(2011/02) Feb 2011

bigflamingo, i had cold 7-up (half can) 1x/2x a week and did helps with my ms. My mum had one can of 7-up everyday when she's pregnant with me and my siblings and we are fine [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]


Hi Amazing Miracle,

Fish with Mercury: Fish that contain high levels of mercury should be avoided. Mercury consumed during pregnancy has been linked to developmental delays and brain damage. A sample of these types of fish include: shark, swordfish, king mackerel, and tilefish. Canned, chunk light tuna generally has a lower amount of mercury than other tuna, but still should only be eaten in moderation. Certain types of fish used in sushi should also be avoided due to high levels of mercury. - please see http://www.americanpregnancy.org/pregnancyhealth/foodstoavoid.html for more info

@faithnhope: I always crave for tom yam! Last night my hubby cooked me tom yam maggi mee. So tasty! And tomorrow I'm going to have tom yam ramen from Ajisen. Haha!

@bigflamingo: The reason my mum told me not to drink cold drinks is next time baby will vomit milk very easily. If baby vomit milk I think I'll also suffer cos have to keep clean up my baby. So I think I better avoid. Haha!


I am 8wks along now. Gg to my gynae visit for the 1st time next wk.

This is my 2nd child, the first boy is now 21 mo.

My 1st MS was very mild, vomitted less than 5 times thru' out the whole pregnancy. But I couldnt walk or stand for long or I wld break out in cold sweat or faint. I had a low lying placenta that ultimately covered my whole cervix. Had a c-section to take the boy out in the end.

Currently, experiencing mild MS too. Appetite is not as gd as before. Tend to be picky about food. Feels tired very easily prolly coz I am my boy's main caregiver after work and over the weekends.

Heh... Sorry for the long entry!

My next doc visit is in 3 more weeks. I had slight ms for last week. Hope everything is ok. First time mother very anxious.

Hi ivy, if you are concerned, maybe just call your gynae?

I'm also first time mum, and anxious at any symptoms or no symptoms. But I remind myself not to worry too much loh..

Actually, I don't mind delivering during CNY, so long as my gynae is around! Hahah!! Then I can avoid gg visiting :p Then again, do hospitals charge a different rate if delivery falls on PH?

@faithnhope: Haha! I don't think so bah.. My gynae said my delivery might be around CNY then when she gave me her package price list she never tell me price will increase leh. Haha~ Or maybe the price list is a PH price list.

faithnhope: but pple will cum to my house! Then because it is the start of our "torture mth", we have to abstain from all of the nice food.

I dun mind it dat much if it is after the 1st 3 days. hahahaha... But when pple come to my house, i will be so haggard and dirty and tired while they look so fresh and perky. :p

Haha! Mrs Chua, then tell your friends not to visit you lah.. only your immediate family and relatives.. usually only family/relatives and at most close friends will visit just after birth, while the rest wait for full-month haha!! I think people will understand a mum's tiredness after birth.. hehe...

Hello! I am a May08 mummy and now into wk9 for #2...EDD 4th Feb..Just a day after CNY...

Hmm...wonder will pop before CNY bo... my next appt is 2 weeks later, be doing oscar test lor...

Wah..envy those mummies who see gynae so frequent..mine see me every 4-5weeks.. =(

Neongoby: Err..not true that the more u vomit the higher chance is a girl leh..for my #1 i vomit till the last day i give birth..and is a boy..hahaa

so i think its individual leh

ivy: then u are lucky for MS to subside leh! hehe

valerie: same same...when i feel over hungry i will have the urge to vomit too! so now i try to keep some snacks/biscuits with me...

how to enjoy CNY with a big tummy? hahaa...i hope i can stay home kiao kar and pig out and no need go house visiting =X

Do u ladies want to do a list of EDD, gynae, hospital etc?

@choc: I also hope I don't have to do visting! Cos I scared later my baby cannot wait. Visit halfway then want to come out. Hehehe... But I find biscuits too dry.. *sigh* Picky hor? Lol. Don't know what to keep aside too...

faithnhope: close frens and relatives and families are already big headaches. I love peace and PEACE in my house :p :p

choc: I was still out and about ard attending wedding dinners 1 day before i went under the knife. :p Ok leh... Hahahahah...

Su: :p

Mrs Chua... hahaaa...yaya...i hope pple beside close family dun come visit me...esp newborn are with lower immunity... and sometimes...they touch touch till rashes breakout.. (opps...it happen to my #1...)

Valerie...how about choc? sometimes i also bring choc bars...this is how i got my nick choc..hahaa

@choc: But nobody come then nobody give baby ang pao. Hahahahaha! =p Hmm.. I don't really crave for chocolate leh. Hard to please hor? Lol.

choc: YES! I hated it when so many pple carried my baby. d day when he started having the ability to choose who can carry him was my happiest day. Hahahaha!

charmaine: Me thankfully no giddiness yet. You may want to try resting at home. I dun tink you can take anythg stronger than panadol for your headache. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/sad.gif]

Looks like we have a number of 2nd-time mums in this thread, which is gd so you ladies can give advice to the 1st-time mums.. hehe..

Mrs Chua, ok, PEACE and quietness!

charmaine, I didn't feel giddy but yes, I did get headaches. In fact, I have history of migraine. But thank God the headaches I've had these few days weren't as bad as migraine cos I want to avoid aspirin. Actually I read that mild tension headaches are normal during pregnancy as this is caused by an increased blood circulation. Take time to rest at home if you feel giddy and headache. 1st trimester very delicate... hehe..

charmaine... I remembered reading somewhere it is normal to feel giddy coz our hormones ...

For me I will stand up slowly instead of jumping up from chair to prevent giddiness

Valerie... i dun wan ang pao leh..i wan peace for the first month if possible...coz when more pple come..they will give all sorts of advice to u... heheee...

haiyo...dun wan biscuits or chocolate..how about bread? sweets?

Mrs Chua... hahahaa...^5!!

faithnhope...well its time for #2 mah..LOL...

faithnhope: mabbe not advice, but prolly reliving what we went thru :p :p Then again, the experience may be different frm the last...

faith and hope: thanks!

charmaine (tittieal) :i encountered noce giddy feel otherwise not yet...u bring along some sour sweet stuffs..once u feel fainting, pop some in...can it be low sugar?

Val: hmm...biscuits with milk drip inside or let it melt inside? hee...im so craving for choclates..hee

seems like i'm the one feeling giddy constantly. I will feel giddy even when i'm sitting down. Headache will follow when i'm giddy for hours

amazing miracle, i had this giddy sympton ocassionally in Apr. Went to see GP and was told i have low blood. After pregnant, i'm like forever feeling giddy.

Valerie: Same as you.. I dont like to keep biscuits.. Dont have craving for those even when hungry for snacks.. Wanna eat savory stuff like pies, cakes or bread.. just dont like biscuits.. Haiz.. Going to be broke with eating with this child.. haha..

Ya.. Me too.. In fact, I rather baby born around 1st day of CNY or something.. Then relatives can visit me at my place during CNY.

@eviangal: I crave for tom yam.... Haha! And soupy stuff..

@choc: Thanks for tabulating the table! =) Anyway my gynae is Dr Lisa Chin. Hehe..

choc! thanks a lot for the tabulation! its great!

eviangal...same! i bought the biscuits but when im hungry i crave for other tings! lol...

charmaine: low blood..den will eating more of beef helps? i was once low blood and eating was encourage to eat more red meat ( beef) but now u got to eat those fully cook one..

Valerie: Same.. haha.. I crave for spicy stuff.. Not so much soupy stuff this time round..

I crave for soupy stuff and spicy food with my first child. Do you have bad MS? I find soupy stuff very soothing with my bad MS last time..

@Amazing Miracle: I was told it's not very good to eat too much beef during pregnancy. Reason I forgot le. Hee... And don't eat mutton or lamb too.

@Charmaine: I also have low blood. Before I was pregnant I will get giddy if I stand up too fast. So now I try to slow down when getting up from bed or standing up. Maybe by drinking Ribena it might help too. Hehe..

Choc: can add me in? My details as follows:

Nick: Eviangal

EDD: 7 Feb

Gynae: Dr Lawrence Ang

Hospital: Mt Alvernia

Child: 2

Thanks! Well done for the efforts!

Craving for instant spicy mushroom ramen with egg and veg. :p Tink I will take that for dinner.

Choc: Update you with my edd next week. My gynae is Dr Eunice Chua form TMC. [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif] Thanks!

@eviangal: Oh yes, I have very bad MS. Especially when I wake up in the morning. There was a few times I vomited water & felt so weak. But I can't always find soup to drink. Thought of buying those Campbell instant soup but I was told it's not too good to drink too much cos a lot of MSG.. =(

Hi Choc, can you add me in as well.

Nick: joy07

EDD: 2 Feb

Gynae: Dr Fong Yang

Hos: Mt Alvernia

Child: 1

Thank you.

Valerie: You reminded me of the time when I was expecting B1.. Can vomit out water or whatever a few times a day.. Very distressing period.. Hot, soupy stuff makes me feel comfortable.. A pretty good form of relief.. My bad MS only went off after I enter around 16 wks.. Have to bear with it in the meantime..

Feel more blessed now.. Not much MS.. but some gastric pain on and off..

Thanks Choc! [IMG=http://www.singaporemotherhood.com/forumboard/clipart/happy.gif]

Can you pls add for me:

Dr Mary Yang


Child 2

choc, thanks for the tabulation!

Amazingmiracle, I tried eating beef for a month when was told I had low blood but stil giddy on off.

Valerie, thanks will try Ribena.

For those who hv given birth, do u find tat yr health detoriated and no longer as fit as before? After I gv birth to my 1st child, I'm always sick - flu, fever, sinus, giddy, sore throat, etc

HI Choc,

Can you please add for me too?

Dr See Toh Kai Yin

Gleneagles Hospital

First child

Edd: 10 Feb 10

Many thanks, hehe

sure sure...will update and post before 6pm.... lets start populating! hehee

charmaine..so far my health ok leh... but more tired lar...maybe coz need to take care #1 and now with #2 ba...

yummy...wonder wat to eat for dinner later...

do u ladies ordered a plate of food..then when it comes to u...suddenly feel turns off?

happen to me a few times...hehee...end up push to my hubby to eat.. =X

*sigh* I just vomited again. Maybe my baby doesn't want to eat loveletter. Sobz.. Feel so horrible..

@eviangal: 16 weeks? Omg. I'm only in my 8th week now. Don't tell me I have to vomit for another 8 weeks. =(

@charmaine: Could it be your confinement didn't do properly? Cos if you did a good confinement you should be healthier than before. This time round do a better confinement ok? =)

charmaine: while i was breastfeeding my #1, i was in poor health for a long while. flu, cough, fever and the cycle repeated.

The mo' i stopped breastfeeding, i took DOM and found dat it really works! Plus, i shifted house soon after and the fengshui master said my health wld improve after the shift. LOL

choc: I havent had that wor. Only food that i used to like, i cant stand them suddenly.

Only hot and spicy stuff suits my palate now. Very like when I was with my #1. Esp spicy mushroom ramen, instant.

Also, coz i din rest well during the torture month, my waist was pretty bad until i started tui na.


Ya, could it be due to your previous confinement?

I heard that a good confinement can actually help us to improve our health to even better (than before giving birth). Try to rest more and take care, ok?


When you eating, try to not drink any water, except you are having soupy food. Only drink 30 minutes before or after food, as the water will dilute the gastric acid and effect the digestion.

Maybe you can try

Hm... craving for agar-agar...


@Jolin: I didn't drink water when I was snacking just now. In fact I didn't drink much water everyday cos I feel like puking when I drink water. *sigh* The vomiting feeling is so horrible. =(

