night. cos if you're breastfeeding, then you'd wake up every 2-3 hours to pump/latch anyway. if your hubby can take leave for the first 2 weeks at least to help with night feeds, then think it's preferable to having your mum wake up, after all they are so much older.

If not hiring CL maybe can cater confinement food instead? then your MIL don't need to cook everyday? i think the more friction you can avoid the better, cos it'd be an emotionally tense period... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kinderbueno - wow that very exp! For lst time mummy, the rate should be $2.8k or $3k (cny period) or lessser if you know the CL. I also looking for CL though my MIL offer to help...however, she will be busy taking care other grandkids, besides i want an very experience CL to take care of me and bb so we opt to hire CL.

My advise go for fren's recommendation CL.

Judy - sayang ur bb. Should be fine since no pain and dun worry.

trinket-my colleague recommend one, the CL charge $2,000 but we have never check with her CNY rate. EDD is 21-Feb so i think very unlikely will clash with CNY but now i think we need to clarify just in case! i asked my colleague before but she never reply me, don't know if she feel i'm bothering her too much so i didn't want to ask her. haha. i think the CL is back in m'sia so i could not reach her, although we spoken 2 months back and confirm. feel that i should call her again and ensure nothing had changed!read earlier before to cater confinement food will cost over $1,000 !! too expensive so probably not very worthwhile.

kinderbueno-most confinement lady is not local ba.. if she don't stay in your house she has nowhere to stay.

Hi Kinderbueno, I have same worry as you too! Me also having a boy but my EDD is 16th Feb. I actually wanted to get a CL but my hubby refused he dont trust others to do it or rather he find it not worth to spend...=(

He told me he can do all the household chores which he is already doing ...than cooking and taking care of BB and me will be taken care by by MIL and Mum ....

I try to be optimistic too i think because we are all first time mum so we worry about anything .. My Hubby say i am the most 'Ma fan' and problem mummy =P

Just keep fingers cross that everything will go smooth for that 1 mths =) Shd be ok de ma.

Hi All, have u all started to buy BB stuff already or it's too early? Heard that expo will have a BB sales in Oct.

joanne tan: congrats on your boy:)

i havent started buying anything yet.. really trying to restrain myself bcos gifts are coming in.. i think oct is a good time to come as most of the hand me downs are already given.. would be great if there really is a fair then:)


Dear all,

I got voucher from Mothers Work to let go at 20% discount. Valid until May 2011. Let me know if you are interested.

Brand new set AVENT UNO SINGLE ELECTRIC breast pump. With 1 year international warranty from Aug 2010.

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actually it's good that she's recommended by colleague, which means your colleague thinks she's good and she didn't create any problems during her stay right?

you're not very close to this colleague is it? Cos can always ask informally at lunch time or something? you can get an idea of what her duties were at your friend's house (of course if one has maid one doesn't have maid then a bit different) and whether she ate breakfast with them etc... my CL usually just had tea, bread and butter I think.

she didn't ask for deposit? I gave my CL a deposit so both sides feel more assured. otherwise, either party might just call up one day and 'cancel' on the other?

trinket-no deposits paid. She say no need to pay deposit... so want to call again to be assured. ya, not close to that colleague we don't go lunch together. she is having her 2nd child next month and will be using the same lady again so i doubt will be bad or else she wouldn't had went back to her.

yah that's good. I always believe in friend's recommendation, or at least a previous employer that one can check with... no matter what won't be too bad. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kinder, 3.3k is too much i wont take as well.

Try these CLs coz i contact them and think they are available:

Ah Mei 3k with CNY, without be cheaper. +601-77110736

Xin Hua 3k also. 90395121/ +60176088006

Hi Mummies

Hope all of you are doing well.. Haven’t had time to come in since last Thursday coz was busy at work and lazy on weekends.. Haha..

Read through the posts knowing that many mummies are not happy with their hubbies.. Can understand all this frustration though it’s not my hubby agitating me but it’s EVERYONE else [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif].. But my gf told me something this morning which I find so true.. When we are angry/sad, our body produces some kind of toxic which is harmful to the body and in long term is the cause of cancer (that’s why angry is called 生气=develop/grow something).. Especially when we have another living in our body, the more we should protect ourselves and the bb..

Cause I told her I get irritated very easily but after I throw my tantrum, I will apologise to bb.. So her advice to me was that why apologise to bb after doing harm.. Might as well think and talk to bb before we get angry and tell bb, ok for your sake, mummy will close one eye and let this pass..

Let’s all try, for the sake of a healthy mummy and happy bb… [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] And 2 more days to a long weekend!! YEAH!!

@Judy: I also sleep with one hand under the pillow on my side.. I can’t sleep straight facing up.. Haha.. But so far so good, I still feel very comfortable.. Maybe you can try to remove some of the pillows?? Like too many on the bed which will restrict your turning or sleep facing up??

And it’s time for your dog to sleep outside the room from now on!!

@Felpoo: Congrats! You’ll have a 好.. Try explaining to your girl that we can’t choose the gender – it’s a gift from heaven.. And didi can protect her in future mah.. Give her sometime and she’ll understand.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Pinkyval: So Pinkyval is Valerie.. Haha.. Confused! You know sometimes humans always like to “I think” “he think” and in the end, we’re “thinking” of the wrong thing.. Don’t assume or presume they share the same thought.. Trash things out for once and talk things nicely.. If not will get 心病.. Hope things work out well soon [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@preciousbabi: Hehehe.. Cos I scared scarly someone come in here to spy then saw me mah. Wahahaha~ Anyway thanks.. =) But I know my hubby's character. He's not the kind that will talk things nicely when he's still angry. So now all I can do is to wait and pray. =(

Hihi Kinderbueno, Welcome aboard!!

I think $3.3k is alot!! Since both your mum & MIL had volunteer to help you out, why not just try it out? 1 cook and the other do hse chores sld b ok I think. As for taking care of bb, maybe you try to let only 1 of them do it or there might b conflict I guess.

@pyng: Ok, I shall try to remember to call you this from now on.

@Judy: I think you should let your dog practise to sleep on the floor now (if it doesn't know how to jump up the bed) b4 your bb arrives or it'll feel left out and even get jealous of the bb if you only do this aft the arrival of bb. If it will jump up your bed in the middle of the night, then it will have to go out to sleep le.

@felpoo: I'm glad that both you and your bb r fine.. I think what PreciousBabi said make sense. Try explaining to your girl then tell her that when she love her didi, didi will b happy and also love her in return. But if she don't love didi, didi will b v sad de.

@Val: I hope you're feeling better today, and I hope that your hubby will talk to you by today. Stay happy for the sake of bb.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Dear Mummies, are we allowed to drink 老黄瓜汤? Is it too cooling for us now? I got a sudden craving for it..

@Pinkyval: Don't worry, coz you now have a token in your hand = bb.. Hahaha.. He will give in sooner or later.. Find things to do so you will 分心 and will not be bothered by him?? Like bb jigsaw puzzles, so can hang in bb room after that also.. Nice nice!! Hehe..

@zantarina: Today he only talked to me with regards to work lor. I think tonight when he reach home he'll start to ignore me again. But at least his tone changed from very bad to better when talking to me about work. *sigh*

@preciousbabi: I think he don't care de leh. Maybe like what the mummies here say, men will only realise they are father when they see the baby visually. Haha! Idea hor?? But now I have another idea leh. Next time take a photo of the 3 of us then make it into jigsaw puzzle. Lol~

preciousbabi and zantarina: thanks for your advices. cant bear to let my dog sleep outside but i guess i will have to do it.. she is getting out of hand.. i believe she will develop jealousy when baby comes bcos now she gets a little attention seeking and aggressive when me and my hubby talk and sayang my tummy for more than 5 minutes and ignore her..

@Pinkyval: I can't wait till then mah.. So intend to buy 1 off the rack - can pass time and can see and hang in bb room.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Judy: I know you can't bear to do that.. But have to teach her well before bb arrives.. Let her get used to it and things will be ok..

Anyone started decorating bb's room already?? Me thinking about it these few days but dunno where to start with.. Haha.. Have a picture in my mind already, now need to list down and buy those stuff when free.. Like a bit too early hor..

I thk wat preciousbabi said is true. Recently my MIL & my own mom comments are really pissing me off, till i actually smtimes ans back (tho nicely) when usually i jus keep quiet.

Hiaz....dunno is it jus me or is it them smtimes also.

@Val: At least he talks to you in a better tone. Maybe it's a good start? Guys need more time to settle/calm down de, unlike us gals..

@PreciousBabi: I think better avoid doing the jigsaw puzzle as we're preg now. I heard it's not advisable. Though it's a hearsay but better be safe than sorry.

@Judy: No choice for the sake of your bb. As time goes by, your dog will get used to it. Last time my dog also sleep with me b4 marriage, aft marriage, I bought dog's bed/cushion for her to sleep on the floor with my hubby's dog. And now they're sleeping on the floor happily. You go buy those plushy cushion or dog's bed then put in 1 of your clothes which you don't want liao to train your dog to sleep there. With your smell, I think it'll feel more secure.

@zantarina: But only for work leh. He's those like won't mixed work with personal feeling. *sigh* See tonight how lor.. Don't have a good feeling though.

Anyway last Friday when I met up with my agent she told me a lot of hearsay lor. Until I also don't know should I believe. She said cannot use nail clipper, cannot use stapler in the room. She said if must then do in the living room. But so troublesome! I have so many bills to sort and file it'll be so inconvenient to do it in the living room. Hmm...

Ya, don't do all these in the bedroom, esp. on the bed. Also don't move anything or build anything in the house... therefore we haven't design the bedroom, wanted to install window grilling also waiting after delivery. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Too pantang right?

@Zanta: Huh.. Why cannot do jigsaw puzzles? Is it bcoz sticking involve? Then I fix and don't paste first lor.. Can??

@Pinkyval: Better don't do these in the room.. Especially on the bed.. Cannot do sewing on the bed also..

@OFB: Ya lor.. Think we can't do anything until bb is born.. Wanting to paint the room and buy cupboard also cannot.. Sianz..

@Val: Give him abit more time bah. If by tomorrow he still don't wanna talk to you, then you try to talk to him when you c him in the night. But rem to talk in a nice way.

@OFB: Har.. But I need to do punching of papers & filings in the room coz our study table is in the room le. And when vacuuming & mopping the floor, we need to move the furnitures ard le How?? Then that time my FIL changed the storage heater coz the old one spoil liao, dunno he got drill/hammer or not..

@PreciousBabi: My gugu did the jigsaw puzzle when she was preg with my cousin and that cousin of mine was born with cleft lip. Not sure if she did it on the bed or not but I heard from my mum preg cannot do jigsaw puzzle..

Zanta-I also don't know le.. normally i mop and vacuum don't need to move furniture heehee ... should be ok ba

pinkyval-i know a lot of things cannot do, so everything also nv do. so i only sleeps in my bedroom and nothing else. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] That's what i do normally also hee, we have no entertainment or tv in the bedroom .

zanta, i din't noe can't touch jigsaw puzzles. I finished 3 jigsaw puzzles during my 1st trimester. Last week, i forgot that i can't use scissors on bed but my son was screaming me to cut off the logo tag behind his pyjamas as it's poking his neck. Really bothers me for 2days before i decided to just heck it since i can't reverse wat's oredi done. My 1st pg, i moved to my new hse when i'm 9mths preggie and hubby + his buddies painted the hse. My son was born healthy and smooth delivery.

Though v pantang myths but i will stil try to avoid as much as possible coz better be safe than sorry. But if i had unknowingly done it, i will remind myself to avoid doing it the next time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Zanta: I see, so I better be good lor.. Haha..

Better not to shift furnitures especially the bed.. I always ask my hubby to be careful when changing bedsheet or I will leave home when he does that.. Bed is the most sensitive one..

Hmm.. But I never do on bed leh, I do on the sofa bench in front of my bed. Lol~ If not my bills will stack very high leh. If have to wait till I give birth. Hmm...

@zantarina: Hmm.. Usually I'll talk to him very nicely de leh. Unless when I'm upset. Hee..

PreciousBabi-I don't think it's that exagerrate to ensure the mattress do not move when changing bedsheet. As long don't move the mattress to another position is ok ba.

@OFB: My sofas need to b push here and there when vacuuming/mopping de. Haiz.. But luckily we nv shift the position of our bed.

@Charmaine: OMG!! I did cut something on my bed b4 le. "Bu zhi zhe wu zhui". Hope everything is fine with my bb..

zanta, ya since oredi done, just remind ourselves that we dun use any sharp objects on bed again. To prevent myself from forgetting again, i stick a note on the scissors and wrote "dun use on bed" [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

errr... I did jigsaw puzzles 5 days straight before I went into labour and bb ok leh. no cleft lip.

and how to not use scissors? i gotta cut my girl's fingernails... or is it just on the bed? interesting...

@OFB: Coz gotta bring the mattress up to change the bedsheet mah, and by doing that may push the bed abit.. So I play safe don't stay at home lor.. Though until now I still dunno why the bed cannot be shifted.. Haha..

@Zanta: Ya, 不知者无罪.. Now you know.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Charmaine: That's a good form of reminder.. But now I also avoid using scissors/pen knife unless in office then no choice.. If at home, I will ask hubby to cut whatever needed.. Even knife also don't use.. Haha.. Super Kiasu!!

@Trinket: I still think it's individual lah.. But now that we know, better play safe lor.. If not, who to blame if something goes wrong *touchwood*..

hi all, i was also planning to buy more furniture for my home but held back as it will involve moving... i am normally not superstitious but i am afraid that if anything bad happens, my MIL will nag that its because of the moving of furniture.

yesterday when my MIL found out I drove out in the car, she nag at my hubby when he was at work last evening. and she even called him this morning to nag again??!?! so everytime she call him, he will call me and remind me not to drive. I cannot stand it but I just keep quiet and control my temper.

@Mami bel: hmm for me I also not superstitious too. Hmm that time my mom bought a dressing table for me when I'm at first trimester around 4 weeks. But so far ok le.Even my mom very superstitious she just tel me not to be at Hm when the dressing table here. For me I feel if u don't believe any those old folk saying n thing won't happen. But once u believe it then must follow all the way. Or else bad thing will come true. =) It up to u to believe it or not.

But I still don't dare to drive coz will feel unwell when I drive.

@Val: Stay happy for the sake of your boy boy ya. If you keep feeling sad, your boy boy will feel sad for you too.

@Charmaine: That's a cute and good idea huh..

@Trinket: I think it depends on individual bah. But maybe just avoid doing things on the bed till we give birth lor.

@PreciousBabi: Aiyo... You are super kiasu lor. Haha.. If I don't shift my mattress abit when changing the matress cover, it'll b v hard to put on the new mattress cover le. If don't use knife then how to cook?

Tks ladies for your advice abt the CL...

rachel - the two that u suggested.. are they recommended by people u know?

joanne - at least ur hubby offer to take up household chores. how long is he going to be on leave after u deliver? I'm trying to convince mine to take at least 2 wks but he guilty abt making his colleague cover his work. sigh, shld i make him feel guilty abt leaving his wife and son at home to fend for ourselves?

regarding superstitions, have u all heard anything abt sewing?? heard some pple say preggy ladies can't sew but i thinking of shortening my maternity pants which are abit too long.

Gd morning mummies, I am contemplating prenatal massage. is it too early for us at 18 weeks? looking for malay massage lady that comes to my home.. hopefully get a body scrub too. for some reason.. probably hormonal, my backside starts to look like orange peel and even feels like it. rough skin!! and turning black. gross...

last pregnancy, my arm pits turned blackish.. think that was worse lah.. but still... anyone going for pre-natal now or later?

Ok ladies, I got the answer from a massage lady I MSG. Cannot do prenatal massage yet. Not safe til 28 weeks!! Long time away sigh.

Morning Val, hope today will be better day for u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] try to eat some treats u love today. Food makes us happy sometimes. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


dear mtbs, sorry to disturb.

i've alr delivered my gal & looking to clear the abv items. hope mtbs can find them of interest to u.

pls refer to abv link for related pics & descriptions. all items are described to the best of my knowledge.

items u see in the provided link are all up for grabs, items once SOLD will be removed from the link.

if keen, pls PM or SMS to 96495528 for fast deal. pls do not leave postings in the forum as i'm unable to keep track of them.

calls from unknown nos. will not be entertained.

here's wishing all mtbs a safe & happy pregnancy!


Thanks mami B, I hope today will be a good day for me too. *sigh* Long weekend is coming but I already can forsee I'll be spending it alone. Hmm...

