(2011/02) Feb 2011

Geri, can add me to feb mums group on FB?

[email protected]

Btw, asked Mrs Wong at the pre-natal class on Sun on the placenta and her view is that it may not help.

In fact, she suggest eating codyceps instead if u really want to.

Logic is tat Placenta also acts as a barrier for baby so some of the toxic may be filtered and retained there. She also explained that a placenta's life-span is 40 weeks +/- 7 days so at the point of delivery, it is near the end of its use.

See how loh, i know that the deer placenta is really good for asthma and some other chinese medicine too.

Btw, tried the flashlight on baby, she likes it when it is yellow light and not too bright.. kekekeke


Claire: They give me a package price for both the 32-week growth scan and the 3D scan. I'm paying $216 (incl. GST) for both. So guess it's about $100 each? All I know is that it'll cost more if you do each one separately. This is at the TMC scan centre on Lvl 4. Maybe you may want to consider [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] I wasn't set on it until I saw my friend's 3D scans of her baby and I thought it'd be a nice memento to have. I'm not sure how many printouts I'll get though, and I've been told the clarity is highly dependent on baby's position at the time of the scan, so am keeping my fingers crossed that baby Lucas cooperates!

Yes, I have low-lying placenta, diagnosed since 5th month scan. It didn't move at the 6th month and 7th month scan, sigh. So I have been mentally preparing myself for the possibility of a c-section, although there's still time (till about 34 weeks) for it to move. Now, when I think about natural birth, I'm also getting scared!!! Haha~ I've been doing too good a job of psycho-ing myself into believing that c-section will be fine, and now I'm apprehensive of natural birth ....

And you're right - I do drink lots of water in the evening. Actually, I have been drinking galleons of water in the last couple of months. Just suddenly feel very thirsty nowadays. But somehow in the daytime, I don't pee so often. I think it's because at night, I don't sleep so comfortably so I wake up quite easily, then when I wake I feel that bladder full sensation (even if it's not really that full) and that sensation is enough to prevent me from falling asleep again, so I have to relieve myself before attempting to get back to bed. Sigh. It's a vicious cycle!! Hope I can last the next 8 weeks with this poor quality of sleep. I heard the bladder problem will only get worse as baby grows bigger.

Trinket: Ya, I'll be 32 weeks this Sat so as of today, is just 31w3d :p 32 weeks is quite a milestone !! you're not that far off leh ... time goes really quick once u hit 30 weeks ... ok, will take ur advice re nursing bras and get 1 or 2 ... but how about nursing tops? Are those necessary?

Gregda: Your EDD is really close to mine!! Who knows, we may bump into each other if we're delivering at the same place... I'll most likely be at TMC although I haven't booked anything yet. My gynae says she can't deliver at Mt. A in Feb as she's fully booked there, whatever that means, sigh ... have you done your pre-admissions or anything related to it?? I'm so clueless about it? Will definitely ask my gynae for more info when I see her this Thurs ...

re: IKEA changing table ... how come urs got no smell??? mine was quite dusty from the sawdust too and I cleaned it thoroughly, but the smell seems to be very stubborn ... the entire nursery and the corridor outside stinks of it and it's been at least a week of airing already ... and I also have to lug the tub of water from the washroom to baby's room to place on top of the changing table, haha ... seems like quite a funny thing to do eh?? But it will save us some backache...

Lunchtime soon! I'm hungry!


It depends on ur placenta size I guess? =D U dun have to finish it in one shot. Some people take some of the capsules during confinement, then more later on as and when needed. =)


Yup! Agreed that it is good to buy nursing bras now. I got mine earlier on already lol. In 1st Tri, my boobs already grew larger and when I went to buy nursing bra, the lady told me I had to buy 40E… and 40E is a good size because I realize that my boobs have grown even more (-.-) and that there is room for breast pad & extra expansion too.

Nursing Bra should NOT fit snugly at your boobs right now. =)


I should just go UDC and say HI to u hahaha. =)


Don't carry bath tub. Leave bath tub in room and use a water container to bring water over. Less likely to spill, less heavy per trip- probe need 2-3 trips.


OH NO! Ouch! I bought larger duplicate rings to wear instead of my orig wedding band… =p I can't wear my orig one and it almost got stuck during 2nd tri.


Understooded. =) I respect ur POV. =) I guess for me I do have some respect for TCM having seen its effects working positively over the years, and I grew up with a certified Sinseh for a Chinese tutor. She loved kids and she loved helping people so she worked as a tutor to fund her kids through school and did volunteer work as a Sinseh at the TCM hall on free clinic nights.

Also, having heard positive things about placenta consumption, I decided to go for it. No harm giving it a shot since it is safe to consume and I really have nothing to lose. Lol. =D

Big F-

It's ok! =)



Dun let urself be too blue, cheer up dear. How are you feeling- you said you are not well? Are you still down with UTI? No worries, the meeting on Thurs is fast approaching. We will see u then =)

Hope I can make it though… hubby flying off on Friday and may need my help packing his luggage. ^.^""

yeah i went to read up on the placenta issue too... placentophagia...

scientifically, it's true that the placenta is the conduit of nutrients to the baby, rich in hormones and iron. However, it is also scientific that the placenta is the conduit of waste materials away from the baby. so am not even sure if there might be some low levels of toxicity retained within.

For the hormones to still be active (and thus useful in alleviating Post Partum Depression), storage and processing of the placenta is crucial. It has to be done very quickly, and freezing etc might kill off the hormones.

And as cherry mentioned, some websites also cited research that the hormones in their whole form might not survive our stomach juices. I guess that's why hormonal therapy is usually injected rather than ingested...

but ultimately it's a personal choice, and just like tonics and the like, so long as you research enough into it, and are satisfied with your findings, and there is no real harm to your body or your baby, then it's no harm! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


for some strange reason, I can still wear my wedding ring (take it off everyday after work so i know it can still come off haha) this pregnancy even though the last pregnancy i remember it not fitting halfway through (about 20+ weeks)... but for this pregnancy I've put on more weight by 28 weeks... so go figure... hahah...

wow the thread is moving fast today..

Geri: thats a good suggestion! silly me..didnt think of that..yeah its better to go 2-3 trips but at least prevent water spillages and not so heavy. so princess31: we can do that instead of bringing the bathtub full of water from bathroom to BB's room. hahaha

Princess31: i am delivering at TMC. i have booked a 1 bedded when the nurse asked me during my last month scan. But still, many have commented that TMC beds are alwaays full.especially the 1 bedded..so it all depends on the time of delivery.

Cherry: Hope u are feeling better and pray that the UTI goes off faster!

I still need to get PJ (button in front) and nursing bras. where did u gals get ur nursing bra from? I prob buy 2 pcs too...just in case we need to use it at public places..

I saw before at Marks n Spencer ..but it was all pretty expensive.

Experinced Mums: i read that its better to wear soft bras, sports bra or even go braless at home..esp when we are BFing, as the wires from the bras can cause milk ducts blockages. Did u all wear bras at home during ur previous preg? I am intending to go bra-less, but worried that it may sag..

Hungry hungry too! Have a good lunch mummies!


I do agree with cordyceps but not with Mrs Wong. Lol.

Cordyceps if you wanna consume, I recommend you ask friends going to Korea to buy for you their cordyceps. A lot more potent and nutritious than the China ones which we get locally. =) We bought for my parents-in-law when we went Korea and my MIL made soup for us from it because she said hubby and I needed it more than they do coz of nature of our work. She consume a little but mostly brewed soup time to time for us to da bao home to drink.

Have to say the cordyceps taste much nicer and seems to be more nutritious because they process it lesser. =)

Placenta issue, dun worry lah... it is to each his own thing. =) If the mummies who have already expressed interest decide that maybe not so interested le, it is fine one. =) I thought I'd just share about it and coz some asked me what's so good so I also shared the article.

I am not some die hard advocate of it... but I would like to give it a shot since honestly there is no harm. =)


Nursing tops are helpful for when u go out.... but u dun have to buy strictly nursing tops as they are pricey although very well-designed to conceal baby whilst feeding.

U can also wear those wrap tops where it criss crosses in front, and it is easy to pull down neck line to feed. Just use a shawl to cover.

I wore mostly those and loose tees with Kae. I had only one nursing top a gift - which I liked too, but think that you shouldn't have to splurge if finances are tight.

A while ago I also posted up a website that showed how to convert two tee shirts into a nursing top for those mummies who can sew or MIL/Mum/ Aunt is good at sewing, u can give it a shot. =)


My fingers didn't plump up with Kae, but with Noah, they have hahaha. Diff pregnancy, diff experience lor. Hehe.

Gregda: I bought my nursing bras very cheaply in KL. I bought a total of 4 for about S$50, average $12.50 each, much much cheaper than the M&S or Mothercare ones, which go for over $40 a piece. If you're making a trip over to JB, might be able to find them there. Look for the Malaysian brands- I got Hana and Skiva, they're cheap and good.

I also need to buy button front PJs and nursing gowns, but dunno what size to buy. Do I buy what fits me now, or do I buy smaller? Cos this is for use after the baby is out right?

Anyone going to the Robinsons sale tomorrow? I have a voucher for $25 off with $180 spent. Hoping to be able to use it for the Ameda breast pump.

Cheap alternatives to nursing tops. Tips from online:

One of the preferred and easy methods of breastfeeding in public when it's difficult to find cheap nursing clothes is to go shopping for tank tops, camis, or basically any light tops that you wouldn't mind wearing under your normal clothes. When the time for breastfeeding comes, simply pull up the top shirt, pull down the bottom shirt, and you are easily breastfeeding in public without sacrificing modesty. OR you can make vertical snips where your boobs would be at, then you don't have to pull down the neckline to feed. Just lift up the covering top.

Many new moms find that their biggest obstacle to nursing in public discreetly is that they don't like to show their post-pregnancy belly. If you're self-conscious about your belly but don't want to wear a full tank top under your shirt, consider buying a few tube tops. Wear the tube tops lower than usual, on your abdomen. This way you can pull your shirt up halfway while breastfeeding in public and still be covered by clothes.

Another alternative- men's undershirts. I got the tank kind with a T-back. I bought the largest size available, XXL. That way I did not have to cut it, the armholes were big enough to slide over. Some people also wear these back to front under another top, works great as well =)


I went topless in the bedroom with baby and wore clothes around the house. You can buy inexpensive thrift store button front PJs.

Dun splurge unnecc. Put it aside for trips, for stuff to get the baby, etc =)

BUT of coz if you can afford it, Muji has nice nursing tops and Mothercare too.

For nursing gowns, buy slightly smaller than your current size. Note even after delivery it takes time for the tummy to go down. Make sure chest area not tight because boobs expand when they are full of milk, go down after feeding. It does not stay one size all the time. When full it can be obscenely huge lol.

I have bigger mammaries so I bought a nursing bra with better support for days I wanna go out. I had to contend with lumpy nursing bra fronts in the past so this time I got 2 that I thought were quite nice- t-shirt material sort, holds its shape and look (looks like regular bra) and has soft under support so the boobs won't sag. It is not underwire bra but it has a soft plastic support that does not constrict the milk glands but still gives added boost where most nursing bras have none.

Got them from a maternity shop in KKH and the lady said they were from Taiwan.

These will be my go out gai gai bras... lol. But at home, I will be wearing regular cotton nursing bras when my Dad's around in the day. At night, topless, braless... but I did leak milk initially so might just wear a cloth nursing bra with little towels slipped inside (not nursing pads- those are for going out. At home can just use towels, no one see mah) folded and tucked inside. Later on won't need to wear nursing bra or worry about leakage... later on being when the kid is 1-3 years old. Lol.

I wonder... really wonder... if I will go the distance with Noah hahaha. Fed Kae 3 years... wonder if I should feed Noah for 3 years also. I feel like just b-feeding him 1.5 years to 2. Lol.

@gregda - checkout the bulk purchase threads on the forum for nursing bras. I got quite a few pieces for less than S$20 each [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] n they look prettier with more designs compared to M&S. the ones i got were autmunz & fantabulous mum brand.

Hi girl,

Think I can meet up for the gathering since I'm on mc fir a few days.

Trinket, do pm me ur number as well [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


I'm still wearing mine although it's tight. Lol. Feel naked when I take it off. Lol.

Yo!!!really look forward to our lunch gathering this thurs leh!! hheee..then i can match faces and voices with the posting here!! LOL

Hey..did any one make a reservation for the lunch?

Geri... yeah...same here..i also abit half hearted on the bf-ing journey ahead..for #1 i bf for 21months or so...

heartburn...out of a sudden last nite had very bad heartburn and vomit out very yucky sourish juices..(think is gastric juice ba)... and i had no appetite so didnt eat before puking...

today feels much better.... countdown countdown to the xmas, CNY then yeah!

At least u girls can wear those from M&S etc... I cannot fit into any of those... coz too small. X.X

Dunno if that is a boon or a bane... Lol.


Lol. To be fair, breastfeeding had many lovely moments. Don't scare the rest. =)

I really enjoyed the bonding. Just that that time I was a single mum, now got hubby... so I wanna be more considerate. He is ok with me breastfeeding all the way til 3 and he thinks I should, but then I told him it means less snuggle time coz feeding the kid takes time. ^.^"


Adoi! Hugs. I hate heartburn. =p

I was worried I'd get it last night hahaha. Hubby took me out to paktor for our dating anniversary. We had buffet and I was so stuffed when we left, sneezing was hard coz I couldn't really even take in a breath to sneeze. FULL plus Braxton Hicks. Tummy was so hard hahaha.

Thankfully, no heartburn despite durian pengat and all that... lol.

Geri...OPPPS!! no...my half hearted means the tiredness during midnite feed...LOL... not the lovely moments lar...

its true that ur child will be extremely close to u if u bf them... living example is my son..hahaa...we are superb close...


Nods. Yea. Kae is very very very close to me also. =)

I always have to remind hubby that Kae loves him but when he has nightmares he tends to look for me because well, I was his milk maid for 3 years and the one he snuggled up to when he was a baby. Plus we had extra 9 mths together.

Did you carry to feed or lie down to feed? I basically lie down to feed plus read magazine later on. Initially got to carry lah lol. =)

But at night, because I shared bed with Kae then (I can't this time around- my hubby sleeps all over the shop, not in one corner kind), I just had to switch sides after each feed. I slept topless. Kae was able to root and wriggle and find my boobs on his own by around 1-2 months old. I was sleeping one night and he detected my boobs on his own, latched on and started suckling. I woke up when he started suckling and was so surprised. Lol.

Hi mummies..

feeling a little emo today..

having tiny pimples popping out all over my chest and breasts today.

do we still get fluctuating hormone at this stage?

Am also suffering from extremely dry skin since last week..

somehow my body seemed to be undergoing some changes which I think is unusual for 3rd tri?

wont be joining gathering as will be working.

Have been reading up on breastfeeding recently.

Am thinking what will be the bfg plan as I'll be returning to work when BB turns 2 months..

Cant find a book that is comprehensive for me.

need to know when I need to start expressing extra bm..

also need to know how much ebm I should store..


still havent got my milk bags/ pump/ bottles/ teats/ steriliser

my sis will be getting a 2nd hand Medela Electric Plus for me from UK.. but am still thinking whether I should go ahead with PISA or Freestyle since I'll need to be pumping efficiently.

recently my son hasnt been sleeping well..

he has been waking up in the middle of the night and hard to get to sleep..

he has also resorted to kicking me when I ignored his beatings.

I wonder where he learn kicking from!

Ah Ching: I've also been experiencing some physical symptoms in 3rd tri which I guess are a result of being pregnant. Symptoms which I haven't seen in the 1st 2 tris. One is my skin appears thinner now, not on the tummy but more on the limbs. The colouration on my thighs looks patchy too, some red splotches and some white spots, but nothing bumpy ... I think everything will return to normal once we give birth...meanwhile, try and "enjoy" these little reminders that we have a cute little one growing inside of us =)

@princess31 – 6 times hourly…tat’s a lot! Cut down on fluid! I am a heavy drinker on plain water and will cut down on nighttime and even I cut down, I still need to run to pee once or twice on wee hours. Same here, I having low lying placenta too and still hoping to shift up…maybe u can check with ur gynae coz if ur placenta did not block the cervix or it’s not too low, still able to go for natural birth provided ur bb head down.

@claire- did not wear ring coz I very absent minded. Do take out on and off coz wearing too long will hinder blood circulation.

@idaar – I keen to buy a few stuff from babymall too…anyone holding the spree?

@gregda – I bought mine at OG maternity dept, cost about $13 each…online I got 2 pcs of bravo (exp but heard it good). I braless at home and hv to wear dark top as I walk around my hse (stay with in laws). If u got big breast, better put on bra!

Mrs Ong: I pee abt once every hr at night, so that's an average of 6 times a night ... on a good night, just once or twice, but that's becoming increasingly rare ... last few nights has been between 4 - 6 times a night ... I think my water and toilet paper bill also will go up, heehee!

I can't help it..every time I go to pee, before I jump back into bed, I MUST take a sip of water too because I feel so thirsty. I have a big jug of water next to me when I sleep so I can refill my cup a few times. Is it coz baby needs plenty of amniotic fluid to swim around in, hence my sudden increase in water consumption?

ah ching...i got rashes instead...hai...hormones ba...ur dry skin shld be hormone changes too...just apply moisturiser if feeling disturb

on expressing bm hor... based on personal experience, if u wan to boost the milk supply, my method is you pump first, let let ur baby latch on to increase supply

hmmm..how much to express? as much as possible? I always make sure there are more than enough milk so that my mum will not resort to FM! hehee

geri...me initial first few months was latching on..later on was totally expressing out and only latch when he reject bottles...

sitting up to feed lor...

princess...wah....u sip smaller mouth of water lar...dun sip too much..else panda bear leh!

Geri: haha, sure, drop by UDC anytime:)

Ah Ching: since 4 weeks ago i am starting to sprout back, neck and chest acne. i never had such breakouts before and i always prided myself in my smooth smooth back. guess this wont be the case anymore. haha.. seems like age doesnt matter.. im one of the youngest in this forum and yet i am experiencing a lot of horrible skin conditions. i have white spots dotting my arms and thighs like some disease since mid 2nd tri as well as the much dreaded stretch marks. aiya, resigned to it already lah. religiously applying all the creams now hopefully they will be gone soon:)

nursing attire:

i bought a open front PJs the other day and wore it to bed. fits just nice and material is comfy. however after one day of wearing it i think i wont be bringin PJs to hospital nor wearing it at home alr.. first of all i look damn frumpy in the PJs. also when i sleep the sleeves and bottom keeps bunching up making sleep very disturbed. the buttons keep brushing against my nipples(i dont wear bra to slp) and it kind of hurt.. so i have decided to just go with oversized tshirts at home or whichever i am comfortable with. i invested in a couple of nursing tank tops from pupsik for going out purposes. i was contemplating buying fanciful nursing tops but think its a waste of money cos its harder to match and more expensive. plain nursing tank tops are the best bcos u can wear it under your usual clothes or a cute shawl and u can still bf in public discreetly without looking awkward. i also invested in 2 nursing bras.. i guess those PJs and fanciful nursing attire are not for me..

wow the thread is moving really fast! Talking about maternity bras it's not a need to get so many right? 1 or 2 will suffice? Is there such thing as a good quality nursing bra or anything? I found some online that seems to be selling 8 /9 plus and thought it's cheap.

Hi Mummies:

Im from May 2010 thread, Im selling away a brand new Avent steriliser at $150/-. Please text me at 97714797 or PM me. Self collect.



yeah agree its really moving fast today.

i had a full lunch...now so sleepy at work..hahaha. i wun be joining for the lunch gathering on 9th Dec...working.. u gals have a good time!

Thanks all for the tips on nursing tops / nursing bras. Think I will browse ard the sprees and also drop by OG maternity.. seems like the OG nursing bras are pretty affordable at $13 per pc. Think I get 2 nursing bras first. Nursing tops can follow Geri's idea.. or just go into nursing room to BF cause most major dept stores have nursing rooms also. at most buy 1-2 pcs if i see something nice.

OFB: the changing mat is $10. It's made of white plastic velvety smooth waterproof like texture. Quite cooling texture too. It's 2 sides are folded up, and baby can also lie on it to sleep or nap. my friend say her baby loves to sleep on it. There is a cover for it. The cover is terry cloth material. $8 for 2 pcs. Washable and removable.

Princess31: Thats really very frequent toilet breaks. You must be so tired cause of the interrupted sleep. Why not u take small sips instead? hope it works.

Swollen fingers:

can be due to water retention. so far, my hands and feet are still around the same. try to massage ur hands and fingers at night.. It will help in the swelling.


Scan: Oic. Let us know how your 3D scan turns out.. 

Low-lying placenta: I have same prob, in fact on bedrest now. Until now, gynae still can’t confirm whether need C-section anot. Do have more rest and don’t carry heavy things and walk for too long.


Thanks for sharing about the overseas spree BP section.


Trinket/Visha: so long as you can still take off everyday it’s ok I guess.

Cherry: thanks. Ya, will remove asap when I’ve figured out how.. :p

Nursing bra

Gregda: I bought a few at dept stores (BHG and OG), quite cheap about $15. But not say very nice shape .. and supposed to be cotton, but feel that it’s not so breathable as compared to my other Triumph bras. I guess I get what I pay… :p

Geri: thanks for the online tips on cheap alternatives to nursing tops. How much do your nice nursing bras cost? On nursing pads, is it better to get disposable or washable types?

Ah Ching

Breastpumps: I heard that Medela PISA has better suction compared to free style and PISA is recommended by TMC. Of course gotta weight against the convenience and portability of the 2 pumps. For myself, I deliberated on the pumps for the longest time and decided on getting an Avent ISIS.


They are really expensive! Are there cheaper alternatives for working mums? Bought some pigeon milkbags (25/pk) at $12.90


Is it the sleeping position that ur son is not comfortable with? Kicking is his natural instinct to retort! Hee..

Mrs ong..tot of geting rompers n all to match the bros since they cn still us theirs coz their cutting quite generous..

Evian mummy.. Cn help organize since gt 3 mummies interest liao?? Hehehe.... She spree expert lah...

Claire: My son is standing up to kick me, like kicking a ball!

re: breastpump

will try out the electric plus first.. if it is not effective then will invest in a PIS.. I can leave it in office so no need to bring here and there.

I have many other breastpumps at home.. haha

but think will latch when at home cos latching will promote milk production.

for my first pregnancy i bought blue egg milk bags from a spree or BP, $6.50 for 25... think i still have one box!


i like the pigeon disposable nursing pads the most.

ah ching

maybe time to try some super nanny tactics on him. he's not scared of you at all? can you try to be more fierce and see whether there's a difference?

Claire, I stopped wearing my ring since 5th mth and hooked it as a pendant for my necklace instead. Your finger will resume back frm the swelling after birth.

Cheap nursing attires

I bought my 3x open front pj from one of those stalls outside guanyin temple. Very cottony, cooling n lightweight. Best of all, it dries v fast after washing. Cost only $9.00 per set. Alternatively, u can get better looking pj at those pushcarts found in heartland malls, price ard $18 per set. For nursing bras, CK at chinatown sells at $2.90-$4.90.

Ah ching, i ordered a PISA frm lengleng as she's able to secure a 1yr warranty frm the us dealer if the set is faulty. I'm using a mini-e previously n regretted using it as it reduced my supply during 1st pg. My friend who's using the medela E plus said the motor is similar to mini-e only diff is it's a dual pump.

Cheap milkbags

I did a comparison btw the different brands of milkbags and found tat Playtex milkbags are the cheapest, ard $0.15 per pc but the con is it doesn't comes with ziplock for easy sealing so u got to use clip or rubber band to seal it. Other popular milkbag brands' price range frm $0.35/pc for Lansinoh to $0.60/pc for a medela.

My friend who is a mummy of 2 also agreed that the Medela PIS is more powerful. The motor engine can give more powerful suction. only thing is that it is heavy and bulky.

The Swing and Freestyle wise..think Freestyle is better than Swing in terms of power and suction. Freestyle dual pump so save time too.

I am interested to get the Freestyle too as it looks really convenient to carry to work.

afternoon everyone...

So much activity today... very gd.. can help me stay awake in the office =)

Heartburn - I don't really get that but increasingly finding it tough to digest my food. Really hv to force myself to stick to small meals cos i'm really a big eater ;p Can't even slouch after meals now cos that adds pressure to the tummy

Nursing Tops - I haven't bought any yet leh. Don't really dare to invest in anything fancy cos not sure if i'll bf successfully.. buying the pump was already a very expensive leap of faith.. i figured i'll probably shop online during maternity leave when i hv a better idea if i can bf successfully...

Ikea Changing Table - Sounds like something really useful! Maybe I'll pop by to take a look.. do they come with drawers to put baby's clothes and toiletries?

Nappy Rash - I think NTUC is having a promotion for Drapolene brand.. 2 for $9 plus..

maternity pads - me abit blur.. but what's the purpose of those loops ah? so that u dun hv to wear undies?

Jooz, I bought other brand call moomoo. Is the same as Bumwear but different brand. Going to let my girl used it once she 2mths old. =)

Dear Mummies,

I have:

1) An almost brand new My Brest Friend pillow for sale @ $70.

Used only a few times.

2) Preloved Philip Avent Dual Electric breast pump selling for

$250. Used for 1 month. Still have 6 months warranty. Its an

U.S. set.

Both items self collection @ Tiong Bahru.

If interested, pls call 81828574. Thanks

Hello mummies.. have been MIA quite a while.

I did quite a lot of shopping over the weekend and have bought the following:

- peg perego stroller

- bedside cot from Mothercare (used to be $540 but now selling at $340, quite a good deal! it can be placed next to my bed so i thought that is good as I can keep an eye on bb). However, mattress is bought separately

- PISA pump (hopefully it wont be a white elephant given the huge investment!)

Nursing PJs

- coincidentally, i have been doing some online shopping for this as well and found some interesting links:



Charmaine - $9/set is really cheap.. Unfortunately, i seldom go there

Ring - I already stopped wearing my ring for a few months already.. scared later too tight cannot take out ;P

wish child: i just bought about $350 worth of their one size diapers + some accessories.. still dont know if they are good but have a pretty good feeling about them. hopefully they work out well and i dont have to tear my hair out with all the washing.. haha.


I called Honeypot... they said for the smaller packages of $630, only 2-3 people can share.

For the larger package, it costs $1260 for 28 sessions, so $45 each session, and any number can share. I think the problem for us would be coordinating and coming up with 28 people! Unless some people are willing to buy two sessions...

what do the interested people think? Maybe we can see if Pink parlour gets back to Geri...



Is your son in nursery? He could have picked it up from a kid there OR he could have seen another kid do it and decided to try it too. He just wants a reaction.

And yea I also got those tiny little red dots on my chest area… =p I just dun think about it lah since it is temporary. =) Can apply drapolene to them ehehe. When I have any rashes or chaffing, I use drapolene hahaha.

Keep expressing and storing. The nursing expert at KKH was telling us the other day that just keep pumping and storing as much as you can once the milk supply is established. She told us how some people do it is that they buy a separate small fridge to store breast milk only. And some buy a freezer just for that. Frozen milk can keep for a year if not wrong, refrigerated one can keep for a few months. Then everyday come back from work, let baby feed from the breast, but pump after that to store. When at work, caregiver has to feed using stored milk. Must label the date and time on the pack.


I am believing that my placenta has moved up. Gynae didn't say anything at last visit but said everything is very good. So gonna ask him if the placenta has moved up yet at this visit.


I drink tons of water also hahahahahaha.


Kae dun like bottles lor. He rejected them totally. Lol. Our bottles like buy for fun like that hahaha. He hated pacifiers, hated bottles… he definitely wasn't confused about which nipple he preferred.


Dun have to buy expensive PJs lah. I agree with u- wear what is comfy.

For those of us who have opted for KKH, they provide 2 changes of nursing gowns a day. So you don't have to bring any clothes but for your check out of hospital baju with you in ur hospital bag. =)


I want to buy cheaper ones but dun have my size- 40E damn frigging hard to find. =p Bigger sized bras are more $$$. Trust you me, I love saving money so I would have gone for cheaper alternatives if I had found any.

The first two I bought- the Taiwanese ones that have better support and shape- were not cheap. =p But like I said, the last time when I breastfed (and I will be feeding for 2-3 years), I hated how my bras were all lumpy whenever I wore clothes with them. So these are my "going out" nice bras. They cost about $60 plus each if I recall correctly.

For the ones at home, hubby and I hunted high and low but in the end bought from Mothercare. Slightly smaller than 40E but can use bra extender. I cannot recall how much they were.

Actually I wanted to buy bandeau bra then just tuck nursing pad in- can wear off shoulder tops even with those bras… but ALL the bandeau bras I saw were WAY TOO SMALL for me. Lol.

So itz kinda sian. =p


Dun need lah. Really. I breastfed 3 years and only had one nursing top (a gift from a friend) and I survived hahaha. You can breastfeed discreetly without a nursing top. Many of them are really $$$ too. At most invest in one or two that you can wear to go out for a nice dinner/ day out. Then the rest of the time, you dun really have to wear nursing tops. REALLY. =)


Yea I tried Bumwear before. Same friend who gave nursing top gave bumwear to us. I was thinking of getting diapers like that for Noah at first to save $$… but then hor, my Dad was going on and on about how ley chey it was too wash and dry hahaha. If I buy I would buy the ones from online. I posted on the forum. Cheaper than bum wear even after shipping =)

Seriously geri... AVON has super nice n

Bras n some up to 40e at the most ex rm 23.90zzz so half price. I go every mnth. Remind me bring the catalogue for u to see. My frens who has bigger boobs thanked me as a god send n finally have colored bras besides black n skin color.. Hahaah.. Best part... Dun fit.. Cn chnage with tags attached!!

I have yet to send nashita one as real bz.. Babe.. U reading this.. I will send u soon


Trinket: Sorry to get back to u this late. The honeypot is offering the package as what u had mentioned and my post back then did mention that with the 1260, we can have 28 sessions of hollywood wax. And each session will be 45 instead of the 60+. However, they go by a credit scheme and if everyone opts to take different treatments it will be very hard to monitor. So it's better to gather ppl who just want to do Hollywood wax and with a calculation of 14 pax with each pax taking up 2 sessions, it will be so much easier to split the cost and monitor.

