(2011/02) Feb 2011

Hi gals,

This is my first post..

Me and hubby are expecting a gal for my first preg ..

The gynae is almost 80% sure that the bb will be a gal but we still managed to stop ourselves from buying the girlie stuffs until the detailed scan in late Sep ..

Looks like the number of princesses is increasing ..

We have no preference for the gender but my hubby prefers a gal ..

I also like to drink bubble tea, especially almond milk tea with pearls ..

But I try to drink it only once a fortnight coz need to be careful of the high sugar content in the drink ..

Hi Choc,

My bb's edd is 6th Feb 2011 and I will be delivering in TMC ..


Thanks thanks to all mummies.. I will still love her if it's really a girl girl.. Coz it's my own flesh n blood. Now I'll just wait patiently for the detail scan. Scarly when I already accepted her, it became a he. Haha.. But I won't put in so much hope le..

@fiona: Yeh, i agree.. watching porn is acceptable, but saying you dun satisfy him or having a friend's sexy picture is not. If he thinks you really not "making him happy" then ask him what he want you to do lor? Better than he go outside and find mah!

This morning, Class 95 was just talking about which movie stars we will allow our spouse to sleep with. I chose Catherine Zeta Jones and Angelina Jolie for my hubby and I say I want Hugh Jackman! hehehe, it's all just for fun la! =D

zanta, thanks.. Like pinksorbet, i'm not pinning high hopes until the detailed scan too hehehe.. Hope after this 2nd pg won't age more hahaha.. Was telling hubby we shd take the other pic showing the bb's face but he say can't see clearly anyway, might as well take the cute one.

fiona, my hubby watch porn and he & his gang always "shared" porn dvd, pics, movie clips among each other. They have their needs too. My hubby also have such pics in his pc. I'll just ignore it. But at least now yr hubby has removed the foto. Tell him that it hurts you and hope he won't do it again.

Judy, thanks.. but if my age same as you even better hahaha... (i know i'm too much hahaha)

valerie, hahaha.. you so funny leh..

pinksorbet, thanks.. actually i'm fortunate to have my hubby coz he's a better cook than me and really handle kids better than me. Last week my old sch friends came to my hse for gathering. There were 4kids and my hubby played with them for almost an hr while i eat and chat with my friends. 3s more power than 2s, trust me.. Hmm.. for cooking skills, i think it gets better after time coz practise makes perfect. Dun really believe in good skills, i believe in great receipes hehehe.. Can check out some bb forums whereby many mummies shared their bb food receipes. If you have oven even better, can bake muffins, biscuits or cheesesticks for them. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Can i check, besides the supplements given by gynae, do you take any other tonic to "bu" your body?

I heard that 2nd trimester is the best time to "bu" our body and baby, but i don't know what to take and how to start?

charmaine,pootz: i angry becuz that girl is last time he like one..

i told him that he hurt me alot..

n he say he is sorry already..

charmaine - 3s more terrible than 2s? :-O oh my boy is turning 18months next month and soon he will be 2yo and i was thinking of preparing for his terrible 2s...think will be a major headache cos by then his didi/meimei will be out and both of them will start creating havoc in the house

my boy is a very fussy eater, to the extent i have to spoonfeed him milk! he's v lightweight...and he is very fussy with food thats why i think its realli difficult to cook for him. I wanna learn and try baking cos i do have an oven at home but me sometimes too lazy and tired le...I follow recipes strictly and sometimes the results jus turn out disappointing. Think other than his porridge, i can hardly cook anything more decent than that.

Fiona - he still have feelings for her? I hope not... ok la, we don't put him down anymore since he apologize to you already, marriage is based on trust, just make sure he doesn't repeat his mistake and focus on building your marriage. Remind him how much he loves you and the reason why he marries you.

Jolin - i m thinking of starting to eat bird nest. I donno how to choose dry bird nest nor double boil, i got a bottle of concentrated bird nest in my fridge, perhaps i will start with that every day first. I am also taking Essence of chicken with Cordyceps every week (insisted by my granny), so once a week, 1 bottle of plain essence, 1 bottle of essence with Cordyceps.

Can the rest share?

jolin, read from other bb forums tat can take 十三太保, black chicken soup, chicken essence, cordyceps and birdnest. Durian is also considered a good "tonic" hehe.. But due to my constipation, i'm just taking chicken essence and birdnest coz the rest too heaty for me

fiona, give him another chance ba. At least he said sorry and has removed the foto away le.

pinksorbet, coz when they are 2, they are only notty. When they are 3, they will be notty yet can still argued back hahaha.. My boy is a hard-cored fussy eater since he started solids. Feeding time can take 2-3hrs and he will only take one mouth and spit out the rest. V v sayang coz i spend almost 2hrs to steam and puree the fish and veg. To the extent that my frd came over to feed my boy (coz she's really good at feeding) and even she gave up after 45mins. Now i dun force him to eat anymore, if he wants he eat, otherwise just wait for milk time [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

You can try and error different receipes. Those that works, as in which he will eat more, you jot down in a notebook. Accumulate ard 5-8 receipes and use them every week so that he can have different food everyday. My boy can't eat same food for lunch and dinner on same day so i just switch to noodles. When he get sick of rice, porridge and noodles, i'll give mashed potato with bread and chowder soup. It makes a meal too as long as he takes a few bites hehe [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@fiona: Last time I also don't like my hubby to watch porn in front of me. It's like I will feel am I not attractive to the extend that he has to watch porn first. But after that I also can't be bothered and sometimes will watch with him lor. Wahahahaha~ *blush* So don't think so much le. Since he already apologised, I believe he know he's in the wrong. Maybe he too long never get it he cannot think well.

@neongoby: My mum every week will go those 药材店 to buy bird nest and brew for me. Now a lot are already pre packed and when you buy it home you also don't have to pick out the "dirt". So I think can try asking the person there to recommend bah.

hi jolin, thanxs. my MS getting better. =)

some people say is better to coz during delivery time, u will not feel too tired or overstrain easily & u will have the energy to "push". During my 1st pregnancy, my mom always give me drink tonics. it either bird nest or some chicken soup. but the bird nest dun over take coz it will cause phelgm in newborn baby.

even though i got drank those tonics, it dun have any effect on me. guess my body is too weak. after the 10hrs delivery, i concass. i slept all the way from 4plus pm to 8plus pm. when i wake up i dun even hav the energy to breastfeed, i even puke when i try to eat.

wah.. charmaine, nice, it just took u 4hrs only. so gd! i took 10hrs.. haiz.. wat did the doc do & it only took 4hrs? i see. so u are a SAHM too. hee... i also cook my gal food since she is 6mth old, but i dun think im a gd cook. keke.. when u going to join workforce? & u also got a maid now. im quite skeptical in getting a maid though my HB dun mind coz he worried i cannot cope when the #2 is born. haiz... how ah...

thanks ladies.. i dun think too much..

i really scare i get into depression..

but lucky i got u girls here to talk..

really thank you.. love u girls.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charmaine, Neo,

Thanks for the sharing.

Then i think i just start with chicken essence and bird nest first. For 十三太保, i checked with the chinese herb shop near my place and they said i need prescribe from chinese sinseh before buying from them. They can't anyhow sell to me. I think they are scared that after taking, if i have any problem, they will be in trouble. Hence, i will go and see a sinseh first before taking it.

Thanks ya.

Hello all Feb Mummies.. I'm new to this forum.. Congrats to all Mummies whose already know the bb gender.. I'm so excited to know my bb gender next wed.. My edd date will be on 19 feb 2011..

Currently seeing gyn at KKH TPS.. Going to change my gyn to Dr Loke @Tamp St81..

Cheer to all mummies here n nice to meet u all.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charmaine - So u have a fussy eater on your hands too...not easy right...sometimes i really doubt i have the patience to deal with his meal times....these days when spoonfeeding milk and he doesn't want to drink and starts sweeping all the toys from his high chair i jus let him be. Gotta entertain and feed him at the same time.

Though he's now into solids but he's not a versatile solid eater yet. He can chew but he has fear of swallowing food and takes v long time to finish, hence always stick to porridge...i wanna try noodles and rice for him but i tink he will regurgitate out and not swallow, cos he does that so many times when he chokes if he doesn't chew and swallow the food well.

So far my mil is his main caregiver so everyday lunch and dinner cook porridge for him. My mil doesn't know how to cook ang mo recipes so it is up to me to do that. And ever since i am pregnant, i realli find it pretty tiring to cook and at the same time i have to do housework. Thats why i always admire SAHMs.

Re: Bird Nest

Speaking of bird nest when can we start taking it? What i heard is after the 5th month?

I went for my 16th week scan earlier this week & mine's a boy!

When my MS was better, as in i dont really throw up after my meals, I took 十三太保,chicken soup, chicken essence, and only 1 or 2 times bird nest.

I heard from others that bird nest is more for last trimester as the outest most layers of skin is developing.

I am not very sure though. I just take whatever my MIL cooks for me (once a week), and I myself will drink chicken essense ocassionally.

Haiz, having a very bad + tiring day today & my tummy's hurting. I hope my baby boy is fine in my tummy....

neongoby...now try to update more frequently..since these few days alot of us would have more or less found out the gender

yalor..the ratio now sort of even out...next time we can pair them up leh!

diapers: for my personal experience hor...initially for #1 i went to buy alot of Drypers newborn...coz i feel that its cheap and economical.

But when the precious is delivered and i see those red markings and scratches made by the drypers brand..heart pain..so end up i switch back to Pampers newborn(though almost double the price)

so my conclusion is...dun stock up..u never noe whether is ur newborn allergic to that particular brand anot =D

tonic: no take special tonics beside what was being prescribe to me..but will start taking bird nest later lor...

Choc - thank you!

Now it's my turn, hee hee... so fun doing this.

14 boys vs 12 girls!!!!!

Jolin and Zanta - 3 of us have the same EDD 10 Feb and we are all having gals!!!!! so qiao

Hi Unicorn, hi Mary: Welcome to the forum and congrats on your bundles of joy [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hi everyone: How on earth do u keep up with the speed of the posts? I cam imagine if we gather everyone here into a room to chat, it will be a real noisy marketplace :p Anyway, I've been happily reading but I keep forgetting to comment back. By the time I remember, that topic is long buried under new topics, heehee ...

I'm getting more and more envious that all of you are identifying your bb's gender already!! I still have to wait till my detailed scan on 18 Sep coz at the last scan bb was so shy shy and crossed his/her legs ... I'm thinking of bringing my scan forward by a week but have yet to do so because that will make it a week 19 instead of a week 20 scan... but I'm sooo impatient coz I wanna start shopping and thinking of bb names too! :p

Yesterday, I had the chance to buy some really cheap bb clothing..everything going at $5 and good quality somemore ... I was telling my friends I still dunno whether boy or girl and they said: "Never mind! just buy both first!" so that's what I did *LOL* In the end, felt guilty and gave the girl pieces away to my best friend who is 8 mths pregnant with girl....! I somehow still think mine will be boy, esp since gynae thought she saw something ...

Does anyone know which is more beneficial - normal low-fat,fresh milk, or powdered milk for pregnant ladies?

@pinksorbet I took bird nest since i'm pregnant becoz i have a very bad cough during my 1st trimester.. Hmm everything ok le.. Heard lot ppls say took bird nest during pregnancy, bb will have fair n smooth skin.

@Kittyki dont worry ur bb boy wil be fine. My tummy stomach also will feel pain.. Heard the dr say it becoz bb is growin tat why will feel pain.

I always have the impression that Pampers and Drypers both are equally expensive. My hubby told me he read somewhere that MamyPoko is good, maybe mummies here can share?

@princess31: Then if during detailed scanning your gynae said yours is a girl then how? Haha~ Give me the clothes? LOL~ Your friends swizzle stick leh... Meaning stirrer. Haha!

@neongoby: MamyPoko is like underwear like that wear one right? My sil said that kind no good. Cos might not fit the baby perfectly. Unlike those "tradition" diapers whereby you have to tuck underneath the baby and wrap around him/her. Those can fit better and nothing will flow out.. Heee..


True hor, so qiao, haha

But i have a feeling that your and Zanta's one might turn out to be boy during next scan leh. Mine is almost confirmed already (99%) cos my baby was quite cooperative that day (open her legs), hehe

Valerie/wish_child - thanks! so i guess i can start taking bird nest already...

Re: Diapers

Mummies, don't get Drypers. They are no good. Not only that they leak they cut my boy's thighs too and the tapes are dangerous cos they are so sticky that if they accidentally stick onto your baby's legs or anywhere and u have to take them out, it'll be so painful!!

No offence to those mummies using Drypers but i am very against that brand.

I'm using Fitti and MamyPoko. Both are good to me. If u can go for the more premium brand, go for Pampers and Goon (which i heard its good). Huggies is ok too. Heard that Nepia is ok too.

@wish child: Wah, cloth diaper a lot of hard work leh. Have to keep washing. *salute* I very lazy one. You ask me to 1 day wash so many times I think I'll faint. Hee hee.. I'm a lazy mum. =(

Re: Tonic

My mom had brewed me 十三太保 twice aft confirming my preg. Other than that no more tonics for me le but will start to take bird nest when bb is 5mth big. Chicken essence with cordyceps can take ah? Take once a wk or?? What chicken soup did u mummies drink? I feel like cooking black chicken soup but dunno can drink anot.. My hubby's fren said wan bring us go drink turtle soup but I dunno can drink anot. Any idea anyone??

@Neon: Ya lor, so coincidence!! Scarly we conceive on the same day too.. Haha..

@Princess31: Mind to share wher you got your gd deals??

@choc: Thanks alot for updating the table with my bb's gender. B4 you update the table again, I would like to tell you that my gynae is Dr Lawrence Ang, 1st child, and will most prob give birth in TMC.

@Valeria Hmm ya but no choice le save money.. Haha Just throw everything inside the washing machine can le.. This bumwear replace the new insert when it wet.. Unless bb poo poo then must wash the whole bumwear.. =)

Jolin - eh, don't give me hope again, hahaha, last night i have spent a bit of time to convince myself to accept the fact and tell myself a gal is as good as boy and can be more guai and smart and we can go shopping together. I think I won't doubt my gynae. haha, BUT if ur forecast is true, i will take it as a bonus but hv to start to psycho myself again! no choice, i v easily affected [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Valerie - i dono if MamyPoko is like underwear or not, i have the impression that now most of the brands got the underwear type? i guess that kind is more suited for older babies.

got so many brands hor, huggies, pampers, drypers mamypoko and others.... won't think of these now, babies clothing and accessories more fun, ahahaha

For my first born, we used pampers and nepia.

Both brands are really good. Very rarely my son got rashes or leaks. These brands really give me a peace of mind esp when my sleeps on my own bed at night.

@Zantarina: Hmm i only drink chicken soup, bird nest n cordyceps wif pork soup. My sis say cordyceps is gd for MS so i took it.. For cordyceps wif chicken essence i nv try before but my fren say can drink chicken essence when feel tired..

Did anyone took ginseng? Dont know is it too heaty for bb if took that?


Haha, sorry, sorry, i didn't mean to give you false hope, maybe i read too many such cases online and it happened to my sis and mum's friends' daugthers, hence i sometimes will became skeptical about the ultrascan result lah, hehe.

But no matter boy or girl, i believe we will love our baby dearly, right?


I heard that there is one type of Ginseng that we can't take (not for pregnant woman), but i don't know which one. And i also heard we need to avoid dang gui.

The pull up pants is for L and xL size only if I remember correctly. For the smaller sizes, is the usual type.

I am taking essence of chicken on a daily basis for now. Was thinking of taking birds nes but Hubby say that one is just protein n a waste of money (make me angry when he said it). I told him even waste money I still have craving for it can???!

Sigh... See how lah. Maybe when we next pop to the medical hall, I just heck care and buy a box.

My MIL does make black chicken soup for my SIL and myself once a week (both of us preggy three weeks apart). The only tonic my Gynae prohibit me from taking is ginseng.

Valerie: Yah, my friends are stirrers, alright! Somemore one help me dig for boys clothing, another help me dig for girls clothing...in the end, 1 big mountain in front of me to sort thru!!

Zantarina: If I had the contact details of the distributor, I would share but I dun have [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] It was during lunchtime at work and one of my colleagues arranged for her kaki/distributor to bring in and sell to us, just during lunchtime. Very ad-hoc although the distributor did mention she will come back again at the end of the year. The brand of the clothings is like Little Wonders, Sears, got Winnie-the-Pooh also ... all real stuff! I will get the contact next time round ... and by then, I will know whether to buy boy or girl clothing too :p

v cham hor pregnant mummies...cannot take this cannot take that...eat what also mus take note. In fact our journey jus doesn't end here, we have to take note of what we eat when we are breastfeeding.

Re: Mamypoko

It has two types - one the regular diaper the other one is pull up pants. Pull up pants are more expensive though. I haven't let my boy try pull up pants so can't comment. Mayb those mummies who did can comment ba.

Do u ladies have some cramping in the lower portion? Below belly button. I am experiencing abit of pain now. Definitely bearable but it goes on off on off... And only on my lower right side. Hope it's nothing. Just the liagament stretching.

My 3 year old is toilet trained but at night I still put on diapers for him. I use the nepia pull ups now. He hasn't urine on the diapers at night for at least 2 months already but I still am apprehensive he will suddenly urine at night and wet my bed. It's abit wasteful(since he never wets the diaper) so I make him wear it for two nights before throwing the diaper away.

Nepia is really good. They deliver to your house if u order the STD 4 packs at $60.

I dont really take much tonics coz I dont like the taste ..

Plus, I get 'heaty' easily so I also try to avoid herbal stuffs ..

Din even eat multi-vits everyday, only twice a week ..

So far, I only eat the bird nest soup that my MIL made ..

But I am drinking the free milk powder in the FBI freebies bag ..

One cup before I sleep but in the morning, I will drink the non-fat HL milk at work ..

Thanks Choc for updating so fast ..


My gynae says low fat fresh milk eg HL is best for us. She told me powdered milk very fattening and we'll put on wt v fast! I immediately switched haha!


For my firstborn I used nepia for night and Fairprice for day. Both works well for their intended purpose.. For 2nd kid, somehow both brands leaked so now on pampers active and pampers dry for day. So it's true diff brands may suit diff kids so don't stock up too much.

I dislike dryers too! I think its the worst I've come across....

Moreover newborns poo a lot. Don't use too premium brands at the start!

neongoby... nono....pampers are much more exp..maybe 45+cents for a pc..dryper is ard 20cents per pc for S to XL size

newborn size around 50+cents for pampers and drypers maybe ard 35+cents ... the price is diff...

quality also very big diff

pampers newborn got that urine indicator..JHAHAHAHAHA... i so aunty hor!

mamypoko..tend to be abit thick and bulky...u got to try to see the diff

zanta... wah...later then update liao..hehee

rashes: get a good barrier cream like Desitin Creamy..this is good..been using since my boy born till now still using..

normally got rashes will disappear awhile after applying...

pull up pants more for bigger babies leh... huggies pull up is good...

Birds Nest

No need eat so early if intention is to benefit feotus. Anytime before 7 mths, only the mums will get all the nutrition, which is also a gd thing la but it's costly!

Don't know if attributed RO birds nest, both my kids have v good complexion. I took birds nest daily after 7 mths (alternate jar type 1 teaspoon a day, brewed type once every week).


Actually pampers active can stock up during fairprice/ Giant sale. It works out to be around 30c a piece. And it's really gd!

@jolin: I dare not put too much hope but I did heard such cases b4 n one of them is my SIL. My hubby said maybe the kuku bird not yet developed? Haha..

@Princess31: Ic.. I thought is bought fr shops de.. It's ok then, thanks alot.

@mami bel: I had cramp few days back, this morning I told my gynae n he said it's ok as long as it don't persist n no bleeding.

@wish_child: But I dunno how to cook cordycep soup.. Nvm, ask my hubby buy for my chicken essence. Haha.. I didn't know can drink liao..

RE: Diapers

My SIL swear by mummypoko but mummypoko also got cheap de but will lump up de.

@wish child: My mil also got brewed cordyceps soup for me every alternate week but that time my ms still very bad leh. =( But I like the soup lah. Hee hee... Maybe I should start drinking chicken essence too! That time I bought a box but have not started drinking. =p


oh, so eat bird nest after 7 months? seems long leh, the birdnest in my fridge is calling me liao, ok la, i wait till at least 5 months....Oct then start to take.

I read that Ginseng and dang gui is a no no...

so in summary, black chicken soup, essence of chicken and cordyceps plus our multi vit and DHA should be sufficient bah....

