(2011/02) Feb 2011

Pootz- YUP! That is true. But sometimes when they are younger they try the tricks other kids try on their parents. Lol.

Like I said, Kae used to emo blackmail with the famous "I dun love u anymore" line when he didn't get his way. I'd just calmly reply, "It's ok. I still love you anyway. And the answer is still you can't have that candy because it is going to be dinner time." After a while, he gave up but didn't feel like he lost any love, but that he gained love and something more important than the candy. Hahaha.

I used that line on my mum when I was a kid too and she would just whack me with a cane a lot. I felt fear, anger and hurt I recall. Reading my P2 diary the other time, I felt terrible that I said very horrible things in it about her. I was just OS frustrated and frazzled by then. My dad had bought me a diary with a lock and it helped me vent out my anger on paper. Lol.

I love my mum. We still fight and she still frustrates me but I love her. I think watching my dad love her despite all her misgivings and not giving up on their marriage taught me tolerance. Still learning to tolerate her but it gets easier when u come from love and not obligation.

Pootz- yup. How about having Indonesian buffet? Novena Velocity has a good indonesian table buffet. ;) Then we can go gai gai at Fox Kids (cute cute baju!) after that and have udders ice cream. Hehe.

Haha! Thanks everyone .. After reading those comments I felt much better.. Cus those peeps tells me, they know who n who scan is a boy, come out girl etc .. Which make me doubt the u/s.. Last appt, wanted ask dr to scan see if the bird is still there.. But he's too rush, hence didn't help me reconfirm.. Haha ..

For me, I dun believe in physical punishment.. But my hubby is opposite.. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Cus he grew up tat way.. n I tell him.. His family members are not allowed to 'teach' my son.. I dunno how hard they will hit.. Felt bad to see niece and nephews are like zebra when doin visitin.. as if cane already they became guai...

Oh yah, when r u all starting ur maternity ?

Geri, Welcome back. wow it have been a long time never saw u post anything. Haha. Miss your long post. Nice pics!!! Oh ur edd is 17th Feb mine is 19th feb.. A few days different from u.

So worries my bb girl haven head down. Hmm worry need to c-sect. Hmm i must pray hard my girl will turn down soon. Hehe. Today i ask my hubby "Are you already to be a Father?" Haha he said ok. For me i felt very excited but still not really prepare yet. Haha i'm just afraid cant give her everything as she need.

@Geri - OMG, you have mention Udders!!!!! =P~~~~

BTW, I just found a mummy selling her nearly new Manduca carrier at $200. Think I'm getting it :p Thanks to you, Geri! I've been going crazy searching all over ebay for it! Wahahhaa!

wow geri, you are back. buffet sounds awesome, and i love love love jap food as well as other ethnic cuisines. however, my morning sickness is back and i cannot stomach much so i dont think i will enjoy the buffet. pre-delivery meeting up sounds fun though:) i start my ML officially on 1 jan, but will be clearing 7 days of leave prior to that, so my last day of work is 19 dec after deducting pulic hols..

thanks all.. now she see the cane she will become guai for awhile..

after that come again.. so i will try again n again..

will try my best to teach her.. hope she can be guai guai n listen..

Charmian- To be fair, every child needs one to tweak one's parenting style. Lol. My pastor who has 3 kids was sharing how each of her kids are so diff and she has to use diff ways to teach, to discipline and to encourage them.

For me, I dun cane with the aim to maim. No whooshing sound one. Hahaha. Just piak and it is enough. It is not so much the whacking but the reinforcement. Anyway when he was 2-3 we really had to wield the cane becoz Kae was exceedingly stubborn then. Then now, just say "I really don't wish to have to call over my Personal Assistant (the cane) so please do what u know u have to do hor." And he will nod and do a great job and happily too. Haha.

Each child is diff just as each parent is diff. My hubby never got caned becoz he was such a real model kid (super voody two shoes) but his er jie was very cheeky so got caned a lot. She is a wonderful person and darn good with kids. No emo scarring there. She is so close to her parents. As long as u discipline from the right spirit, Ur kids will know de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Maybe since hubby and u got diff discipline styles, it is best to discuss about it now. But when kid comes u might find u mist tweak still. Never disagree with each other abt how to discipline the kid in front of the kid or he/she will learn and play parental politics. Always discuss such stuff and try to find an agreement point when u both are alone and kiddo is not around. Grins.


My belly button hasnt popped out, but I am carrying quite high. Dunno bout yr doc, but mine always points out the penis to me, haha! Ask him to show you your bb's private parts at the next scan again to confirm...

Pootz- I also drooling le. Haha. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Oh yay! U found the Manduca at a lower price. :D I can't wait for hubby to collect ours from our friend when he goes back to Aussie to wrap up his production.

Joodz- HUGS! Maybe we can meet for just Udders or Tea (drink and cakes) at a cafe. Something light. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Fiona- Dun worry. U will learn to adjust as u go along. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Gambatte! Hugs hugs!

@Geri – u r back! Cool & nice pix and I bet u having fun as well!

@mami B – Emma, A lovely name u have for ur ger!

@Charmian – There will be one more detailed scan when we reached weeks 32. I have mentioned in this thread that my buddy’s colleague’s baby turned out to be boy in the 8th month detailed scan…Gyna told her was a girl during 5th month detailed scan. I will be taking my maternity right after CNY if my bb can wait!

@pootz – we are not allowed to go for hot bath tub…but if soaked not long, should be alrite. Check with ur gyna n dun worry too much k.

Love the idea of meeting up with u mummies but I will be occupied with bb’s shopping, antennal programme plus gathering with my family, ex-colleagues and frens before I into labour! Time flies and we are about or entering 3rd trimster!

This month shopping, got my sterilizer, milk bottles, brush, a few new bb clothes & lots of old hand down bb clothes (some are really old which I dun think I wan to give my ger wear haha) , Well, still have many to shop and targeting to get all by end dec coz guess I will be too lazy to shop in Jan! Just wonder what should I prepare for myself during confinement period? Anyone can advise me on this?

Wish- Hehe. Mai kancheong. Parenting is something u grow into with time and u never stop learning de. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] No one is ever fully prepared as each stage poses diff challenges. Now K is experimenting with trying to "talk back" but is fast learning it only puts him at a disadvantage. Lol.

Hehe. Whether my EDD is 17th or 21st, our EDDs are close. ^.^!

Mrs Ong- thanks!! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

I will post up on confinement in a bit. Kae is going out with my friend her son to Universal Studios so trying to prepare him now. Hope he behaves. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Feeling very irritable for no reason. Maybe it's hormones. Haha... Trying to cool down using an ice compress as my pillow while surfing this forum on iPhone. Feels so much better with the ice pack

Mrs Ong, what u mentioned quite scary leh!! Eight month then the bird bird appear suddenly?!? I have been accumulating girl girl things for Emma. I cannot imagine if she suddenly turns out to be Emil!!! Faint!! LOL! Hope my Gynae predicted correctly for me.

Ah Ching, I find that u are very strong leh... Ur Hubby seems abit Bo chap abt u giving birth and u are able to take it in ur stride and move on for the sake of ur children. Salute! I know u are facing challenges but I do hope that all works well in the end for u. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] stay strong!!

Geri , yah I agree with u Cakes or ice-cream may be a better idea for accommodating most people [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] think not all mummies have good appetite nowadays , some cannot take the smell of restaurants etc. I also will try to make it if it's an afternn thing weekday.

Anybody wearing contact lens 1-day Acuvue Moist at -7.50 degree? I have 44pcs to let go. Done LASIK and thus contact lens not needed anymore. Selling at $40 for 44pcs. Price negotiable.

Please email [email protected] if interested. Thanks!


mamiB: haiz.. i guess i got no other choice but to move on lor..

for my number 1, my hubby went for the detailed scan (the only visit he accompanied).

For this number 2.. he didnt even go for my detailed scan and couldnt be bothered to see the u/s photo I showed him.

I kinda like ren ming already.

No point getting upset over such things..

Just got to take one step at a time.

Take it easy.. cos I dont want to be stress and trigger early labour..

On Tues I was concentrating on my report when my colleague suddenly shouted very loudly..

gave me a scare and I had stomach pain.

My colleague was shouting in his sleep!

Later he told me he also caused his wife to go into labour at 7 months

so scary

just being curious... does your hubbies get turned off by your big stomach?

or are they still interested in doing it with u??

my hubby seemed to have no interest in whatsoever activities.. not sure whether he is turned off by my big belly?

Makes me a bit paranoid how he is releasing his stress if he is not doing it with me for the last xx mths

Mummies, any one used Calypso - Single Electric Breast Pump before?

Sorry mummies that i posting too much questions on the breast pump. Pls bear with me as I seriously cannot decide whether to send my current Avent pump to repair or to get a second hand pump or to get a new one.

New ones i need to look at the pricing.

Medela FreeStyle seems very costly for me... About $450. i don't wish to spend so much money since this is the 2nd baby.

yesterday i went to visit a shop at parkway centre to look at my bfree bottles, the sales lady is very nice and helpful, and has given me a great deal of advices.

She introduce me to this breast pump name Ardo Calypso - Single Electric Breast Pump. She told me Ardo is a competitor of Medela and its available in Malaysia hospitals.

What really impress me is that the warranty is either 2 years or usage of 400 hours (whichever is longer) and this set is upgrable to dual pump, so for those first time mummies who don't know if you have the milk supply, you can upgrade to dual without affecting the warranty.

Very tempted to get this, it cost about $338 before discount. Very indecivise to repair my old avent pump or to buy... hahaha

joodjoodtz: When is your EDD? I'm so envious that your AL/ML is starting in Dec! That's within sight! I have yet to read up in detail about my company's ML but I was told I can't take AL straight before the ML, as they will count the ML as starting from that first day of AL instead. If I want to take AL before ML, I MUST come back to office at least 1 day in between. My ML can only be taken earliest 1 month before EDD but I'm actually looking at just 2 weeks before, say, around mid Jan. But if I find myself getting too big or tired or needing more time to prepare for stuff then I was thinking of using AL to go off in early Jan instead. My dream arrangement, of course, would be to finish work by 31st Dec and start the New Year on the right note :p

What about the rest of the mummies?

I'm keen on outing and will join in if free [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] But it's true weekends are crazy busy with baby prep, and nowadays buffets are wasted on me oweing to lack of appetite.

Geri: Ah, I know what you mean about having your beef well done! Yesterday, I went to gyu-kaku and my hub insisted on cooking my meats for me and he left my beef slices on for a good minute longer than his just to ensure it's well cooked [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Yucks [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm not going back till I can eat my medium rare beef again. But with sashimi my resistance has been a little poorer - had a couple of tiny maki rolls with raw salmon (like 2 pieces, just enough to whet my appetite only!) each time I've been to sushi tei, and then felt guilty enough to stop the raw fish consumption and fill myself up with the cooked stuff instead. So...not so shiok but better than nothing :p

Anybody deciding whether to go to the Mums & Tots Fair or the Parenthood Fair? They are consecutive weekends so I thought no point going for both ... but which one will have more shops to buy from, and better deals?

heh heh, i ate quite a lot of sushi and sashimi at itacho sushi last week...


about a fortnight ago i joined my colleagues to walk from hort park treetop walk all the way to vivo city for lunch! I think it was at least 6km. we weren't walking fast so it was ok. just a little bit hot at that time of day.


yup, I'm ok if we meet for lunch. maybe something nearer city hall will be better for most working folks?


better not go for hot baths anymore. it's something about our body temperature rising in a hot bath, and we can dissipate it by sweating etc, but bb is trapped and can't regulate the heat well. a good test i read, is that if your skin turns red after touching the water, it's too hot.


i totally don't believe in the shape-of-tummy theory. I mean seriously, how does that have any effect on gender? for mine also, both times rounded so supposed to be boy but both times it'll be a girl!

and whilst ultrasounds are not foolproof (e.g. some penises grow very late in the pregnancy) at least by 30+ weeks you should be able to tell...

@trinket - my skin din turn red la... else I think I won't go in myself. :p Yeh, no more hot tubs for me... [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] I'm trying to monitor the bb's movement... she's still moving... but seems lesser! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] Mebbe it's just me making things out of a molehill... Sighhhhh..

princess31: as per detailed scan my EDD is last day of jan. however, recent visits have showed mid jan most of the time, so i am really afraid i will pop by mid jan. and if i deliver 1-2weeks before mid jan, doesnt that mean i have a chance of delivering early jan? so near and scary.. haha.. one thing i should be happy is my baby is absorbing and growing well. dont want to worry about other things. my company is pretty small so they are not a stickler to HR rules and regulations. i can take my AL together with my ML. but my headache is to train the new staff. till now still havent find replacement and i need to train for 2 weeks before i can go.

few days back i had a very, very stressful day. its the kind of stress equivalent to if you open ur bedroom door to see your hubby in bed with another woman(of cos this didnt happen to me and my stress is related to work but i believe this is the level of stress i experienced). something major happened at work which put me in a very very bad situation, and i was so stressed my hands were literally shaking and my palms went cold. following that i had painful contractions and almost wanted to go hospital, but i told myself i needed to calm down no matter what, and i took 30mins lock myself in a room to calm down. after calming down my contractions stopped. lucky nothing happen. scared the hell out of me.

i am starting to get obsessed with cleaning. i have spring cleaned my hse many times now and at every opportunity i have. i think its the nesting instinct. there's something exciting seeing the whole place sparkling clean for the new arrival. i also assembled the cot myself(i was alone at home) with allen key and screws last night and added it to the bedroom. i know we shouldnt be screwing things and assembling stuff in the house but i dont knw what went over me. just couldnt see the piles of wood lying in one corner. looks too messy, so i put them together. took me almost 4 hours. but the end result looks really cute. :)

Joodtz, think your nesting instinct is very strong kekeke...

I am the opposite. We have not adjusted the cot bed, the floor can be less than perfectly cleaned and I will just ignore it n not scold the maid (I normallyvery picky abt tip top standard for cleaning things like the floor) , I feeling super lax... Like i don't wan to care abt any thing or make myself hot and bothered. I just wana lie on the sofa hugging an ice pack. Pure laziness. Wonder when I will feel like snapping into action to prepare for arrival of baby two. From the looks of it, probably one week before delivery hahaha... Like exams.

Great that u assembled the cot!! U must be so happy to see the end result. Hehe so capable!!!

Sorry mummies, haven't been able to come online for past 3days. I'm finally discharged. But the past 2 days are the most intense period of my life. As I've been wanting to discharge desperately,, my gynae told the nurses to reduce my drip dosage every 4hrly but whenever it's reduced to 4mg/min, my contractions set in. So the nurses will immed increase the dosage and inform my gynae. Took 2days for me to finally hv the drop pulled off. Both my hands are swollen as I've been on drip for a week with regular injecting of 200ml of liquid antibotics into the iv. My bleeding is finally controlled but my contractions are so frequent as I'm no longer on drip. I'm hving it like 3-5x per hour. Now on standby to go kkh if any contractions stays for more than 20mins. Trying to stay calm and I'm so grateful to be home. I'm so grateful I'm able to carry my 1st child to full term previously.

Jooz, How is ur backache? Is it better?

Try not to stress urself too much n relax urself.

Do more things that u wish to do n want to do.

Dont worry about the giving birth early jan or middle jan. As what old pp said Baby will choose their own timing to come to this world. If u afraid ur bb girl will arrival early talk to her everyday to ask her come around the time u want.

As for my bb girl i hope she dont come out on valentine day. Haha. Cheer up n relax =)

Charmaine, Corgrats u have discharge. Try to massage ur hand n palm so the swollen will slowly go off. Do rest well n try not to move around too much. DO take care woh. =)

Ah Ching, on sex, maybe ur hubby scared of hurting ur baby so never asked for it. A lot of men don't know better. They tot cannot. Did u try initiate? Or letting him know it's ok one??

My case cannot do cos low lying placenta. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif] hv to be nun and monk for rest of pregnancy.

Ooooh!!! Charmaine!!! U are at home now!! I am so relieved. Didn't see u post anything the last couple of days n i was worried.

Do take care to rest in bed just like in the hospital. Unfortunately, that is the best thing u can do for your baby now. I m going thru the same thing n have hardly gone out anywhere safe for very short trips to grab groceries or go to mum place for dinner. Most of the time is spent on the sofa or the bed surfing the Internet. Like now. Very boring but much safer than if i were to go out shopping.

It's been a harrowing experience to stay in hospital for so long not knowing when the damn fresh bleeding will stop. Pls take care!! If u bored can come online. I am here most of the time. Nothing else for me to do but watch tv, surf net n play tiny chef on my iPhone hehe...

charmaine: meantime take things easy ok..

being relax can help to reduce the contraction frequency hopefully.

mamiB: my hubby and I were still active until I was 8 months pregnant my last pregnancy..

but this time round.. he is always not at home la.

he'll come into bedroom ard 7 am when my boy will wake up.

so also no chance to initiate anything..

i still remember that I told him that we havent done it for a long time a few months back..

then he started telling me that he will be busy on Mon, Tues, etc and say he need to check when he will be free.

that was the last time I asked him.

Anyway, he never come home/ come into the room before 6 am for the last few months

@charmaine - good to hear u are well and out of hospital!

@Ah Ching - Is ur hubby like tat when u have ur lst child? Good that u very independent and have positive thinking. And i agreed with mami B that hubby is scared of hurting bb coz my hubby always say will hurt bb anot when we ml ;)

@mami B - Ya but not sure is it on 8mth scan dun discovered...think so if i remember correctly. So really cannot do for low lying placenta huh coz my poor hubby has to endure for at least 3 to 4mths or more if c-sec!

mami B: haha, then i am the opposite of you. i am the ultimate slob in the past and cant be bothered with housework. house very messy i also dont really want to lift a finger to clean. dont know why these days 360 deg change become clean freak. haha.

charmaine: so glad you are discharged. though u have to be on standby now at least u are out of danger zone. every extra day is a blessing for your baby. jiayou!

wish child: backache is better but not completely gone. i did not go for my prenatal massage eventually as my masseur is sick. valentine baby is so cute! then your hubby will always have a reason to celebrate and cannot say forget. hehe.

Wish_child, thanks alot.

Trinket, baywater, thanks alot, I've just saw yr emails. Thank you very much.

Mami_b, saw yr post about the tummy hardening. I'm getting it so frequently. My gynae has advised my hubby to admit me to kkh coz if I'm put on drip there, still can control my contractions to prevent preterm birth. I wanted to rest at home to save $ but the frequent hardening is scaring me. I will panic if it doesn't go off in 15mins time.

Princess31 &Geri, ah.....u all speak my language when it comes to food!!!! U know, I have been abstaining from beef steak for the sole reason of not being able to have it medium rare??? I really cannot wait for the time I can eat a bloody steak again hehehe.... Well done steaks are a no no for me too. Blahhh!!!

I dare not eat sashimi only because my pregnancy is super not easy to maintain ie I miscarry super many times so this one ultra precious. I just avoid incase I get any bad reactions from the raw stuff. Just have to control myself for another few more months now.........

Super miss having beer and hotpot. Wine and lamb . Choya and Korean BBQ. Oyster and champagne. Alamak... Writing about food is a bad idea.

charmaine!! u are back!! so glad u are discharged and like what the of mummies mentioned, do bed rest and kiao kar k...dont overexert urself =)

Just wondered active in ml mean having once a week? Eversince i preggie, dun really dare to ml hence only biweekly...i scare biweekly turn to once monthly or bimonthly after pregnancy coz got bb sure no time to ml. Then somemore, woman tend to hv lower sex drive.

Charmaine, I felt very helpless in hospital coz I know it's not a matter of our state of mind. We can be lying down and trying to keep still yet the fresh bleeding just comes on and again.

Has ur bleeding completely stopped?? If no fresh bleeding , just hardening tummy, is there a need to admit to hospital?

My gynae said only if bleed again. The hardening of tummy is ok.

Mrs Ong, think it varies from couple to couple although if u ml everyday,that is confirmed super active whahaha[IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

In singapore, due to stressful lifestyle, I think1-2x will be considered regular. In other laid back countries, it will be called low sex drive hehee....

I think for women, we need sex regularly to oil our engine. If too long never ml, the next time u wana ml, sure take a lot of effort. Then the man also sian.... Then we also sian.. But with regular ml , our body become conditioned to be turned on easily. Become smoother process to ml. Whahaha am I making any sense here ??? Whahhaa!!!

Thank you mummies. Thank you for giving me endless support.

Wanted to share smthg bout low placenta. Pls avoid chores or bending up/down if u hv low placenta or feels that something is pressing hard on yr v area. My 5th mth detailed scan showed that my placenta is not low but it's v low when I'm admitted. At 5th mth, I still dun hv the pressing feeling so I believed it's the daily chores and handling my boy tat caused my placenta to move dn. Now whenever I go toilet to pee or I stand up, my v is very heavy, like there's smthing tat's pressing down hard which will be painful most of the time.

Mami_b, my bleeding has stopped. I dun even dare exert too much force when I poo coz on my 3rd day, I exert abit of force to pee and blood oozed out. My gynae wants me to go kkh to put on drip coz he's afraid if I dun, and if my contractions set in, it might be too late to control it by drip by the time I reached kkh. He said my headache will come if I really hv to deliver my 28wk bb if can't control the contractions coz that's when the bill really starts to balloon plus bb is so small. Thing is my hubby also wants me to go kkh coz I can hv hardening for >20x a day. I'm in such a dilemma now. I kept telling my bb and myself to relax every sec.

Low placenta: Does this have anything to do with soreness at the v area after lying too long.. esp waking in the morning? I have this kind of feeling lately.. I hope it wouldnt be like Charmaine has mentioned.. Resultant of taking care of elder child + chores..

Cos I am guilty of both...

Charmaine: Glad to know you are out now.. Concern about your update too..

Couple life: Stopped since 4 or 5 months.. Busy with elder child and hb say.. would you feel attracted by a hippo.... =( Now also too big to do anything la...

Eviangal: low lying placenta is diagnose thru ultrasound. So you can ask ur gynae abt it the next time u visit.

If u search the net , there are several reasons given for women having low placenta. These are probable reasons given so it's a maybe , not 100% caused by these. Eg. Previous csec or miscarriages or abortions may cause scars in the uterine walls. Think these scars kinda attract the placenta and if the scars are lower in the uterus, the placenta ends up there.. Something like that. U check it out on line.. No mention that it's due to taking care of kids or household chores. So don't blame urself yah. Nothing to do with that.

Charmaine, hang in there. Its good that bleeding stopped. Maybe u will be like my case. The bleeding stopped and the doc say if bleeding never return for two three weeks, the hemorrhage has stopped so I can get off bed rest again. Then things return to normal and u don't need to feel so scared everyday .


Glad ur baby and u are fine after your harrowing experience. Hugs. Thanks for the reminder. Hoping you will keep remaining healthy and whole for the rest of Ur pregnancy!


*Face palm* Paiseh!!!!!! (X _ X) ••• Gomenasai.

Mami B-

Hehehe. Yes talking about food really makes me miss my usual favourites siah!! Lol. Nv. Just remember we are at the last lap of our pregnancy. Soon we can eat these yummylicious stuff!!!!


We do ML quite a bit. But it really depends on how tired we are that day. Maybe 2-3 x a week bah. And I guess if afraid to ML, there are other ways to enjoy bedroom intimacy? So should one of us not feel up to ML that day, we umm u know DIY lah or help the other DIY. ^.^"""

I blv some guys just feel bad ML when wives preggers also becoz they feel as if baby is being involved in the bedroom action. Some think baby can feel them in their wives. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] others worry that they will hurt mother and child.

And after pregnancy, it takes time to heal and start up the engine again. So other methods of bonding can take place then... Experiment.

I basically blv that bedroom time is important and the best way for us to keep hubbies from straying is to be experimental and open to try new things in bed, and to keep it interesting.

Hubbies role is to avoid being in situations where they can be easily tempted - eg visiting salah website, going overseas alone with a female colleague, hanging out too late at pubs without the wife about.

I guess it takes two hands to clap and two hearts to make things work during this period of time. I dun buy the low sex drive thing for women. Even when my sex drive is low, I still ML with hubby becoz I want to be the one who satisfies him and I do feel happy seeing him enjoying himself. I won't want to open the door to temptation for him too although I know he is super trustworthy. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


welcome! i hope my friend's story encourages you... take care yah? glad you're better now...

mami B

you just reminded me! yah gotta raise the cot again... if I didn't read this prob get backache from cot being too low when bb comes back from hospital!

Geri, can see u really make the effort to make hubby happy. Yah.. I think men with pregger wife quite poor thing if cannot ml. Maybe I should also put in some effort and think about ways I can please him...... Hm........


Hello mummies!

Hope all you are feeling recharged aft a rest yest.

Geri, welcome back.. miss ur long posts... cute pics of u & Kae! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Charmaine: Glad to hear dat u're hm. I thk u shld get urself checked at KKH cos like gynae say if u go into pre-term labour etc, it maay actually cost more for baby to stay in hospital. To minimise cost, you may want to stay in a subsidised ward during this period. If there's really financial issue, you may ask to speak to the social workers for help. Pls dun worry abt all these as ur health and baby's is more impt. Take care!

Thanks also for the word of advice as I have been guilty of doing hsework and bending down very often in recent months. Smhow I dun seem to remember I am pregnant when doing stuff according to my husband. I will definitely not bend anymore & try get help with hsework.

