(2011/02) Feb 2011

envy all those whose MIL brew tonic for u.....

if i want i must do myself.... cordyceps with pork? just boil in normal pot can? slow fire?


Oh ya, i just remembered, last time when my sis conceived her son, the sinseh that she was seeing advised her to drink chicken soup, but no need to put any herb into the soup, just chicken (remove skin) and water and brewed for don't know how many hours, then drink the water. He said it's more than good enough. Can start to drink from 2nd semester. But my sis didn't try though.

First Mum...yeah yeah...can go as low as 30+ cents...but my boi wearing XL leh...so now average during sale also not cheap... =(

golden backside lar...wear others will tell me itchy...

first mum is right, when ntuc having pampers brand sales, it really cheap! so i always stock up when they have pampers brand sales. for my 1st pregnancy, i use nepia for day time & pampers newborn in the nite. pampers is really a reliable brand. =) when my gal start to use size M, she keep having rashes when using size M nepia. i realise size M nepia quite thick. so after tat i all change to pampers brand

It's quite weird. Just after i complain here that I want to eat birds nest and that my hubby say waste money... I opened up a box of yu yan seng chicken essence and found Birds nest instead inside the box which states chicken essence! I open up all the other boxes and realise i got 3 bottles of birds nest and 3 bottles of chicken essence!!

think their packing line made a mistake somewhere. so now i have some birds nest sitting in my fridge!! so nice!!

Wah, mami bel u r so so so lucky.

Where u bot ur C.Essence??? (Must go buy number on sat/sun, luck is with you)


Haha, cold joke also never mind lar. At least ur hb apprecites mah.


Don't know how true it is, my friend's son has asthma & skin allery. When visit the TMC, the sinseh attribute the cause is that my friend consumed too much birdnest during preggie.

Am still having intermitten MS, no birdnest for me till MS subsides... never know when will it strike again. Normally shit do happens lor, eg: puke when eat birdnest. But if eat $3 ta bao, all food can be absorbed!!!

Anyway, I consumed birdnest after 5th mth during #1, and 2-3x monthly.


I changed the brand of diaper from pampers to dryper when my son was 6mths old. Not sure what caused the bad bad rash (spread from his bum to his balls) My heart ached for my boy, he cried whenever he pee. Spend $80+ at PD over the rash on his butt. Changed diaper brand to huggies and no issue from then.

Am not saying that drypers is not a good diaper brand, maybe my son's butt not suitable for drypers!

My friend's kids are using drypers and no issue with them.

Aiyoh, wrt detailed scan. Haiz.. i gotta wait til mid Oct (cranning my neck).

@Valeria: Haha but i drink the cordyceps soup i feel my MS get better le.. I only cannot drink the apple soup.. I throw out everything after drink it..

@Neongoby (neongoby): Buy those electric pot tat brew the soup 1 is more easier for u. Just pour 1 or 2 bowl of water in the pot n add cordyceps with pork. And on the plug will do. Let it brew for 1 or 2hrs.. For me normally i let it brew for 3hrs or more..

@Jolin: I got drink chicken soup without puttin herb. Pregnant ladies cannot anyhow take herbs le.. Even those like san za also cannot take very dangerous will cause miscarriage. Drink more soup is gd for boost up breast milk also..

@mami bel(mophie): So gd can drink cold bird nest. My hubby dont allow me drink cold thing. The best is took those bird nest without sugar added. Some bird nest wif sugar added, the sugar level too high.. My family gt diabetes history so i scared bb n me will get it.. Haha but i gt take durians. =P

Hi Choc.. im back here... edd now is 30 Jan.. but hope i'll be late coz i want a rabbit bb!!! =p Update details: 3rd child, TMC, Dr Kee, Stay Loyang...going for my scan on 15th! hope i can buy pink stuff... *grin*

Re: Asthma

I read from bb magazine it say a apple a day not only keep the dr aways also can reduce bb having asthma. No harm tryin it. I eat apple everyday even tot i dont like it.. haha

darlest, my waterbag broke and i went to hospital 3-4hrs later with no contractions. So i was put on drip to "force" the contractions to come. 30mins later the contractions came one shot (damn painful), i tried to tahan but i give up 1hr later when i noe that i din't dilate a single cm so i asked for epi. 4hrs later, i dilate 9cm and delivered [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I was skeptical too but lucky mine still okie. But all maids the same. When they 1st came, v hardworking, after a while will slack le. Just close one eye. But my maid's contract ending soon ie after i deliver. I'm also wondering if i can cope or not with 2kids.

pinksorbet, i think our kids behave the same way hahaha.. When it's feeding time, must on tv, put toys on the highchair and must have different toys for each meal. No worries about the chewing part. They will learn as they grow. My boy only noe how to chew when he's 16mths. So meantime, if i'm feeding noodles, must cut finely. If feeding rice, must add more water so that the rice will be v soft. Add some soup and it'll be even softer. For receipes, you can show your mum how to cook for the 1st time so that she can learn and cook when you are not ard [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

kittyki, congrats for having a boy!!

Re: Diapers

My boy has been wearing mamypoko for 1st mth when he's a newborn. After tat we switch to petpet. Very cheap and cotton-y. Mamypoko is v good quality but ex too. He's still on petpet when he naps during the day and mamypoko value pullup pants when sleep at nite.

Wish_child, i tried bumwear for a period and i gave up coz i dun find it cost savings at all. I realised though i'm not spending on disposable diapers but my bb detergent used up faster and i'm using more water to wash the cloth diapers. Moreover i also have to spend time washing them, soak them overnite if kena poo. And bumwear is not cheap. Cost ard $25 per diaper. So i switch back to disposable ones. JMHO

@Neon: Dont envy ppl coz my mum only brewed the 十三太保 for me twice n I think the last time was 1mth ago. I'm still waiting for her to brew for me again although it taste bitter.. Gotta make my own soup if I feel like drinking.

I think u can invest a medium size electronic cooker for brewing soup. It'll come in handy during your confinement too.

@wish_child: Can hubby drink the cordycep with pork soup? And how much cordycep to how many grams of pork? Use spare ribs or loin meat or loin bone? Sorry ah, I'm a kuku in cooking but I wish to try cooking this soup to bu. Hehe.. TIA!!

I read from somewhere b4 that an apple a day will help bb to b less prone to infection or something like this in future. Need to google the info again. And apple also helps to aid in constipation. So eat more is good.. For my 1st trimester, I ate apple almost everyday, but I got sick of it nw. Haha..

@mami bel: You r so lucky to get the bird nest at the price of chicken essence.. Defenitely a v gd deal man..

@BPC: How early did your friend started to take bird nest? I think take every fortnight starting from 5th month, then changed to once a wk from 7th month onwards sld b ok bah?? Take everyday also v siong!!

RE: ON/Gap Maternity Clothes

I collected my clothes last night and all of then r v soft and comfy including the t shirt which I bought for my hubby. But the material of ribbed tank top is v thin though not translucent. Think aft afew wash from me and it'll turn outta shape le bah coz I always machine wash clothes.

I'm nw waiting for the 2nd batch to arrive.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Valerie: Do u find that the arm hole of the ribbed tank top abit big?? It's abit big for me nw but I'm sure during 3rd trimester will b just nice..

@Charmaine: My total shipping charges for this shipment is S$13+ with a quite heavy gauchos. I think yours will b less than S$20 bah.

@Zanta: I only use a little bit of cordycep. I used around 4 cordycep for myself n use 2 small piece of loin meat n 1 1/2rice bowl size of water. coz I want taste of the cordycep more so put less meat. If u wan the soup taste more sweet then put 4 piece meat. Of course ur hubby can drink the soup too. It gd for 3 of u. Wild cordycep very ex if u gt fren go Korea can ask them buy the cordycep there is cheaper.

@Charmaine: my fren use the bumwear she say is cost saving. Ok thank u charmaine for the info. ya is true need to wash n soak the diaper also very troublesome. =)

@nm,Jolin, charmaine: Thank you! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@Zantarina, I m the first patient of Dr Ang ytd.

I left there abt 10:20am. So, most likely we didnt meet each other. My detailed scan scheduled on 1st Oct 3:eek:opm. Dr Ang wanted me to go on 4th Oct but i hv seminar to attend on that day. My edd also bring forward fr 20th feb to 14 feb. A bit worry that i will deliver during CNY. Dun knw how the CL will charge me?

@zanta: Ya I also find it a bit big. And neckline quite low also leh. Hopefully will fit better as my tummy gets better. Somemore I bought 2 of that lor! A bit regret. Haha!

@ valerie: u bought old navy clothes...hope you dont mind i ask what size u bought...cos i quite small size....wondering if the cutting is big?

Morning mummies.. Haven't been posting for a long time. Had been busy with work. I am going for an unscheduled appt this coming Monday.

I do not know why I had this instinct and uneasy feeling that my baby is not growing. I have been looking at my stomach and it looks stagnant and so is my weight. Though I didn't gain much during first PG, I nvr gain a single kg this time round and it's approaching the 5th month.

I can feel flutters and once a day, the baby will kick me. My appetite is also getting so much better that I get hungry every 2 hours. But just don't understand why my stomach growth looks stagnant.

This situation looks bad. I hope everything is alright.

@wish_child: Wild cordyceps r v x r? Then did u bought normal de or wild de?

@SLim: Aiya.. If only I reach slightly earlier, we'll b able to meet le.. The clinic opens at 10am rite?

@Valerie: Don't need to regret since it's cheap. Think maybe I'll start to wear them on my third trimester bah. I also bought 2pcs thinking they're cheap.. Haha.. How was your other tank top? Do they fit? I think we're abt the same size.. Sld have bot XS..

@Nikki: I think Valerie bot size s which is same as me. I normally wear size m top but I bought size s for ON n Gap. I think XS will still b abit big for u if u r really v petite.

charmaine : think ur situation abit like mine.. we shld keep in contact, so tat we can encourage & support each other. u not going to renew the maid?

anyway charmaine, so gd it only last for 4hrs. my start with contractions 1st & i was overdue for 2 weeks from my edd date. & if still no sign tat time, i have to go c-sect. so tat day, i keep telling my gal in my tummy to come out by tonite. i slept quite late tat nite ard 2am. still nothing, so i tell my gal again.. then suddenly i feel a contraction. not sure it is a fake one, i monitor the contraction until 4plus am & it become more regular & intense. i quickly wake up & take shower & wash my hair. after tat i woke up my hb & tell him abt it. he even blur blur say must go now meh..*faint*

by 6am, i leave home while im having my contractions every 15min. by the time i reach tmc, my contractions is unbearable tat i almost faint. my face turn white & i turn weak. the nurse told me am having the highest contraction every 5 min. i ask for epi weakly. & the whole process last for 10hrs. hope this time will be faster.

@felpoo: Maybe you r thin to start with that's y your tummy still look the same? And since you can still feel the flutters in your tummy I guess bb is ok?? Don't worry so much, enjoy your wkend first. But if u r still worried, go c your gynae on mon n ask all the ques that's in your mind bah.

For your reference, my bb CRL is 12cm at wk 17. Last measured ytd.

@Zantarina: Wild cordyceps is expensive. wild cordyceps the most ex can cost $100 to $500 yi liang. Gt different rate n quality u can find out from the medical shop. My sis went to korea n she bought it for me, it cheaper than spore.

All mummies did u girls drive nowadays? Will it affect bb? Sometime wanna drive but stop by my mom but my fren say can drive even pregnant. So confuse le.

@wish_child: That's v v x le. And I assume yi liang got like few pcs only right? OMG!! Can I buy normal cordyceps to cook the soup?

Although I'm not a driver but I got friend who drive during preg n she said she drove till almost birth time. Just b more careful.. Then another friend's friend went to learn driving during preg and passed!! No E brake for her during TP though.

@zantarina: buy the normal 1 cook soup can le. No need buy until so ex. I only bought $100+ 1. Can cook at least 8 or 10 time for myself only. Put a few pieces to cook soup can le. =)

To Mummies who are interested in ON/Gap sprees, below r the links to recent sprees:




FYI/reference, Charmaine and I ordered our clothes from the 3rd organiser and I find her quite helpful and friendly. Valerie and choc ordered theirs from the 1st organiser. Enjoy spreeing..

@Charmaine: Pls update us your jeans if they're comfy and true to size or not. I'm thinking of ordering a pair to wear..

@wish_child: Thanks a lot, will check it out.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

@zanta & nm: I bought m size ah. Hahaha! Cos I'm quite tall so I bought bigger size lor. The other top that I bought fit perfectly. The pants I bought 1 s & 1 m. The m seems a bit loose though. Like about to drop as I walk. Lol~

@Valerie: May I know how tall r u? Dunno y but I kept having the impression that u n me i r ard the same ht.. Haha..

@zanta: I'm 1.7. Not very tall lah. Hee.. But cos my breast is growing too. That's why I thought of buying slightly bigger size. But the tank top is too big le. =(

@Valerie: 1.7m is considered tall in SG le. I'm 1.64m n I find the tank top abit too long for now but sld b ok during 3rd trimester when our stomach ballon out. Haha.. Luckily I bought size s for the leggings but I've yet to receive it yet. Maybe your size m leggings can leave for 3rd trimester then wear lor. I wanted to buy the butterfly montif tank top which u bought but too bad, it's oos le..

@zantarina: Oh I didn't manage to buy the butterfly montif top too. Cos also oos. The other one I bought is with the pink print. Forgot the name liao.. Hee hee...

@Valerie: Oh, I think I know which one, the one that is elastic at the chest area de right? That's v comfy ah? Do u intend to buy more clothes from ON/Gap?

Anyway mummies.. I'm feeling very sad now.. I really feel that my hubby doesn't care for me.. Last night I was meeting my agent to talk about the insurance for baby & my hubby didn't want to join cos he said he was tired & want to go home. So I went alone & he asked me to buy food back for him but I told him he gotta wait cos I don't know what time I'll be back. But throughout the 2 hours he kept calling & asking am I going back yet. I understand that he's hungry but I'm talking something serious! I did ask him to join but he didn't want. So ended up he got so mad that in his last phonecall he asked me don't go back. So I hurry up bought his food & went back home & he basically ignored me till now. We are supposed to go out today after his work as he has been complaining I'm not spending time with him on Saturdays as now every Saturday I'll go back to my mum's place for home cooked food. So that day I told him I've told my mum that I'll only be having lunch today. But end up cos he was still angry with me, he decided to not pick up my call & went out with his friends whom I dunno who. And I have to lie to my mum saying he gotta work cos I don't want them to worry about me. But in my heart I was so sad. Few days ago I too was hungry at night & I asked him to buy food back for me. But he said he was having dinner & talking to his colleague & I felt he has no intention to hurry up & buy back for me. When I called him & told him don't need to buy, I'm going to sleep & he just said "ok". But when I was the one that kept him waiting, he got so mad. Why am I being treated this way?? I felt so alone.. I'm so sad that I've been crying on off for the past 1 hour.. I have no one to tell.. I can only tell you ladies here.. Why am I not being treated nicely...

@zantarina: Ya, that's the one. Elastic at chest area & flare at tummy area. I find it very nice & comfy. But I think that's the only design that I like that's why I only bought 1. Hmmm.. I don't know leh, I scared later I bought too much then my hubby scold me.. Hmmm...

Valerie: i know u r sad.. but try to control ok?

i also dun knoe how to comfort u becuz my own hubby also like that..

he now sleeping n never care about me also..

yesterday nite i also crying away alone in bed for almost 2 hours..

Valerie, Fiona

do take care! We are definitely more emotional these days but remember that baby can feel how we feel. Have to sacrifice n try to stay calm for baby. Men n women think very differently. Women tend to infer and men tend to need to hear it spelled out (when we spell it out, they think we mean it one). I realise this communication difference some time back. So unless I really don't want Hubby to buy the prata, I will insist I want it. Coz if I infer that he find it troublesome, and I say don't buy also can, he will never buy it. He will say ok.

[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] most of the time, it's not that they don't love us. It's just the difference between way they read our needs and what we really mean inside us. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

meanwhile, hope things improve on Sunday. No point holding grudges since Friday n waste a long awaited weekend. Move on and talk to him as if nothing happen. Maybe u both enjoy this Sunday and realise how much u still love each other!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Hello everyone , just want to share that every night my back will be very itchy even though I bath before I go to bed. at night my back will be so painful that I need to take mini steps to the toilet.

I get my hubby to scratch my back every night and massage my back and legs. Really appreciate what he is doing now .

Yesterday ,I told him if he is the one who is pregnant I will give him the same treatment also .

my Edd is on 8 feb 11 , coming 18 weeks but I still don't know the gender of my twins yet. Really wishing for boys . My hubby said he know why I want boys coz he said I want to close factory . I replied no. I said coz he got this loanshark look so I cannot imagine if the girls look like him. I'm having Identical twins so I will not be 1 boy 1 girl .

Just wish for the babies to be healthy and growing well now . I look 6 months pregnant

@valeria and fiona:

DO take care of yourselves. Though I cannot say I understand how you feel but we are all here to be yr listening ears...[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] today is a cooling day...try to stay calm or relaxed or go out with family and be happy ! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

hihi cnicole!! Feb 8 is yr EDD? I heard with twins the EDD is usually earlier....so exciting to hear ladies having twins..[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Doc say i may be having a boy ...but now only week 15 so still waitin for confirmation during the detailed scan [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

poor valeria.. *hugs hugs*.. dun be sad k. mans are like tat. coz now your focus is on the baby, tat why ur HB feel left out now. being a mother & wife is not easy. beside paying attention to ur baby in the tummy, u also have to care & pay attentin to your HB too, so tat he will not feel left out. try to hav a pap talk with him.. tell him u love him too. =)

valeria & fiona, why not sign up babycentre.com? it free, it will send u via email, advise on things tat u might take note, abt baby, abt your hubby. what kind of situation u might & etc. very useful webby.

valeria and fiona Dont be too sad cheer up. As what my mom always say Men will never understand how women go through all the xin qu during pregnancy.Several time i do break down n cried due to my family stuff and Hubby not around.. Whenever i sad i will always touch my tummy n talk to my bb sweetheart. At least i know there always have a person be there for me..

My hubby went out station for 4mths so all this period of time i'm alone n go through all MS n bb checkup.. So cheer up in order to have a Happy n Cute BB.. =)


Sorry to interrupt. I am from an earlier thread. Have some "extras" from my breastfeeding days to let go cheap.

- 2 brand new boxes of Mothercare breast pads (100 pieces per box) with 25 - 50 loose pieces from an open box

- 2 brand new boxes of Lansinoh milk bags (50 pieces per box); with close to 40 loose pieces from an open box


$25 for breast pads - both boxes + loose pieces (original price: $18 per box)

$25 for milk bags - both boxes + nearly full third box (original price: USD10.99 per box)

Pls call / sms me @ 93679627. Don't PM as I don't check this often. Self collect from my place at Pasir Ris.

Breast pads reference: http://www.mothercare.com.sg/productdetail.asp?pid=67707

Milk bags reference:



Hi there,

Saw the thread on Oct Baby Expo Fair. I had checked. It's confirmed on! : )

22-24 Oct (Fri-Sun) @ S'pore Expo Hall 6B

11am-9pm (Last day ends @ 8pm)

There's many brands participating - Maclaren, Quinny, Aprica, Graco and many many more...

